Stego / stc_ml_c.cpp
history blame
37.7 kB
#include "stc_ml_c.h"
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string.h> // due to memcpy
#include <boost/random/uniform_int.hpp> // this is required for Marsene-Twister random number generator
#include <boost/random/variate_generator.hpp>
#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
#include "stc_embed_c.h"
#include "stc_extract_c.h"
#include "sse_mathfun.h" // library with optimized functions obtained from
// {{{ write_vector_to_file()
template< class T > void write_vector_to_file( uint n, T *ptr, const char* file_name ) {
std::ofstream f( file_name );
for ( uint i = 0; i < n; i++ )
f << std::left << std::setw( 20 ) << i << std::left << std::setw( 20 ) << ptr[i] << std::endl;
// }}}
// {{{ write_matrix_to_file()
// write column-ordered matrix into file
template< class T > void write_matrix_to_file( uint rows, uint columns, T *ptr, const char* file_name ) {
std::ofstream f( file_name );
for ( uint i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) {
f << std::left << std::setw( 20 ) << i;
for ( uint j = 0; j < columns; j++ )
f << std::left << std::setw( 20 ) << ptr[j * rows + i];
f << std::endl;
// }}}
// {{{ align_*()
// Templates to handle aligned version of new and delete operators.
// These functions are necessary for creating arrays aligned address of certain multiples, such as 16.
template< class T > T* align_new( unsigned int n, unsigned int align_size ) {
char *ptr, *ptr2, *aligned_ptr;
int align_mask = align_size - 1;
ptr = new char[n * sizeof(T) + align_size + sizeof(int)];
if ( ptr == 0 ) return 0;
ptr2 = ptr + sizeof(int);
aligned_ptr = ptr2 + (align_size - ((size_t) ptr2 & align_mask));
ptr2 = aligned_ptr - sizeof(int);
*((int*) ptr2) = (int) (aligned_ptr - ptr);
return (T*) aligned_ptr;
template< class T > void align_delete( T *ptr ) {
int *ptr2 = (int*) ptr - 1;
char *p;
p = (char*) ptr;
p -= *ptr2;
delete[] p;
// }}}
// {{{ randperm()
/* Generates random permutation of length n based on the MT random number generator with seed 'seed'. */
void randperm( uint n, uint seed, uint* perm ) {
boost::mt19937 *generator = new boost::mt19937( seed );
boost::variate_generator< boost::mt19937, boost::uniform_int< > > *randi = new boost::variate_generator< boost::mt19937,
boost::uniform_int< > >( *generator, boost::uniform_int< >( 0, INT_MAX ) );
// generate random permutation - this is used to shuffle cover pixels to randomize the effect of different neighboring pixels
for ( uint i = 0; i < n; i++ )
perm[i] = i;
for ( uint i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
uint j = (*randi)() % (n - i);
uint tmp = perm[i];
perm[i] = perm[i + j];
perm[i + j] = tmp;
delete generator;
delete randi;
// }}}
// {{{ sum_inplace()
inline float sum_inplace( __m128 x ) {
float y;
// add all 4 terms from x together
x = _mm_add_ps( x, _mm_shuffle_ps(x,x,_MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,3,2)) );
x = _mm_add_ps( x, _mm_shuffle_ps(x,x,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1)) );
_mm_store_ss( &y, x );
return y;
// }}}
// {{{ calc_entropy()
float calc_entropy( uint n, uint k, float* costs, float lambda ) {
float const LOG2 = log( 2.0 );
__m128 inf = _mm_set1_ps( F_INF );
__m128 v_lambda = _mm_set1_ps( -lambda );
__m128 z, d, rho, p, entr, mask;
entr = _mm_setzero_ps();
for ( uint i = 0; i < n / 4; i++ ) {
z = _mm_setzero_ps();
d = _mm_setzero_ps();
for ( uint j = 0; j < k; j++ ) {
rho = _mm_load_ps( costs + j * n + 4 * i ); // costs array must be aligned in memory
p = exp_ps( _mm_mul_ps( v_lambda, rho ) );
z = _mm_add_ps( z, p );
mask = _mm_cmpeq_ps( rho, inf ); // if p<eps, then do not accumulate it to d since x*exp(-x) tends to zero
p = _mm_mul_ps( rho, p );
p = _mm_andnot_ps( mask, p ); // apply mask
d = _mm_add_ps( d, p );
entr = _mm_sub_ps( entr, _mm_div_ps( _mm_mul_ps( v_lambda, d ), z ) );
entr = _mm_add_ps( entr, log_ps( z ) );
return sum_inplace( entr ) / LOG2;
// }}}
// {{{ get_lambda_entropy()
float get_lambda_entropy( uint n, uint k, float *costs, float payload, float initial_lambda = 10 ) {
float p1, p2, p3, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3;
int j = 0;
uint iterations = 0;
lambda1 = 0;
p1 = n * log( (float)k ) / log( 2.0f );
lambda3 = initial_lambda;
p3 = payload + 1; // this is just an initial value
lambda2 = initial_lambda;
while ( p3 > payload ) {
lambda3 *= 2;
p3 = calc_entropy( n, k, costs, lambda3 );
// beta is probably unbounded => it seems that we cannot find beta such that
// relative payload will be smaller than requested. Binary search does not make sence here.
