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A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 5.12.0


Code Migration

MMOCR has been designed in a way that there are a lot of shortcomings in the initial version in order to balance the tasks of text detection, recognition and key information extraction. In this 1.0 release, MMOCR synchronizes its new model architecture to align as much as possible with the overall OpenMMLab design and to achieve structural uniformity within the algorithm library. Although this upgrade is not fully backward compatible, we summarize the changes that may be of interest to developers for those who need them.

Fundamental Changes

Functional boundaries of modules has not been clearly defined in MMOCR 0.x. In MMOCR 1.0, we address this issue by refactoring the design of model modules. Here are some major changes in 1.0:

  • MMOCR 1.0 no longer supports named entity recognition tasks since it's not in the scope of OCR.

  • The module that computes the loss in a model is named as Module Loss, which is also responsible for the conversion of gold annotations into loss targets. Another module, Postprocessor, is responsible for decoding the model raw output into DataSample for the corresponding task at prediction time.

  • The inputs of all models are now organized as a dictionary that consists of two keys: inputs, containing the original features of the images, and List[DataSample], containing the meta-information of the images. At training time, the output format of a model is standardized to a dictionary containing the loss tensors. Similarly, a model generates a sequence of DataSamples containing the prediction outputs in testing.

  • In MMOCR 0.x, the majority of classes named XXLoss have the implementations closely bound to the corresponding model, while their names made users hard to tell them apart from other generic losses like DiceLoss. In 1.0, they are renamed to the form XXModuleLoss. (e.g. DBLoss was renamed to DBModuleLoss). The key to their configurations in config files is also changed from loss to module_loss.

  • The names of generic loss classes that are not related to the model implementation are kept as XXLoss. (e.g. MaskedBCELoss) They are all placed under mmocr/models/common/losses.

  • Changes under mmocr/models/common/losses: DiceLoss is renamed to MaskedDiceLoss. FocalLoss has been removed.

  • MMOCR 1.0 adds a Dictionary module which originates from label converter. It is used in text recognition and key information extraction tasks.

Text Detection Models

Key Changes (TL;DR)

  • The model weights from MMOCR 0.x still works in the 1.0, but the fields starting with bbox_head in the state dict state_dict need to be renamed to det_head.

  • XXTargets transforms, which were responsible for genearting detection targets, have been merged into XXModuleLoss.


  • The original inheritance chain was mmdet.BaseDetector->SingleStageDetector->SingleStageTextDetector. Now SingleStageTextDetector is directly inherited from BaseDetector without extra dependency on MMDetection, and SingleStageDetector is deleted.

  • bbox_head is renamed to det_head.

  • train_cfg, test_cfg and pretrained fields are removed.

  • forward_train() and simple_test() are refactored to loss() and predict(). The part of simple_test() that was responsible for splitting the raw output of the model and feeding it into head.get_bounary() is integrated into BaseTextDetPostProcessor.

  • TextDetectorMixin has been removed since its implementation overlaps with TextDetLocalVisualizer.


  • HeadMixin, the base class that XXXHead had to inherit from in version 0.x, has been replaced by BaseTextDetHead. get_boundary() and resize_boundary() are now rewritten as __call__() and rescale() in BaseTextDetPostProcessor.


  • Data transforms XXXTargets in text detection tasks are all moved to XXXModuleLoss._get_target_single(). Target-related configurations are no longer specified in the data pipeline but in XXXLoss instead.


  • The logic in the original XXXPostprocessor.__call__() are transferred to the refactored XXXPostprocessor.get_text_instances().

  • BasePostprocessor is refactored to BaseTextDetPostProcessor. This base class splits and processes the model output predictions one by one and supports automatic scaling of the output polygon or bounding box based on scale_factor.

Text Recognition

Key Changes (TL;DR)

  • Due to the change of the character order and some bugs in the model architecture being fixed, the recognition model weights in 0.x can no longer be directly used in 1.0. We will provide a migration script and tutorial for those who need it.

  • The support of SegOCR has been removed. TPS-CRNN will still be supported in a later version.

  • Test time augmentation will be supported in the upcoming release.

  • Label converter module has been removed and its functions have been split into Dictionary, ModuleLoss and Postprocessor.

  • The definition of max_seq_len has been unified and now it represents the original output length of the model.

Label Converter

  • The original label converters had spelling errors (written as label convertors). We fixed them by removing label converters from this project.

  • The part responsible for converting characters/strings to and from numeric indexes was extracted to Dictionary.

  • In older versions, different label converters would have different special character sets and character order. In version 0.x, the character order was as follows.

Converter Character order
AttnConvertor, ABIConvertor <UKN>, <BOS/EOS>, <PAD>, characters
CTCConvertor <BLK>, <UKN>, characters

In 1.0, instead of designing different dictionaries and character orders for different tasks, we have a unified Dictionary implementation with the character order always as characters, <BOS/EOS>, <PAD>, <UKN>. <BLK> in CTCConvertor has been equivalently replaced by <PAD>.

  • Label convertor originally supported three ways to initialize dictionaries: dict_type, dict_file and dict_list, which are now reduced to dict_file only in Dictionary. Also, we have put those pre-defined character sets originally supported in dict_type into dicts/ directory now. The corresponding mapping is as follows:

    MMOCR 0.x: dict_type MMOCR 1.0: Dict path
    DICT90 dicts/english_digits_symbols.txt
    DICT91 dicts/english_digits_symbols_space.txt
    DICT36 dicts/lower_english_digits.txt
    DICT37 dicts/lower_english_digits_space.txt
  • The implementation of str2tensor() in label converter has been moved to ModuleLoss.get_targets(). The following table shows the correspondence between the old and new method implementations. Note that the old and new implementations are not identical.

    MMOCR 0.x MMOCR 1.0 Note
    ABIConvertor.str2tensor(), AttnConvertor.str2tensor() BaseTextRecogModuleLoss.get_targets() The different implementations between ABIConvertor.str2tensor() and AttnConvertor.str2tensor() have been unified in the new version.
    CTCConvertor.str2tensor() CTCModuleLoss.get_targets()
  • The implementation of tensor2idx() in label converter has been moved to Postprocessor.get_single_prediction(). The following table shows the correspondence between the old and new method implementations. Note that the old and new implementations are not identical.

    MMOCR 0.x MMOCR 1.0
    ABIConvertor.tensor2idx(), AttnConvertor.tensor2idx() AttentionPostprocessor.get_single_prediction()
    CTCConvertor.tensor2idx() CTCPostProcessor.get_single_prediction()

Key Information Extraction

Key Changes (TL;DR)

  • Due to changes in the inputs to the model, the model weights obtained in 0.x can no longer be directly used in 1.0.

KIEDataset & OpensetKIEDataset

  • The part that reads data is kept in WildReceiptDataset.

  • The part that additionally processes the nodes and edges is moved to LoadKIEAnnotation.

  • The part that uses dictionaries to transform text is moved to SDMGRHead.convert_text(), with the help of Dictionary.

  • The part of compute_relation() that computes the relationships between text boxes is moved to SDMGRHead.compute_relations(). It's now done inside the model.

  • The part that evaluates the model performance is done in F1Metric.

  • The part of OpensetKIEDataset that processes model's edge outputs is moved to SDMGRPostProcessor.


  • show_result() is integrated into KIEVisualizer.

  • The part of forward_test() that post-processes the output is organized in SDMGRPostProcessor.

Utils Migration

Utility functions are now grouped together under mmocr/utils/. Here are the scopes of the files in this directory:

  • bounding box related functions.
  • used to check argument type.
  • used to collect running environment.
  • used for data format conversion.
  • file input and output related functions.
  • image processing related functions.
  • mask related functions.
  • used for MMOCR inference.
  • used for parsing datasets.
  • polygon related functions.
  • used for initialize MMOCR.
  • string related functions.
  • defines the abbreviation of types used in MMOCR.