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2017-10-20 22:42:11
I need to vent. hey well idk where to start .. am 20 and i have a boyfriend although its been only 6month since we started dating i really like him a lot and i think am starting to fall inlove with him but who wouldnt, hes really handsome a really way lolplus his really caring and loving and very smart, any girl would be lucky to have him and with this short time i met his hall family his mom his aunt his grandma even.. and me and his mom are really close we talk a lot and staff anyhow thats how ik his serious about me ..we usually hangout at his home..we havnt done that () yet but we kiss and makeout and cuddle a lot .. his 3 years older than me and he have his own house and a job .. becha his everything i could ever wish for but .. the probelm is that am sick i havent told anybody yet not even my family..but it wont be any secret after a while i really want to tell him i dont want to hurt him by disappering.. even now i dont meet him that much this days b/c am sick mostly and i dont want him to see me like that..and b/c his been hurt so many times and i dont want to hurt him too i really care about him a lot .. i want a future with him like we always talk about even we are talking about moving in together after sometime this is how much we r serious about each other but i dont think i can give him that .. i will get treatment after sometime and it could take a long time for me to recover so i wont ask him to wait for me that long i mean i think i love him and i dont want to ask him that much of me b/c he cares about me a lot thats how i know he will wait for me as long as i told him but as much as i want our relationship its going to be hard for him... so please tell me what to do should i disapper and come back not telling him, knowing that will hurt him or just tell him and go knowing that will put our relationship on rough place? please help ..
2017-10-21 06:38:35
I need to vent. Its getting to be too much. I am afraid of what will happen if I let go. Let go is not suicide or abuse myself. Let go as in release something. I can't help but think. Wonder. There is no rest to it. All the time. It's hard.
2017-10-22 08:31:07
I need to vent. Hey there , you know at some point life is all about friends n when u get to campus u've got to make new ones . problem is zat am rly nat z type to get along wiz ppl so fast n zats kinda affecting ma dorm life .ena ma first yr was some how boring am nat complaining tho am thankful for what ive got . but u know all of those things u get excited about when dorm life comes to ur mind the crazy things u do wiz ur besties, the adventures u discover wiz the ones n also zose risky things u do for fun. i just wanna do it all as hell hopefully z coming year wont be boring like z earlier n plz dont hesitate if u got suggestions on how i could work zis thing out. thanks
2017-10-23 20:00:16
I need to vent. I have lied, cheated, fornicated, caused distractions. I am a very vindictive person, I do anything to be acceptable and if things do not go my way I self destruct, my mind and heart goes dark, I need spiritual healing, I judge myself more than I judge others.
2017-10-23 20:00:19
I need to vent. I'm sorry I wasn't a closer friend to you over the years. I'm sorry I couldn't convince you to drink less and never even realized you had a drinking problem in the first place. I'm sorry I couldn't save you from dying so young. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I never realized how important a friend you were to me until you were gone. Thanks Vent Here for the platform, it's awesome.
2017-10-23 20:00:22
I need to vent. I am short tempered and pessimistic coz of my hard life and mental health issues. I end up hurting my family a lot. I am so sorry. I am so so sorry. I want to feel enough pain and suffering to make up for as much as I have hurt them. Mean it. Literally. I am so sorry I want to die. They are good people who deserve better than me.
2017-10-23 20:00:25
I need to vent. So ik its z normal boaring campus life but anyways i need advice......... i kinda used to be soo in love wiz zid dude for quite sometime but now i think i like his bestfriend even more. I mean he is hot besides he's been asking me out for z last 2 years but most of all he really is a good person. He has been hurt more zan any of us. I just want to be there for him but i dont know how cause he has moved on with his life and also ther's some thing............ eventhough everyone thinks i'm confident about everything, i'm actually not. I am specially never confident about myself. I dont think anyone could ever want me. even if i tell him that i like him and we start dating, i fear he is going to be embaressed by me. I'm the least funny or beautiful or hot girl he's ever dated before. And i just think he is not even going to be proud to be dating ME. I think me liking his friend was some kind of game that fate was playing with me. You know like he was my way to him. Anyways an advice would be awesome.
2017-10-27 20:04:29
I need to vent. I've been dating this guy for almost 2 years and hes a really good guy....we love each other......we're still in campus graduating nect year.......the thing we fight a lot and i've been hurt a lot by him.....he has a good and bad side as i have them too......our r/ship is a serious one and we always talk abt marriage and future stuff but am not so sure about our compatibility and am not sure whether to enjoy the moment or to let go before it gets too serious
2017-10-27 22:18:55
I need to vent. I can't handle it anymore..... I know I am the only child but still I don't have to be insulated on everything specially by my mom. I know I am not good enough for anything and for anyone but still she don't have to tell me I am good for nothing, I know she is cares Sooo much and she love me Soo much that she will lose her life if anything happens to me. But her words hurt Sooo much that i convinced my self that maybe i am good for nothing. But still i will stuck with her b/c she is my mom.
2017-10-28 16:48:15
I need to vent. Ok so there's this girl that i really like but my lack of communication and assumtions are messing everything up. Today she totally ignored my existence and when i asked why she said she was giving me space to think everything through , when i thought she was totally ignoring me and wanted nothing to do with me. And before this we had actually dated, but she broke up with me bcuz she had major trust issues, and i thought she was using that as an excuse to break up woth me for this guy. And the next day i saw them holding hands and i confronted her about it , and she said that she was just feeling pity for him bcuz he has like this huge crush on her.. And just.. I really wanna be with her .. But i already screwed everything up and im scared to talk to her again, bcuz i told her that i didnt wanna be going back and fourth when in reality I'M the one going back and fourth. Damn I'm confused.
2017-10-28 18:30:25
I need to vent. I am around 19years old I like funny things most time I weast my time by this thing but now people's think m e I don't have import thing I don't know what can I say am so apparent those who come close to me and when you are open for people they will juje u they will tell u what u told them bcha alkm I tired of this think I try to live it but I can't also I try to be Alon even if last year I was good in my education but zis year even I don't went to go school b/c I don't went to geat them there is some folklore "awekush nakush" I think when I tell for them every thing they become... Bcha I don't know please my friends what can I do
2017-10-28 20:09:20
I need to vent. I really like this guy and I have no idea if he likes me too. I mean we tease eachother and have fun n what not. But I can't tell if he has feelings for me or he is just being friendly, please tell me if there is some way I can kno!!!
