.. Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project | |
.. For license information, see LICENSE.TXT | |
====================== | |
Nonmonotonic Reasoning | |
====================== | |
>>> from nltk.test.setup_fixt import check_binary | |
>>> check_binary('mace4') | |
>>> from nltk import * | |
>>> from nltk.inference.nonmonotonic import * | |
>>> from nltk.sem import logic | |
>>> logic._counter._value = 0 | |
>>> read_expr = logic.Expression.fromstring | |
------------------------ | |
Closed Domain Assumption | |
------------------------ | |
The only entities in the domain are those found in the assumptions or goal. | |
If the domain only contains "A" and "B", then the expression "exists x.P(x)" can | |
be replaced with "P(A) | P(B)" and an expression "all x.P(x)" can be replaced | |
with "P(A) & P(B)". | |
>>> p1 = read_expr(r'all x.(man(x) -> mortal(x))') | |
>>> p2 = read_expr(r'man(Socrates)') | |
>>> c = read_expr(r'mortal(Socrates)') | |
>>> prover = Prover9Command(c, [p1,p2]) | |
>>> prover.prove() | |
True | |
>>> cdp = ClosedDomainProver(prover) | |
>>> for a in cdp.assumptions(): print(a) # doctest: +SKIP | |
(man(Socrates) -> mortal(Socrates)) | |
man(Socrates) | |
>>> cdp.prove() | |
True | |
>>> p1 = read_expr(r'exists x.walk(x)') | |
>>> p2 = read_expr(r'man(Socrates)') | |
>>> c = read_expr(r'walk(Socrates)') | |
>>> prover = Prover9Command(c, [p1,p2]) | |
>>> prover.prove() | |
False | |
>>> cdp = ClosedDomainProver(prover) | |
>>> for a in cdp.assumptions(): print(a) # doctest: +SKIP | |
walk(Socrates) | |
man(Socrates) | |
>>> cdp.prove() | |
True | |
>>> p1 = read_expr(r'exists x.walk(x)') | |
>>> p2 = read_expr(r'man(Socrates)') | |
>>> p3 = read_expr(r'-walk(Bill)') | |
>>> c = read_expr(r'walk(Socrates)') | |
>>> prover = Prover9Command(c, [p1,p2,p3]) | |
>>> prover.prove() | |
False | |
>>> cdp = ClosedDomainProver(prover) | |
>>> for a in cdp.assumptions(): print(a) # doctest: +SKIP | |
(walk(Socrates) | walk(Bill)) | |
man(Socrates) | |
-walk(Bill) | |
>>> cdp.prove() | |
True | |
>>> p1 = read_expr(r'walk(Socrates)') | |
>>> p2 = read_expr(r'walk(Bill)') | |
>>> c = read_expr(r'all x.walk(x)') | |
>>> prover = Prover9Command(c, [p1,p2]) | |
>>> prover.prove() | |
False | |
>>> cdp = ClosedDomainProver(prover) | |
>>> for a in cdp.assumptions(): print(a) # doctest: +SKIP | |
walk(Socrates) | |
walk(Bill) | |
>>> print(cdp.goal()) # doctest: +SKIP | |
(walk(Socrates) & walk(Bill)) | |
>>> cdp.prove() | |
True | |
>>> p1 = read_expr(r'girl(mary)') | |
>>> p2 = read_expr(r'dog(rover)') | |
>>> p3 = read_expr(r'all x.(girl(x) -> -dog(x))') | |
>>> p4 = read_expr(r'all x.(dog(x) -> -girl(x))') | |
>>> p5 = read_expr(r'chase(mary, rover)') | |
>>> c = read_expr(r'exists y.(dog(y) & all x.(girl(x) -> chase(x,y)))') | |
>>> prover = Prover9Command(c, [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5]) | |
>>> print(prover.prove()) | |
False | |
>>> cdp = ClosedDomainProver(prover) | |
>>> for a in cdp.assumptions(): print(a) # doctest: +SKIP | |
girl(mary) | |
dog(rover) | |
((girl(rover) -> -dog(rover)) & (girl(mary) -> -dog(mary))) | |
((dog(rover) -> -girl(rover)) & (dog(mary) -> -girl(mary))) | |
chase(mary,rover) | |
>>> print(cdp.goal()) # doctest: +SKIP | |
((dog(rover) & (girl(rover) -> chase(rover,rover)) & (girl(mary) -> chase(mary,rover))) | (dog(mary) & (girl(rover) -> chase(rover,mary)) & (girl(mary) -> chase(mary,mary)))) | |
>>> print(cdp.prove()) | |
True | |
