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2017-08-12 14:00:57
If I had a birr for every fictional character I caught feelings for.. I could afford the therapy I obviously need.
2017-08-12 20:57:11
I think I'm depressed or something... I don't really know what to call it I have become numb... I can't feel sad or happy, but this days I am getting very angry I don't feel like I belong anywhere! Any suggestions would be great...
2017-08-13 07:10:18
I am so sick and tired of ppl ruining my life. I used to blame myself for everything now I say it's enough but the rumor that is going on abt me is making everyone hate me. I have tried soooo hard to make them believe me but I am tired of trying cuz it doesn't matter they will never believe me so pls give me an advice.
2017-08-14 18:40:21
Am tired and need to go to bed .But I can't cause I got tones of works to do!!
2017-08-15 19:39:54
Ohhhkay I am gonna do something bad or good... Not sure, you decide which is better for me. If you are presented with a two decisions, one will make one friend and you happy and at the same time will hurt another friend... And the second will hurt everyone... Which would you choose?? Only I can change the result of this event. I was thinking of taking the first option but isn't it hard hurting a friend??? Help please...
2017-08-16 01:16:29
I think I'm finally starting to get a hang of it now. Happiness is a motherf***ing choice. I can choose to get hung up on my ex and replay all of our memories over in my head. Or I can choose to think of how happy I'll be when I find someone who actually cares about me. I can choose to mope around about how I didn't get into any of the good universities I wanted, or I can be happy that the one I did get into, although not so prestigious, is not as bad I can choose to sit around and be pessimistic and depressed, or I can choose to get out there and be the best me I can. Of course, choosing the former is a hell of a lot easier than the latter, but I've been depressed for too long. I'm ready to make a change.
2017-08-16 01:45:39
I've been with my boyfriend for over a year now. It's been wonderful but it also hasn't at the same time. We've been through a lot, and he's cheated on me twice that I know of. I wanted to leave him. I know I don't deserve this, I know that. But he's the first man I've ever truly loved and I can't seem to shake him or leave him. Whenever I catch him cheating he always promises to never do it again and tells me I can trust him and check on him. But then after a few weeks it's right back in the same routine. I have such a hard time trusting him and he's constantly throwing it in my face that I don't. I want to trust him, I really do. It's just hard when every time I do he breaks it and does something stupid. Lately he's been treating me not so good. He's always "busy" as he says. And whenever he actually gets off and I want to do something like watch something etc, he pulls out his phone and uses it for hours, and ignores me. He's constantly chatting up random girls all the time, and flirting. Whenever I get upset about it he calls me crazy and controlling, and we have the biggest fights over it. Whenever we fight, he says horrible things to me, like he wishes he never met me, and I was such a mistake. I feel like he only stays with me for like attention and stuff. I feel like I'm never good enough for him. And whenever I try to bring to his attention how I feel, he just gets angry or upset with me and calls me overly sensitive and stuff like that. I've just been feeling so unloved and unwanted by him these past few weeks. I just want him to change. Please someone give me advice. I can't talk to anyone else about this. And for vent here. Amazing
2017-08-16 05:36:01
I am completly lost now, there is agirl i love most and i know she love me back too, she already have a bf but we started doing some unwanted staff and that is disturbing me alot i couldnt stop it coz she is her and also i have to stop it coz it is not giving me peace inside, please help me
2017-08-16 06:59:28
I have a crush on a friend, we are not close enough to be besties but we aren't distant enough to be merely acquaintances either. He keeps giving me mixed signals and I can't help but trying to find meaning behind his every word. I know he was crushing on some girl in our friend group, but he gives me so much hope idk if he's into me or not
2017-08-16 12:03:47
Honestly, I just feel like no matter how hard I try to be good, everything in my life is just going to wrong. I feel like a mistake, like every accident that I make will spit in my face and destroy me. I keep telling myself it isn't okay to eat, or sit, or talk, or do anything because it'll certainly mess up. I feel like I only have friends because I'm generous, and thats what people like. But other than that, I'm just some piece of sh** that's ugly, emotional, talentless, and all around terrible. Really. I feel like a waste of everyone's energy, time, heart, life, air, and resources. What's the point in living if all you'll ever do is mess up then beat yourself up for it? On a side note, which has been really making me sad but also sounds pretty petty, I've been seperated from a lot of my friends in school and its really making me miserable
2017-08-17 22:59:12
I'm a pathetic waste of a person. I have the opportunity to get to know a very cute girl. If I ask her out, I know she'll say yes. Yet, I'm a guy with zero confidence who can't get past my nerves and anxiety. I hate myself.
2017-08-18 07:56:34
Honestly I am completely fed up with myself. My obsessions and compulsions have been getting...worse lately... School is about to start. I have in the span of a year accomplished so much, academically, personally and sort of mentally. I don't want to lose all of it. The compulsion's objective is to prevent me from failing. Of course that's just bull**** (please excuse my French).They're doing more harm than good. They're preventing me from concentrating in any sort of task. They take so much time and have to be performed so regularly.I wish all of this would stop.
2017-08-18 23:01:35
This is not a confession, it's a vent. I can't understand why, when there the nice loving guy right there, she would choose the one that pained her. Does she not remember how she felt? Does she not remember the pain heade her feel? He made her hate herself and she chose him instead of the one she clearly should have chosen. I just can't understand that. I'll just stop, I should.
2017-08-19 08:19:58
I don't exactly know how to express what makes me sad. It just happens really I wake up and my heart is filled with pain, like life is just a pathetic lie we all fall for. I don't want to talk to anyone, I actually want to beat up anyone that starts up a conversation about how good their life is. Pushing people away, like I did my best friend. I want to be able to love and care genuinely for my friends not just because I have to. I want to stop being cripplingly shy, And fudging concentrate on my studies and actually get somewhere. I just want to make sense of it all!
2017-08-19 10:08:58
I'm twenty. Female. My life revolved around my education. Ddn have time for anything else. I've always been the DUFF (that's Designated Ugly Fat Friend, if y'all saw that movie. Doesn't mean I am ugly and fat; it's just a comparison ). I was never the one the guys were after and I've always been cool with it. I honestly preferred being considered as "one of the guys". But there's this thing I just HATE when guys that wouldn't look at me twice on any given day when I'm with my pretty girlfriends suddenly start showing interest when they actually talk to me or when I decide to get out of my hoodies and braided hair and actually flaunt my curvy figure. I am talking to all of you a**holes who thought I was a nobody. Nigger I don't even need to wear makeup (never did my entire life) and I'd still look as pretty as all the other girls that did. Y'all thought I was shy and boring? Well I did notice that flicker of surprise across your faces as you realized that I was actually an outgoing person with a great sense of humor. Y'all thought I was fat underneath my baggy clothes? Well I did notice your double take as your eyes followed me across the room marveling at how I had a killer booty. Y'all even had the audacity to make a comment. This is to all of you guys who went from ignoring me to noticing me to trying to get my attention. Seriously it's sad. I hate you all for it. I hate you guys because u made my little, innocent self blush inside and get butterflies because I was finally becoming the center of a "cute guy's" attention. I hate you for making my little innocent self yearn for that giddy feeling to last a little bit longer. But most of all I hate you guys for moving on and leaving me hanging. Well that little innocent girl grew up. So now I've gotten the IDGAF attitude, cuz nigga I KNOW I am AWESOME. But I just HATE how u've inflicted a scar, an insecurity, this dreaded feeling of knowing that a guy finally moved on. So yes, I have this immense fear and dread for that moment when a guy finally stops trying. So I ignore or decline offers. I make a point to scare guys from calling me for late night conversations. I always change the subject or laugh it off when a guy is trying to ask me out. It's not like I don't want to, trust me I'd like to have fun, but I have this fear that I can't recover from the day when he starts making excuses for not wanting to hang out. Those of u reading this may think I'm silly but please don't judge..... I've been insecure my whole life. And now I've chosen to become this strong, hard working girl who's fine with not having a guy a phone call away. I just don't know if maybe this wall I've been building around myself will become too high eventually......