2017-10-29 07:39:01
I need to vent. I never thought i would feel zis way abt a guy but i i guess u can say he is my first love. I met him through my frnd and as time goes by i started caring abt him and i was easily addicted to him. So we decided to meet and we did.......but after zat things changed, i started having feelings toward him zat got me worried......i always end up losing someone i care for so i started having insecurities abt him too.....and zat thought didnt even disappoint me and it happened just like z way i imagined, he started ignoring me and i was always like why didnt u call me, why didnt u txt me and his answers were always "im in a bad situation right now" so i thought he might be feeling bad so i tried to talk to him like he did nothing but zat wasn't working well. And now he doesn't even reply my txt.....i dont know wht happened b/n us. I really liked him and now without even starting anything he is out of my life guys tell me wht to do
2017-10-29 09:29:21
I need to vent. Hey y'all! I'm sick of life... honestly. I'm a university graduate. N i can't find job. N my main issue is that my mother is jealous of me. She has an hour glass figure. Like Nikki minaj or kim Kardashian. So she tries everything in her power for me not to gain weight. I'm tooth pick skinny. Back when i was in college... she takes the money that was given to her for groceries "asbeza" n she wines n dines at fancy restaurants. N when she's asked about us.. afer yiblu tlalech n I'm really sick of life in General. Cuz I'm just not.... a strong person. N now that i graduated. Beka twtalin kezi bet... astemarnat... ke 18 belay nech tlalech... N bekedada chama eyehedsh .. ekekut ekekam bicha tlalech... n there's a lot i wanna vent but my hand is shaking n i want to cut myself honestly. I'm just a shy girl I don't know how to deal with this mendere crap. I told her one time that i don't want to deal with her sstress so I don't want to talk to her. If i don't talk to her she won't buy me outfits n necessary hair oils n stuff. So i told her beka chamaw gedel yigba be egre hejem bihon sira felgalehu... chinketam eyehonku new kanchi ga slewalku. Ahunm bihon millionaire new mitebsew betekedede chama eyehedku silat (my ex was a millionaire, but I'm not the type that likes to use men to buy stuff)... anchi alesh adel yejajesh hule kushna new nurosh tlalech. Lemin bf chama aygezalshm minamin tlalech. N mind u kekushna endalweta. She tells the servant not to make me food. So I have to be in kitchen all day .. wichi endalznana fatherin birr endatlik tlalech.... I have inserted cv hulum bota gin no job yet. N FATHER DEMO TTEMAMA NAT ESUA DON'T DO SHIT FOR HER BLUAL. cuz guys like her asss yigabzuatal minamin. Ene demo endet agbta date twetalech bemalet i told my father. N she sent naked pics to Swedish guy through viber. N my father told her that " she told me that u dine with other men n that u sent naked pics....she wants to divorce us" on my fucking graduation they went to debrezeit alone to celebrate but I wasn't invited. The whole time... she was planning my grad... he kept telling her not to do so cuz I'm a bad person (mind you, I've never drank beer, I've never been to a party, I've never had a bf) so i confronted him... how the fuck am I a bad person silew he said... u dont3 wash dishes when you were a kid so TEMAMA NESH. LIBISH TIRU ADELEM? KEMECHE JEMRO NEW KOY SEW SEHAN SILALATEBE TEMAMA MIBALEW? I WAS A KID... YOURE6 SUPPOSED TO TEACH ME ! ( i was a nerd so i chose to read books instead of girly chores. N I'm the only girl in the family so i was tom boyish) My father lives in jijiga n we live in Addis! WHAT THE FUCK UM I SUPPOSED TO DO YO? Also is this punishment? N if so, for fucking what? Lemin????? Miskin ye bet lij negn honestly. I just don't know how to act around people that's all. N should they punish me for not knowing how to act? Huh???? They're my parents I'm supposed to get support from them!!~
2017-10-29 15:08:17
I need to vent. I'm a 15 year old girl… I don’t want to do this anymore. My life and feelings have just been thrown to the side my whole life by my parents. They make me do what THEY want to do, and not me. I’m not their puppet. I’m more than just something that they can control. I’m living, I’m breathing, I can think. I don’t want to be treated like this anymore. If I try to confront them, they’ll just get mad at me and tell me to do work, or to study. I’m always busy. Friends aren’t allowed after school anymore, from Monday to Friday. Mondays I’m always busy studying, Tuesdays I’m studying, Wednesdays I’m studying, Thursdays I stud, and on Fridays I’m studying. See a pattern? I’m never out of school. I never am. Saturdays I’m always studying, working. Sundays are for studying, working, and church. Whenever I go out with friends, I have to have a good reason for it, somehow. I can really never be happy like this. I need my own life. Thanks for letting me vent. Best channel ever
2017-10-29 18:44:37
I need to vent. You know that overwhelming feeling that you feel when you feel lost. And yes a guy did that. I tried my best and even though i grew weak cause my health wasn't in a good stage i never told you. I've been sick since that day but you didn't seem to care. Now im sitting here wondering if i should've just left cause clearly the people who care that much about me are few. I opened up cause you told its better to be heartbroken than not love. And so i did but then you shot me in the fucking heart and said it was my fault. Yet i still want you here. Im calm when you're around. Im not saying i regret it but damn i wanna change a whole bunch of shit. But still what happened has happened and now we're strangers. I'm not sure if i'll ever forget you or forgive but I'll try. I love you.
2017-10-29 21:56:25
I need to vent. Why? That's all I could ask myself . . . Why she want to end? I wish I know why if its me.. How could i ruin something that was so wonderful? Every day I would wake up and wonder how this could possibly be real. I was so insanely happy that I would become unsure on whether this was reality or a dream. But it was utterly real. I almost wish it wasn't because, in reality, there's never a happy ending. May be many people think, "That's not true!" In a way, there can be a happy ending, but never truly. After all, we won't be here forever, and, once we're gone, the happy ending is gone with it. I just wish my "happy ending" wasn't so short-lived. It was not so long ago when we were playfully arguing about which one of us loved the other one more. And, of course, she ended up winning the argument. How did things go so downhill from there? Dose she just lost what she liked about me, she say I dont this any more .. did she mean it . . . when she say it. Those words just kept repeating in my mind. How could she lose something so wonderful? I kow it because she told me she will never want to live with out me .. or did she just left it somewhere . . . I wish she just check her heart.. maybe she did ..Maybe it's there. A part of me wants her back . . . my heart tells me we will be together till the end.. with her if we r not together right know I wonder how she is doing. I know she didnt lost her feelings for me . . . coz she love me and love means "LOVE is not LOVING different peoples rather LOVING one person in different ways" "LOVE Means exploring new things everyday, telling them how much u LOVE them everyday, finding different ways to express ur LOVE,,,,," "LOVE is loving someone with out any reason unconditionally; if u find a reason to LOVE it is not a LOVE?" "LOVE is putting at risk your career, ur future,ur everything for the person you LOVE " "LOVE is giving ur life for the person uLOVE wiz out hesitating; if u hesitate to give ur life it is not a LOVE" "LOVE is living and LOVING the same person until the end of days and die" " LOVE is telling everyday z person you LOVE how lucky u are b/c they are there in ur life" I mean everyday and everyday.. And she was doing all this all the tym .. so.. she won't leve me i know she won't .. ow God what is going on I miss her so much... what should I do ..
