# Tutorial 5: Customize Runtime Settings |
## Customize optimization settings |
### Customize optimizer supported by Pytorch |
We already support to use all the optimizers implemented by PyTorch, and the only modification is to change the `optimizer` field of config files. |
For example, if you want to use `ADAM` (note that the performance could drop a lot), the modification could be as the following. |
```python |
optimizer = dict(type='Adam', lr=0.0003, weight_decay=0.0001) |
``` |
To modify the learning rate of the model, the users only need to modify the `lr` in the config of optimizer. The users can directly set arguments following the [API doc](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/optim.html?highlight=optim#module-torch.optim) of PyTorch. |
### Customize self-implemented optimizer |
#### 1. Define a new optimizer |
A customized optimizer could be defined as following. |
Assume you want to add a optimizer named `MyOptimizer`, which has arguments `a`, `b`, and `c`. |
You need to create a new directory named `mmdet/core/optimizer`. |
And then implement the new optimizer in a file, e.g., in `mmdet/core/optimizer/my_optimizer.py`: |
```python |
from .registry import OPTIMIZERS |
from torch.optim import Optimizer |
@OPTIMIZERS.register_module() |
class MyOptimizer(Optimizer): |
def __init__(self, a, b, c) |
``` |
#### 2. Add the optimizer to registry |
To find the above module defined above, this module should be imported into the main namespace at first. There are two options to achieve it. |
- Modify `mmdet/core/optimizer/__init__.py` to import it. |
The newly defined module should be imported in `mmdet/core/optimizer/__init__.py` so that the registry will |
find the new module and add it: |
```python |
from .my_optimizer import MyOptimizer |
``` |
- Use `custom_imports` in the config to manually import it |
```python |
custom_imports = dict(imports=['mmdet.core.optimizer.my_optimizer'], allow_failed_imports=False) |
``` |
The module `mmdet.core.optimizer.my_optimizer` will be imported at the beginning of the program and the class `MyOptimizer` is then automatically registered. |
Note that only the package containing the class `MyOptimizer` should be imported. |
`mmdet.core.optimizer.my_optimizer.MyOptimizer` **cannot** be imported directly. |
Actually users can use a totally different file directory structure using this importing method, as long as the module root can be located in `PYTHONPATH`. |
#### 3. Specify the optimizer in the config file |
Then you can use `MyOptimizer` in `optimizer` field of config files. |
In the configs, the optimizers are defined by the field `optimizer` like the following: |
```python |
optimizer = dict(type='SGD', lr=0.02, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0001) |
``` |
To use your own optimizer, the field can be changed to |
```python |
optimizer = dict(type='MyOptimizer', a=a_value, b=b_value, c=c_value) |
``` |
### Customize optimizer constructor |
Some models may have some parameter-specific settings for optimization, e.g. weight decay for BatchNorm layers. |
The users can do those fine-grained parameter tuning through customizing optimizer constructor. |
```python |
from mmcv.utils import build_from_cfg |
from mmcv.runner.optimizer import OPTIMIZER_BUILDERS, OPTIMIZERS |
from mmdet.utils import get_root_logger |
from .my_optimizer import MyOptimizer |
@OPTIMIZER_BUILDERS.register_module() |
class MyOptimizerConstructor(object): |
def __init__(self, optimizer_cfg, paramwise_cfg=None): |
def __call__(self, model): |
return my_optimizer |
``` |
The default optimizer constructor is implemented [here](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/9ecd6b0d5ff9d2172c49a182eaa669e9f27bb8e7/mmcv/runner/optimizer/default_constructor.py#L11), which could also serve as a template for new optimizer constructor. |
### Additional settings |
Tricks not implemented by the optimizer should be implemented through optimizer constructor (e.g., set parameter-wise learning rates) or hooks. We list some common settings that could stabilize the training or accelerate the training. Feel free to create PR, issue for more settings. |
