toto10's picture
history blame
8.95 kB
import cv2
import re
import os
import glob
import time
from sys import byteorder
import binascii
import numpy as np
def to_float_bytes(f):
if byteorder == 'little':
return np.array([ float(f) ], dtype='<f4').tobytes()
return np.array([ float(f) ], dtype='>f4').tobytes()
def path2framenum(path):
return int( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename( path ))[0] )
def search_key_dir(key_dir):
frames = glob.glob( os.path.join(key_dir ,"[0-9]*.png"), recursive=False)
frames = sorted(frames)
basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename( frames[0] ))[0]
key_list = [ path2framenum(key) for key in frames ]
print("digits = " + str(len(basename)))
print("keys = " + str(key_list))
return len(basename), key_list
def search_video_dir(video_dir):
frames = glob.glob( os.path.join(video_dir, "[0-9]*.png"), recursive=False)
frames = sorted(frames)
first = path2framenum( frames[0] )
last = path2framenum( frames[-1] )
return first, last
def export_project( project, proj_filename ):
proj_path = os.path.join( project["proj_dir"] , proj_filename + ".ebs")
with open(proj_path, 'wb') as f:
# header
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('45') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('42') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('53') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('30') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('35') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('00') )
# video
f.write( len( project["video_dir"] + project["file_name"]).to_bytes(4, byteorder) )
f.write( (project["video_dir"] + project["file_name"]).encode() )
# mask
if project["mask_dir"]:
f.write( len( project["mask_dir"] + project["file_name"]).to_bytes(4, byteorder) )
f.write( (project["mask_dir"] + project["file_name"]).encode() )
f.write( int(0).to_bytes(4, byteorder) )
# key
f.write( len( project["key_dir"] + project["file_name"]).to_bytes(4, byteorder) )
f.write( (project["key_dir"] + project["file_name"]).encode() )
# mask on flag
if project["mask_dir"]:
f.write( int(1).to_bytes(1, byteorder) )
f.write( int(0).to_bytes(1, byteorder) )
# keyframe weight
f.write( to_float_bytes( project["key_weight"] ) )
# video weight
f.write( to_float_bytes( project["video_weight"] ) )
# mask weight
f.write( to_float_bytes( project["mask_weight"] ) )
# mapping
f.write( to_float_bytes( project["adv_mapping"] ) )
# de-flicker
f.write( to_float_bytes( project["adv_de-flicker"] ) )
# diversity
f.write( to_float_bytes( project["adv_diversity"] ) )
# num of synths
f.write( len( project["synth_list"] ).to_bytes(4, byteorder) )
# synth
for synth in project["synth_list"]:
# key frame
f.write( int( synth["key"] ).to_bytes(4, byteorder) )
# is start frame exist
f.write( int(1).to_bytes(1, byteorder) )
# is end frame exist
f.write( int(1).to_bytes(1, byteorder) )
# start frame
f.write( int( synth["prev_key"] ).to_bytes(4, byteorder) )
# end frame
f.write( int( synth["next_key"] ).to_bytes(4, byteorder) )
# out path
path = "out-" + str(synth["key"]).zfill( project["number_of_digits"] ) + project["file_name"]
f.write( len(path).to_bytes(4, byteorder) )
f.write( path.encode() )
# ?
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('56') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('30') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('32') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('00') )
# synthesis detail
f.write( int( project["adv_detail"] ).to_bytes(1, byteorder) )
# padding
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('00') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('00') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('00') )
# use gpu
f.write( int( project["adv_gpu"] ).to_bytes(1, byteorder) )
# ?
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('00') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('00') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('F0') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('41') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('C0') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('02') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('00') )
f.write( binascii.unhexlify('00') )
def rename_keys(key_dir):
imgs = glob.glob(os.path.join(key_dir, "*.png"), recursive=False)
if not imgs:
print('no files in %s' % key_dir)
p = re.compile(r'([0-9]+).*\.png')
for img in imgs:
filename = os.path.basename(img)
m = p.fullmatch(filename)
if m:
f = + ".png"
dirname = os.path.dirname(img)
os.rename(img, os.path.join(dirname, f))
def ebsynth_utility_stage5(dbg, project_args, is_invert_mask):
project_dir, _, frame_path, frame_mask_path, _, img2img_key_path, img2img_upscale_key_path = project_args
if not os.path.isdir(project_dir):
dbg.print('project_dir : no such dir %s' % project_dir)
if not os.path.isdir(frame_path):
dbg.print('frame_path : no such dir %s' % frame_path)
no_upscale = False
if not os.path.isdir(img2img_upscale_key_path):
dbg.print('img2img_upscale_key_path : no such dir %s' % img2img_upscale_key_path)
if not os.path.isdir(img2img_key_path):
sample_img2img_key = glob.glob( os.path.join(img2img_key_path , "*.png" ) )[0]
img_height1, img_width1, _ = cv2.imread(sample_img2img_key).shape
sample_frame = glob.glob( os.path.join(frame_path , "*.png" ) )[0]
img_height2, img_width2, _ = cv2.imread(sample_frame).shape
if img_height1 != img_height2 or img_width1 != img_width2:
dbg.print('The size of frame and img2img_key matched. use %s instead' % img2img_key_path)
img2img_upscale_key_path = img2img_key_path
no_upscale = True
number_of_digits, keys = search_key_dir( img2img_upscale_key_path )
if number_of_digits == -1:
dbg.print('no key frame')
first_frame, last_frame = search_video_dir( frame_path )
### add next key
synth_list = []
next_key = last_frame
for key in keys[::-1]:
synth_list.append( { "next_key": next_key })
next_key = key
synth_list = synth_list[::-1]
prev_key = first_frame
### add key / prev key
for i, key in enumerate(keys):
synth_list[i]["key"] = key
synth_list[i]["prev_key"] = prev_key
prev_key = key
project = {
"proj_dir" : project_dir if is_invert_mask == False else os.path.join(project_dir, "inv"),
"file_name" : "/[" + "#" * number_of_digits + "].png",
"number_of_digits" : number_of_digits,
"key_dir" : "img2img_upscale_key" if no_upscale == False else "img2img_key",
"video_dir" : "video_frame" if is_invert_mask == False else "../video_frame",
"mask_dir" : "video_mask" if is_invert_mask == False else "inv_video_mask",
"key_weight" : 1.0,
"video_weight" : 4.0,
"mask_weight" : 1.0,
"adv_mapping" : 10.0,
"adv_de-flicker" : 1.0,
"adv_diversity" : 3500.0,
"adv_detail" : 1, # high
"adv_gpu" : 1, # use gpu
if not frame_mask_path:
# no mask
project["mask_dir"] = ""
proj_base_name = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
if is_invert_mask:
proj_base_name = "inv_" + proj_base_name
proj_index = 0
for i, synth in enumerate(synth_list):
project["synth_list"] = tmp
proj_file_name = proj_base_name + "_" + str(proj_index).zfill(5)
export_project( project, proj_file_name )
proj_index += 1
tmp = []
dbg.print("exported : " + proj_file_name + ".ebs" )
if tmp:
project["synth_list"] = tmp
proj_file_name = proj_base_name + "_" + str(proj_index).zfill(5)
export_project( project, proj_file_name )
proj_index += 1
dbg.print("exported : " + proj_file_name + ".ebs" )