2017-10-30 12:08:37
I need to vent. Just so you know how twisted she is... ahun period metobgn amogn... ke lelitu 9 seat astawkogn... minamin alga lay tegnche neber. Keza she came to my room n said... "lol sew twketun eskiterglat t'tebkalech" alech. N my grandma rota meta newspaper yiza teregech.. n i was like sishalegn terargalehu ahunm eyamemegn new alkugn ... keza .. she talked a lot of shit. N i was like just go to work already. Keza ... she spilled the tea n then yewha birchko ansta litfenektegn. Keza she threw my clean panties in the twket n rubbed it with her feet... then threw clean jeans inside twket n rubbed it hard. N then went out saying. I was lonley n that "keminim yelelesh kifu" kifatsh yawtash... esti.. Now she's out to get police to throw me out of the house. N she told the servant minim endatserilat. I'm sick so... i need someone to cook for me. Mastatebyawn awt'ta.... bemilasua twketun titregew alech. Drama eko new ezi bet hule
2017-10-30 16:03:21
I need to vent. It just feels crap how nobody even likes me, like I am just some sort of piece of trash that's easily forgotten.. it isn't enough that I am still afraid of blood due to seeing a kid get split in half in mid air hit by a car when I was 6 years old, all the bullying I've endured through all of my school years with people fighting me and even grouping up on me assaulting me and beating me up to near death, my father being abusive and having my ribs broken twice with me having to be rushed to the hospital due to internal bleeding, the facial epilepsy I've had for 5 years due to him punching me right in my left cheek, the fact that those bullies have broken my arm and dislocated my shoulder and kicked me in the spine so hard it hurts to even walk every single day or stay upright in a chair, the fact that I thought I could trust a person that I geniunely thought saw something in me and then just tore my heart out with what she did and how she's treated me.. up to what point do I have to endure all of these thoughts, I've tried to kill myself 4 times, once with bleach, other time hanging myself, cutting up my arms 56 times collectively and wanting to jump off a building but never actually went through with it just because I'm way too fucking much of a pussy to do it.. I thought I could trust people, learn to love and try to at least enjoy life like a normal human being, these days I don't feel like doing anything besides staying as far away from everyone as possible. I don't feel like eating or sleeping, I'm ruining myself even more as each day passes and I hate the fact that I can't even be called a person anymore, cause nobody sees me that way. They just see some downright loser who spent most of their time infront of a computer studying bullshit and they all laugh behind my back saying I'm an annoying piece of shit and what not, and it's not like I haven't seen that. I simply fucking hate people. I want to kill myself, but I also want to watch this fucking world burn to the ground.
2017-10-30 19:25:43
I need to vent. She will miss me!!! She will miss my presence. She will miss how I gave my all to make things easier for her. I put her dream before mine! I worked for her everything she wanted! She will get a new guy and I promise you he will never be like me. He won't look after her the way I did. He won't love her as much as I did. He won't be as selfless I was to her. Am sure she'll feel it. But she will never show it. She will try to hide it but I will see through it. Now that she's gone, I have no meaning for my life. I made a mistake of loving too hard. I gave up everything for one person and now am lost. I don't see how my death will affect anyone! So as always, everytime she wants to leave( over 6 months now), I wish for my death!
2017-10-31 00:08:07
I need to vent. It's not climbing mountain Everest it's getting a guy to say I would hang out with her, and I always thought I was cute enough or funny enough or something enough that I would be with some one right now oh I guess I am not....Its frustrating as shit
2017-10-31 00:11:46
I need to vent. Hello friends I want ur advice desperately because once I was in love with a girl and then she broke me and after long time passed she asked me for forgiveness but then my feelings for her disappeard and now I am on another relationship but I don't know how to control my feelings should I love her? Is there even real love
2017-10-31 07:48:30
I need to vent. I am tired of life, tired of disappointments tired of fake friends, tired of these struggles I face everyday but I tell no one of...tired of missing my loved ones( ones who are not there anymore ), tired of being heartbroken again and again by people who are experts at camouflaging their true personality, tired of being doubted,mis represented and feeling un understood, tired of feeling lonely surrounded with people, tired of unnecessary arguments, tired of being tired anymore!
2017-10-31 19:31:25
I need to vent. About 3 months ago two of my cousins were murdered. The day I found out was the day I ditched class to hang out with my friends and have fun. And that's exactly what I had. Fun. When I came back home, I saw my own big brother cry for the 1st time. My mom put on a brave face and broke the news to me. Idk what happened next, I guess I just fell. I went to the nearest room and locked myself in, and then cried. I went to my best friend's house and cried on her shoulder for what seemed hours. Then we went back home and cried some more. U see, it's time to move on. But I'm at a point where I'm close to breaking in class. Images of that day and how they died just keeps flashing in mind. I don't know what to do at all.
2017-11-01 12:32:09
I need to vent. So I have pretty much ONE central group of friends. About 10 people. They all claim that they love me and or really enjoy me as a person. And we all started talking and hanging out about a few years ago. About a year and a half in. They started pretty much leaving me out of everything. So I cut them off. I was done. But tbh I'm a super forgiving person so after a few months they wanted try again. It was good for like a month but now they just all act so distant. Like I'm a bother. Anytime I try to talk I either don't get an answer or they reply and they are obviously not interested in talking. I don't want to cut them off again. Because I'm already SO lonely. I just don't know what to do or say. Because I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings. I'm just in such a mentally weak state. I just wanna feel wanted. Please. Someone. Give me SOME type of feedback.
2017-11-01 12:52:16
I need to vent. Do you ever do smth u shouldn't knowingly knowing u'll regret it
2017-11-01 16:02:59
I need to vent. I want to call him and text him that i love him and i miss him and that he meant a lot of things to me but he said he doesn't want me around anymore. Like i was some thing to pass time with. Even though its all his fault i still want him back. A simple I'm sorry would make me change my mind. But I'm sometimes I'm clumsy. I mess up and he wasn't the first to leave me and he wont be the last and maybe just maybe its all on me. But one thing is i'm no saint, I've had my fair share of darkness so dont judge me for not saying it out loud that inside I'm rotten.
2017-11-01 19:05:22
I need to vent. So here's my problem. I can't stay in a relationship for long. I mean I've been in it a couple times but I always end up bored and being uncomfortable with the people I'm with. I'm getting scared that this is gonna be a problem for me in the future. What should I do?