- __Use gradient clip to stabilize training__: |
Some models need gradient clip to clip the gradients to stabilize the training process. An example is as below: |
```python |
optimizer_config = dict( |
_delete_=True, grad_clip=dict(max_norm=35, norm_type=2)) |
``` |
If your config inherits the base config which already sets the `optimizer_config`, you might need `_delete_=True` to overide the unnecessary settings. See the [config documenetation](https://mmdetection.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html) for more details. |
- __Use momentum schedule to accelerate model convergence__: |
We support momentum scheduler to modify model's momentum according to learning rate, which could make the model converge in a faster way. |
Momentum scheduler is usually used with LR scheduler, for example, the following config is used in 3D detection to accelerate convergence. |
For more details, please refer to the implementation of [CyclicLrUpdater](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/f48241a65aebfe07db122e9db320c31b685dc674/mmcv/runner/hooks/lr_updater.py#L327) and [CyclicMomentumUpdater](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/f48241a65aebfe07db122e9db320c31b685dc674/mmcv/runner/hooks/momentum_updater.py#L130). |
```python |
lr_config = dict( |
policy='cyclic', |
target_ratio=(10, 1e-4), |
cyclic_times=1, |
step_ratio_up=0.4, |
) |
momentum_config = dict( |
policy='cyclic', |
target_ratio=(0.85 / 0.95, 1), |
cyclic_times=1, |
step_ratio_up=0.4, |
) |
``` |
## Customize training schedules |
By default we use step learning rate with 1x schedule, this calls [`StepLRHook`](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/f48241a65aebfe07db122e9db320c31b685dc674/mmcv/runner/hooks/lr_updater.py#L153) in MMCV. |
We support many other learning rate schedule [here](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/master/mmcv/runner/hooks/lr_updater.py), such as `CosineAnnealing` and `Poly` schedule. Here are some examples |
- Poly schedule: |
```python |
lr_config = dict(policy='poly', power=0.9, min_lr=1e-4, by_epoch=False) |
``` |
- ConsineAnnealing schedule: |
```python |
lr_config = dict( |
policy='CosineAnnealing', |
warmup='linear', |
warmup_iters=1000, |
warmup_ratio=1.0 / 10, |
min_lr_ratio=1e-5) |
``` |
## Customize workflow |
Workflow is a list of (phase, epochs) to specify the running order and epochs. |
By default it is set to be |
```python |
workflow = [('train', 1)] |
``` |
which means running 1 epoch for training. |
Sometimes user may want to check some metrics (e.g. loss, accuracy) about the model on the validate set. |
In such case, we can set the workflow as |
```python |
[('train', 1), ('val', 1)] |
``` |
so that 1 epoch for training and 1 epoch for validation will be run iteratively. |
**Note**: |
1. The parameters of model will not be updated during val epoch. |
2. Keyword `total_epochs` in the config only controls the number of training epochs and will not affect the validation workflow. |
3. Workflows `[('train', 1), ('val', 1)]` and `[('train', 1)]` will not change the behavior of `EvalHook` because `EvalHook` is called by `after_train_epoch` and validation workflow only affect hooks that are called through `after_val_epoch`. Therefore, the only difference between `[('train', 1), ('val', 1)]` and `[('train', 1)]` is that the runner will calculate losses on validation set after each training epoch. |
## Customize hooks |
### Customize self-implemented hooks |
#### 1. Implement a new hook |
There are some occasions when the users might need to implement a new hook. MMDetection supports customized hooks in training (#3395) since v2.3.0. Thus the users could implement a hook directly in mmdet or their mmdet-based codebases and use the hook by only modifying the config in training. |
Before v2.3.0, the users need to modify the code to get the hook registered before training starts. |
Here we give an example of creating a new hook in mmdet and using it in training. |
```python |
from mmcv.runner import HOOKS, Hook |
@HOOKS.register_module() |
