SungBeom's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
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import math
from import NormalizedRecordSet, RecordSet
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union, List, TypeVar, cast, Dict
from typing_extensions import Literal
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from chromadb.api import types
from chromadb.api.models.Collection import Collection
from hypothesis import note
from hypothesis.errors import InvalidArgument
T = TypeVar("T")
def wrap(value: Union[T, List[T]]) -> List[T]:
"""Wrap a value in a list if it is not a list"""
if value is None:
raise InvalidArgument("value cannot be None")
elif isinstance(value, List):
return value
return [value]
def wrap_all(record_set: RecordSet) -> NormalizedRecordSet:
"""Ensure that an embedding set has lists for all its values"""
embedding_list: Optional[types.Embeddings]
if record_set["embeddings"] is None:
embedding_list = None
elif isinstance(record_set["embeddings"], list):
assert record_set["embeddings"] is not None
if len(record_set["embeddings"]) > 0 and not all(
isinstance(embedding, list) for embedding in record_set["embeddings"]
if all(isinstance(e, (int, float)) for e in record_set["embeddings"]):
embedding_list = cast(types.Embeddings, [record_set["embeddings"]])
raise InvalidArgument("an embedding must be a list of floats or ints")
embedding_list = cast(types.Embeddings, record_set["embeddings"])
raise InvalidArgument(
"embeddings must be a list of lists, a list of numbers, or None"
return {
"ids": wrap(record_set["ids"]),
"documents": wrap(record_set["documents"])
if record_set["documents"] is not None
else None,
"metadatas": wrap(record_set["metadatas"])
if record_set["metadatas"] is not None
else None,
"embeddings": embedding_list,
def count(collection: Collection, record_set: RecordSet) -> None:
"""The given collection count is equal to the number of embeddings"""
count = collection.count()
normalized_record_set = wrap_all(record_set)
assert count == len(normalized_record_set["ids"])
def _field_matches(
collection: Collection,
normalized_record_set: NormalizedRecordSet,
field_name: Union[Literal["documents"], Literal["metadatas"]],
) -> None:
The actual embedding field is equal to the expected field
field_name: one of [documents, metadatas]
result = collection.get(ids=normalized_record_set["ids"], include=[field_name])
# The test_out_of_order_ids test fails because of this in
# Here we sort by the ids to match the input order
embedding_id_to_index = {id: i for i, id in enumerate(normalized_record_set["ids"])}
actual_field = result[field_name]
# This assert should never happen, if we include metadatas/documents it will be
# [None, None..] if there is no metadata. It will not be just None.
assert actual_field is not None
sorted_field = sorted(
key=lambda index_and_field_value: embedding_id_to_index[
field_values = [field_value for _, field_value in sorted_field]
expected_field = normalized_record_set[field_name]
if expected_field is None:
# Since an RecordSet is the user input, we need to convert the documents to
# a List since thats what the API returns -> none per entry
expected_field = [None] * len(normalized_record_set["ids"]) # type: ignore
assert field_values == expected_field
def ids_match(collection: Collection, record_set: RecordSet) -> None:
"""The actual embedding ids is equal to the expected ids"""
normalized_record_set = wrap_all(record_set)
actual_ids = collection.get(ids=normalized_record_set["ids"], include=[])["ids"]
# The test_out_of_order_ids test fails because of this in
# Here we sort the ids to match the input order
embedding_id_to_index = {id: i for i, id in enumerate(normalized_record_set["ids"])}
actual_ids = sorted(actual_ids, key=lambda id: embedding_id_to_index[id])
assert actual_ids == normalized_record_set["ids"]
def metadatas_match(collection: Collection, record_set: RecordSet) -> None:
"""The actual embedding metadata is equal to the expected metadata"""
normalized_record_set = wrap_all(record_set)
_field_matches(collection, normalized_record_set, "metadatas")
def documents_match(collection: Collection, record_set: RecordSet) -> None:
"""The actual embedding documents is equal to the expected documents"""
normalized_record_set = wrap_all(record_set)
_field_matches(collection, normalized_record_set, "documents")
def no_duplicates(collection: Collection) -> None:
ids = collection.get()["ids"]
assert len(ids) == len(set(ids))
# These match what the spec of hnswlib is
# This epsilon is used to prevent division by zero and the value is the same
NORM_EPS = 1e-30
distance_functions: Dict[str, Callable[[npt.ArrayLike, npt.ArrayLike], float]] = {
