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import torch
import warnings
import math
import sys
from autoattack.other_utils import L2_norm
funcs = {'grad': 0,
'backward': 0,
#'enable_grad': 0
'_make_grads': 0,
checks_doc_path = 'flags_doc.md'
def check_randomized(model, x, y, bs=250, n=5, alpha=1e-4, logger=None):
acc = []
corrcl = []
outputs = []
with torch.no_grad():
for _ in range(n):
output = model(x)
corrcl_curr = (output.max(1)[1] == y).sum().item()
outputs.append(output / (L2_norm(output, keepdim=True) + 1e-10))
acc = [c != corrcl_curr for c in corrcl]
max_diff = 0.
for c in range(n - 1):
for e in range(c + 1, n):
diff = L2_norm(outputs[c] - outputs[e])
max_diff = max(max_diff, diff.max().item())
#print(diff.max().item(), max_diff)
if any(acc) or max_diff > alpha:
msg = 'it seems to be a randomized defense! Please use version="rand".' + \
f' See {checks_doc_path} for details.'
if logger is None:
logger.log(f'Warning: {msg}')
def check_range_output(model, x, alpha=1e-5, logger=None):
with torch.no_grad():
output = model(x)
fl = [output.max() < 1. + alpha, output.min() > -alpha,
((output.sum(-1) - 1.).abs() < alpha).all()]
if all(fl):
msg = 'it seems that the output is a probability distribution,' +\
' please be sure that the logits are used!' + \
f' See {checks_doc_path} for details.'
if logger is None:
logger.log(f'Warning: {msg}')
return output.shape[-1]
def check_zero_gradients(grad, logger=None):
z = grad.view(grad.shape[0], -1).abs().sum(-1)
#print(grad[0, :10])
if (z == 0).any():
msg = f'there are {(z == 0).sum()} points with zero gradient!' + \
' This might lead to unreliable evaluation with gradient-based attacks.' + \
f' See {checks_doc_path} for details.'
if logger is None:
logger.log(f'Warning: {msg}')
def check_square_sr(acc_dict, alpha=.002, logger=None):
if 'square' in acc_dict.keys() and len(acc_dict) > 2:
acc = min([v for k, v in acc_dict.items() if k != 'square'])
if acc_dict['square'] < acc - alpha:
msg = 'Square Attack has decreased the robust accuracy of' + \
f' {acc - acc_dict["square"]:.2%}.' + \
' This might indicate that the robustness evaluation using' +\
' AutoAttack is unreliable. Consider running Square' +\
' Attack with more iterations and restarts or an adaptive attack.' + \
f' See {checks_doc_path} for details.'
if logger is None:
logger.log(f'Warning: {msg}')
''' from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26119521/counting-function-calls-python '''
def tracefunc(frame, event, args):
if event == 'call' and frame.f_code.co_name in funcs.keys():
funcs[frame.f_code.co_name] += 1
def check_dynamic(model, x, is_tf_model=False, logger=None):
if is_tf_model:
msg = 'the check for dynamic defenses is not currently supported'
msg = None
#for k, v in funcs.items():
# print(k, v)
if any([c > 0 for c in funcs.values()]):
msg = 'it seems to be a dynamic defense! The evaluation' + \
' with AutoAttack might be insufficient.' + \
f' See {checks_doc_path} for details.'
if not msg is None:
if logger is None:
logger.log(f'Warning: {msg}')
def check_n_classes(n_cls, attacks_to_run, apgd_targets, fab_targets,
msg = None
if 'apgd-dlr' in attacks_to_run or 'apgd-t' in attacks_to_run:
if n_cls <= 2:
msg = f'with only {n_cls} classes it is not possible to use the DLR loss!'
elif n_cls == 3:
msg = f'with only {n_cls} classes it is not possible to use the targeted DLR loss!'
elif 'apgd-t' in attacks_to_run and \
apgd_targets + 1 > n_cls:
msg = f'it seems that more target classes ({apgd_targets})' + \
f' than possible ({n_cls - 1}) are used in {"apgd-t".upper()}!'
if 'fab-t' in attacks_to_run and fab_targets + 1 > n_cls:
if msg is None:
msg = f'it seems that more target classes ({apgd_targets})' + \
f' than possible ({n_cls - 1}) are used in FAB-T!'
msg += f' Also, it seems that too many target classes ({apgd_targets})' + \
f' are used in {"fab-t".upper()} ({n_cls - 1} possible)!'
if not msg is None:
if logger is None:
logger.log(f'Warning: {msg}')