class MyHook(Hook): |
def __init__(self, a, b): |
pass |
def before_run(self, runner): |
pass |
def after_run(self, runner): |
pass |
def before_epoch(self, runner): |
pass |
def after_epoch(self, runner): |
pass |
def before_iter(self, runner): |
pass |
def after_iter(self, runner): |
pass |
``` |
Depending on the functionality of the hook, the users need to specify what the hook will do at each stage of the training in `before_run`, `after_run`, `before_epoch`, `after_epoch`, `before_iter`, and `after_iter`. |
#### 2. Register the new hook |
Then we need to make `MyHook` imported. Assuming the file is in `mmdet/core/utils/my_hook.py` there are two ways to do that: |
- Modify `mmdet/core/utils/__init__.py` to import it. |
The newly defined module should be imported in `mmdet/core/utils/__init__.py` so that the registry will |
find the new module and add it: |
```python |
from .my_hook import MyHook |
``` |
- Use `custom_imports` in the config to manually import it |
```python |
custom_imports = dict(imports=['mmdet.core.utils.my_hook'], allow_failed_imports=False) |
``` |
#### 3. Modify the config |
```python |
custom_hooks = [ |
dict(type='MyHook', a=a_value, b=b_value) |
] |
``` |
You can also set the priority of the hook by adding key `priority` to `'NORMAL'` or `'HIGHEST'` as below |
```python |
custom_hooks = [ |
dict(type='MyHook', a=a_value, b=b_value, priority='NORMAL') |
] |
``` |
By default the hook's priority is set as `NORMAL` during registration. |
### Use hooks implemented in MMCV |
If the hook is already implemented in MMCV, you can directly modify the config to use the hook as below |
#### 4. Example: `NumClassCheckHook` |
We implement a customized hook named [NumClassCheckHook](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/blob/master/mmdet/datasets/utils.py) to check whether the `num_classes` in head matches the length of `CLASSSES` in `dataset`. |
We set it in [default_runtime.py](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/blob/master/configs/_base_/default_runtime.py). |
```python |
custom_hooks = [dict(type='NumClassCheckHook')] |
``` |
### Modify default runtime hooks |
There are some common hooks that are not registerd through `custom_hooks`, they are |
- log_config |
- checkpoint_config |
- evaluation |
- lr_config |
- optimizer_config |
- momentum_config |
In those hooks, only the logger hook has the `VERY_LOW` priority, others' priority are `NORMAL`. |
The above-mentioned tutorials already covers how to modify `optimizer_config`, `momentum_config`, and `lr_config`. |
Here we reveals how what we can do with `log_config`, `checkpoint_config`, and `evaluation`. |
#### Checkpoint config |
The MMCV runner will use `checkpoint_config` to initialize [`CheckpointHook`](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/9ecd6b0d5ff9d2172c49a182eaa669e9f27bb8e7/mmcv/runner/hooks/checkpoint.py#L9). |
```python |
checkpoint_config = dict(interval=1) |
``` |
The users could set `max_keep_ckpts` to only save only small number of checkpoints or decide whether to store state dict of optimizer by `save_optimizer`. More details of the arguments are [here](https://mmcv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#mmcv.runner.CheckpointHook) |
#### Log config |
The `log_config` wraps multiple logger hooks and enables to set intervals. Now MMCV supports `WandbLoggerHook`, `MlflowLoggerHook`, and `TensorboardLoggerHook`. |
The detail usages can be found in the [doc](https://mmcv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#mmcv.runner.LoggerHook). |
```python |
log_config = dict( |
interval=50, |
hooks=[ |
dict(type='TextLoggerHook'), |
dict(type='TensorboardLoggerHook') |
]) |
``` |
#### Evaluation config |
The config of `evaluation` will be used to initialize the [`EvalHook`](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/blob/7a404a2c000620d52156774a5025070d9e00d918/mmdet/core/evaluation/eval_hooks.py#L8). |
Except the key `interval`, other arguments such as `metric` will be passed to the `dataset.evaluate()` |
```python |
evaluation = dict(interval=1, metric='bbox') |
``` |