"l2": lambda x, y: np.linalg.norm(x - y) ** 2, # type: ignore
"cosine": lambda x, y: 1 -, y) / ((np.linalg.norm(x) + NORM_EPS) * (np.linalg.norm(y) + NORM_EPS)), # type: ignore
"ip": lambda x, y: 1 -, y), # type: ignore
def _exact_distances(
query: types.Embeddings,
targets: types.Embeddings,
distance_fn: Callable[[npt.ArrayLike, npt.ArrayLike], float] = distance_functions[
) -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[List[float]]]:
"""Return the ordered indices and distances from each query to each target"""
np_query = np.array(query)
np_targets = np.array(targets)
# Compute the distance between each query and each target, using the distance function
distances = np.apply_along_axis(
lambda query: np.apply_along_axis(distance_fn, 1, np_targets, query),
# Sort the distances and return the indices
return np.argsort(distances).tolist(), distances.tolist()
def ann_accuracy(
collection: Collection,
record_set: RecordSet,
n_results: int = 1,
min_recall: float = 0.99,
embedding_function: Optional[types.EmbeddingFunction] = None,
) -> None:
"""Validate that the API performs nearest_neighbor searches correctly"""
normalized_record_set = wrap_all(record_set)
if len(normalized_record_set["ids"]) == 0:
return # nothing to test here
embeddings: Optional[types.Embeddings] = normalized_record_set["embeddings"]
have_embeddings = embeddings is not None and len(embeddings) > 0
if not have_embeddings:
assert embedding_function is not None
assert normalized_record_set["documents"] is not None
assert isinstance(normalized_record_set["documents"], list)
# Compute the embeddings for the documents
embeddings = embedding_function(normalized_record_set["documents"])
# l2 is the default distance function
distance_function = distance_functions["l2"]
accuracy_threshold = 1e-6
assert collection.metadata is not None
assert embeddings is not None
if "hnsw:space" in collection.metadata:
space = collection.metadata["hnsw:space"]
# TODO: ip and cosine are numerically unstable in HNSW.
# The higher the dimensionality, the more noise is introduced, since each float element
# of the vector has noise added, which is then subsequently included in all normalization calculations.
# This means that higher dimensions will have more noise, and thus more error.
assert all(isinstance(e, list) for e in embeddings)
dim = len(embeddings[0])
accuracy_threshold = accuracy_threshold * math.pow(10, int(math.log10(dim)))
if space == "cosine":
distance_function = distance_functions["cosine"]
if space == "ip":
distance_function = distance_functions["ip"]
# Perform exact distance computation
indices, distances = _exact_distances(
embeddings, embeddings, distance_fn=distance_function
query_results = collection.query(
query_texts=normalized_record_set["documents"] if not have_embeddings else None,
include=["embeddings", "documents", "metadatas", "distances"],
assert query_results["distances"] is not None
assert query_results["documents"] is not None
assert query_results["metadatas"] is not None
assert query_results["embeddings"] is not None
# Dict of ids to indices
id_to_index = {id: i for i, id in enumerate(normalized_record_set["ids"])}
missing = 0
for i, (indices_i, distances_i) in enumerate(zip(indices, distances)):
expected_ids = np.array(normalized_record_set["ids"])[indices_i[:n_results]]
missing += len(set(expected_ids) - set(query_results["ids"][i]))
# For each id in the query results, find the index in the embeddings set
# and assert that the embeddings are the same
for j, id in enumerate(query_results["ids"][i]):
# This may be because the true nth nearest neighbor didn't get returned by the ANN query
unexpected_id = id not in expected_ids
index = id_to_index[id]
correct_distance = np.allclose(
if unexpected_id:
# If the ID is unexpcted, but the distance is correct, then we
# have a duplicate in the data. In this case, we should not reduce recall.
if correct_distance:
missing -= 1
assert correct_distance
assert np.allclose(embeddings[index], query_results["embeddings"][i][j])
if normalized_record_set["documents"] is not None:
assert (
== query_results["documents"][i][j]
if normalized_record_set["metadatas"] is not None:
assert (
== query_results["metadatas"][i][j]
size = len(normalized_record_set["ids"])
recall = (size - missing) / size
f"recall: {recall}, missing {missing} out of {size}, accuracy threshold {accuracy_threshold}"
except InvalidArgument:
pass # it's ok if we're running outside hypothesis
assert recall >= min_recall
# Ensure that the query results are sorted by distance
for distance_result in query_results["distances"]:
assert np.allclose(np.sort(distance_result), distance_result)