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ac8a10c verified
language: de
library_name: sfst
license: gpl-2.0
  - sfst
  - dwdsmor
  - token-classification
  - lemmatisation
  - name: dwdsmor
      - task:
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          name: Lemmatisation
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DWDSmor – German Morphology

DWDSmor implements the lemmatisation and morphological analysis of word forms as well as the generation of paradigms of lexical words in written German. Finite state transducers (automata) map word forms to specifications of corresponding lexical words and tagging which represents morphological properties. By traversing such transducers

  1. a given word form can be analysed and lemmatised, or
  2. a lexical word together with a set of morphological tagging will generate corresponding inflected word forms.

The automata are compiled and traversed via SFST, a C++ library and toolbox for finite-state transducers (FSTs). Their coverage of the German language depends on

  1. the DWDSmor grammar, defining the rules by which word formation happens, and
  2. a lexicon, declaring inflection classes and other morphological properties for covered lexical words.

The grammar, derived from SMORLemma and providing the morphology for building automata from lexica, is common to all DWDSmor installations and published as open source. In contrast we provide multiple lexica resulting in different editions of DWDSmor:

  1. the DWDS Edition, derived from the complete lexical dataset of the DWDS dictionary and available upon request for research purposes,
  2. the Open Edition, based on a subset of the DWDS, covering the most common word forms and released freely with the grammar for general use and experiments.

Depending on the edition and word class, coverage ranges from 70 to 100% with the notable exceptions of foreign language words and named entities: Generally, both classes are not part of the underlying DWDS dictionary and thus barely covered by DWDSmor. Current overall coverage measured against the German Universal Dependencies treebank is documented on the respective Hugging Face Hub page of each edition.


DWDSmor as a Python library is available via the package index PyPI:

pip install dwdsmor

The library can be used for lemmatisation:

>>> import dwdsmor
>>> lemmatizer = dwdsmor.lemmatizer()
>>> assert lemmatizer("getestet", pos={"+V"}).analysis == "testen"
>>> assert lemmatizer("getestet", pos={"+ADJ"}).analysis == "getestet"

There is also integration with spacy:

>>> import spacy
>>> import dwdsmor.spacy
>>> nlp = spacy.load("de_hdt_lg")
>>> nlp.add_pipe("dwdsmor")
<dwdsmor.spacy.Component object at 0x7f99e634f220>
>>> tuple((t.lemma_, t._.dwdsmor.analysis) for t in nlp("Das ist ein Test."))
(('der', 'die'), ('sein', 'sein'), ('ein', 'eine'), ('Test', 'Test'), ('.', '.'))

Next to the Python API, the package provides a simple command line interface named dwdsmor. To analyze a word form, pass it as an argument:

$ dwdsmor getestet
| Wordform   | Lemma    | Analysis                            | POS   | Degree   | Function   | Nonfinite   | Tense   | Auxiliary   |
| getestet   | getestet | ge<~>test<~>et<+ADJ><Pos><Pred/Adv> | +ADJ  | Pos      | Pred/Adv   |             |         |             |
| getestet   | testen   | test<~>en<+V><Part><Perf><haben>    | +V    |          |            | Part        | Perf    | haben       |

To generate all word forms for a lexical word, pass it (or a form which can be analyzed as the lexical word) as an argument together with the option -g:

$ dwdsmor -g getestet
| Wordform   | Lemma    | Analysis                                                    | POS   | Subcategory   | Degree   | Function   |   Person | Gender   | Case   | Number   | Nonfinite   | Tense   | Mood   | Auxiliary   | Inflection   |
| getestete  | getestet | ge<~>test<~>et<+ADJ><Pos><Attr/Subst><Fem><Acc><Sg><St>     | +ADJ  |               | Pos      | Attr/Subst |          | Fem      | Acc    | Sg       |             |         |        |             | St           |
| getestete  | getestet | ge<~>test<~>et<+ADJ><Pos><Attr/Subst><Fem><Acc><Sg><Wk>     | +ADJ  |               | Pos      | Attr/Subst |          | Fem      | Acc    | Sg       |             |         |        |             | Wk           |
| getesteter | getestet | ge<~>test<~>et<+ADJ><Pos><Attr/Subst><Fem><Dat><Sg><St>     | +ADJ  |               | Pos      | Attr/Subst |          | Fem      | Dat    | Sg       |             |         |        |             | St           |
| getesteten | getestet | ge<~>test<~>et<+ADJ><Pos><Attr/Subst><Fem><Dat><Sg><Wk>     | +ADJ  |               | Pos      | Attr/Subst |          | Fem      | Dat    | Sg       |             |         |        |             | Wk           |
| getesteter | getestet | ge<~>test<~>et<+ADJ><Pos><Attr/Subst><Fem><Gen><Sg><St>     | +ADJ  |               | Pos      | Attr/Subst |          | Fem      | Gen    | Sg       |             |         |        |             | St           |
| getesteten | getestet | ge<~>test<~>et<+ADJ><Pos><Attr/Subst><Fem><Gen><Sg><Wk>     | +ADJ  |               | Pos      | Attr/Subst |          | Fem      | Gen    | Sg       |             |         |        |             | Wk           |
| testeten   | testen   | test<~>en<+V><1><Pl><Past><Ind>                             | +V    |               |          |            |        1 |          |        | Pl       |             | Past    | Ind    |             |              |
| testeten   | testen   | test<~>en<+V><1><Pl><Past><Subj>                            | +V    |               |          |            |        1 |          |        | Pl       |             | Past    | Subj   |             |              |
| testen     | testen   | test<~>en<+V><1><Pl><Pres><Ind>                             | +V    |               |          |            |        1 |          |        | Pl       |             | Pres    | Ind    |             |              |
| testen     | testen   | test<~>en<+V><1><Pl><Pres><Subj>                            | +V    |               |          |            |        1 |          |        | Pl       |             | Pres    | Subj   |             |              |
| testete    | testen   | test<~>en<+V><1><Sg><Past><Ind>                             | +V    |               |          |            |        1 |          |        | Sg       |             | Past    | Ind    |             |              |
| testete    | testen   | test<~>en<+V><1><Sg><Past><Subj>                            | +V    |               |          |            |        1 |          |        | Sg       |             | Past    | Subj   |             |              |
| teste      | testen   | test<~>en<+V><1><Sg><Pres><Ind>                             | +V    |               |          |            |        1 |          |        | Sg       |             | Pres    | Ind    |             |              |
| teste      | testen   | test<~>en<+V><1><Sg><Pres><Subj>                            | +V    |               |          |            |        1 |          |        | Sg       |             | Pres    | Subj   |             |              |
| testetet   | testen   | test<~>en<+V><2><Pl><Past><Ind>                             | +V    |               |          |            |        2 |          |        | Pl       |             | Past    | Ind    |             |              |


DWDSmor is in active development. In its current stage, it supports most inflection classes and some productive word-formation patterns of written German.


  • GNU/Linux: Development, builds and tests of DWDSmor are performed on Debian GNU/Linux. While other UNIX-like operating systems such as MacOS should work, too, they are not actively supported.
  • SFST: a C++ library and toolbox for finite-state transducers (FSTs); please take a look at its homepage for installation and usage instructions.
  • Python >= v3.9: DWDSmor targets Python as its primary runtime environment. The DWDSmor transducers can be used via SFST's commandline tools, queried in Python applications via language-specific bindings, or used by the Python scripts dwdsmor.py and paradigm.py for morphological analysis and for paradigm generation.
  • Saxon-HE: The extraction of lexical entries from XML sources of DWDS articles is implemented in XSLT 2, for which Saxon-HE is used as the runtime environment. Saxon requires Java) as a runtime environment.