if ( j > 10 ) {
return lambda3;
while ( (p1 - p3) / n > payload / n * 1e-2 ) { // binary search for parameter lambda
lambda2 = lambda1 + (lambda3 - lambda1) / 2;
p2 = calc_entropy( n, k, costs, lambda2 );
if ( p2 < payload ) {
lambda3 = lambda2;
p3 = p2;
} else {
lambda1 = lambda2;
p1 = p2;
iterations++; // this is for monitoring the number of iterations
return lambda1 + (lambda3 - lambda1) / 2;
// }}}
// {{{ calc_distortion()
float calc_distortion( uint n, uint k, float* costs, float lambda ) {
__m128 eps = _mm_set1_ps( std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon() );
__m128 v_lambda = _mm_set1_ps( -lambda );
__m128 z, d, rho, p, dist, mask;
dist = _mm_setzero_ps();
for ( uint i = 0; i < n / 4; i++ ) { // n must be multiple of 4
z = _mm_setzero_ps();
d = _mm_setzero_ps();
for ( uint j = 0; j < k; j++ ) {
rho = _mm_load_ps( costs + j * n + 4 * i ); // costs array must be aligned in memory
p = exp_ps( _mm_mul_ps( v_lambda, rho ) );
z = _mm_add_ps( z, p );
mask = _mm_cmplt_ps( p, eps ); // if p<eps, then do not accumulate it to d since x*exp(-x) tends to zero
p = _mm_mul_ps( rho, p );
p = _mm_andnot_ps( mask, p );
d = _mm_add_ps( d, p );
dist = _mm_add_ps( dist, _mm_div_ps( d, z ) );
return sum_inplace( dist );
// }}}
// {{{ get_lambda_distortion()
float get_lambda_distortion( uint n, uint k, float *costs, float distortion, float initial_lambda = 10, float precision = 1e-3,
uint iter_limit = 30 ) {
float dist1, dist2, dist3, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3;
int j = 0;
uint iterations = 0;
lambda1 = 0;
dist1 = calc_distortion( n, k, costs, lambda1 );
lambda3 = initial_lambda;
dist2 = F_INF; // this is just an initial value
lambda2 = initial_lambda;
dist3 = distortion + 1;
while ( dist3 > distortion ) {
lambda3 *= 2;
dist3 = calc_distortion( n, k, costs, lambda3 );
// beta is probably unbounded => it seems that we cannot find beta such that
// relative payload will be smaller than requested. Binary search cannot converge.
if ( j > 10 ) {
return lambda3;
while ( (fabs( dist2 - distortion ) / n > precision) && (iterations < iter_limit) ) { // binary search for parameter lambda
lambda2 = lambda1 + (lambda3 - lambda1) / 2;
dist2 = calc_distortion( n, k, costs, lambda2 );
if ( dist2 < distortion ) {
lambda3 = lambda2;
dist3 = dist2;
} else {
lambda1 = lambda2;
dist1 = dist2;
iterations++; // this is for monitoring the number of iterations
return lambda1 + (lambda3 - lambda1) / 2;
// }}}
// {{{ binary_entropy_array()
float binary_entropy_array( uint n, float *prob ) {
float h = 0;
float const LOG2 = log( 2.0 );
float const EPS = std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon();
for ( uint i = 0; i < n; i++ )
if ( (prob[i] > EPS) && (1 - prob[i] > EPS) ) h -= prob[i] * log( prob[i] ) + (1 - prob[i]) * log( 1 - prob[i] );
return h / LOG2;
// }}}
// {{{ entropy_array()
float entropy_array( uint n, float* prob ) {
double h = 0;
double const LOG2 = log( 2.0 );
double const EPS = std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon();
for ( uint i = 0; i < n; i++ )
if ( prob[i] > EPS ) h -= prob[i] * log( prob[i] );
return h / LOG2;
// }}}
// {{{ mod()
inline uint mod( int x, int m ) {
int tmp = x - (x / m) * m + m;
return tmp % m;
// }}}
// {{{ stc_embed_trial()
void stc_embed_trial( uint n, float* cover_bit_prob0, u8* message, uint stc_constraint_height, uint &num_msg_bits, uint* perm, u8* stego,
uint &trial, uint max_trials, const char* debugging_file = "cost.txt" ) {
bool success = false;
u8* cover = new u8[n];
double* cost = new double[n];
while ( !success ) {
randperm( n, num_msg_bits, perm );
for ( uint i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
cover[perm[i]] = (cover_bit_prob0[i] < 0.5) ? 1 : 0;
cost[perm[i]] = -log( (1 / std::max( cover_bit_prob0[i], 1 - cover_bit_prob0[i] )) - 1 );
if ( cost[perm[i]] != cost[perm[i]] ) // if p20[i]>1 due to numerical error (this is possible due to float data type)
cost[perm[i]] = D_INF; // then cost2[i] is NaN, it should be Inf
memcpy( stego, cover, n ); // initialize stego array by cover array
// debugging
// write_vector_to_file<double>(n, cost, debugging_file);
try {
if ( num_msg_bits != 0 ) stc_embed( cover, n, message, num_msg_bits, (void*) cost, true, stego, stc_constraint_height );
success = true;
} catch ( stc_exception& e ) {
if ( e.error_id != 4 ) { // error_id=4 means No solution exists, thus we try to embed with different permutation.
