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# Amphion Evaluation Recipe
## Supported Evaluation Metrics
Until now, Amphion Evaluation has supported the following objective metrics:
- **F0 Modeling**:
- F0 Pearson Coefficients (FPC)
- F0 Periodicity Root Mean Square Error (PeriodicityRMSE)
- F0 Root Mean Square Error (F0RMSE)
- Voiced/Unvoiced F1 Score (V/UV F1)
- **Energy Modeling**:
- Energy Root Mean Square Error (EnergyRMSE)
- Energy Pearson Coefficients (EnergyPC)
- **Intelligibility**:
- Character Error Rate (CER) based on [Whipser](https://github.com/openai/whisper)
- Word Error Rate (WER) based on [Whipser](https://github.com/openai/whisper)
- **Spectrogram Distortion**:
- Frechet Audio Distance (FAD)
- Mel Cepstral Distortion (MCD)
- Multi-Resolution STFT Distance (MSTFT)
- Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ)
- Short Time Objective Intelligibility (STOI)
- Scale Invariant Signal to Distortion Ratio (SISDR)
- Scale Invariant Signal to Noise Ratio (SISNR)
- **Speaker Similarity**:
- Cosine similarity based on [Rawnet3](https://github.com/Jungjee/RawNet)
- Cosine similarity based on [WeSpeaker](https://github.com/wenet-e2e/wespeaker) (👨‍💻 developing)
We provide a recipe to demonstrate how to objectively evaluate your generated audios. There are three steps in total:
1. Pretrained Models Preparation
2. Audio Data Preparation
3. Evaluation
## 1. Pretrained Models Preparation
If you want to calculate `RawNet3` based speaker similarity, you need to download the pretrained model first, as illustrated [here](../../pretrained/README.md).
## 2. Aduio Data Preparation
Prepare reference audios and generated audios in two folders, the `ref_dir` contains the reference audio and the `gen_dir` contains the generated audio. Here is an example.
┣ {ref_dir}
┃ ┣ sample1.wav
┃ ┣ sample2.wav
┣ {gen_dir}
┃ ┣ sample1.wav
┃ ┣ sample2.wav
You have to make sure that the pairwise **reference audio and generated audio are named the same**, as illustrated above (sample1 to sample1, sample2 to sample2).
## 3. Evaluation
Run the `run.sh` with specified refenrece folder, generated folder, dump folder and metrics.
cd Amphion
sh egs/metrics/run.sh \
--reference_folder [Your path to the reference audios] \
--generated_folder [Your path to the generated audios] \
--dump_folder [Your path to dump the objective results] \
--metrics [The metrics you need] \
--fs [Optional. To calculate all metrics in the specified sampling rate]
As for the metrics, an example is provided below:
--metrics "mcd pesq fad"
All currently available metrics keywords are listed below:
| Keys | Description |
| --------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| `fpc` | F0 Pearson Coefficients |
| `f0_periodicity_rmse` | F0 Periodicity Root Mean Square Error |
| `f0rmse` | F0 Root Mean Square Error |
| `v_uv_f1` | Voiced/Unvoiced F1 Score |
| `energy_rmse` | Energy Root Mean Square Error |
| `energy_pc` | Energy Pearson Coefficients |
| `cer` | Character Error Rate |
| `wer` | Word Error Rate |
| `speaker_similarity` | Cos Similarity based on RawNet3 |
| `fad` | Frechet Audio Distance |
| `mcd` | Mel Cepstral Distortion |
| `mstft` | Multi-Resolution STFT Distance |
| `pesq` | Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality |
| `si_sdr` | Scale Invariant Signal to Distortion Ratio |
| `si_snr` | Scale Invariant Signal to Noise Ratio |
| `stoi` | Short Time Objective Intelligibility |