On a Debian-based distribution, the following command install the required software:

apt-get install python3 default-jdk libsaxonhe-java sfst

Project setup

Optionally, set up a Python virtual environment for project builds, i. e. via Python's venv:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Then install DWDSmor, including development dependencies:

pip install -U pip setuptools && pip install -e '.[dev]'

Building lexica and automata

Building different editions is facilitated via the script build-dwdsmor:

$ ./build-dwdsmor --help
usage: cli.py [-h] [--automaton AUTOMATON] [--force] [--with-metrics] [--release] [--tag]
              [editions ...]

Build DWDSmor.

positional arguments:
  editions              Editions to build (all by default)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --automaton AUTOMATON
                        Automaton type to build (all by default)
  --force               Force building (also current targets)
  --with-metrics        Measure UD/de-hdt coverage
  --release             Push automata to HF hub
  --tag                 Tag HF hub release with current version

To build all editions available in the current git checkout, run:


The build result can be found in build/ with one subdirectory per edition. Each edition contains several automata types in standard and compact format:

  • lemma.{a,ca}: transducer with inflection and word-formation components, for lemmatisation and morphological analysis of word forms in terms of grammatical categories
  • morph.{a,ca}: transducer with inflection and word-formation components, for the generation of morphologically segmented word forms
  • finite.{a,ca}: transducer with an inflection component and a finite word-formation component, for testing purposes
  • root.{a,ca}: transducer with inflection and word-formation components, for lexical analysis of word forms in terms of root lemmas (i.e., lemmas of ultimate word-formation bases), word-formation process, word-formation means, and grammatical categories in term of the Pattern-and-Restriction Theory of word formation (Nolda 2022)
  • index.{a,ca}: transducer with an inflection component only with DWDS homographic lemma indices, for paradigm generation


In order to test basic transducer usage and for potential regressions, run



As the original SMOR and SMORLemma grammars, the DWDSmor grammar and Python library are licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0. The same applies to the open edition of the DWDSmor lexicon.

For the DWDS edition based on the complete DWDS dictionary, all rights are reserved and individual license terms apply. If you are interested in the DWDS edition, please contact us.


Feel free to contact Andreas Nolda for any question about this project.


DWSDmor is based on the following software and datasets:

  1. SFST, a C++ library and toolbox for finite-state transducers (FSTs) (Schmidt 2006)
  2. SMORLemma (Sennrich and Kunz 2014), a modified version of the Stuttgart Morphology (SMOR) (Schmid, Fitschen, and Heid 2004) with an alternative lemmatisation component
  3. the DWDS dictionary (BBAW n.d.) replacing the IMSLex (Fitschen 2004) as the lexical data source for German words, their grammatical categories, and their morphological properties.


  • Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) (ed.) (n.d.). DWDS – Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache: Das Wortauskunftssystem zur deutschen Sprache in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Online
  • Fitschen, Arne (2004). Ein computerlinguistisches Lexikon als komplexes System. Ph.D. thesis, Universität Stuttgart. PDF
  • Nolda, Andreas (2022). Headedness as an epiphenomenon: Case studies on compounding and blending in German. In Headedness and/or Grammatical Anarchy?, ed. by Ulrike Freywald, Horst Simon, and Stefan Müller, Empirically Oriented Theoretical Morphology and Syntax 11, Berlin: Language Science Press, 343–376. PDF.
  • Schmid, Helmut (2006). A programming language for finite state transducers. In Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing: 5th International Workshop, FSMNLP 2005, Helsinki, Finland, September 1–2, 2005, ed. by Anssi Yli-Jyrä, Lauri Karttunen, and Juhani Karhumäki, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4002, Berlin: Springer, 1263–1266. PDF.
  • Schmid, Helmut, Arne Fitschen, and Ulrich Heid (2004). SMOR: A German computational morphology covering derivation, composition, and inflection. In LREC 2004: Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, ed. by Maria T. Lino et al., European Language Resources Association, 1263–1266. PDF
  • Sennrich, Rico and Beta Kunz (2014). Zmorge: A German morphological lexicon extracted from Wiktionary. In LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, ed. by Nicoletta Calzolari et al., European Language Resources Association, 1063–1067. PDF.