2017-08-19 16:21:37
I went out with this guy about a year ago and continued to do that on and off till we Brock up about five month ago cause he still hadn't finished his issues with his ex and that bothered me even tho I knew that wasn't fully the reason why I Brock it off with him and now that he's back I tried to cover up the fact that I've been thinking about him a lot but now I see this smug look on his face when ever I try to make conversation and not telling him everything and not saying the things that I want to say is killing me cause before we started going out we where close friends and I just feel like I will make horrible discussions again if I don't get my self in control I just don't know what I should do honestly case part of me is really tempted almost all the time . I NEED HELP !
2017-08-19 16:31:51
Who am I? Tell me! who am I?? I am lonely. I am too alone with my thoughts, which allows me self-reflect a loooot, especially semonun..(and no I am not backdoor-bragging). Well, while I am alone with my thoughts.... and self -reflect.. I keep going back to every human interaction I have ever had... and realize that I have been a total dick through most of my life, but I didn't realize this until now.. I used to think everyone was like me.. that they didn't mind the shit I said to them..I also used to think that I was more evolved than them because "I spoke bluntly without sparing their feelings and such" The thing is... I didn't know I was a 'mean individual'. Or maybe still AM.. So, now I am alone with my depressing thoughts trying to repent for something I didn't even realize I was doing I guess this is a pretty boring cheating ex-boyfriends with my best friend or my sister or something .. lol. Maybe next time......
2017-08-19 17:06:42
Ok here goes nothing. I have been meaning to get this off my chest for a while. I have a weight issue, it didn't start in high school or college it started wen I was six or seven. My whole family is obsessed wid it, constantly telling me that I'm overweight and the gagillion problems that come with it. Hello me isn't blind, I can access the damn internet so I know what the hell u all think I'm oblivious to. But they never let it go and I can never forget it. And it's not like I'm so big I can't see past my belly or something. And so now I'm obsessing over it, to the point wer I get on a scale 4 or 5 tyms a day just checking I I have gained weight in the last two hours or something. Pathetic I know. Well I didn't kno who to tell, definitely not my family but not my friends either since I don't want anyone pitying me. I read somewhere strangers make the greatest confidants so here I am.
2017-08-19 23:16:16
I have a confession to make I am addicted to hacking my friends social media account, i am a person with an amazing mind ena i always figure out a way to hack their accounts, i really want to stop but i cant help me out.
2017-08-20 13:55:13
I gave up on every aspect of this thing called "love",..does it even exist? They say it does but am starting to think it doesn't! Okay that is it i cant say more.Thank you!
2017-08-20 13:55:32
Iam 18 yeard old and I have been through a lot in my life I was raped by my step dod when u was only15 years old I am living alone now and living with this guy that beats me n sexually abuses me...I dont want to.have sex with him Y
2017-08-20 23:22:54
That moment when your mom makes u feel like the ugly sister and offers every good thing for her cause she thinks ur worthless and she is more productive.and she leave a scare in your heart like everybody else who have let her down...I never thought u would be one too.
2017-08-21 07:28:04
I have a problem with lying. It's not major lies that hurt people or something. But ones that alter my reality. I feel like my life isn't that interesting to talk about so I make it the life I would have wanted to live. The problem is that my friends don't really know me and that I don't really know me either. It's I was so focused on what I wanted to be that I forgot who I am. Please help I don't know what to do. I have a problem with lying. It's not major lies that hurt people or something. But ones that alter my reality. I feel like my life isn't that interesting to talk about so I make it the life I would have wanted to live. The problem is that my friends don't really know me and that I don't really know me either. It's I was so focused on what I wanted to be that I forgot who I am. Please help I don't know what to do.
2017-08-21 19:00:43
I have never been sexually attracted to anyone and I am already 23! What should I do?
2017-08-21 20:00:17
Well I just feel like life keeps kickin me down and down and down and everytime i try to get back up and fight just never works for me, I have this stupid thought in my head that keeps telling me that its always not about me and that i should be a bit more passive at some conditions and here i am doing that but f*** it cause all i get is nothing but being unhappy with my life What should i do? How can I teach myself that it always doesnt have to be about making other people happy but also myself???
2017-08-21 20:09:03
Where do i start... one day this girl sent me a text on Telegram and we started talking then she was really in to me, one time we were playing trust and dare ena she asked me if i liked her i said yes but i really didn't that much keza one thing led to another we started dating online. We haven't seen face to face we just send each other photos. Then she wanted to take our relationship to the next step but i said no because i am a good guy and i really don't believe the online thing is good and can work out, so i told her we should stop and she flipped out and told me i am like all guys who can't commit to a relationship and called me names but i acted like an adult and said nothing but i broke up with her coz i don't want to cause more harm to her coz i know this online thing will never work, so am i a bad person for doing that?
2017-08-22 09:38:17
I am so angry just everything sucks rn okay? just everything I am tired of everything How can people be like this??? So stupid and so ignorant towards one another and now i want him. i want him just like i wanted him 4 years ago I want him just as bad and just as much and i'm breaking again. I am so stupid, why did i have to go to see him? he says i am like intoxication. does he even know how long it took me to get rid of him as my addiction?It took all of me. Piece by piece, i ripped myself apart to give place for this new me minus him and there he was yesterday, his mouth inches away from me, laughing with me, hitting on me. I cant function rn. I thought i'd be okay and it wont affect me and maybe it doesn't but right now it's hurting me. I wanted to kiss him when he had his face inches away from mine, but he is with her. how can he want me when he is with her?Will always be with her? He brings such a storm with so much of sunshine, I want to die. I truly loved him, he took a part of me with him. And now there he was with lust and god knows what. I cant blame him. He warned me. But I am stupid. And naive. And weak and not in control. AAaaaaaghhhhhhh. I hate this. I hate him. I wish i could erase him and yesterday too.