delete[] cost;
delete[] cover;
throw e;
num_msg_bits--; // by decreasing the number of bits, we change the permutation used to shuffle the bits
if ( trial > max_trials ) {
delete[] cost;
delete[] cover;
throw stc_exception( "Maximum number of trials in layered construction exceeded (2).", 6 );
delete[] cost;
delete[] cover;
// }}}
// {{{ check_costs()
// SANITY CHECKS for cost arrays
void check_costs( uint n, uint k, float *costs ) {
bool test_nan, test_non_inf, test_minus_inf;
for ( uint i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
test_nan = false; // Is any element NaN? Should be FALSE
test_non_inf = false; // Is any element finite? Should be TRUE
test_minus_inf = false; // Is any element minus Inf? should be FALSE
for ( uint j = 0; j < k; j++ ) {
test_nan |= (costs[k * i + j] != costs[k * i + j]);
test_non_inf |= ((costs[k * i + j] != -F_INF) & (costs[k * i + j] != F_INF));
test_minus_inf |= (costs[k * i + j] == -F_INF);
if ( test_nan ) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Incorrect cost array." << i << "-th element contains NaN value. This is not a valid cost.";
throw stc_exception( ss.str(), 6 );
if ( !test_non_inf ) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Incorrect cost array." << i << "-th element does not contain any finite cost value. This is not a valid cost.";
throw stc_exception( ss.str(), 6 );
if ( test_minus_inf ) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Incorrect cost array." << i << "-th element contains -Inf value. This is not a valid cost.";
throw stc_exception( ss.str(), 6 );
// }}}
// {{{ stc_pm1_pls_embed()
// MULTI-LAYERED EMBEDDING for plus/minus one changes
// payload limited case - returns distortion
float stc_pm1_pls_embed( uint cover_length, int* cover, float* costs, uint message_length, u8* message, // input variables
uint stc_constraint_height, float wet_cost, // other input parameters
int* stego, uint* num_msg_bits, uint &max_trials, float* coding_loss ) { // output variables
return stc_pm1_dls_embed( cover_length, cover, costs, message_length, message, F_INF, stc_constraint_height, 0, wet_cost, stego,
num_msg_bits, max_trials, coding_loss );
// }}}
// {{{ stc_pm1_dls_embed()
// distortion limited case - returns distortion
float stc_pm1_dls_embed( uint cover_length, int* cover, float* costs, uint message_length, u8* message, float target_distortion, // input variables
uint stc_constraint_height, float expected_coding_loss, float wet_cost, // other input parameters
int* stego, uint* num_msg_bits, uint &max_trials, float* coding_loss ) { // output variables
check_costs( cover_length, 3, costs );
float dist = 0;
int *stego_values = new int[4 * cover_length];
float *costs_ml2 = new float[4 * cover_length];
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ ) {
costs_ml2[4 * i + mod( (cover[i] - 1 + 4), 4 )] = costs[3 * i + 0]; // set cost of changing by -1
stego_values[4 * i + mod( (cover[i] - 1 + 4), 4 )] = cover[i] - 1;
costs_ml2[4 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 0 + 4), 4 )] = costs[3 * i + 1]; // set cost of changing by 0
stego_values[4 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 0 + 4), 4 )] = cover[i];
costs_ml2[4 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 1 + 4), 4 )] = costs[3 * i + 2]; // set cost of changing by +1
stego_values[4 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 1 + 4), 4 )] = cover[i] + 1;
costs_ml2[4 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 2 + 4), 4 )] = wet_cost; // set cost of changing by +2
stego_values[4 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 2 + 4), 4 )] = cover[i] + 2;
// run general 2 layered embedding in distortion limited regime
dist = stc_ml2_embed( cover_length, costs_ml2, stego_values, message_length, message, target_distortion, stc_constraint_height,
expected_coding_loss, stego, num_msg_bits, max_trials, coding_loss );
delete[] costs_ml2;
delete[] stego_values;
return dist;
// }}}
// {{{ stc_pm2_dls_embed()
// MULTI-LAYERED EMBEDDING for plus/minus one and two changes