2017-11-01 19:39:19
I need to vent. They rode for what felt both like hours and mere seconds at the same time before they had gotten to where she'd get off. She told him good night and just as he started to go back into the car she held his hand and told him to squeeze... Caught off guard he squeezed and she squeezed back. "drop" he let his hand fall but she caught it and lifted it back up. "push" he pushed and she changed her grip and pulled both of their hand up. "push" she said again and repeated the process. "now pull" so he pulled away and she held on for a brief second before letting go. She told him " when you feel like it's lo..." he caught her hand pulled her close and gave a tight hug.. And as he went to give her a kiss right on her head he said "I know..." gave her the kiss said his good night's and got in the taxi. Now this didn't happen it's just how I wish it had happened... How I thought I could let it be known that I'd wait how ever long it took.
2017-11-01 20:58:41
I need to vent. Well Hey first of all this is weird cause it's my first vent and well it's cause I just cant find a guy to date Ik it's not a necessity but I feel empty without one. And I dont mean just any guy I mean a guy I can actually love no more teenage things but relationships thatll last 'till marriage. I just cant seem to find a guy is it cause Im not that good at flirting I dont know but at the moment theres noone I can call my romeo. It bothers me a lot to not have my other half with me Advice would be appreciated thanks
2017-11-02 06:12:54
I need to vent. So I got this annoying blister on my foot from a busy but fruitful day; Life is hectic but going well; I've been sleeping for three hours per night this past week what with school and all; this guy from school is blackmailing me to go out with him and I gotta think of new ways to dodge him; I feel like I have to be there for my mom, emotionally support her, just the way she's done for me for the past 20 yrs. But I go home only once a week, cuz school keeps me busy. What else.....? I'm deeply grateful to God for my life it's doing okay
2017-11-02 06:17:10
I need to vent. Do you know what it feels like to love a person that doesn't speak the same language as you looks different than you lives far away from you with oceans in between the two of you and on top of all this it's only one sided where they don't even know about your existence and the only way to quinch your thirst to be loved back by them is by looking at their picture all day long listening to their voice on the radio and hoping that one day, a miracle where someone that u like can like u back...will come to u too Right?
2017-11-02 08:16:45
I need to vent. Okay this is more of a question than a vent; what are your thoughts about older girls dating younger boys? When I say older; it's not like I'm Lucy's cousin, more like I'm 24 and he's 19 so 5 years difference. I don't have trouble dating guys my age but this guy asked me out and I said no at first but now I'm reconsidering since he's so smart and thoughtful.
2017-11-02 10:11:43
I need to vent. I want to be okay but Im having a hard time. I want some help but I don't have people I can completely be honest with or people who if I told would actually be able to help. I've only ever needed one person to listen it's just that that person had to be the closest thing I had to a life partener. I don't know what this vent will accomplish but I needed to tell someone. I'm not okay. I'm not functioning like I'm supposed to.
2017-11-02 17:54:10
I need to vent. Hi there everyone who is reading I don’t know how to say this but I’m in high school and I’m gay i like boys so there’s this friend of mine that I’m in love with and i don’t think he feels the same way i feel about him and i don’t know how to tell him so please help me guys what can i do ???
2017-11-02 19:43:23
I need to vent. I don't like my neighbor. I don't want to tell her that I hate her because I am the one who can't stand her absurd idiosyncrasies. And it isn't like I can avoid her. She is just always around. Please help. How can I have my peace of mindd??
2017-11-02 19:46:20
I need to vent. A little effort is all I ask. I know u try to stay close and be there but tbh i sometimes feel like ur the girl and I'm the guy who's always tring to be there and show u that i care. You've been thr a lot I get it but u sometimes forgate that i have my own battles. Nd sure everyone thinks I can get thr life on my own or that i don't need anyone but u were suppose to know better. It's sad that ur always saying how u want to be there for me but when i literally beg u to be.. ur not. I don't know if u can be the right guy for me but I always defend u even when ur not lookin, it's sad that my heart only beats for u and only u. It's sad that I'll never say this words to u because if i do, ull think that I'm not being understanding or end up making me feel like an idiot for adding up on ur own issues. I know that this is where people with big problems talk but this is the biggest problem I ever had(besides some family stuff which is for another day).. I just had to vent it out.
2017-11-02 20:12:23
I need to vent. Im not egostic. That has never been the case. I just keep a close watch on this heart of mine. Everytime i think about submitting, He always gives me a reason not to. Everytime he submits to me I always assume it is fake. I just dont know how to trust anymore and even worse how to feel. I am dead inside.
2017-11-02 21:01:16
I need to vent. My boyfriend is cheat on me. Afer yibla! ene lesu how many I have did!! But I am beuriful! Much people are loving me but I said no to zem for him. yihe likskis Yes way! Aniwe... he say he love me now and he make mistake. What should I do?
2017-11-03 14:14:23
I need to vent. Although I have a consistently high urge for it I've never had sex. I can't put it into words how fucking horny i'm. I don't want to pay for it and I don't want to get into a relationship just to have it either. I only want a casual sex with no strings attached.
2017-11-03 15:47:15
I need to vent. Hey ....i just wanted to vent i've this heavy feelin for sometime now.i just cant figure out what my friends think of me..its kinda weird but am good at knowing one's mood just by lookin @ their facial expression.n it keeps running in my mind all day> what did i do disgusting nature is a cant say no to peoples.specially my friends n it really pains me a lot!with my ex...i got into fights twice...what can i do... N when they really crosses the line...their facial expression haunt me down every sec pease need an advice guys am in trouble
2017-11-03 18:54:11
I need to vent. Ik it's wrong but Ive been having weird feelings of lust and love for my teacher Hes so quite and to me quiet attractive also but I dont know what to do and I dont trust myself because I might do something stupid just cause of too much emotions bilding up What should I do I just wanna be in his arms after a long day but I know its wrong and mostly unlikely
2017-11-03 18:54:34
I need to vent. She saw him. She saw him with her. With z only girl she didnt want to see him. He let z other one do things he didnt do for her. Seemingly simple things zat meant a hell of a lot to her. But he doesnt care anymore. Or did he ever care?? So now she sits in silence. Watching as the other one gives him anything and everything she wanted to give him. It torchered her from the inside out and she couldnt even talk about it. Not that he was happy, because all she ever wanted for him was to be happy. But that her existence didnt mean anything to him. She could die infront of him and he wouldnt blink twice. All her friends look at her waiting for her to breakdown at any moment. But she wont. even though it's killing her and shredding her insides to pieces everytime she sees them, she wont breakdown cause she's stronger than that. She wont let a bitch-ass (excuse her language) boy control her.
2017-11-03 20:52:32
I need to vent. Moms dead Dads drunk Sisters sick I faint Having seizures on and on Dont know whats going on I dont wanna feel Nothing is the thing i wanna hear!