2017-08-22 16:04:44
To special person searching for that unique person i thier life: It hurts to love someone and not to be loved in return, but what is more painful is to love someone and never find a courage to let that person know how you feel. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet a right person we will know how to be grateful for that gift. A side thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you , only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go. Giving someone all your love is not an assurance that love you back! Don't expect love in return, just wait for it to grow in their heart. But f it doesn't, be patient it will grow in years.
2017-08-24 04:59:14
it's difficult sometimes, always sitting by the phone waiting for your texts. It can take up to hours or days and we can go weeks without seeing each other in real life but, hey, we're teenagers having a love unknown to the rest of the world. Keeping it silent, hidden, smashing every sprout of a rumour that comes up. *sigh* Love, I'm willing to sacrifice, but for how long…
2017-08-24 05:10:58
i've had crushes before, obviously, and none of them have ever worked out – most of the time they're already taken or they're just not into me. i'm afraid that i'll never date. i would like to think that everything will turn out fine, but what if i end up thinking like that forever and i never do anything to start a relationship with someone? what if that turns into me just waiting desperately for someone else to make the first move and they never do?
2017-08-24 06:40:38
Ive been talking with this girl for a while perhaps a bit longer time than i usually talk and through time we started meeting up and stuff, when i first started talking to her my plan was date and smash but when i started to know her bedenb she is an amazing girl so playing with her were out of the option and she started to text me that she miss me and yet she told me she loves me so i planned to tell her lets take it another level but at time i didnt know she was seeing somebody so being a perfect gentlemen i said nothing but now she is single i told her and she was like didnt see it that way n i was like go fuck urself cuz i hate being played but still she calls me..what should i do?
2017-08-24 07:48:07
I love my boyfriend very much, and my best friend is equally important. Although they do not get along. My best friend just told me that sometimes he wants to push me away but he knows he cant because im what keeps him going. I dont know what to do about anything… I feel like im not good enough for either of them, they are both so great and important to me, i dont want to disappoint them. I love them very much, i just cant get a grip, but i dont want to let go. Im so confused. Im sorry if anyone reads this and doesnt understand or just thinks im whiny but i needed someplace to go to tell.
2017-08-24 18:37:51
I think I am bi-curious. Does that make me bad? Because I've wondered what it would be like to be with another girl. Just the thought of it turns me on insanely. Is that bad?
2017-08-24 21:29:58
I feel so pent up and angry that I want to fight. I want to punch walls and bite things. Do you ever get that? It's relationships that does it. I'd never hit my partner but sometimes I can see how people can get that angry that they would. You're being a fucking cunt, just apologise! It's not fair, not fair at all. Threaten me with leaving me I genuinely couldn't give a fuck. At the minute I'm supporting you and it's hard you don't get this. Well don't throw around empty threats especially before pay day
2017-08-25 08:40:30
Is it wrong to favor one parent over the other? Favor one friends over the other? Idk tell me please. I feel bad and whenever my friends' parents ask me who they like more (the mom or dad) i always laugh it off but seriously who asks that to someone who gets as uncomfortable as me! Also i hate when ur on the sidewalk and your friends decide to cut you out of the conversation and stand side by side so you cant stand next to them. I hate when that happens.
2017-08-25 17:29:26
I tnk I have a problem. I prefer to be alone with my thoughts instead of socializing. I am a loner putting it mildly, n I can't seem to be comfortable when I am out with my friends or people I kno. So much so that I find myself on several occasions sitting in a cafe alone, drinking my macchiato and typing away at my laptop. It doesn't usually make me sad or anything I actually enjoy myself but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to feel that comfortable with someone, to have a friend I don't feel awkward around. I can't tell if it's society pushing me towards those feeling or if I actually do mind being alone. It's wierd right? I tnk its wierd.
2017-08-25 17:40:17
I really need to get everything off ma chest . I have a boyfriend he is gonna be in university nxt year and am in high school so am thinking about breaking up with him. It's not about z distance only we might be in the same city next year gn beka I just don't feel like having a bf malet he is ma first bt I agreed coz I couldn't say no to such a sweet n shy boy he is like no other boyz I thought I wud feel z same through time bt I got no love for him so when he says he loves me I replay I love u too but that kills me because am just not feeling it.I just pity him I guss I know am not supposed to gn beka I just can't break him that's y I kept doing this but now I think it's time I listen to ma self and just stop it....don't u think so?
2017-08-25 18:13:44
Have u ever felt like u were being left out. Like the whole world is in on the joke but u. I feel like people have lives that completely cut me out, even my friends. I feel like they talk and meet and have fun without me and any time I try to include muse there is little to no reply. I don't know if I'm being paranoid or if they actually don't want to be around me. Wouldn't they tell me if they didn't want me around? Or would they just keep pretending everything is fine making me feel like the crazy one. I'm really confused!
2017-08-26 16:30:59
Wat the hell is wrong with me. A very cute guy I have had a crush on since forever actually wants to date and I'm all freaked out. He says he wants to meet but I keep turning him down. I guess I'm scared. This guy has the potential to break my heart and I can't decide if z risk is worth taking.
2017-08-27 15:26:09
I like him. I mean he is my bf and he treats me like a fucking princess but why is he not the one that's on my mind these days. Why is it the other guy that plays in my brain. Why does a song, a book, a movie remind me of him and not my bf. If i tell him how i feel ik for a fact that he is going to make fun of me for being too attached.
2017-08-27 16:42:30
Honestly,um so fuckin in luv wid a cute,pretty girl she is more than muh ideal type n she kinda likes me too n i don't hv any experience in dating n stuff so un scared wt i will do when we meet n stuff n um also kinda shy type so um afraid i will make a mistake n regret it forever zts y um nt meetin up but i fuckun luv her so much i dont knw wt to do
2017-08-27 18:34:27
So me and my friends were this really tight group and I had this boyfriend for like, 2 years now and we were happy and all that stuff. So my boyfriend is older and I got him to come to prom with me. Everything was fine and well until the next day. One of my friends (We were 7) was missing. We looked for her the whole day and we had my found her (And it was the morning after!) So I got really worried and I told my other friend to go to my boyfriend's house and get him to drive around looking for her since he was older and had a car. I went with my other friends and scoured the city looking for her. When I got back i find the friend I sent with my boyfriend with a bad expression. I asked what was wrong and she tells me that when she can knocking at my boyfriend's door, who else but to answer but my missing friend! In just a t shirt! The bitch has slept with my bf!! When my friend got inside, she saw my boyfriend eating cereal in boxers with bedhead. My friend slapped the bitch and she left to tell me. So a week later and that traitor bitch hasn't shown up to school. No matter, I still hated her guts. Anywho, that Saturday was TOA (taste of addis) and me and my fruends went and while we were just chilling, we spot my ex and the bitch grinding a little ways over!! How dare they show their face after what they did. So I got my guy friends who were with me to beat up that punk and my other friends took the girl by her hair and dragged her to where I was standing. We soaked her in beer and beat her up. That should teach her ro never mess with me. It felt good at the time but now I'm wondering if that was a good decision. So I wanted to speak out. Feel free to give comments on what you think.