// payload limited case - returns distortion
float stc_pm2_pls_embed( uint cover_length, int* cover, float* costs, uint message_length, u8* message, // input variables
uint stc_constraint_height, float wet_cost, // other input parameters
int* stego, uint* num_msg_bits, uint &max_trials, float* coding_loss ) { // output variables
return stc_pm2_dls_embed( cover_length, cover, costs, message_length, message, F_INF, stc_constraint_height, 0, wet_cost, stego,
num_msg_bits, max_trials, coding_loss );
// }}}
// {{{ stc_pm2_dls_embed()
// distortion limited case - returns distortion
float stc_pm2_dls_embed( uint cover_length, int* cover, float* costs, uint message_length, u8* message, float target_distortion, // input variables
uint stc_constraint_height, float expected_coding_loss, float wet_cost, // other input parameters
int* stego, uint* num_msg_bits, uint &max_trials, float* coding_loss ) { // output variables
check_costs( cover_length, 5, costs );
int *stego_values = new int[8 * cover_length];
float* costs_ml3 = new float[8 * cover_length];
std::fill_n( costs_ml3, 8 * cover_length, wet_cost ); // initialize new cost array
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ ) {
costs_ml3[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] - 2 + 8), 8 )] = costs[5 * i + 0]; // set cost of changing by -2
stego_values[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] - 2 + 8), 8 )] = cover[i] - 2;
costs_ml3[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] - 1 + 8), 8 )] = costs[5 * i + 1]; // set cost of changing by -1
stego_values[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] - 1 + 8), 8 )] = cover[i] - 1;
costs_ml3[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 0 + 8), 8 )] = costs[5 * i + 2]; // set cost of changing by 0
stego_values[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 0 + 8), 8 )] = cover[i] + 0;
costs_ml3[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 1 + 8), 8 )] = costs[5 * i + 3]; // set cost of changing by +1
stego_values[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 1 + 8), 8 )] = cover[i] + 1;
costs_ml3[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 2 + 8), 8 )] = costs[5 * i + 4]; // set cost of changing by +2
stego_values[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 2 + 8), 8 )] = cover[i] + 2;
stego_values[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 3 + 8), 8 )] = cover[i] + 3; // these values are not used and are defined
stego_values[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 4 + 8), 8 )] = cover[i] + 4; // just to have the array complete
stego_values[8 * i + mod( (cover[i] + 5 + 8), 8 )] = cover[i] + 5; //
// run general 3 layered embedding in distortion limited regime
float dist = stc_ml3_embed( cover_length, costs_ml3, stego_values, message_length, message, target_distortion, stc_constraint_height,
expected_coding_loss, stego, num_msg_bits, max_trials, coding_loss );
delete[] costs_ml3;
delete[] stego_values;
return dist;
// }}}
// {{{ stc_ml1_embed()
// algorithm for embedding into 1 layer, both payload- and distortion-limited case
float stc_ml1_embed( uint cover_length, int* cover, short* direction, float* costs, uint message_length, u8* message,
float target_distortion,// input variables
uint stc_constraint_height, float expected_coding_loss, // other input parameters
int* stego, uint* num_msg_bits, uint &max_trials, float* coding_loss ) { // output variables
float distortion, lambda = 0, m_max = 0;
bool success = false;
uint m_actual = 0;
uint n = cover_length + 4 - (cover_length % 4); // cover length rounded to multiple of 4
uint *perm1 = new uint[n];
float* c = align_new< float > ( 2 * n, 16 );
std::fill_n( c, 2 * n, F_INF );
std::fill_n( c, n, 0 );
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ ) { // copy and transpose data for better reading via SSE instructions
c[mod( cover[i], 2 ) * n + i] = 0; // cost of not changing the element
c[mod( (cover[i] + 1), 2 ) * n + i] = costs[i]; // cost of changing the element
