import ast |
import json |
import logging |
import math |
import os |
import random |
import sys |
import braceexpand |
from dataclasses import dataclass |
from multiprocessing import Value |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import torch |
import torchvision.datasets as datasets |
import webdataset as wds |
from PIL import Image |
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader, SubsetRandomSampler, IterableDataset, get_worker_info |
from torch.utils.data.distributed import DistributedSampler |
from webdataset.filters import _shuffle |
from webdataset.tariterators import base_plus_ext, url_opener, tar_file_expander, valid_sample |
try: |
import horovod.torch as hvd |
except ImportError: |
hvd = None |
class CsvDataset(Dataset): |
def __init__(self, input_filename, transforms, img_key, caption_key, sep="\t", tokenizer=None): |
logging.debug(f'Loading csv data from {input_filename}.') |
df = pd.read_csv(input_filename, sep=sep) |
self.images = df[img_key].tolist() |
self.captions = df[caption_key].tolist() |
self.transforms = transforms |
logging.debug('Done loading data.') |
self.tokenize = tokenizer |
def __len__(self): |
return len(self.captions) |
def __getitem__(self, idx): |
images = self.transforms(Image.open(str(self.images[idx]))) |
texts = self.tokenize([str(self.captions[idx])])[0] |
return images, texts |
class SharedEpoch: |
def __init__(self, epoch: int = 0): |
self.shared_epoch = Value('i', epoch) |
def set_value(self, epoch): |
self.shared_epoch.value = epoch |
def get_value(self): |
return self.shared_epoch.value |
@dataclass |
class DataInfo: |
dataloader: DataLoader |
sampler: DistributedSampler = None |
shared_epoch: SharedEpoch = None |
def set_epoch(self, epoch): |
if self.shared_epoch is not None: |
self.shared_epoch.set_value(epoch) |
if self.sampler is not None and isinstance(self.sampler, DistributedSampler): |
self.sampler.set_epoch(epoch) |
def expand_urls(urls, weights=None): |
if weights is None: |
expanded_urls = wds.shardlists.expand_urls(urls) |
return expanded_urls, None |
if isinstance(urls, str): |
urllist = urls.split("::") |
weights = weights.split('::') |
assert len(weights) == len(urllist),\ |
f"Expected the number of data components ({len(urllist)}) and weights({len(weights)}) to match." |
weights = [float(weight) for weight in weights] |
all_urls, all_weights = [], [] |
for url, weight in zip(urllist, weights): |
expanded_url = list(braceexpand.braceexpand(url)) |
expanded_weights = [weight for _ in expanded_url] |
all_urls.extend(expanded_url) |
all_weights.extend(expanded_weights) |
return all_urls, all_weights |
else: |
all_urls = list(urls) |
return all_urls, weights |
def get_dataset_size(shards): |
shards_list, _ = expand_urls(shards) |
dir_path = os.path.dirname(shards_list[0]) |
sizes_filename = os.path.join(dir_path, 'sizes.json') |
len_filename = os.path.join(dir_path, '__len__') |
if os.path.exists(sizes_filename): |
sizes = json.load(open(sizes_filename, 'r')) |
total_size = sum([int(sizes[os.path.basename(shard)]) for shard in shards_list]) |
elif os.path.exists(len_filename): |
total_size = ast.literal_eval(open(len_filename, 'r').read()) |
else: |
total_size = None |
num_shards = len(shards_list) |
return total_size, num_shards |
def get_imagenet(args, preprocess_fns, split): |
assert split in ["train", "val", "v2"] |
is_train = split == "train" |
preprocess_train, preprocess_val = preprocess_fns |
if split == "v2": |
from imagenetv2_pytorch import ImageNetV2Dataset |
dataset = ImageNetV2Dataset(location=args.imagenet_v2, transform=preprocess_val) |
else: |
if is_train: |
data_path = args.imagenet_train |
preprocess_fn = preprocess_train |
