--- |
title: TER |
emoji: 🤗 |
colorFrom: blue |
colorTo: red |
sdk: gradio |
sdk_version: 3.19.1 |
app_file: app.py |
pinned: false |
tags: |
- evaluate |
- metric |
description: >- |
TER (Translation Edit Rate, also called Translation Error Rate) is a metric to |
quantify the edit operations that a hypothesis requires to match a reference |
translation. We use the implementation that is already present in sacrebleu |
(https://github.com/mjpost/sacreBLEU#ter), which in turn is inspired by the |
TERCOM implementation, which can be found here: |
https://github.com/jhclark/tercom. |
The implementation here is slightly different from sacrebleu in terms of the |
required input format. The length of the references and hypotheses lists need |
to be the same, so you may need to transpose your references compared to |
sacrebleu's required input format. See |
https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/issues/3154#issuecomment-950746534 |
See the README.md file at https://github.com/mjpost/sacreBLEU#ter for more |
information. |
--- |
Check out the configuration reference at https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-config-reference |