UNIT I: Introduction and Preliminaries
- Introduction, Basic terminology, Elementary data organization
- Data structures and operations
- Algorithms: complexity, time-space tradeoff
- Mathematical notation and functions
- Algorithmic notation, Control structures
- Complexity of algorithms, Sub-algorithms
- Variables, Data types
UNIT II: String Processing, Arrays, Records, and Pointers
- Basic terminology
- Storing strings, Character data type, String operations
- Word processing, Pattern matching algorithms
- Linear arrays: representation in memory, traversing, inserting, and deleting
- Sorting: Bubble sort
- Searching: Linear search, Binary search
- Multidimensional arrays
- Pointers: pointer arrays
- Records: record structures, memory representation of records, parallel arrays
- Matrices, Sparse matrices
UNIT III: Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Recursion
- Linked lists: memory representation, traversing, searching, memory allocation, garbage collection
- Insertion and deletion in linked lists, Header linked lists, Two-way linked lists
- Stacks: array representation, arithmetic expressions, Polish notation
- Quick sort (as an application of stacks)
- Recursion: Tower of Hanoi, recursive procedures implemented via stacks
- Queues, Dequeues, Priority queues
UNIT IV: Trees and Graphs
- Binary trees: memory representation, traversal algorithms (using stacks), header nodes, threads
- Binary search tree: searching, inserting, deleting
- Heap: heap sort, path lengths, Huffman's algorithm
- General trees
- Graph theory: terminology, sequential representation (adjacency matrix, path matrix), linked representation of graphs
UNIT V: Sorting and Searching
- Sorting: Insertion sort, Selection sort, Merging, Merge sort, Radix sort
- Searching and data modification
- Hashing