else: |
data_path = args.imagenet_val |
preprocess_fn = preprocess_val |
assert data_path |
dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(data_path, transform=preprocess_fn) |
if is_train: |
idxs = np.zeros(len(dataset.targets)) |
target_array = np.array(dataset.targets) |
k = 50 |
for c in range(1000): |
m = target_array == c |
n = len(idxs[m]) |
arr = np.zeros(n) |
arr[:k] = 1 |
np.random.shuffle(arr) |
idxs[m] = arr |
idxs = idxs.astype('int') |
sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(np.where(idxs)[0]) |
else: |
sampler = None |
dataloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( |
dataset, |
batch_size=args.batch_size, |
num_workers=args.workers, |
sampler=sampler, |
) |
return DataInfo(dataloader=dataloader, sampler=sampler) |
def count_samples(dataloader): |
os.environ["WDS_EPOCH"] = "0" |
n_elements, n_batches = 0, 0 |
for images, texts in dataloader: |
n_batches += 1 |
n_elements += len(images) |
assert len(images) == len(texts) |
return n_elements, n_batches |
def filter_no_caption_or_no_image(sample): |
has_caption = ('txt' in sample) |
has_image = ('png' in sample or 'jpg' in sample or 'jpeg' in sample or 'webp' in sample) |
return has_caption and has_image |
def log_and_continue(exn): |
"""Call in an exception handler to ignore any exception, issue a warning, and continue.""" |
logging.warning(f'Handling webdataset error ({repr(exn)}). Ignoring.') |
return True |
def group_by_keys_nothrow(data, keys=base_plus_ext, lcase=True, suffixes=None, handler=None): |
"""Return function over iterator that groups key, value pairs into samples. |
:param keys: function that splits the key into key and extension (base_plus_ext) |
:param lcase: convert suffixes to lower case (Default value = True) |
""" |
current_sample = None |
for filesample in data: |
assert isinstance(filesample, dict) |
fname, value = filesample["fname"], filesample["data"] |
prefix, suffix = keys(fname) |
if prefix is None: |
continue |
if lcase: |
suffix = suffix.lower() |
if current_sample is None or prefix != current_sample["__key__"] or suffix in current_sample: |
if valid_sample(current_sample): |
yield current_sample |
current_sample = dict(__key__=prefix, __url__=filesample["__url__"]) |
if suffixes is None or suffix in suffixes: |
current_sample[suffix] = value |
if valid_sample(current_sample): |
yield current_sample |
def tarfile_to_samples_nothrow(src, handler=log_and_continue): |
streams = url_opener(src, handler=handler) |
files = tar_file_expander(streams, handler=handler) |
samples = group_by_keys_nothrow(files, handler=handler) |
return samples |
def pytorch_worker_seed(increment=0): |
"""get dataloader worker seed from pytorch""" |
worker_info = get_worker_info() |
if worker_info is not None: |
seed = worker_info.seed |
if increment: |
seed += increment * max(1, worker_info.num_workers) |
return seed |
return wds.utils.pytorch_worker_seed() |
class detshuffle2(wds.PipelineStage): |
def __init__( |
self, |
bufsize=1000, |
initial=100, |
seed=0, |
epoch=-1, |
): |
self.bufsize = bufsize |
self.initial = initial |
self.seed = seed |
self.epoch = epoch |
def run(self, src): |
if isinstance(self.epoch, SharedEpoch): |
epoch = self.epoch.get_value() |
else: |
self.epoch += 1 |
epoch = self.epoch |
rng = random.Random() |
if self.seed < 0: |
seed = pytorch_worker_seed(epoch) |
else: |
seed = self.seed + epoch |
rng.seed(seed) |
return _shuffle(src, self.bufsize, self.initial, rng) |
class ResampledShards2(IterableDataset): |
"""An iterable dataset yielding a list of urls.""" |
def __init__( |
self, |
urls, |
weights=None, |
nshards=sys.maxsize, |
worker_seed=None, |
deterministic=False, |
