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# Text-to-Audio with Latent Diffusion Model
This is the quicktour for training a text-to-audio model with the popular and powerful generative model: [Latent Diffusion Model]( Specially, this recipe is also the official implementation of the text-to-audio generation part of our NeurIPS 2023 paper "[AUDIT: Audio Editing by Following Instructions with Latent Diffusion Models](". You can check the last part of [AUDIT demos]( to see same text-to-audio examples.
<div align="center">
<img src="../../imgs/tta/DiffusionTTA.png" width="65%">
We train this latent diffusion model in two stages:
1. In the first stage, we aims to obtain a high-quality VAE (called `AutoencoderKL` in Amphion), in order that we can project
the input mel-spectrograms to an efficient, low-dimensional latent space. Specially, we train the VAE with GAN loss to improve the reconstruction quality.
1. In the second stage, we aims to obtain a text-controllable diffusion model (called `AudioLDM` in Amphion). We use U-Net architecture diffusion model, and use T5 encoder as text encoder.
There are four stages in total for training the text-to-audio model:
1. Data preparation and processing
2. Train the VAE model
3. Train the latent diffusion model
4. Inference
> **NOTE:** You need to run every command of this recipe in the `Amphion` root path:
> ```bash
> cd Amphion
> ```
## Overview
# Train the VAE model
sh egs/tta/autoencoderkl/
# Train the latent diffusion model
sh egs/tta/audioldm/
# Inference
sh egs/tta/audioldm/
## 1. Data preparation and processing
### Dataset Download
We take [AudioCaps]( as an example, AudioCaps is a dataset of around 44K audio-caption pairs, where each audio clip corresponds to a caption with rich semantic information. You can download the dataset [here](
<!-- How to download AudioCaps is detailed [here](../datasets/ -->
<!-- You can downlaod the dataset [here]( -->
### Data Processing
- Download AudioCaps dataset to `[Your path to save tta dataset]` and modify `preprocess.processed_dir` in `egs/tta/.../exp_config.json`.
"dataset": [
"preprocess": {
// Specify the output root path to save the processed data
"processed_dir": "[Your path to save tta dataset]",
The folder structure of your downloaded data should be similar to:
.../[Your path to save tta dataset]
┣ AudioCpas
┃   ┣ wav
┃ ┃ ┣ ---1_cCGK4M_0_10000.wav
┃ ┃ ┣ ---lTs1dxhU_30000_40000.wav
┃ ┃ ┣ ...
- Then you may process the data to mel-specgram and save it as `.npy` format. If you use the data we provide, we have processed all the wav data.
- Generate a json file to save the metadata, the json file is like:
"Dataset": "AudioCaps",
"Uid": "---1_cCGK4M_0_10000",
"Caption": "Idling car, train blows horn and passes"
"Dataset": "AudioCaps",
"Uid": "---lTs1dxhU_30000_40000",
"Caption": "A racing vehicle engine is heard passing by"
- Finally, the folder structure is like:
.../[Your path to save tta dataset]
┣ AudioCpas
┃   ┣ wav
┃ ┃ ┣ ---1_cCGK4M_0_10000.wav
┃ ┃ ┣ ---lTs1dxhU_30000_40000.wav
┃ ┃ ┣ ...
┃   ┣ mel
┃ ┃ ┣ ---1_cCGK4M_0_10000.npy
┃ ┃ ┣ ---lTs1dxhU_30000_40000.npy
┃ ┃ ┣ ...
┃   ┣ train.json
┃   ┣ valid.json
┃   ┣ ...
## 2. Training the VAE Model
The first stage model is a VAE model trained with GAN loss (called `AutoencoderKL` in Amphion), run the follow commands:
sh egs/tta/autoencoderkl/
## 3. Training the Latent Diffusion Model
The second stage model is a condition diffusion model with a T5 text encoder (called `AudioLDM` in Amphion), run the following commands:
sh egs/tta/audioldm/
## 4. Inference
Now you can generate audio with your pre-trained latent diffusion model, run the following commands and modify the `text` argument.
sh egs/tta/audioldm/ \
--text "A man is whistling"
## Citations
title={AUDIT: Audio Editing by Following Instructions with Latent Diffusion Models},
author={Wang, Yuancheng and Ju, Zeqian and Tan, Xu and He, Lei and Wu, Zhizheng and Bian, Jiang and Zhao, Sheng},
journal={NeurIPS 2023},
title={{AudioLDM}: Text-to-Audio Generation with Latent Diffusion Models},
author={Liu, Haohe and Chen, Zehua and Yuan, Yi and Mei, Xinhao and Liu, Xubo and Mandic, Danilo and Wang, Wenwu and Plumbley, Mark D},
journal={Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning},