A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available:
Below are many common problems that people encountered:
RuntimeError: CPUAllocator
See also the section: System Swap
Model loaded, then paused, then nothing happens
See also the section: System Swap
Segmentation Fault
See also the section: System Swap
See also the section: System Swap
core dumped
See also the section: System Swap
See also the section: System Swap
^C, then quit
See also the section: System Swap
adm 2816, then stuck
See also the section: System Swap
Connection errored out
See also the section: System Swap
Error 1006
See also the section: System Swap
WinError 10060
See also the section: System Swap
Read timed out
See also the section: System Swap
No error, but the console close in a flash. Cannot find any error.
See also the section: System Swap
Model loading is extremely slow (more than 1 minute)
See also the section: System Swap
System Swap
All above problems are caused by the fact that you do not have enough System Swap.
Please make sure that you have at least 40GB System Swap. In fact, it does not need so much Swap, but 40Gb should be safe for you to run Fooocus in 100% success.
(If you have more than 64GB RAM, then perhaps you do not need any System Swap, but we are not exactly sure about this.)
Also, if your system swap is on HDD, the speed of model loading will be very slow. Please try best to put system swap on SSD.
If you are using Linux/Mac, please follow your provider's instructions to set Swap Space. Herein, the "provider" refers to Ubuntu official, CentOS official, Mac official, etc.
If you are using Windows, you can set Swap here:
If you use both HDD and SSD, you may test some settings on the above step 7 to try best to put swap area on SSD, so that the speed of model loading will be faster.
Important: Microsoft Windows 10/11 by default automate system swap for you so that you do not need to touch this dangerous setting. If you do not have enough system swap, just make sure that you have at least 40GB free space on each disk. The Microsoft Windows 10/11 will automatically make swap areas for you.
Also, if you obtain Microsoft Windows 10/11 from some unofficial Chinese or Russian provider, they may have modified the default setting of system swap to advertise some "Enhanced Windows 10/11" (but actually they are just making things worse rather than improve things). In those cases, you may need to manually check if your system swap setting is consistent to the above screenshot.
Finally, note that you need to restart computer to activate any changes in system swap.
See also the section: Model corrupted
PytorchStreamReader failed
See also the section: Model corrupted
Model corrupted
If you see Model Corrupted, then your model is corrupted. Fooocus will re-download corrupted models for you if your internet connection is good. Otherwise, you may also manually download models. You can find model url and their local location in the console each time a model download is requested.
UserWarning: The operator 'aten::std_mean.correction' is not currently supported on the DML
This is a warning that you can ignore.
Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled
You are not following the official installation guide.
Please do not trust those wrong tutorials on the internet, and please only trust the official installation guide.
Please use python 3.10
Also, you are not following the official installation guide.
Please do not trust those wrong tutorials on the internet, and please only trust the official installation guide.
Are you living in China? If yes, please consider turn off VPN, and/or try to download models manually.
If you get this error elsewhere in the world, then you may need to look at this search. We cannot give very specific guide to fix this since the cause can vary a lot.
CUDA kernel errors might be asynchronously reported at some other API call
This problem is fixed two months ago. Please make sure that you are using the latest version of Fooocus (try fresh install).
If it still does not work, try to upgrade your Nvidia driver.
If it still does not work, open an issue with full log, and we will take a look.
Found no NVIDIA driver on your system
Please upgrade your Nvidia Driver.
If you are using AMD, please follow official installation guide.
NVIDIA driver too old
Please upgrade your Nvidia Driver.
I am using Mac, the speed is very slow.
Some MAC users may need --disable-offload-from-vram
to speed up model loading.
Besides, the current support for MAC is very experimental, and we encourage users to also try Diffusionbee or Drawingthings: they are developed only for MAC.
I am using Nvidia with 8GB VRAM, I get CUDA Out Of Memory
It is a BUG. Please let us know as soon as possible. Please make an issue.
I am using Nvidia with 6GB VRAM, I get CUDA Out Of Memory
It is a BUG. Please let us know as soon as possible. Please make an issue.
I am using Nvidia with 4GB VRAM with Float16 support, like RTX 3050, I get CUDA Out Of Memory
It is a BUG. Please let us know as soon as possible. Please make an issue.
I am using Nvidia with 4GB VRAM without Float16 support, like GTX 960, I get CUDA Out Of Memory
Supporting GPU with 4GB VRAM without fp16 is extremely difficult, and you may not be able to use SDXL. However, you may still make an issue and let us know. You may try SD1.5 in Automatic1111 or other software for your device.
I am using AMD GPU on Windows, I get CUDA Out Of Memory
Current AMD support is very experimental for Windows. If you see this, then perhaps you cannot use Fooocus on this device on Windows.
However, if you re able to run SDXL on this same device on any other software, please let us know immediately, and we will support it as soon as possible. If no other software can enable your device to run SDXL on Windows, then we also do not have much to help.
Besides, the AMD support on Linux is slightly better because it will use ROCM. You may also try it if you are willing to change OS to linux.
I am using AMD GPU on Linux, I get CUDA Out Of Memory
Current AMD support for Linux is better than that for Windows, but still, very experimental. However, if you re able to run SDXL on this same device on any other software, please let us know immediately, and we will support it as soon as possible. If no other software can enable your device to run SDXL on Windows, then we also do not have much to help.
I tried flags like --lowvram or --gpu-only or --bf16 or so on, and things are not getting any better?
Please remove these flags if you are mislead by some wrong tutorials. In most cases these flags are making things worse and introducing more problems.
Fooocus suddenly becomes very slow and I have not changed anything
Are you accidentally running two Fooocus at the same time?