Preprocess Scripts
- Note : the order of these scripts is IMPORTANT.
- the preprocessing step is easy. but environment setting is not. please understand.
- If you encounter any problems, please do not hesitate to email me or open an issue to the github.
- Transcribe piano wavs to midi
You should transcribe {piano_cover_file.wav} -> {piano_cover_file.mid}
I recommend you to use original codes from this repo : High-resolution Piano Transcription with Pedals by Regressing Onsets and Offsets Times
Instead, you can also you my docker script.
docker run -it --gpus all --rm -v /DIRECTORY_THAT_CONTAINS_PIANO_WAV/:/input -v /DIRECTORY_THAT_MIDI_OUTPUT/:/output jonghochoi/piano_transcribe:bytedance1
If you are using GPU RTX 30XX or higher, this script may not work properly. It's because the version of pytorch is too low(1.4).
then upgrade the version of pytorch in the docker..
- Estimate Pop's beats
python DATA_DIR
- synchronize midi
python DATA_DIR
- get separated vocal track
python DATA_DIR
- caculate melody chroma accuracy
python DATA_DIR