something other than the trite

by Refuse-to-provide - opened

I think these models have potential. It blows my mind that 99% of all the generated art and prompt ideas are so banal. You're bunting! Anime, girls, anime girls, Disney, robots, Disney robots, imitating famous illustrators, branded culture is about as ambitious as a cow in a pasture. Where are the unusual juxtapositions? Where is the mystery?

some young undergrad female Pentecostal firefighters laying their hands on a giant glass of water


Rebecca is sitting at a dreadfully kitschy SCADA console but is also levitating across the river, in the style of two places at once


SCADA-certified undergrad girls levitate multicolor gemstones to repair the dam


undergrad girls at a SCADA console are trying to take the levels and run the stock car races at the same time and frankly it is getting to be a bit much


I met you halfway by making pictures about girls, but mine are more interesting than yours

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