----------------------- | |
Unique Names Assumption | |
----------------------- | |
No two entities in the domain represent the same entity unless it can be | |
explicitly proven that they do. Therefore, if the domain contains "A" and "B", | |
then add the assumption "-(A = B)" if it is not the case that | |
"<assumptions> \|- (A = B)". | |
>>> p1 = read_expr(r'man(Socrates)') | |
>>> p2 = read_expr(r'man(Bill)') | |
>>> c = read_expr(r'exists x.exists y.-(x = y)') | |
>>> prover = Prover9Command(c, [p1,p2]) | |
>>> prover.prove() | |
False | |
>>> unp = UniqueNamesProver(prover) | |
>>> for a in unp.assumptions(): print(a) # doctest: +SKIP | |
man(Socrates) | |
man(Bill) | |
-(Socrates = Bill) | |
>>> unp.prove() | |
True | |
>>> p1 = read_expr(r'all x.(walk(x) -> (x = Socrates))') | |
>>> p2 = read_expr(r'Bill = William') | |
>>> p3 = read_expr(r'Bill = Billy') | |
>>> c = read_expr(r'-walk(William)') | |
>>> prover = Prover9Command(c, [p1,p2,p3]) | |
>>> prover.prove() | |
False | |
>>> unp = UniqueNamesProver(prover) | |
>>> for a in unp.assumptions(): print(a) # doctest: +SKIP | |
all x.(walk(x) -> (x = Socrates)) | |
(Bill = William) | |
(Bill = Billy) | |
-(William = Socrates) | |
-(Billy = Socrates) | |
-(Socrates = Bill) | |
>>> unp.prove() | |
True | |
----------------------- | |
Closed World Assumption | |
----------------------- | |
The only entities that have certain properties are those that is it stated | |
have the properties. We accomplish this assumption by "completing" predicates. | |
If the assumptions contain "P(A)", then "all x.(P(x) -> (x=A))" is the completion | |
of "P". If the assumptions contain "all x.(ostrich(x) -> bird(x))", then | |
"all x.(bird(x) -> ostrich(x))" is the completion of "bird". If the | |
assumptions don't contain anything that are "P", then "all x.-P(x)" is the | |
completion of "P". | |
>>> p1 = read_expr(r'walk(Socrates)') | |
>>> p2 = read_expr(r'-(Socrates = Bill)') | |
>>> c = read_expr(r'-walk(Bill)') | |
>>> prover = Prover9Command(c, [p1,p2]) | |
>>> prover.prove() | |
False | |
>>> cwp = ClosedWorldProver(prover) | |
>>> for a in cwp.assumptions(): print(a) # doctest: +SKIP | |
walk(Socrates) | |
-(Socrates = Bill) | |
all z1.(walk(z1) -> (z1 = Socrates)) | |
>>> cwp.prove() | |
True | |
>>> p1 = read_expr(r'see(Socrates, John)') | |
>>> p2 = read_expr(r'see(John, Mary)') | |
>>> p3 = read_expr(r'-(Socrates = John)') | |
>>> p4 = read_expr(r'-(John = Mary)') | |
>>> c = read_expr(r'-see(Socrates, Mary)') | |
>>> prover = Prover9Command(c, [p1,p2,p3,p4]) | |
>>> prover.prove() | |
False | |
>>> cwp = ClosedWorldProver(prover) | |
>>> for a in cwp.assumptions(): print(a) # doctest: +SKIP | |
see(Socrates,John) | |
see(John,Mary) | |
-(Socrates = John) | |
-(John = Mary) | |
all z3 z4.(see(z3,z4) -> (((z3 = Socrates) & (z4 = John)) | ((z3 = John) & (z4 = Mary)))) | |
>>> cwp.prove() | |
True | |
>>> p1 = read_expr(r'all x.(ostrich(x) -> bird(x))') | |
>>> p2 = read_expr(r'bird(Tweety)') | |
>>> p3 = read_expr(r'-ostrich(Sam)') | |
>>> p4 = read_expr(r'Sam != Tweety') | |
>>> c = read_expr(r'-bird(Sam)') | |
>>> prover = Prover9Command(c, [p1,p2,p3,p4]) | |
>>> prover.prove() | |
False | |
>>> cwp = ClosedWorldProver(prover) | |
>>> for a in cwp.assumptions(): print(a) # doctest: +SKIP | |
all x.(ostrich(x) -> bird(x)) | |
bird(Tweety) | |
-ostrich(Sam) | |
-(Sam = Tweety) | |
all z7.-ostrich(z7) | |
all z8.(bird(z8) -> ((z8 = Tweety) | ostrich(z8))) | |
>>> print(cwp.prove()) | |
