tuandunghcmut's picture
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import torch
import numpy as np
import os
from core.testers.utils.reranking import re_ranking
def euclidean_distance(qf, gf):
m = qf.shape[0]
n = gf.shape[0]
dist_mat = torch.pow(qf, 2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True).expand(m, n) + \
torch.pow(gf, 2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True).expand(n, m).t()
dist_mat.addmm_(1, -2, qf, gf.t())
return dist_mat.cpu().numpy()
def cosine_similarity(qf, gf):
epsilon = 0.00001
dist_mat = qf.mm(gf.t())
qf_norm = torch.norm(qf, p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True) # mx1
gf_norm = torch.norm(gf, p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True) # nx1
qg_normdot = qf_norm.mm(gf_norm.t())
dist_mat = dist_mat.mul(1 / qg_normdot).cpu().numpy()
dist_mat = np.clip(dist_mat, -1 + epsilon, 1 - epsilon)
dist_mat = np.arccos(dist_mat)
return dist_mat
def eval_func(distmat, q_pids, g_pids, q_camids, g_camids, max_rank=50):
"""Evaluation with market1501 metric
Key: for each query identity, its gallery images from the same camera view are discarded.
num_q, num_g = distmat.shape
# distmat g
# q 1 3 2 4
# 4 1 2 3
if num_g < max_rank:
max_rank = num_g
print("Note: number of gallery samples is quite small, got {}".format(num_g))
indices = np.argsort(distmat, axis=1)
# 0 2 1 3
# 1 2 3 0
matches = (g_pids[indices] == q_pids[:, np.newaxis]).astype(np.int32)
# compute cmc curve for each query
all_cmc = []
all_AP = []
num_valid_q = 0. # number of valid query
for q_idx in range(num_q):
# get query pid and camid
q_pid = q_pids[q_idx]
q_camid = q_camids[q_idx]
# remove gallery samples that have the same pid and camid with query
order = indices[q_idx] # select one row
remove = (g_pids[order] == q_pid) & (g_camids[order] == q_camid)
keep = np.invert(remove)
# compute cmc curve
# binary vector, positions with value 1 are correct matches
orig_cmc = matches[q_idx][keep]
if not np.any(orig_cmc):
# this condition is true when query identity does not appear in gallery
cmc = orig_cmc.cumsum()
cmc[cmc > 1] = 1
num_valid_q += 1.
# compute average precision
# reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evaluation_measures_(information_retrieval)#Average_precision
num_rel = orig_cmc.sum()
tmp_cmc = orig_cmc.cumsum()
#tmp_cmc = [x / (i + 1.) for i, x in enumerate(tmp_cmc)]
y = np.arange(1, tmp_cmc.shape[0] + 1) * 1.0
tmp_cmc = tmp_cmc / y
tmp_cmc = np.asarray(tmp_cmc) * orig_cmc
AP = tmp_cmc.sum() / num_rel
assert num_valid_q > 0, "Error: all query identities do not appear in gallery"
all_cmc = np.asarray(all_cmc).astype(np.float32)
all_cmc = all_cmc.sum(0) / num_valid_q
mAP = np.mean(all_AP)
return all_cmc, mAP
class R1_mAP_eval():
def __init__(self, num_query, max_rank=50, feat_norm=True, reranking=False):
super(R1_mAP_eval, self).__init__()
self.num_query = num_query
self.max_rank = max_rank
self.feat_norm = feat_norm
self.reranking = reranking
def reset(self):
self.feats = []
self.pids = []
self.camids = []
def update(self, output): # called once for each batch
feat, pid, camid = output
def compute(self): # called after each epoch
feats = torch.cat(self.feats, dim=0)
if self.feat_norm:
print("The test feature is normalized")
feats = torch.nn.functional.normalize(feats, dim=1, p=2) # along channel
# query
qf = feats[:self.num_query]
q_pids = np.asarray(self.pids[:self.num_query])
q_camids = np.asarray(self.camids[:self.num_query])
# gallery
gf = feats[self.num_query:]
g_pids = np.asarray(self.pids[self.num_query:])
g_camids = np.asarray(self.camids[self.num_query:])
if self.reranking:
print('=> Enter reranking')
# distmat = re_ranking(qf, gf, k1=20, k2=6, lambda_value=0.3)
distmat = re_ranking(qf, gf, k1=50, k2=15, lambda_value=0.3)
print('=> Computing DistMat with euclidean_distance')
distmat = euclidean_distance(qf, gf)
cmc, mAP = eval_func(distmat, q_pids, g_pids, q_camids, g_camids)
return cmc, mAP, distmat, self.pids, self.camids, qf, gf