2017-11-03 21:03:28
I need to vent. So to praty vent up hear, i am love with mai tacher and he not tiching me now so i mess him so mach, what shud i do? But i am ok far naw, nafkot is under control
2017-11-03 22:12:15
I need to vent. Sorry by mistake a click on the 'no comment' button am the one who is suffering by my friends facial express please drop your comment am waiting
2017-11-04 12:02:15
I need to vent. So I'm a girl n I'm horny 24/7. N I have instances where I could fuck. Like bf begging n other guys i date n know but.... even after goin hot n heavy, making out bla bla....(parental guidance advised)... just goin third base n shit. When it comes to doin it... i just shut offfffff. Like off. I'm like get the fuck off me nigger ... lol he keeps doin it cuz guys think gurls want to b forced the first time. But hell nah, i force those big muscles offf me... i wanna do it. But I can't do it.
2017-11-04 18:59:51
I need to vent. I've been reading some of the comments and people really need to be sensitive and sensible. If you don't have anything supportive to say you might as well not comment!! People go through somethings that you may not approved of but it's not anyone's place to judge and be all negative and insensivtie and leave crappy comments. No one chooses their battles Okay? So if there are things that people are doing that you do not like or approve of, guess what???? Don't comment. It's simple. I really think that this channel is for people to get support and feel comfortable sharing whatever with NO JUDGEMNET!! SO LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY!!
2017-11-04 18:59:59
I need to vent. I have problem socializing even my friends friend are not my friends. My problem is getting along after that I'm gd to go but at 1st I look like dome creapy loner which I'm not. maybe I push Ppl wd out knowing it. I'm always amazed when Ppl say I used to be like u before....... I'm like wt happened for u to change? If u hv any advice pls share
2017-11-04 22:56:25
Hey everyone please check and recheck the comments you give, to see if it includes your name on the top. If you copy and paste your comment from somewhere else, it most likely has your name on top so watch out and you can edit it out at anytime. Other than this, Enjoy.
2017-11-05 10:18:32
I need to vent. I wish i wouldn't have to let u go through this.... I wish u wouldn't have to shed a drop of tear because of me....i wish i didn't spent my whole nights listening to ur childhood stories....i wish i can be strong enough to tell u give up on me.. Nd I wish I can give u the reasons u are begging for..I wish i can love u wiz all my heart ( u don't deserve less) but u can't keep a person just because u care for zem.....U deserve much better...nd i wish you all the best
2017-11-05 10:19:54
I need to vent. I've been broken once by someone I loved but my ex-bestfriend who also happens to be a lost soul like myself, stitched me back to pieces and brought me to life again. I have loved before but I never fell in love (yes there is a huge difference) so first the first time ever I fell inlove with my Ex-bestfriend. It's been going on for over a year now and the fact that we're no longer how we used to be is burning little pieces of me as each day passes. Everything I do in my life lay their basis on him. Everyday I want to commit suicide but I think of him and want to live to see his happy days. I want to live because if he ever has his bad days, I want to be here to balance his good days. I am his home he has left behind but will always come to when his soul needs comfortable. He's inlove with someone else now and even is that makes me happy for him, it's slowly killing me inside. To die for someone I'd easy trust me but to live for someone is extremely hard.
2017-11-05 11:56:53
I need to vent. Hy there, well I'm 18 n I live wd ma mom and my step dad. My mom become a control freak when my dad died she always acts like she is the only one missing him. When in reality she got another husbi and I got a step dad not an actual dad. She never let's me out of the house and she is so srerious ab guy litteraly I can't even talk to them for a casual thing n because of her obssestion I wont even go to church anymore and in college she always come and pick me up so that I won't go with anyone. God I'm tired. Of all this shit, I don't know what to do or say. There are times when I miss my dad Caz I know if he was there things will be different. Once she kicked out my step dad when he was trying to be on my side. What should I do pls help
2017-11-05 12:14:50
I need to vent. Hey guys i really need ur advice on this goes my story,so i been kissing my best friend couple of times now..we first did it the day of my birthday which we both were drunk but we keep making out in any chance we got and the bad part is he have a nice girlfriend..she is so nice sometimes i wonder how he ended up with a nice girl like her and that makes me hate my self even more for wat i did....i keep telling my self am not going to do it again but when the times comes i cant control my self around him,i am the worst person ever ...i really need ur advice plzz guys what should i do now...
2017-11-05 13:55:18
I need to vent. I am drawn to broken hearted people. Every time I meet someone new, they're either broken or completely damaged. I always find myself trying to help those kind of people. I always try to find ways to mend them and give them hope when I don't even have for myself. My mom keeps telling me to stop doing this, she says it's not in my power to fix every fractured soul that comes along. Maybe she says this because she sees how much I'm sacrificing to save someone's future. It's like with every soul I try to mend, I leave pieces of myself and in the end I become the one that needs saving because once healed, they throw me out of their life like a smoked and finished cigarette. I'm used to being used. But sometimes I want to have friends who values me as much as I value them. I can't save myself, it's clear I've drained all the energy I have radiating for others. I now seem to be sunken in the abyss of loneliness. I need help. Please!
2017-11-05 19:01:40
I need to vent. So I've had a tough week. I dont wanna bother my friends with this stuff so I'll vent it out. Both my parents are sick. Well my mom is better but my dad is really sick. He has been sick for a while but made the dumb decision to hide it from us. And when my mom found out that my dad is sick she got sick too. I'm the only child around and I get this comments from relatives like stay by their side and be there for them like i have somewhere to be. While all this is happening i just cant help bu think of you. I cant even understand why. It's not like we were a thing but still you still help me get my mind of all the shit thats going down. Thanks for reading.
2017-11-05 19:59:45
I need to vent. I think I have given up on love. I fell in love once and he broke my heart so now am involved with this really good guy but I can't fall for him and trust him. He told me he loves me and I said it back but I didn't mean it and I know that's fucked up but I had no other choice I didn't wanna hurt him. Now I am scared to fall for him cause he treats me so good so now I don't wanna get too involved n hurt my self again. I don't know what to do.
2017-11-05 20:35:10
I need to vent. God I wanna stop, I just wanna stop everything. . . Take a break from life. Tomorrow is Monday and I'm not ready to go back to work. I hate it. I love it but I really hate it now. I don't have any motivation. I'm just sick of my job taking everything from me. My time, my youth, my social life. .. I don't get to do anything. Why do I have to suffer to make other people's life better? I know I should be grateful and I'm but this just blows. I want a year break from my life, from my routine. I feel like I'm dying inside.