epoch=-1, |
): |
"""Sample shards from the shard list with replacement. |
:param urls: a list of URLs as a Python list or brace notation string |
""" |
super().__init__() |
urls, weights = expand_urls(urls, weights) |
self.urls = urls |
self.weights = weights |
if self.weights is not None: |
assert len(self.urls) == len(self.weights),\ |
f"Number of urls {len(self.urls)} and weights {len(self.weights)} should match." |
assert isinstance(self.urls[0], str) |
self.nshards = nshards |
self.rng = random.Random() |
self.worker_seed = worker_seed |
self.deterministic = deterministic |
self.epoch = epoch |
def __iter__(self): |
"""Return an iterator over the shards.""" |
if isinstance(self.epoch, SharedEpoch): |
epoch = self.epoch.get_value() |
else: |
self.epoch += 1 |
epoch = self.epoch |
if self.deterministic: |
if self.worker_seed is None: |
seed = pytorch_worker_seed(epoch) |
else: |
seed = self.worker_seed() + epoch |
self.rng.seed(seed) |
for _ in range(self.nshards): |
if self.weights is None: |
yield dict(url=self.rng.choice(self.urls)) |
else: |
yield dict(url=self.rng.choices(self.urls, weights=self.weights, k=1)[0]) |
def get_wds_dataset(args, preprocess_img, is_train, epoch=0, floor=False, tokenizer=None): |
input_shards = args.train_data if is_train else args.val_data |
assert input_shards is not None |
resampled = getattr(args, 'dataset_resampled', False) and is_train |
num_shards = None |
if is_train: |
if args.train_num_samples is not None: |
num_samples = args.train_num_samples |
else: |
num_samples, num_shards = get_dataset_size(input_shards) |
if not num_samples: |
raise RuntimeError( |
'Currently, the number of dataset samples must be specified for the training dataset. ' |
'Please specify it via `--train-num-samples` if no dataset length info is present.') |
else: |
num_samples = args.val_num_samples or 0 |
shared_epoch = SharedEpoch(epoch=epoch) |
if resampled: |
pipeline = [ResampledShards2( |
input_shards, |
weights=args.train_data_upsampling_factors, |
deterministic=True, |
epoch=shared_epoch, |
)] |
else: |
assert args.train_data_upsampling_factors is None,\ |
"--train_data_upsampling_factors is only supported when sampling with replacement (with --dataset-resampled)." |
pipeline = [wds.SimpleShardList(input_shards)] |
if is_train: |
if not resampled: |
pipeline.extend([ |
detshuffle2( |
seed=args.seed, |
epoch=shared_epoch, |
), |
wds.split_by_node, |
wds.split_by_worker, |
]) |
pipeline.extend([ |
tarfile_to_samples_nothrow, |
wds.shuffle( |
), |
]) |
else: |
pipeline.extend([ |
wds.split_by_worker, |
wds.tarfile_to_samples(handler=log_and_continue), |
]) |
pipeline.extend([ |
wds.select(filter_no_caption_or_no_image), |
wds.decode("pilrgb", handler=log_and_continue), |
wds.rename(image="jpg;png;jpeg;webp", text="txt"), |
wds.map_dict(image=preprocess_img, text=lambda text: tokenizer(text)[0]), |
wds.to_tuple("image", "text"), |
wds.batched(args.batch_size, partial=not is_train) |
]) |
dataset = wds.DataPipeline(*pipeline) |
if is_train: |
if not resampled: |
num_shards = num_shards or len(expand_urls(input_shards)[0]) |
assert num_shards >= args.workers * args.world_size, 'number of shards must be >= total workers' |
round_fn = math.floor if floor else math.ceil |
global_batch_size = args.batch_size * args.world_size |
num_batches = round_fn(num_samples / global_batch_size) |
num_workers = max(1, args.workers) |
num_worker_batches = round_fn(num_batches / num_workers) |
num_batches = num_worker_batches * num_workers |
num_samples = num_batches * global_batch_size |
dataset = dataset.with_epoch(num_worker_batches) |
else: |
num_batches = math.ceil(num_samples / args.batch_size) |