2017-08-27 22:53:29
Hmm okay so this is gonna be a long rambling about something that's not even a big deal and is also've been anyways i started texting this guy on messenger a few months back and then he asked for my number. I didn't really like the idea but i just gave him and we started talking on other social medias. He...well he was insane, but in a really good way( not sure if that makes sense). Anyways we just kept talking, everything he says i was so into it. So if he doesn't text for a day or two, i never text first so i would change my profile picture so he would start texting me(i know there are atleast a few ladies here who do everytime right). So he does and then as we kept talking i started to have feelings for him. It was strange for me cause i never had real feelings for anyone, well not for their personality, atleast not like this. Sometimes i would get angry at him for no reason, which i now realize is cause of the feelings. But the guy, i don't know how to explain it, every reply is makes me want him more and more. We both never mentioned about meeting up. Well there was a time he said he would do anything i want so we could fuck. But ofcourse i declined cause i'm the shy type. Anyways we used to sext alfo alfo but i kinda got uncomfortable with this one kink so i declined. Then after that he disappeared for a week( he's in college and in a stressful department). So after that i did something i've never done...i SMSed him. Told him i was worried. Seriously if you knew me this things would surprise you. Then after that i told him to get online. Then after everytime we stopped texting i would be the one starting the conversation. And he wasn't like he used to be. This is like 3 months into our texting. But still i kept falling for him, a guy i have never even met. After a while i got fed up of feeling like shit cause when he replied it was like i was bothering him so i told him to have a nice life. I know what i just said doesn't make sense but if i explained every shit it would be a book. So its been more than a month and a half since we stopped talking but i still can't stop thinking about him and i can't get every fucking conversation out of my head. I am like 99.9 percent sure i will never meet someone like him. I don't know what the hell i'm supposed to doi'm terrified that i'll never forget him
2017-08-28 00:59:01
Am sad,so sad.I don't know how to defend myself.I always let people walk all over me.I have a lot to say,when I open my mouth it ends up being a word I never meant to say.then I feel bad,I always say"why,why did I say it.".I leave my feelings all bottled up and when I finally can't,I explode only to end up broke and sad.always sad.always hurt
2017-08-28 19:51:01
I kno I can't say this out loud ever for obvious reasons so I will type it anonymously I guess. I really don't like my sister! I mean I might even hate her. Everything she does annoys the hell outa me. Smtyms I just wanna scream at her to shut the fuck up. It's not just one thing it's the fact that she criticizes everything I do, that she is the most flaky person I kno, she doesn't stick to anything she decides on. She has something to say bout my weight, my cloth, my friends every single fucking thing. I mean get a life!!!! butt the fuck outa mine!!!!! Is that too much to ask???
2017-08-29 21:44:54
Why the fuck has life to be this hard??? Why does God have to take away everything he gives me after i am already attached?? I dont need answers or anything, it just sucks to suck at everything, and also not knowing who is really here to stay
2017-08-29 22:23:36
Have u ever felt that everything is a vanity not only that but u sit there watching people nd u understand that u are so much different from them....what makes them excited do not have an effect on u..... Or u have so much in ur plate but when watching everyone living with excitment and u say to urself ..."u peoples dont have any idea what I have on my mind"...but u laugh with them always like nothing happens.....u dont have any feelings or any moral to continue ur life....nd the only hope that u have is God....nd u re waiting God with every possiblity of staying calm....This world sometimes makes u misereble
2017-08-29 23:20:57
This is not really a confession but an answer to one of the confessions above. I know u said u didn't want answers but I couldn't help but give u one. It's is to my fellow human being up there that started the confession with why does life have to be this hard?. Life doesn't have to be this hard. Life can be beautiful. It all depends on us. Nd watever God gives u nd takes away from u he has his reasons. Instead of being pissed at him for taking a person away from u, u should be grateful that he gave u that person in the first place. Nd grateful that u had the time u had with that person however short or long that time may be. Nd abt not knowing who is coming in ur life to stay. I have bad news but that's hw it is. Nd that's hw it's always gonna be. U will never knw. Because u can't be sure abt ny body in this world. U can't even be sure abt urself. The only thing u can do is enjoy the moments u have with the ppl in ur life while they r still here. Nd the second is to do everything in ur power to make them stay. now ask urself "have I really done everything in my power to make them stay?" If the answer to that is yes. Then u have no choice but to let go nd move on. If it's a No. Then u have a Job to do. Nd if U think u suck at everything then it just means u haven't found ur thing yet. As the fish thrives underwater nd the bird thrives on the air. U just need to find ur version of water nd air. I knw it's easier said than done gin u can do it if u stop all this negativity. Nd start thinking positive.(I knw this sounds stupid but it works). Note: if ur confession was abt losing someone to death. Then I'm sorry coz my advice is way off. Except for the first part.
2017-08-30 00:06:55
Right now...i am the luckiest girl in the whole crush confessed to me....i am doing everything i want to do but above all i had kitfo for lunch and chicken for dinner After turning him down, I AM ABOUT TO EXPLOAD IN HAPPINESS AND AM REALLY FULL!!!What should i do????
2017-08-30 08:27:25
Have you ever felt like having a day off, i do but now i realize that i need them often. I made a decision to push that one person that understood me and maybe even liked me and now i feel like shit. He made me laugh but at the same time cringe from the taught of having him for only me. I'm just mumbling here so sorry for wasting your time and thank you
2017-08-30 17:35:05
I am tired of fake people And everyone is not real I am tired of every body gossiping about there Friends behide there backs I feel like I am the only one who sees this and it's really annoying And I I just want to get my self out of this ducking stupied thing Plus I don't get the fact y they act sweet towards each other this is so fucking stupid Uffff I just want to run away or idk Everything sucks like hell
2017-08-30 19:20:26
This is not a confession. But listen to all the people who are venting and confessing here. Somethings are simple in life, if you want them to be simple and they will drag on if you want them to. Everything is is a matter of choice and decision!! Choose the right thing! If you think you are doing something stupid, it's most likely that you are. If you choose that and you say my life is messed up or something like better wake up and make the right choice and decide!! Also girls, listen to me. We are wiser (I'm not just saying that it's a fact) so please be as you are. We should not be led by our hearts rather both by out heads and hearts. Look at your mother, your aunts or any other female figure you look upto. They do things after examining them critically. Be WISE!!!! Boys, make a smart choice. If it's a relationship you want, a good relationship (even if it doesn't last, one tht you can enjoy) go with smarter and emotionally stable girl. Take my advice and you will see. And once again: people venting about relationships....yes love exists! Where? Who? Whn? I really don't know. But I know that the right person may not come at 16 or 18 or 23 or even 25. Just because you went through a bad break up and the person was an ass it does not mean that love doesn't exist. Also it depends on the definition of love you have in your head. Be real when you define love. It's not Cinderella story and all those movie types neither is it gonna be like your parents and grandparents because things have evolved. Also also..... love has a lot of components and the older you get the more you understand about life and love. So..... If she or he is not right WALK AWAY! It might be hard at the beginning but it will heal. Time heals. So patient. Be WISE AND SMART LIFE IS ALL ABOUT THE RIGHT CHOICE AND DECISION.