if ( target_distortion != F_INF ) { // distortion-limited sender
lambda = get_lambda_distortion( n, 2, c, target_distortion, 2 ); //
m_max = (1 - expected_coding_loss) * calc_entropy( n, 2, c, lambda ); //
m_actual = std::min( message_length, (uint) floor( m_max ) ); //
if ( (target_distortion == F_INF) || (m_actual < floor( m_max )) ) { // payload-limited sender
m_actual = std::min( cover_length, message_length ); // or distortion-limited sender with
num_msg_bits[0] = m_actual;
uint trial = 0;
u8* cover1 = new u8[cover_length];
double* cost1 = new double[cover_length];
u8* stego1 = new u8[cover_length];
while ( !success ) {
randperm( cover_length, num_msg_bits[0], perm1 );
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ ) {
cover1[perm1[i]] = mod( cover[i], 2 );
cost1[perm1[i]] = costs[i];
if ( cost1[perm1[i]] != cost1[perm1[i]] ) cost1[perm1[i]] = D_INF;
memcpy( stego1, cover1, cover_length ); // initialize stego array by cover array
// debugging
// write_vector_to_file<double>(n, cost, debugging_file);
try {
if ( num_msg_bits[0] != 0 ) stc_embed( cover1, cover_length, message, num_msg_bits[0], (void*) cost1, true, stego1,
stc_constraint_height );
success = true;
} catch ( stc_exception& e ) {
if ( e.error_id != 4 ) { // error_id=4 means No solution exists, thus we try to embed with different permutation.
delete[] cost1;
delete[] cover1;
delete[] stego1;
delete[] perm1;
delete[] c;
throw e;
num_msg_bits[0]--; // by decreasing the number of bits, we change the permutation used to shuffle the bits
if ( trial > max_trials ) {
delete[] cost1;
delete[] cover1;
delete[] stego1;
delete[] perm1;
delete[] c;
throw stc_exception( "Maximum number of trials in layered construction exceeded (1).", 6 );
distortion = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ ) {
stego[i] = (stego1[perm1[i]] == cover1[perm1[i]]) ? cover[i] : cover[i] + direction[i];
distortion += (stego1[perm1[i]] == cover1[perm1[i]]) ? 0 : costs[i];
if ( coding_loss != 0 ) {
float lambda_dist = get_lambda_distortion( n, 2, c, distortion, lambda, 0, 20 ); // use 20 iterations to make lambda_dist precise
float max_payload = calc_entropy( n, 2, c, lambda_dist );
(*coding_loss) = (max_payload - m_actual) / max_payload; // fraction of max_payload lost due to practical coding scheme
max_trials = trial;
delete[] cost1;
delete[] cover1;
delete[] stego1;
delete[] perm1;
align_delete< float > ( c );
return distortion;
// }}}
// {{{ stc_ml2_embed()
// algorithm for embedding into 2 layers with possibility to use only 1 layer, both payload- and distortion-limited cases
float stc_ml2_embed( uint cover_length, float* costs, int* stego_values, uint message_length, u8* message, float target_distortion, // input variables
uint stc_constraint_height, float expected_coding_loss, // other input parameters
int* stego, uint* num_msg_bits, uint &max_trials, float* coding_loss ) { // output and optional variables
float distortion, dist_coding_loss, lambda = 0, m_max = 0;
uint m_actual = 0;
uint n = cover_length + 4 - (cover_length % 4); // cover length rounded to multiple of 4
check_costs( cover_length, 4, costs );
// if only binary embedding is sufficient, then use only 1st LSB layer
bool lsb1_only = true;
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ ) {
uint n_finite_costs = 0; // number of finite cost values
uint lsb_xor = 0;
for ( uint k = 0; k < 4; k++ )
if ( costs[4 * i + k] != F_INF ) {
lsb_xor ^= (k % 2);
lsb1_only &= ((n_finite_costs <= 2) & (lsb_xor == 1));
if ( lsb1_only ) { // use stc_ml1_embed method
distortion = 0;
int *cover = new int[cover_length];
short *direction = new short[cover_length];
float *costs_ml1 = new float[cover_length];
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ ) { // normalize such that minimal element is 0 - this helps numerical stability
uint min_id = 0;
float f_min = F_INF;
for ( uint j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
if ( f_min > costs[4 * i + j] ) {
f_min = costs[4 * i + j]; // minimum value
min_id = j; // index of the minimal entry
costs_ml1[i] = F_INF;
cover[i] = stego_values[4 * i + min_id];
for ( uint j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
if ( (costs[4 * i + j] != F_INF) && (min_id != j) ) {
distortion += f_min;
costs_ml1[i] = costs[4 * i + j] - f_min;
direction[i] = stego_values[4 * i + j] - cover[i];
distortion += stc_ml1_embed( cover_length, cover, direction, costs_ml1, message_length, message, target_distortion,
stc_constraint_height, expected_coding_loss, stego, num_msg_bits, max_trials, coding_loss );
delete[] direction;
delete[] costs_ml1;
delete[] cover;
return distortion;
// copy and transpose data for faster reading via SSE instructions
float* c = align_new< float > ( 4 * n, 16 );
std::fill_n( c, 4 * n, F_INF );
std::fill_n( c, n, 0 );
for ( uint i = 0; i < 4 * cover_length; i++ )
c[n * (i % 4) + i / 4] = costs[i];
// write_matrix_to_file<float>(n, 4, c, "cost_ml2.txt");
for ( uint i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { // normalize such that minimal element is 0 - this helps numerical stability
float f_min = F_INF;
for ( uint j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
f_min = std::min( f_min, c[j * n + i] );
for ( uint j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
c[j * n + i] -= f_min;
if ( target_distortion != F_INF ) {
lambda = get_lambda_distortion( n, 4, c, target_distortion, 2 );
m_max = (1 - expected_coding_loss) * calc_entropy( n, 4, c, lambda );
m_actual = std::min( message_length, (uint) floor( m_max ) );
if ( (target_distortion == F_INF) || (m_actual < floor( m_max )) ) {
m_actual = std::min( 2 * cover_length, message_length );
lambda = get_lambda_entropy( n, 4, c, m_actual, 2 );
p = exp(-lambda*costs);
p = p./(ones(4,1)*sum(p));
float* p = align_new< float > ( 4 * n, 16 );
__m128 v_lambda = _mm_set1_ps( -lambda );
for ( uint i = 0; i < n / 4; i++ ) {
__m128 sum = _mm_setzero_ps();
for ( uint j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
__m128 x = _mm_load_ps( c + j * n + 4 * i );
x = exp_ps( _mm_mul_ps( v_lambda, x ) );
_mm_store_ps( p + j * n + 4 * i, x );
sum = _mm_add_ps( sum, x );
for ( uint j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
__m128 x = _mm_load_ps( p + j * n + 4 * i );
x = _mm_div_ps( x, sum );
_mm_store_ps( p + j * n + 4 * i, x );
// this is for debugging purposes
// float payload_dbg = entropy_array(4*n, p);
uint trial = 0;
float* p10 = new float[cover_length];
float* p20 = new float[cover_length];
u8* stego1 = new u8[cover_length];
u8* stego2 = new u8[cover_length];
uint *perm1 = new uint[cover_length];
uint *perm2 = new uint[cover_length];
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ )
p20[i] = p[i] + p[i + n]; // p20 = p(1,:)+p(2,:); % probability of 2nd LSB of stego equal 0
//num_msg_bits[1] = (uint) floor( binary_entropy_array( cover_length, p20 ) ); // msg_bits(2) = floor(sum(binary_entropy(p20))); % number of msg bits embedded into 2nd LSBs
num_msg_bits[1] = (uint) (message_length/2 /*+ message_length%2*/ ); // XXX
try {
stc_embed_trial( cover_length, p20, message, stc_constraint_height, num_msg_bits[1], perm2, stego2, trial, max_trials, "cost2.txt" );
} catch ( stc_exception& e ) {
delete[] p10;
delete[] p20;
delete[] perm1;
delete[] perm2;
delete[] stego1;
delete[] stego2;
align_delete< float > ( c );
align_delete< float > ( p );
throw e;
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ ) //
if ( stego2[perm2[i]] == 0 ) // % conditional probability of 1st LSB of stego equal 0 given LSB2=0
p10[i] = p[i] / (p[i] + p[i + n]); // p10(i) = p(1,i)/(p(1,i)+p(2,i));
else // % conditional probability of 1st LSB of stego equal 0 given LSB2=1
p10[i] = p[i + 2 * n] / (p[i + 2 * n] + p[i + 3 * n]); // p10(i) = p(3,i)/(p(3,i)+p(4,i));
num_msg_bits[0] = m_actual - num_msg_bits[1]; // msg_bits(1) = m_actual-msg_bits(2); % number of msg bits embedded into 1st LSBs
try {
stc_embed_trial( cover_length, p10, message + num_msg_bits[1], stc_constraint_height, num_msg_bits[0], perm1, stego1, trial,
max_trials, "cost1.txt" );
} catch ( stc_exception& e ) {
delete[] p10;
delete[] p20;
delete[] perm1;
delete[] perm2;
delete[] stego1;
delete[] stego2;
align_delete< float > ( c );
align_delete< float > ( p );
throw e;
delete[] p10;
delete[] p20;
distortion = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ ) {
stego[i] = stego_values[4 * i + 2 * stego2[perm2[i]] + stego1[perm1[i]]];
distortion += costs[4 * i + 2 * stego2[perm2[i]] + stego1[perm1[i]]];
if ( coding_loss != 0 ) {
dist_coding_loss = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ )
dist_coding_loss += c[i + n * (2 * stego2[perm2[i]] + stego1[perm1[i]])];
float lambda_dist = get_lambda_distortion( n, 4, c, dist_coding_loss, lambda, 0, 20 ); // use 20 iterations to make lambda_dist precise
float max_payload = calc_entropy( n, 4, c, lambda_dist );
(*coding_loss) = (max_payload - m_actual) / max_payload; // fraction of max_payload lost due to practical coding scheme
max_trials = trial;
delete[] stego1;
delete[] stego2;
delete[] perm1;
delete[] perm2;
align_delete< float > ( c );
align_delete< float > ( p );
return distortion;
// }}}
// {{{ stc_ml3_embed()
// algorithm for embedding into 3 layers, both payload- and distortion-limited case
float stc_ml3_embed( uint cover_length, float* costs, int* stego_values, uint message_length, u8* message, float target_distortion, // input variables
uint stc_constraint_height, float expected_coding_loss, // other input parameters
int* stego, uint* num_msg_bits, uint &max_trials, float* coding_loss ) { // output and optional variables
float distortion, dist_coding_loss, lambda = 0, m_max = 0;
uint m_actual = 0;
uint n = cover_length + 4 - (cover_length % 4); // cover length rounded to multiple of 4
check_costs( cover_length, 8, costs );
float* c = align_new< float > ( 8 * n, 16 );
std::fill_n( c, 8 * n, F_INF );
std::fill_n( c, n, 0 );
for ( uint i = 0; i < 8 * cover_length; i++ )
c[n * (i % 8) + i / 8] = costs[i]; // copy and transpose data for better reading via SSE instructions
// write_matrix_to_file<float>(n, 8, c, "cost_ml3.txt");
for ( uint i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { // normalize such that minimal element is 0 - this helps numerical stability
float f_min = F_INF;
for ( uint j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
f_min = std::min( f_min, c[j * n + i] );
for ( uint j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
c[j * n + i] -= f_min;
if ( target_distortion != F_INF ) {
lambda = get_lambda_distortion( n, 8, c, target_distortion, 2.0 );
m_max = (1 - expected_coding_loss) * calc_entropy( n, 8, c, lambda );
m_actual = std::min( message_length, (uint) floor( m_max ) );
if ( (target_distortion == F_INF) || (m_actual < floor( m_max )) ) {
m_actual = std::min( 3 * cover_length, message_length );
lambda = get_lambda_entropy( n, 8, c, m_actual, 2.0 );
p = exp(-lambda*costs);
p = p./(ones(8,1)*sum(p));
float* p = align_new< float > ( 8 * n, 16 );
__m128 v_lambda = _mm_set1_ps( -lambda );
for ( uint i = 0; i < n / 4; i++ ) {
__m128 sum = _mm_setzero_ps();
for ( uint j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) {
__m128 x = _mm_load_ps( c + j * n + 4 * i );
x = exp_ps( _mm_mul_ps( v_lambda, x ) );
_mm_store_ps( p + j * n + 4 * i, x );
sum = _mm_add_ps( sum, x );
for ( uint j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) {
__m128 x = _mm_load_ps( p + j * n + 4 * i );
x = _mm_div_ps( x, sum );
_mm_store_ps( p + j * n + 4 * i, x );
// this is for debugging
// float payload_dbg = entropy_array(8*n, p);
uint trial = 0;
float* p10 = new float[cover_length];
float* p20 = new float[cover_length];
float* p30 = new float[cover_length];
u8* stego1 = new u8[cover_length];
u8* stego2 = new u8[cover_length];
u8* stego3 = new u8[cover_length];
uint *perm1 = new uint[cover_length];
uint *perm2 = new uint[cover_length];
uint *perm3 = new uint[cover_length];
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ )
p30[i] = p[i] + p[i + n] + p[i + 2 * n] + p[i + 3 * n]; //
num_msg_bits[2] = (uint) floor( binary_entropy_array( cover_length, p30 ) ); //
try {
stc_embed_trial( cover_length, p30, message, stc_constraint_height, num_msg_bits[2], perm3, stego3, trial, max_trials, "cost3.txt" );
} catch ( stc_exception& e ) {
delete[] p10;
delete[] p20;
delete[] p30;
delete[] perm1;
delete[] perm2;
delete[] perm3;
delete[] stego1;
delete[] stego2;
delete[] stego3;
align_delete< float > ( c );
align_delete< float > ( p );
throw e;
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ ) { //
int s = 4 * stego3[perm3[i]]; // % conditional probability of 2nd LSB of stego equal 0 given LSB3
p20[i] = (p[i + s * n] + p[i + (s + 1) * n]) / (p[i + s * n] + p[i + (s + 1) * n] + p[i + (s + 2) * n] + p[i + (s + 3) * n]);
num_msg_bits[1] = (uint) floor( binary_entropy_array( cover_length, p20 ) );// msg_bits(2) = floor(sum(binary_entropy(p20))); % number of msg bits embedded into 2nd LSBs
try {
stc_embed_trial( cover_length, p20, message + num_msg_bits[2], stc_constraint_height, num_msg_bits[1], perm2, stego2, trial,
max_trials, "cost2.txt" );
} catch ( stc_exception& e ) {
delete[] p10;
delete[] p20;
delete[] p30;
delete[] perm1;
delete[] perm2;
delete[] perm3;
delete[] stego1;
delete[] stego2;
delete[] stego3;
align_delete< float > ( c );
align_delete< float > ( p );
throw e;
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ ) { //
int s = 4 * stego3[perm3[i]] + 2 * stego2[perm2[i]]; // % conditional probability of 1st LSB of stego equal 0 given LSB3 and LSB2
p10[i] = p[i + s * n] / (p[i + s * n] + p[i + (s + 1) * n]);
num_msg_bits[0] = m_actual - num_msg_bits[1] - num_msg_bits[2]; // msg_bits(1) = m_actual-msg_bits(2)-msg_bits(3); % number of msg bits embedded into 1st LSBs
try {
stc_embed_trial( cover_length, p10, message + num_msg_bits[1] + num_msg_bits[2], stc_constraint_height, num_msg_bits[0], perm1,
stego1, trial, max_trials, "cost1.txt" );
} catch ( stc_exception& e ) {
delete[] p10;
delete[] p20;
delete[] p30;
delete[] perm1;
delete[] perm2;
delete[] perm3;
delete[] stego1;
delete[] stego2;
delete[] stego3;
align_delete< float > ( c );
align_delete< float > ( p );
throw e;
delete[] p10;
delete[] p20;
delete[] p30;
max_trials = trial;
distortion = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ ) {
stego[i] = stego_values[8 * i + 4 * stego3[perm3[i]] + 2 * stego2[perm2[i]] + stego1[perm1[i]]];
distortion += costs[8 * i + 4 * stego3[perm3[i]] + 2 * stego2[perm2[i]] + stego1[perm1[i]]];
if ( coding_loss != 0 ) {
dist_coding_loss = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < cover_length; i++ )
dist_coding_loss += c[i + n * (4 * stego3[perm3[i]] + 2 * stego2[perm2[i]] + stego1[perm1[i]])];
float lambda_dist = get_lambda_distortion( n, 8, c, dist_coding_loss, lambda, 0, 20 ); // use 20 iterations to make lambda_dist precise
float max_payload = calc_entropy( n, 8, c, lambda_dist );
(*coding_loss) = (max_payload - m_actual) / max_payload; // fraction of max_payload lost due to practical coding scheme
delete[] perm1;
delete[] perm2;
delete[] perm3;
delete[] stego1;
delete[] stego2;
delete[] stego3;
align_delete< float > ( c );
align_delete< float > ( p );
return distortion;
// }}}
// {{{ stc_ml_extract()
/** Extraction algorithm for any l-layered construction.
@param stego_length - ...
@param stego - ...
@param msg_bits - ...
@param stc_constraint_height - ...
@param message - ...
void stc_ml_extract( uint stego_length, int* stego, uint num_of_layers, uint* num_msg_bits, // input variables
uint stc_constraint_height, // other input parameters
u8* message ) { // output variables
u8* stego_bits = new u8[stego_length];
u8* msg_ptr = message;
uint *perm = new uint[stego_length];
for ( uint l = num_of_layers; l > 0; l-- ) { // extract message from every layer starting from most significant ones
// extract bits from l-th LSB plane
if ( num_msg_bits[l - 1] > 0 ) {
randperm( stego_length, num_msg_bits[l - 1], perm );
for ( uint i = 0; i < stego_length; i++ )
stego_bits[perm[i]] = mod( stego[i], (1 << l) ) >> (l - 1);
stc_extract( stego_bits, stego_length, msg_ptr, num_msg_bits[l - 1], stc_constraint_height );
msg_ptr += num_msg_bits[l - 1];
delete[] stego_bits;
delete[] perm;
// }}}