2017-11-05 20:48:44
I need to vent. I just spent a week with these amazing people and I fell in love with all of them. I can't imagine my life without them now. And I started dreaming of the future and what sort of adventures we can embark on. But reality hit. Hard! They are leaving by the end of this year. I am stuck here in my monotonous life studying a field I hate and love at the same time. There is a small part of me that wishes for them to fail so they stay here and I feel horrible about that. And I know how attached I get and I tried being cold blooded but I failed. I love them all. And today I spent the entire day feeling this immense emption of adoration toward one of them and it just dawned to me how much of an idiot I am. Help a G out guys. Tell me how to get over this.
2017-11-06 07:04:07
I need to vent. Well here is ma vent... I been heart broken so many * ...but now am in love n he loves me too...the pbm is that i meet a friend of friend...the guy is nice...n we chill together the thing is its more than chill...we had sex i was so drunk...i couldnt my mind going insane...i love my bf asf i wanna tell him everything...but am scared that he will...u knw...n am not ready i think he is ma true love. .its all my fault...i dont wanna hurt him..."truth hurt" am so confused... Help Help Help
2017-11-06 07:04:18
I need to vent. Hello...this is more of a question than a vent....why do girls friend zone their perfect guy and look for someone else exactly like him..why is that?
2017-11-06 07:04:32
I need to vent. I regret it now. I kept going through all the things i should've said and did. I kept going through every day and every text in my head trying to figure out where i went so wrong. I wish i had the chance to do it all over again from the first time i saw u. cause if i got zat chance i know things would've gone differently. I feel shitty zat i closed all z doors i knew we would've worked out well toghtger.
2017-11-06 07:05:01
I need to vent. I will kill him he thinks he has the right to call me babe. Well nigga, I don't know what want from me, but u ain't gon' git nuthn here, so keep yo ass moving. I think I'm even more angry that he's pursuing me cuz soon, I'm afraid I might let my guard down and he wins. Imma stay strong. For all the girls out there who've been tricked into thinking he really loved her but all that nigga saw was your booty. We'll see who gets the last laugh.
2017-11-06 07:05:18
I need to vent. Hey everybody. Ok here goes my problem...... I wanted to get to know this guy I have known him for years but we don't actually talk. I have heard that he has this wrong thinking ab himself n I want to change that but how? Just pls tell me wt to do(ya u) or how to start and keep the conversation going. Thanks
2017-11-06 08:08:59
I need to vent. So me my boyfriend have been together for a year now now.. but i still find my self being insecure, when he talks with his ex(which they been together for years) or talks with other girls more interesting than me i feel like he is gona leave me
2017-11-06 08:30:25
I need to vent. This is for all those going through invisible disease. It is already hard enough. Don't make it harder. Putting the last spoon on the table, she smiled He may not know, but the one thing she tried, was to make the day a good one. With no reason to shun away the good times. Alas! He bought it up again "You gotta loose all the gain" Her eyes welled as she spoke "Its not in my control. It hurts even to try." "You don't look sick" said the voice of cajole. "So do not cry Eat healthy. Run more Its in your head I am sure. Where is the swelling? Why you take pills? There is no telling How long can we pay bills. You are not sick. Just being lazy. Get back your old self. It's driving me crazy." She sat there in disbelief. The one person meant to understand Refused her any kind of relief. Where shall she go? Whom to talk? People with invisible illness Must alone walk. All they want is to be believed, And with a pinch of care things to be recieved. You can't help them already. Just be kind and steady.
2017-11-06 08:32:11
I need to vent. My best friend stole my boyfriend so please tell me what can I do? I try to forget him but I can't I try so hard
2017-11-06 08:53:43
I need to vent. I am in love with this girl whom I can't date coz of many reasons but I really enjoy being around her! Save me!!!
2017-11-06 09:02:23
I need to vent. This girl got me really down like for down to earth! U know am very handsome guy & obviously i used it to meet girls & screw 'em minamn gin now Am utterly friendzoned she thinks am her bro even she introduced me to her friends like that. When she smile I just wanna hug her tight & kiss those teeth...I wanna put back her hair from that pretty face beka the girl is perfection. she is worried about me being alone & tries to set me up with some of her friends but I ended up calling her just to tell how those girls are shitty. Now am at the peak I can't do this anymore. I got a scholar to study aboard & she is very happy about that but I know I will die there am not even kidding I WILL DIE!!!!!!!! If I ask her out & if she accepts me that will be the beginning of my life I will just stay here but what if the reverse happens.... Losing her in both ways? I can't even think. HELP.
2017-11-06 09:23:39
I need to vent. Hello, So this is me with a very nice & beautiful girlfriend. I got this girl through my friend & love starts between us. Everyone loves her, since she is very beautiful most of all nice. That's not the problem but that friend of mine loves her. I am stressed cause i don't wanna leave this girl on other hand my friends ignores me at all thinking that I stole her from the guy minamn.......he really loves her a lot I know but I love her too. He is on the edge of withdrawing because of her & am on the edge of going crazy because of loneliness. I do everything alone going class, going cafe & so on. My girl doesn't know all about this. What should I do?
2017-11-06 09:50:14
I need to vent. So I'm 21 and half and am loosing my hair. It started falling off about two years ago and seems it is never going to stop. It sucks cause I'm very young and there is noting I can do about it. I wouldn't have cared if I were in my 30s but now!? At this early age!? Its so frusturating. If you guys know of remedy at least to slow it down I really appreciate it.
2017-11-06 11:47:09
I need to vent. What you gonna do if the most respected young lecturer in the university kneel down and asks you to save him from your torturing love?
2017-11-06 18:43:22
I need to vent. Hi there so this might be a little shallow and whiny, because my problems aren't what u would call life altering, even tho in some way they have altered my life. I have great friends who care about me and a family which upto some level is sane. I haven't had a traumatic experience that has broken me or changed my personality. My problem is one thing my self confidence, I am the most approval seeking person I kno, I need recognition for everything I do or my head turns to the worst case scenario. Is something isn't good then I immediately feel it's the worst achievement ever. N it gets worse wid romantic stuff, I think I like a guy and I get close to him and flirt then when I see he likes me back or something I immediately turn off and find myself regretting meeting him. So my solution was not dating at all ever but now I feel like it's been too long and I don't kno how to even approach the subject i feel out of place like I shouldn't be trying to connect with someone. If anyone has any suggestions please help I am very confused.
2017-11-06 20:19:44
I need to vent. I think I am in love Or maybe it's lust I'm always so excited to u know U got it beka And now I am confused because...... I want to chop him up and eat him! And he has such a beautiful thick Afro that I want to smell and sniff all day long.. Please do not JUJE me.. I'm just in LOVE. And he don't know I used to see him as a younger bro, but now that we in college I start seeing him as man. I don't know where the feeling came from.. One day I had this implacable rush to tear his head and limbs away from his torso.. and I got excited AF.. Ever since then we've been inseparable.. I watch him eat I watch him sleep I watch him trying to shave his back every morning I watch him trim his nose hair He is like drug to me.. I think he knows that what I feel for him.. I think he feels the same way.. I think that he also wants to eat me..devour me.. But we're both very shy.. HELP. What should I do? Should I tell him how he feels…?
2017-11-06 20:19:51
I need to vent. How can u express ur feeling, thought other types of social bs with out talking to that person. I made the greatest mistake of my life without knowing about it. It is when I grew up that I know I shouldn't have felt that way at that time. It's so personal that it's my dad I should talk to but the 4 something years of not speaking about it is hard to just say the words and be over it. I need help PLEASE I don't think I will live in peace if this continue
2017-11-06 21:31:06
I need to vent. I tried to put this off for a while now but i just cant anymore. So ........ my sister died. i dont give place for things like sadness, feelings, hurt, mnamn. But this time i dont know what is happening. I loved her soooo much. Now it suddenly feels like something is off. U know like some part of me i didnt know was lost. It doesnt make sense even to me but something about me is changed and i feel it. I didnt know nothing could affect me like this but it did. I'm not bitching about it i know there is nothing i can do and death is not a new thing. I'm not sad. I just dont feel like myself anymore. I swear i'm not controling it. And i cant talk about it either, cause it wouldnt change anything. Besides i dont want to worry my friends. I didnt even know it but she changed me. I miss her!!
2017-11-06 21:38:44
I need to vent. I just can't take it anymore So what am in love with you n its so fucking sad that I can't even tell u that cause of this dumb thought that girls shouldn't tell how they feel about boys but why not?? I just can't get why you are doing this to me I know that you are waiting for me to say the word I love u but why can't u say that of u did it would be much easier for me to say I love you too but me saying it first is wrong at least that's what they said but why are you waiting for me to say it cause am damn sure u know that am in love with u is it to say I was waiting for u or nahhh girl I don't love you can someone tell me why he might be doing this cause am torn apart n waiting is killing me
2017-11-06 22:38:37
I need to vent. Is it right being this happy? I mean it as much less offensive to this channel as I can. I mean I am happy. Idk if bad things just don't happen to me or I'm good at dodging and keeping them silent. But I feel like one day sadness will come for me. Why should I be different from anyone else. When everyone is sad and shit, I'm here just being . And I fear that day very much. I feel like I'm gonna crash and burn so badd
2017-11-06 22:58:47
I need to vent. Soooo.... This is my first vent... I really don't like people and I think it's wrong. Everytime I think I'm meeting someone new they just find ways to annoy me and I end up cutting them off I only have one friend and I really don't mind because we connect.. But I feel uncomfortable about treating people this way Please help... What should I do...
2017-11-06 23:59:03
I need to vent. If suicide wasn't a sin, that's the first thing i want to do. I regret about my past. I hate my life now. I'm just living for some blurred hope. Only one blurred vision.
2017-11-06 23:59:08
I need to vent. Hey Life is fucked up I Dont know wat to do anymore
2017-11-06 23:59:12
I need to vent. Please don't do this to me... I've paid enough sacrifices for you and now you're cheating on me? I mean what have i not given you? You don't have time for me, and even if u do have time u don't want to spend it with me and it's killing me... We're both med students so that can't be your reason for not making time. Since i care enough to make time for u and i believe u should be able to do the same... Whenever I try to talk to u to make things work, u get really pissed of and i get scared because i don't want to give you the reason to leave me; i know you're looking for one. I'm lost and confused because i know I'll die if u leave me, especially for another girl.
2017-11-07 05:28:03
I need to vent. hey vet family's okay so my problem is i get emotionally attached easily to people i dont even know well and everytime i do that the all end up disappointing me or leaving me behind and showing me that people aint shit i tried to fix it several times but it all keeps coming back to the point where i end up getting lost in a relationship.i just want to get rid of that personality but everytime i throw it away it just keeps coming back
2017-11-07 14:53:53
I need to vent. my brother died 6 years ago and my dad packed his bag not long ago for he cant bear his absence nomore I found my freedom in losing hope in drinking some gin please what should I do to feel like i belong anymore for he cant consider me as his daughter nomore he stopped calling and worse he started ignoring my calls. I found my freedom in losing hope and letting go I walk hopelessly with out expectation
2017-11-07 14:54:15
I need to vent. Hey I'm 20 n I need advice on this matter..ok the thing I have an uncle of sorts who is a doctor and so cool he let's have full diagnosis every 6 month for free n last year I was told I have a heart disease, diabetes and epilepsy since then I've had to go to emergency room twice for heart attack and all this time my mom and the whole family doesn't have a clue. I didn't want to tell'em cuz I just lost my dad and I don't want them to worry all the time n get paranoid every time I'm outside or alone. The only ppl who know about my condition are my doctor n my best friend. I need this advice cuz if I faint the 3rd time it may be critical or I could go into a coma or have a surgery. when we come to the point should I tell my family?
2017-11-07 14:54:50
I need to vent. Okay.. Ever since I moved in with my sister she changed as a person she is always putting me down and mocking and telling me I'm worthless.. I really don't know what to do anymore I tried ignoring her but she always finds a way to get to me.. Please help she's my sister and I love her but I can't take this anymore...
2017-11-07 18:56:39
I need to vent. Yoooooooo .... I'm so fuckin sick n tired of shit. .. weyne gude. .. I'm heartbroken. I have no friends, family, bf, money... Nothing. My mother is jealous of me. I'm not kidding you alllll. I swear. Ere wtf does one do in this situation. Everyone tries to annoy me. Literally everyone. You have no idea how much my heart is broken. It's so broken i can feel it. I just came. N literally everyone says i look depressed. I'm everyones target. Hulum... shufer, redat, passerby, passenger, passing car... "u look down. You're young don't give up yet" idk who they think they r... forget them. But i honestly wish i was as badass n cheerful, n feta yale as a 20 something yr old. so my main question is. How do u deal with jealousy from parents... ? N my father doesn't really support me. Usually the mothers when they lose their beauty they start being jealous of their girls, n during this time she can rely on her fathers support. Lol but my stupid mother really has him rapped around her finger... so he can't step in. I don't even get basic necessities of a girl like lotion n stufff
2017-11-07 19:33:05
I need to vent. So i am soo happy in my life I have a good life: parents who love and respect my wishes me and friends that adore me and i adore back school is going great ‍ What else and ohh i won 2000 birr tournament my favorite football team is also winning SORRY PEOPLE IF YOUR LIFE IS FUCKED UP BUT THANK YOU GOD FOR MY LIFE
2017-11-07 19:56:27
I need to vent. My life is meh...but memes keep me going. I buy packages for memes, spend all my cash on memes. Memes are what keeps me away from depression. Memes are bae. I can't seem to get out of the loop of getting up looking at memes go to school come back then stare at memes all night then sleep and repeat. It keeps coming back and back again. Memes are bae. Ayyyy
2017-11-07 20:04:29
I need to vent. So i tried love 3 all the times it ended in what i call "A Disaster" after that i think i generalized and moved on..since the 3rd time i had multiple girls. But i never had fallen in love with any. I was more passionate on Lust. Love just become too dangerous So i end up breaking up too quick with any girl i was with ... in a month or two. Now i feel like many hate me for damaging hearts and making someone wasnt intentional though. Its just that i just live the present where future dont exist and it felt good than the love i tried . I just end up being raw...who leaves a damsel in distress. Do i just embrace this me ? I have gone so far with this personality now i became a rolling stone...cant settle for nothing! I think i should have changed before the mystry of my relations and me fade...and even if am changed now i think it will be too late.
