youssefadarrab's picture
# CentraleSupelec - Natural language processing
# Practical session n°7
## Natural Language Inferencing (NLI):
(NLI) is a classical NLP (Natural Language Processing) problem that involves taking two sentences (the premise and the hypothesis ), and deciding how they are related (if the premise *entails* the hypothesis, *contradicts* it, or *neither*).
| Premise | Label | Hypothesis |
| --- | --- | --- |
| A man inspects the uniform of a figure in some East Asian country. | contradiction | The man is sleeping. |
| An older and younger man smiling. | neutral | Two men are smiling and laughing at the cats playing on the floor. |
| A soccer game with multiple males playing. | entailment | Some men are playing a sport. |
### Stanford NLI (SNLI) corpus
In this labwork, I propose to use the Stanford NLI (SNLI) corpus ( ), available in the *Datasets* library by Huggingface.
from datasets import load_dataset
snli = load_dataset("snli")
#Removing sentence pairs with no label (-1)
snli = snli.filter(lambda example: example['label'] != -1)
## Quick summary of the model
This is the model from : Youssef Adarrab, Othmane Baziz and Alain Malige
- Fist we import the corpus and do some visualization
- Second we apply DistilBert for sequence classification
- We illustrate through our work the code used for training, to obtain better results, one should run the training on more epochs