Apply for community grant: Academic project (gpu)

by adaface-neurips - opened

Our project, AdaFace-Animate is a zero-shot subject-guided animation generator conditioned with human subject images, by combining AnimateDiff, ID-Animator and AdaFace. The ID-Animator provides AnimateDiff with rough subject characteristics, and AdaFace provides refined and more authentic subject facial details.

It can generate more authentic and aesthetically-pleasing 1-second videos than the previous method ID-Animator.

Please see for example videos.

Your support is highly appreciated.

Hi @adaface-neurips , looks like your Space is already running on ZeroGPU. If you have any issues with ZeroGPU, let us know.

Oh sorry, yes, seems ZeroGPU is sufficient for my use case. Thank you.

adaface-neurips changed discussion status to closed

Hi @hysts , sorry I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I encountered a weird issue: my model performs slightly worse than running it locally. I couldn't figure out what causes the difference. Is there a docker image of the spaces for me to download and debug locally? Thank you so much.

adaface-neurips changed discussion status to open

oh sorry again, I found the "run with docker" option.

adaface-neurips changed discussion status to closed

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