True | |
----------------------- | |
Multi-Decorator Example | |
----------------------- | |
Decorators can be nested to utilize multiple assumptions. | |
>>> p1 = read_expr(r'see(Socrates, John)') | |
>>> p2 = read_expr(r'see(John, Mary)') | |
>>> c = read_expr(r'-see(Socrates, Mary)') | |
>>> prover = Prover9Command(c, [p1,p2]) | |
>>> print(prover.prove()) | |
False | |
>>> cmd = ClosedDomainProver(UniqueNamesProver(ClosedWorldProver(prover))) | |
>>> print(cmd.prove()) | |
True | |
----------------- | |
Default Reasoning | |
----------------- | |
>>> logic._counter._value = 0 | |
>>> premises = [] | |
define the taxonomy | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'all x.(elephant(x) -> animal(x))')) | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'all x.(bird(x) -> animal(x))')) | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'all x.(dove(x) -> bird(x))')) | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'all x.(ostrich(x) -> bird(x))')) | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'all x.(flying_ostrich(x) -> ostrich(x))')) | |
default the properties using abnormalities | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'all x.((animal(x) & -Ab1(x)) -> -fly(x))')) #normal animals don't fly | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'all x.((bird(x) & -Ab2(x)) -> fly(x))')) #normal birds fly | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'all x.((ostrich(x) & -Ab3(x)) -> -fly(x))')) #normal ostriches don't fly | |
specify abnormal entities | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'all x.(bird(x) -> Ab1(x))')) #flight | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'all x.(ostrich(x) -> Ab2(x))')) #non-flying bird | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'all x.(flying_ostrich(x) -> Ab3(x))')) #flying ostrich | |
define entities | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'elephant(el)')) | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'dove(do)')) | |
>>> premises.append(read_expr(r'ostrich(os)')) | |
print the augmented assumptions list | |
>>> prover = Prover9Command(None, premises) | |
>>> command = UniqueNamesProver(ClosedWorldProver(prover)) | |
>>> for a in command.assumptions(): print(a) # doctest: +SKIP | |
all x.(elephant(x) -> animal(x)) | |
all x.(bird(x) -> animal(x)) | |
all x.(dove(x) -> bird(x)) | |
all x.(ostrich(x) -> bird(x)) | |
all x.(flying_ostrich(x) -> ostrich(x)) | |
all x.((animal(x) & -Ab1(x)) -> -fly(x)) | |
all x.((bird(x) & -Ab2(x)) -> fly(x)) | |
all x.((ostrich(x) & -Ab3(x)) -> -fly(x)) | |
all x.(bird(x) -> Ab1(x)) | |
all x.(ostrich(x) -> Ab2(x)) | |
all x.(flying_ostrich(x) -> Ab3(x)) | |
elephant(el) | |
dove(do) | |
ostrich(os) | |
all z1.(animal(z1) -> (elephant(z1) | bird(z1))) | |
all z2.(Ab1(z2) -> bird(z2)) | |
all z3.(bird(z3) -> (dove(z3) | ostrich(z3))) | |
all z4.(dove(z4) -> (z4 = do)) | |
all z5.(Ab2(z5) -> ostrich(z5)) | |
all z6.(Ab3(z6) -> flying_ostrich(z6)) | |
all z7.(ostrich(z7) -> ((z7 = os) | flying_ostrich(z7))) | |
all z8.-flying_ostrich(z8) | |
all z9.(elephant(z9) -> (z9 = el)) | |
-(el = os) | |
-(el = do) | |
-(os = do) | |
>>> UniqueNamesProver(ClosedWorldProver(Prover9Command(read_expr('-fly(el)'), premises))).prove() | |
True | |
>>> UniqueNamesProver(ClosedWorldProver(Prover9Command(read_expr('fly(do)'), premises))).prove() | |
True | |
>>> UniqueNamesProver(ClosedWorldProver(Prover9Command(read_expr('-fly(os)'), premises))).prove() | |
True | |