2017-08-30 22:00:34
I think am avoiding everyone now. I dont even get out that much. But i hate myself for avoiding my frds. I love them but i need alone time with my self now. Is it a bad thing? I need to fix things this summer. Especially my love life. I feel like i need a man in my life not a boy if u know what i mean. A man who can take care of me. M sick nd tired of the fact saying i have a bf nd then we broke up cuz that boy hurt me. Is it too weird to want that kinda man??
2017-08-31 09:50:14
Am like to thar sewye and she's like lju altemecheshm am like he's sewye NOTE I WAS 17 AT THE TIME am likr he's older than you she's like so am like ur 14 years older than me. Bcha I got home yelled at mom how could you do this mnamn then here's the betrayal part SHE MY AUNT DENIED IT She said it was a coincidence and the hook up was all in my head and she had the nerve to be mad at me for embarrassing her...bitch pls. Before this incident me n her were like sisters she would consult me about birth control when I was 12 mnamn that close n now...n ene mekadwa new betam yegodagn beka alakm then mom comes n says that all I have are thoughts of men and that I assume they're all sexually interested oooh my mom also literally said I was whore. She saw a shirt which I had cut bcuz we have to wear both sweater n shirt in skl ena lesrsash endimechelsh blesh new alechegn ye geza enate. Oh PS though my dad has other kids they're in the U.S. and my mom's only child is me. I know I wrote a lot but trust me when I say this doesn't even begin to cover it. So I need all advice I can get. Other things you need to know about me are am very sociable, bubbly, strong af and through all this I still believe happiness exists idk if it's for me but it exists. 1 Can I forgive my dad and forget he tried to rape 2 My mom isn't willing to change wat can I do DON'T SAY THERAPIST 3 Whenever I see a shirt mnamn I borrowed from my aunt ende addis yamegnal ahun le eid hulum beteseb sisebaseb megenagnet mayker new mn teshalegn 4 Will I ever love like I did 5 Is moving abroad just to get away good? Yes am studying abroad not for b8r tmhrt just eyesheshehu new 6 All these things tlk influence fetrewbegnal will I ever be...normal? Sorry for the inconvenience but this channel is what I've been longing for. So please advice opinion and if u need advice am experienced I may be 18 but ik more than someone who's 81
2017-08-31 21:32:36
--------------------------------------------------- Me and my mom were walking back home it was about mata 3:00 and just a few meters away from our home we encountered some dureyewoch and told us to stop.. we tried running but they caught us and took my phone and everything .. they didn't say anything to my mom and i was thanking God about that then told me to go ... Holding my mom. I said " no take her phone and leave her alone" but they didn't listen instead he took out a knife and when she saw it ... She told me to run ... But i couldn't b/c she's my fuckin mom ... He came at me and pushed the knife through my hand. I felt almost nothing at that time only my mom screaming and she was repeatedly saying run... Run... Run... At Tha time i knew they were going to kill me or something if i didn't run so i just keept running until i find help and people's on the road tot I'm a crazy person and just kept passing by. About my mom. they killed her ... probably raped her too by the time i got back she was laying on the ground half her clothes torn apart and i couldn't believe my eyes ... I still can't .. I'm sorry if it comes to the people who advised him as a shock but I have something to tell you. --------------------------------------------------- The story that he has been telling you is not actually his but rather his friend's. His friend is very shy and he couldn't ask for help himself. So the only thing he could do is help him in this way ... At first when he asked for his friend's approval he said no b/c people might not understand it as it happened like his dad. But with a help of some other friends we convinced him to share his tragic incident with people who were interested in helping out. But another problem came his friend was not willing to use his account so we made a deal ...he'll change his username and Name similar as his friend's and I will post his username saying he needed help and he'll forward him all the texts he got to him and send back his replys back to the sender, filtering all the inappropriate ones because he didn't wanna take any negative comments. So pretty much he was the guy in the middle. I hope you are not disappointed/mad at him ... His only intension was helping a desperate friend. And he is very thankful for all the advices you have given him. You can still send comments down here
2017-09-01 10:23:59
when I was 14 I did something wrong it maybe wierd but I did slept with someone bigger than me I always regret it it's the moment that changed my life forever it make me become lustful but now I'm struggling with it but I always have faith in God he will help me one day that's all
2017-09-01 12:58:19
I am girl who is molested by their cousin brother when I was 8 years.. Now I wanna kick him..but he too have girl child... I pray to God that ... that baby girl should not suffer like me.. and To all girls be strong , be brave. .. to kick those bastaeds who touches u without your permission..... Take care
2017-09-01 13:53:34
I have the same feelings... ( as just the above confessor) .. I also want to comfort my dad with my soothing words... I want to tell him that I love him soooooooo much and I am just leaving this life for him (my dad) and my Mamma ... I want to make them proud ...
2017-09-01 15:44:57
it might be long & boring but i need some advice so i will appreciate if uh keep reading it tnx ma story is .......i was dating my ex almost for a year but there was afew time's we broke up and made up before our real break up but since we broke up i couldn't forget her i dated one girl after her but i couldn't feel anything for her we live in the same nighborhood & i mate her at ma friends party & talk abit then i kissed her she was cool about it after i notice that i inserted ma hand through her bra she didn't do anything i was like wow then i take ma hand out of her shirt go down to her panties she was like there people seeing us so i was like ya i agree to but the wirdest thing is ma dick wasn't hard for the entire time after i notice that i grabbed her hand take her to the quietest room & what i did was her kiss her while thinking of my ex ik it was weird the most weirdest thing is ma dick was so fucking hard when i imagined ma ex while kissing her so i dated her for while & as i told uh we are in the same neighborhood so i could call her anytime & we talkd we kissed we laughed we did many things some of them i did them with ma ex but still i couldn't forget ma ex so i break up with her bcoz i didn't wanted to hurt her feelings & it has been almost year since i broke up with ma gf (the one i couldn't get her out of ma mind ) & i still love her & i can't be with her she's dating other guy & seems happy so i want to be happy with other girl too so what should i do um concerned???
2017-09-01 21:46:09
I need help. Serious help. I'm a danger to myself. I can't think of anything other than self harm right now. I don't know who to talk to so this is my last resort. I don't know what's happening. I feels so dead but death wouldn't hurt as much. I drank today, for the first time ever. Just a few gulps. Just to give me the confidence to talk to those people that did this, I don't know. I am crazy. I have 0 self control right now. I don't even know why I'm writing just need something to keep my mind of suicide. My mom will die if she finds me dead. I can't do that to her. I have to take the pain. But I don't think I can anymore
2017-09-02 11:21:44
Hi i am madly in love with u i want to tell u believe me i want to but u know that if u told u how i feel abt u we will never talk again and u r happy wiz your new boyfriend wow he is so lacky i mean he have the girl of my dream i will always 1st Love love u. What can i say abut u u r everything to me my whole life depends on u i dont know what i will do if smt happens to i love u i wish i could tell u n be together like we r in my dreams.....
