API credentials

by souzan123 - opened

how are you
please how i can get the API key and URL

url = os.environ['typo_url']
api_key = os.environ['api_key']

or how i can use this model please

I am sorry I can’t share these

burakaytan changed discussion status to closed

no problem.but are you using a predefined API ,or you developed it from scratch , as it working good
if it needs subscription ,please let me know

I developed it from scratch. Thank you

great ,can you suggest to me a tool or technique ,maybe it can help me with Turkish Typos correction
i know many APIs but all of them dont support the Turkish language and
i used many nlp python libraries but all of them are basic and not professional in text correction .

If something paid is suitable, chatgpt is also good in this subject. But if you are looking for a free service ,many people in the market use zemberek library for this purpose.

Yes i noticed this , ok thank you for your help

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