dataloader = wds.WebLoader( |
dataset, |
batch_size=None, |
shuffle=False, |
num_workers=args.workers, |
persistent_workers=True, |
) |
dataloader.num_batches = num_batches |
dataloader.num_samples = num_samples |
return DataInfo(dataloader=dataloader, shared_epoch=shared_epoch) |
def get_csv_dataset(args, preprocess_fn, is_train, epoch=0, tokenizer=None): |
input_filename = args.train_data if is_train else args.val_data |
assert input_filename |
dataset = CsvDataset( |
input_filename, |
preprocess_fn, |
img_key=args.csv_img_key, |
caption_key=args.csv_caption_key, |
sep=args.csv_separator, |
tokenizer=tokenizer |
) |
num_samples = len(dataset) |
sampler = DistributedSampler(dataset) if args.distributed and is_train else None |
shuffle = is_train and sampler is None |
dataloader = DataLoader( |
dataset, |
batch_size=args.batch_size, |
shuffle=shuffle, |
num_workers=args.workers, |
pin_memory=True, |
sampler=sampler, |
drop_last=is_train, |
) |
dataloader.num_samples = num_samples |
dataloader.num_batches = len(dataloader) |
return DataInfo(dataloader, sampler) |
class SyntheticDataset(Dataset): |
def __init__( |
self, |
transform=None, |
image_size=(224, 224), |
caption="Dummy caption", |
dataset_size=100, |
tokenizer=None, |
): |
self.transform = transform |
self.image_size = image_size |
self.caption = caption |
self.image = Image.new('RGB', image_size) |
self.dataset_size = dataset_size |
self.preprocess_txt = lambda text: tokenizer(text)[0] |
def __len__(self): |
return self.dataset_size |
def __getitem__(self, idx): |
if self.transform is not None: |
image = self.transform(self.image) |
return image, self.preprocess_txt(self.caption) |
def get_synthetic_dataset(args, preprocess_fn, is_train, epoch=0, tokenizer=None): |
image_size = preprocess_fn.transforms[0].size |
dataset = SyntheticDataset( |
transform=preprocess_fn, image_size=image_size, dataset_size=args.train_num_samples, tokenizer=tokenizer) |
num_samples = len(dataset) |
sampler = DistributedSampler(dataset) if args.distributed and is_train else None |
shuffle = is_train and sampler is None |
dataloader = DataLoader( |
dataset, |
batch_size=args.batch_size, |
shuffle=shuffle, |
num_workers=args.workers, |
pin_memory=True, |
sampler=sampler, |
drop_last=is_train, |
) |
dataloader.num_samples = num_samples |
dataloader.num_batches = len(dataloader) |
return DataInfo(dataloader, sampler) |
def get_dataset_fn(data_path, dataset_type): |
if dataset_type == "webdataset": |
return get_wds_dataset |
elif dataset_type == "csv": |
return get_csv_dataset |
elif dataset_type == "synthetic": |
return get_synthetic_dataset |
elif dataset_type == "auto": |
ext = data_path.split('.')[-1] |
if ext in ['csv', 'tsv']: |
return get_csv_dataset |
elif ext in ['tar']: |
return get_wds_dataset |
else: |
raise ValueError( |
f"Tried to figure out dataset type, but failed for extension {ext}.") |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported dataset type: {dataset_type}") |
def get_data(args, preprocess_fns, epoch=0, tokenizer=None): |
preprocess_train, preprocess_val = preprocess_fns |
data = {} |
if args.train_data or args.dataset_type == "synthetic": |
data["train"] = get_dataset_fn(args.train_data, args.dataset_type)( |
args, preprocess_train, is_train=True, epoch=epoch, tokenizer=tokenizer) |
if args.val_data: |
data["val"] = get_dataset_fn(args.val_data, args.dataset_type)( |
args, preprocess_val, is_train=False, tokenizer=tokenizer) |
if args.imagenet_val is not None: |
data["imagenet-val"] = get_imagenet(args, preprocess_fns, "val") |
if args.imagenet_v2 is not None: |
data["imagenet-v2"] = get_imagenet(args, preprocess_fns, "v2") |
return data |