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The training code of Encodec

Note that, this part of code is based on Facebook's Encodec. We just provide the training process. The license is the same as Encodec.

For Training

set the right path to statr/start.sh

run: bash start.sh

For Finetune

If you want to finetune the model, you can use following instruct: python3 main3_ddp.py --BATCH_SIZE 16 --N_EPOCHS 300 \ --save_dir path_to_save_log \ --PATH path_to_save_model \ --train_data_path path_to_training_data \ --valid_data_path path_to_val_data \ --resume --resume_path the_model_path

For Inference

if you want to use our checkpoint. Run the following

mkdir checkpoint
cd checkpoint
wget https://huggingface.co/Dongchao/AcademiCodec/resolve/main/encodec_24khz_240d.pth
bash test.sh    # set the root in test.sh, before runing it.