2017-09-02 13:26:00
Maybe it's cuz I'm a pushover, maybe because I want everyone to like me but I can never seem to say no. I make plans to see a friend for lunch and if someone else asks me to dinner I'm like yea sure even if I'm super tired and just want to snuggle up in my bed. I never reschedule if it inconveniences me and worst of all is the fact that no matter how late they are imma still be there. I mean I should be able to tell em dude I have been sitting here for 45 fucking minutes it's so not ok but no I'm all sweet and smiley even if there is a fucking volcano erupting inside me. Anyways I thought I should write to you all since I have been sitting here for an hour now and no sign of my friends. It's so stupid it's funny now!
2017-09-03 07:34:08
I hurt people. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, I really do not want to hurt a fly but I just can't love the people that love me the same. I hear I'm a good person and a very marvelous friend but when it comes to boys I don't know, I just hurt them no matter how much I care. And it's usually the people that really care I hurt.
2017-09-03 08:27:28
Hi I really want to be happy.I don't want to associate it with anything I just want to be. I don't know how.
2017-09-03 08:42:08
*True situational Analysis of Life.* After Secondary School.. Some of our classmates have gone out of the country, Others have completed universities and are now Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, Pilots, Lawyers, Administrators, etc. Some have married, Some have given birth.. . Some are dead, (Don't forget that too) And others are confined in psychiatric homes. Some are doing their masters programme, PHD, etc. Some haven't even gained admission into the tertiary institution. Some own companies, Some are now Directors and majority shareholders of huge companies. But how do you feel When you meet your classmate, and it seems like he/she has reached his dreams And you're not yet close to yours? So many thoughts runs through your mind. How about the one you meet on the street wearing dirty rags and feeds on the refuse dumps and drinks from the gutters? Do you get the same thoughts running through your mind? First God has not been fair to you. But don't forget some are also dead. Somehow feels like jealousy, its a normal feeling. But, You must not regret your life. We all are different And our path to greatness Is not same in distance. Some might reach before you, Some might reach after you But wherever level you are presently, Please keep trying to break limitations and move further. Celebrate the success of others, its an application for yours. Your friend buys a car now, Be happy with him/ her. Remember when you get yours, Theirs might not be the latest again. Life is not by competition, If not, We all will be born into one type of family, One religion and same in everything. Let the passion in you never quench the desire in you Keep it burning. What you pass through, Write it down because one day the world would be ready to read it. There's no height you cannot attain, Just believe. Define goals and recognize distractions. Spend time teaching yourself, Because the things that Mainly take people to the top Are the things They devoted time to develop. Don't be intimidated by your fellow's success, The sky is too wide That the birds can fly Without touching themselves. Value the small things That God brings And comes into our lives And love God And do the work of God. For with God, All things are possible. Now to those who are on top, Never forget to give a helping hand To those who are down. Life is full of uncertainties; The one you pull up today May be the one to hold your hand To prevent you from falling down. A piece of advice there. May our friendship grow From strength to strength, From grass to grace, From zero to hero And from Earth to Heaven. WISH YOU MORE SUCCESS IN THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. +ve Indian
2017-09-03 13:07:10
These days I'm really being tempted not like peer pressure but i wanna do them myself I'm gonna do them but there's this lil doubt inside of me
2017-09-03 13:32:58
They say love is beautiful, complicated and hard guess all loves r like that it doesn't come in a book or in the perfect way from ur mom and dad or the perfect guy, love is just love it's something u give and not ask in return, it's something u do for someone who is important to u. That important person may be ur mom, dad, best friend, sister, brother, a freak cousin or even that asshole all us girls complain about but it's love what u did with that asshole or the perfect guy or the family member u had or still have it's all just love. That person might not stay whom ever that is but what u felt it's something that will be with u forever. Girls that asshole might not have loved u but u did and that all it matters I rather feel and get hurt than not feel it at all. So this is for everyone who lost there love might be a guy, a girl or a great mom or dad u felt it and it's so much better to feel something than not feel anything at all, am done complaining am not perfect or that am not good enough after all that's what makes us all human. I ramble to much I guess
2017-09-03 13:49:54
I don't know why I push guys away.....I want a good stable relationship. ..... but as soon as something good is starting to happen ...I flee..what's wrong with me? Perhaps I don't know what I want....I tried but suddenly I get all awkward and cold and I push them away...what should I do? Is this a phase I'm going through or am I affection-phobic?? I need advice....feel free
2017-09-03 14:52:06
K here it goes i am in my early twenties and my Gf broke up with me a couple of months ago and I can't seem to let her go couldn't sleep well, my grade's r down, Becka I couldn't function until a couple of weeks then i got this crazy Idea I am a V so why not just have sex I have surched many websites logged in more than I could count but doesn't seem to find one and it seems i lost control of myself.
2017-09-04 12:32:21
I wanna die.. I am weak.. I can't do this anymore.. my parents don't know.. nobody knows .. I am ashamed of myself , I don't wanna be a coward but I am
2017-09-04 13:28:56
I was sexually abused at the age of 9 and then raped at the age of 14. My parents don't know about anything . I am suicidal now , slowly killing myself. I have proved to be a coward . I hate myself for being so week
2017-09-04 21:15:46
I kind of feel jealous of my friends and it feels horrible I sometimes feel like I hate my mom tooooo much I listen too much to my fantasy life
2017-09-04 22:09:13
I hate sex the extent of throwing up.....I really hate it....and guess what....I want to live hating it
2017-09-05 17:11:54
Its not actually a confession i wann ask u something I've been confused about love i mean do you think love exist? Im a girl soon to be twenty been around few guys not in a relationship gen be jenjena stuff i play gen still feel alarekutm eskahun maqachewm they are player ena think saregew love as a word enji as a semete exist ayaregem beye demedemku What do you think??
2017-09-06 11:01:16
So am talking to this guy i met on randtalk...we haven't stopped talking ever since we started..we got rly close,calling eachother n problem is dat we told eachother we hv feelings for eachother ena am not sure if he feel de same way anymore..i don't even know if he really hv feelings for me...anyways i want to stop talking to him without any hard feelings in him or wat do think i should do??
2017-09-06 12:55:31
When i started college i had a boyfriend. I loved him too much. He was always willing to wait for me nd i was happy. Or so i thought. But halfway into my first year, i brokeup with him. I told him nd everyone i did it because he hurt me in z past nd i couldnt get over it. But that wasnt the case. I just didnt want to admit it myself. Here goes the reason. I met a rude tall boy in my new life and i hated him at first but anyone could tell he was interested in me. But then we started spending time together nd i slowly started falling for him without even realising it. But i guess i was too late. He made me feel alive. He made do things which anyone would belive insane but i loved them. I was truely happy. He brings out something in me that i didnt know even existed. He annoys me nd i annoy him even more. He is honestly the only person who can tolerate my annoying behavior. He has more pride than i do and its toxic. I am fire and he is my gasoline. We are bad for eachother but we are worse for someone else. I dont allow myself to feel these things because building up a shell around you is better than being broken to pieces everytime. But he shattered those walls nd i didnt even know it. He made me feel wanted just to brake me once again. Please tell me what to do. ------------------ i'm sorry for the length i just wanted to let all that out.
2017-09-06 16:03:48
This is not only a confession, it's an admittance. And it's boring. I'm a mean person. See, now, we all have a mean side that comes out at the worst of times. Here's the thing, I'm playful, friendly, almost unbearably sarcastic, understanding and so on, I could keep on writing about my good sides all day (not really); problem is all those good characters are for everyone but my family. It's like hey I'm a nice person you wanna see, haha, not you fam. My family gets the crappiest side of it and unfortunately or otherwise it's not even deliberate. I have a bad day, well no worries, lil brother is there to take a shitload. I have a good day, why not say vile things to the nicest mom out there. Is the smart cousin asking an innocent question, better start an argument and start screaming. I'm constantly angry or on edge around them. It's as if I get off from topping the mean scale of the day. Somehow, I couldn't get past the teen moody, be angry at everyone (not everyone in my case) phase. Yes yes I know you think I'm taking them for granted. Maybe but I don't think so. I'm grateful to have them, I really am, cos I feel shitty after acting out like a teenager everday and tell myself just STOP. But then I decide to show how grateful I am by being a self absorbed asshole. (Geez boy, does that sound like an abusive partner who acts all sorry after inflicting pain once again). So another analysis of mine is that I'm actually entirely mean and none of my friends (or strangers) know that because the comfort zone is only for family that won't abandon you no matter how shitty you are. Analysis three is I'm angry at them subconsciously but subconscious isn't saying much (for the record it's a very functional family even with the dysfuntion of mine). If you made it to here, you either skipped a few sentences or I'm one hell of a writer, fine, I'm not but you're a patient one so ideas, insults, advises are welcomed.
2017-09-06 18:22:55
I stole 10,000 from my dad's account He still hasn't noticed
2017-09-08 00:08:35
I hate everything. I hate being a girl. I hate the world I live in. I hate the community I grew up in. I hate how selfish people can be. I hate love. I hate being left alone. I just hate every single thing. I hope this is just a phase. I wish I can see the good things in life again. And I wish I can stop faking my smiles. I wish people would stop leaving. I wish things could just be normal for me for a change.
2017-09-09 02:47:40
I dont know where else to put this so here. I don't even know if i want to get better.. I dont want to forget, i dont want to move on. I never cared that she didnt love me back.. I never cared.. I only wanted to make her feel loved.. She deserves to be loved like that.. I miss being near her its so bad. Its like bad poetry and a terrible story of a man too weak to stand up and say that he deserves that kind of love too. The truth is I am too weak to say that, i never believed that I did deserve that, and still dont know.. I keep getting told it is true, even by some part of my own mind but i dont beleive it. If i deserved to be loved why didnt she love me like that when i did nothing but show her how much i loved her.. I would give up anything to have her back next to me right now.. Cold and heartlessly laying with her back to me not letting me hold her warmly.. Just to be near her again i would give up anything..
2017-09-09 06:14:03
Hey i have a confession to make not rlly one gin anyways there is these guy i love we met in randtalk and things started to change malet. We felt something both of us and thenhe asked me out and were together the only thing is weve never met in person which is weird any asvises guy's These the only place i could come too so comments
2017-09-09 12:18:03
Love being not kept in the loop with the simplest things. Like one text is all u gotta send & I don't gotta stay up waiting for u 2 call. It's bullshit that I can't have friends because they haven't met u yet and I know you'll be salty yet u can go out and have fun while I'm miserable everyday. At least u have a friend. I can't hang out with people in my class and they make me really happy because I feel like I can only be where u approve of and I can't go places without asking u first and what's the point when u don't answer my texts until hours later? There's nothing more embarrassing then saying "wait let me ask my boyfriend" to go out and eat lunch. But if I didn't you'd get suspicious and things won't "add up" and don't say u won't act that way because I know you will because I know you better then you know me. If something comes up that I've had to deal with before I know how you'll react if I said or did something. Yet you keep saying and doing things that you KNOW makes me uncomfortable or pisses me off or makes me in a bad mood then get mad at ME? It's not fair! You can't push my buttons then get mad when I cave in. It's not fair. It's not fair that I don't know how to talk to people or make friends because right in the prime of my social life, right when I was learning to socialize, you came into my life and not a year and a half later I'm depressed and my anxiety is back and you're not even trying to help me. And if you do ask "how can I help" and I say idk u get mad at me. Saying "how do u expect me to help u if you don't tell me how!" I'm lost. I've lost myself while trying to love you and I can't find her again. And I feel like I can't say anything to you because you'll get mad or flip it on me and say things I've done wrong even though this I'm not TRYING to point fingers it's just how I feel. Do you not realize that 99.8% of my life revolves around you? So chances are if something wrong it's because of u because that's all I do or think about. So when you don't text me back for hours, yet blow up my phone if I don't answer a call I wasn't expecting so I wasn't near my phone, yea it's gonna build up til I explode. Idc what you say that shit hurts me. It's not about how you "sometimes text first" it's about how when you don't text back all day, yet expect me to answer u in less then a minute. Then when I do I wait for hours for a response. Like Louis CK said, "if someone says you hurt them, you don't get to decide they don't." Then flip shit around on me because what I say makes you feel guilty. I'm too scared to say it to your face but maybe if you feel guilty it's because you know you're wrong. If you're feeling guilty most of the time then change how u treat me. You used to write me notes and text me all day and talk to me like I was the stars in the sky but now I feel like shit on your shoe not even worthy of a text or attention. And I need attention. Yea I said it I need attention. I'm an only child, but I'm an only child who's mother is working her ass off providing and sleeeping when I got home and wanted to play. I'm an only child with a father thousands of miles away who promised me for as long as I can remember that he would stop smoking cigarettes for me, yet still smokes to this day, and made me feel like he didn't even love me enough to keep a promise to his little girl let alone live long enough to see her grandchildren. Yet you've broken more promises then a glass thrown on a floor. Actions speak louder then words but your words are shit and your actions are even shittier. You always said how lucky you are to have me and that I'm the only good thing in your life yet you never try to keep me. I'm trying hard to hold on but i don't want to be in a relationship like this. Idk maybe my expectations were too high. I grew up watching and reading love stories and wanting even just a fraction of that. I guess I have to settle for an occasional note and empty promises.