2017-11-07 20:49:24
I need to vent. I am a freaking bad boyfriend, I wanna give her to the fullest but am very overprotective boyfriend. I know she is getting frustrated. I get jealous of every guy she knows. Now a days I get jealous of assuming her with other boys. Once endewm she was gone out for drink with her girls ena I just get the image of boys hitting up on her I couldn't bear it & I head to the place where she is, I found her chilling with her girls. I feel bad!! Really bad!! I am OBSESSED on her very obsessed!!!!!!! I go anywhere to pick her up I be like 'yet nesh?' 'Ok methau'. Now I wanna give her freedom I don't know what to do though. Anyone who has been in this situation or got an advise please help me. Thanks for the platform
2017-11-08 10:18:08
I need to vent. Let's start with the Truth. You feel you were given more than you can handle... You feel you've been dealt a bad hand. You feel you can't take this on your own. Well truth? You can't... You ARE given more than you can handle... You wont be able to keep yourself intact and still take everything head on... ALONE. That word (alone) is very important. We as people need help... We are co-dependent... We rely on one another to keep each other from falling. Truth. Consider this though... How can I keep you from falling if I'm not strong enough to stand on my own in the first place. If I'm looking to YOU to keep me from falling, how can I keep you from falling. I can't. Truth. Consider this... You and I just started ice skating... What do we do... I hold on to the bars at the edge.. You hold on to me and then we slowly start sliding. If I let go we might go on for a few but the second you slip I'll slip as well. So I need something stronger than YOU to hold us up.. Something rooted to keep me from falling and to keep you from falling. Truth. Consider this... Now we're moving together... I'm rooted and were up and going slow and steady. Now if you slip I'll almost always catch you but you'll slip a whole lot cause your only holding on to me and we know by now I'm not enough to keep you up and straight. I can only keep you barely up. So what do I do... I pull you and let you grab hold of the bars. That way we'll both be firmly rooted and now we can work faster for we are not limited by each other. Truth. We can how ever still go together... I could hold your shoulder. We could laugh... Tease and just have fun. Will we slip still. YES. Will we fall...NO. We're TOO secure for all that. Here's what I'm saying... I am merely human. I am not able to save you. I am not able to cure you. I am not able to be your rock or your anchor. You are merely human... You are not able to take everything... You are not able to handle hardship... You are not going to always be okay. Neither am I. I will how ever help you up and bring you to THE anchor... I will help you to THE cure. I will help you to THE light. I can't show you the light though. I can't be your eyes. But if you need proof I'll reflect it to you till you have enough to open your eyes.
2017-11-08 14:37:20
I need to vent. Am very very very very sick of this guy who follows me everywhere saying I love u & shits even though I told him not to. He don't give me time to breath, if am there he must be around me too. These days I start feeling very uncomfortable. I tried to talk to him several times but he never talks freely, he have to dry his sweats on his forehead continuously. the time will fly just he asking me if am fine, how is class beka. His friend new endwm who talks me a little. Now I want those guys to stay away for me cause am getting scared of their foolishness. What can I do?
2017-11-08 16:36:13
I need to vent. So my boyfriend talks to his ex(they been together for years) she is out of ethiopia and he told me they sometimes talk so i somehow have her number and constantly check if they both online and they talking Is this normal
2017-11-08 17:54:48
I need to vent. I don't know what's happening to me but I came to a level where I literally am too afraid to make memories. I don't know if you get it, but having a moment in the present that you know will cause your suffering in the future is not not worthy. Maybe it's about making memories with the wrong people that made it scary.
2017-11-08 18:49:32
I need to vent. OWKEY, i have kept this inside enough. Its time to vent here. This tiny classmate of mine, SHE SNIFFS PEOPLES BUTT every chance she gets. She is so tiny like 3'4 so always around the mid section of us humans and i always catch her sniffing then she moans, freaking moans. Just earlier, i saw her sniffing our psychology teacher's butt, and then he winked at her, made me wonder if he had seen her sniff before and wore a perfume down there. nyways yes, i dont think she is normal but she looks normal. So should i ask her why she do it? Or should i report this to the department head? What do you guys say?
2017-11-08 18:51:32
I don't know and I don't care if this thing is real, but this is too funny ‍‍
2017-11-08 22:13:27
I need to vent. I was wandering around and finally clicked the post button...actually this isnt a vent.i l dont fucking know why gin i feel like i need to tell u my plans...haha....k let me start.i was a girl with full of fantasy about marriage,about children.i always thought the whole point of living is creating a family and living happily ever after...i have always been believing that, until all this beautiful fantasy shattered.i have been in a relationship twice.and both were something like serious stuffs.Well,it ended(accounts for this post) i was thinking i felt like i would never be able to get myself into such serious stuffs again,give my all again,and dream these experiences+me being a med student made me lower my expectations about having my own family...i give up,a husband,zat romeo llz...haha...but i dont dare to give up least i need to have what is wrong in dreaming to become a single mom???hell yeah amma be a single mom...and so there is in my plan....any any dick who is ready to become a father of a single mom's daughter/son is welcome...
2017-11-08 22:54:40
I need to vent. Every feminist bone in my body is rebelling as I write this but here goes. I am not worthy of you. Every minute I spend with you I lose a bit more of my self esteem because I shrink in the light of your awesomeness. Wanting you is destroying me because I try so hard to make you smile it's embarrassing. And what kills me is that you are too nice to tell me straight up that there's no chance in this life time for the two of us. Every morning I tell my self "you know what? am just as smart, funny, adventures, beautiful as you are'.....and then you look at me and I can't help wiping my palms on my worn out jeans before I take your hand
2017-11-09 00:28:10
I need to vent. Ok iam 20 , a girl and i dont look that bad , i mean quite a few guys have asked me out but iam always like " bitch pls , i dont want u " so whats my problem ??? I fucking 20 and i have never been in love . like i never had a crush or anything like whatoever . i find every guy i met literally this face . sooooo am i weird ??