2017-09-09 16:09:28
I want to die... because I think I am failed in life.. I am studying good ..but I want to study good and bring my parents peace in my case...but I am failing
2017-09-09 19:28:28
I've changed a lot...I've said so many bad things and made people feel bad...but that wasn't what i meant to do....anyways i just want to say sorry to all...i wish they'd all understand cause i always do what is the best for them
2017-09-10 05:25:55
I screwed up big time. I met what I believed was the perfect guy. He was too perfect though. Kept making me feel so insecure about myself because I was scared he would eventually leave me. I barely met him a few days and I fell so hard in love with him. But I never admitted it because I feared that I would get my heart broken. I personally believe in second chances. I screwed up badly to the point that he could never trust me again. We haven't gone on a date yet and I was just absolutely falling so hard to the point that I knew that I was gonna crash and burn and right now that's how I'm feeling. I wish he could forgive me for my mistake. I wish I could redeem his trust. I wish I could change the past. But I can't. I just gotta accept it, learn from it and move on. I miss him so much tho. I miss everything about him. I miss our late night phone calls. I miss the way he would make me smile everytime he would say the sweetest thing. I love him....I know I do. I just needed to say that...... And I hope to God he could forgive me.
2017-09-10 07:42:52
Hide me identity and I wanna ask all of u for a big time advice. I have a bf and we been going on for three years know with a lot of fights like a lot and for 4 months we are really bonding and I really like z way we r but z problem is he doesn't get freaky or goofy or he doesn't kiss me he just gives me a hug or one kiss when we say bye to eachother, he says he is still shy very shy and I can't make the first move it's wrong since I'm a girl so how do I make him to get to make out with me or not make him shy????!!!!
2017-09-10 15:23:10
What do u do wen ur heart is just filled with hate! Wen u wake up angry at the world and go to sleep angrier. Every little comment infuriates u. I just want to punch through a wall, or smash something to bits and pieces. I don't kno wen this happened because I was happier once. I was cheerful and optimistic. Now all I want to do is numb my mind with music and never leave my room. Is this like a depression thing or something a lil more chemical?
2017-09-11 00:00:08
Happy New year to you all . May the new year bring you more happiness than the past and carve all your pain away.
2017-09-11 17:05:27
I have to vent. It's impossible this life! I did something that I regretted instantly. But I did it and well I will never be able to take it back. But the guilt is killing me. Like everytime someone looks at me I feel like they kno wat I did. I see the judgement in their eyes. Which is mostly paranoia I kno but i still feel the same way. I don't know how to make it stop don't kno how to get past it. I just want to forget it ever happened and get on with my damn life but it's always on my mind. Urghhh I hate being so damn weak!!!!
2017-09-12 23:26:50
I have to vent. Some times I'm confused. I don't know wat I want. I find myself perusing this idea in my head and I'm never satisfied with what reality offers. In school, friends, love life or even family. I don't know why I'm like disinterested the second the chase is over. I don't know why I find myself doing more extreme things each day just to feel a little exhilaration. It's not drugs or anything, more like driving blind or dangling from high places. I want to be happy with what I get but my first instinct is always disappointment.
2017-09-13 15:17:05
I need to vent. Don't you sometimes see the people you care for get hurt? Don't you just want to intervene and do whatever to stop it from happening? And what do you call it when they know the risk and go at it again, even though they have been there and hurt before? What do you do when you have given them all the advices they need but still still go to the blade that has their blood stains on it? How can your see them get hurt again and again and again but you can't do shit about it? It's just sad, very sad that people don't realize that their ignorance is making not only them but others that care about them get hurt. I don't wanna care but I do too. I don't wanna ask but I do. It's just sad that's it.
2017-09-13 19:26:40
I need to vent. Woo my parents are in fucking believable. And please don't tell me I'm a brat for saying they want to keep me confined in my room for the rest of my miserable life if they could. I mean what is the point of all the mean glances and snarky retorts. They can never say what the fuck they want to but just say words like do you think it's right? Or don't u value ur future? Ok if I was out there doing drugs and sleeping around with anything that walks sure I'm throwing away my future. But the worst I have done is probably stay out till 8:00 pm sitting at a darn cafe talking and eating a damn chocolate cake. But no I must be snorting cocaine if I stay out after dark! Yea cuz 100 bucks a week as an allowance just aids my alcoholic self. Aaaaaaah I just wanna scream. Can't wait till college is over and I can move on the hell outa this country. Cuz we need an ocean between us for this relationship to work!
2017-09-13 20:31:11
I need to vent. Am tired of everything. Am tired of my feelings changing every time, am tired of being depressed, am tired of being sick, am tired of people looking at me like am retarded, am tired of dissapointing people, am tired of being a boring company, am tired of being the mood killer, am tired of hating my self, am tired of being alone, I am tired of people feeling sorry for me and most of all am tired of hoping that everything will change that things will get better when it clearly won't!
2017-09-13 20:42:37
I need to vent. Well I don't understand this love thing. I have an answer for everything but this. I found the perfect girl in every way but pur only difference is culture and religion. What kind of world are we living in, why would it matter when we are all the same. I don't know what to do but sure will give it a try?? What is Love anymore!!
2017-09-13 21:57:00
I need to vent. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (breath) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (heaving) I can't but I have to... Why do I have to... Why can't I not??
2017-09-13 23:23:56
I need to vent. "There is more to life than what you are feeling now," they said. I have been hearing that sentence for way too long now. I have been waiting for it endlessly. I'm slowly giving up. All the screams and the invisible tears... I wonder if anyone heard me... I wonder if anyone noticed that I am almost gone
2017-09-14 00:38:44
I need to vent. The fact that I'm asking romantic relationship concerned question is lame as fuck but I don't know anyone who can advice me with out being biased. So I'm sorry in advance for y'all with real problem out here. My question being, Is it OK for boyfriend(girlfriend) to be friends with your ex-bestfriend ? The ex-bestfriend being someone you never want to have in your life ever again, because they are a toxic to you and people around them.
2017-09-14 20:16:33
I need to vent. So I don't know how to say this to any of my friends cuz they all think I'm a happy go lucky kinda person. Well that's not exactly true yea I smile constantly but most of those smiles aren't genuine, just trying to convince myself that I'm happy just the way I am. Truth is there is a lot I want to change in my life but every time I start to a snide comment from my family or a tease from my friends just brings me back to square one. I'm tired of starting over every time I want to be happy with myself so I can experience life to the fullest. I just don't know how to tell the people in my life that words hurt and especially when they come from people you thought had ur back no matter what.
2017-09-14 20:43:33
I need to vent. I am not going to tell this to someone it is gonna be weird sooo.. I don't know but I saw a guy and a girl making out right beside my house. My innocent eyes . Yeah this is my first time watching by my two eyes. and it was disgusting for a first time
2017-09-14 21:50:36
I need to vent. I know kids my age usually only have little crushes, but I love him, like seriously love him. Like I would jump in front of a car to save him. I've loved him for five years, and and some point I know he liked me back, but then his feelings changed. When he broke my heart, he did it in the nicest possible way so that I still love him for being such a beautiful soul. It would have been easier if he had been a jerk about it. He caused me to do self harm and have scuicidal thoughts after he broke my heart, but I still love him so much. I don't know what to do, because I want to hate him, but I can't because I love him so much.