E621TagExplorer / functions.py
Specimen5423's picture
Slight adjustments to general and meta colors
history blame contribute delete
No virus
13.7 kB
import pandas
import numpy
import pandas.io.formats.style
import random
import functools
from typing import Callable, Literal
CAT_GENERAL: "#808080",
CAT_ARTIST: "#f2ac08",
CAT_UNUSED: "#ff3d3d",
CAT_SPECIES: "#ed5d1f",
CAT_INVALID: "#ff3d3d",
CAT_META: "#04f",
CAT_LORE: "#282"
def get_feather(filename: str) -> pandas.DataFrame:
return pandas.read_feather(f"{DATA_FOLDER}/{filename}.feather")
tags = get_feather("tags")
posts_by_tag = get_feather("posts_by_tag").set_index("tag_id")
tags_by_post = get_feather("tags_by_post").set_index("post_id")
tag_ratings = get_feather("tag_ratings")
implications = get_feather("implications")
tags_by_name = tags.copy(deep=True)
tags_by_name.set_index("name", inplace=True)
tags.set_index("tag_id", inplace=True)
def get_related_tags(targets: tuple[str, ...], exclude: tuple[str, ...] = (), samples: int = 100_000) -> pandas.DataFrame:
these_tags = tags_by_name.loc[list(targets)]
posts_with_these_tags = posts_by_tag.loc[these_tags["tag_id"]].map(set).groupby(lambda x: True).agg(lambda x: set.intersection(*x))["post_id"][True]
if (len(exclude) > 0):
excluded_tags = tags_by_name.loc[list(exclude)]
posts_with_excluded_tags = posts_by_tag.loc[excluded_tags["tag_id"]].map(set).groupby(lambda x: True).agg(lambda x: set.union(*x))["post_id"][True]
posts_with_these_tags = posts_with_these_tags - posts_with_excluded_tags
total_post_count_together = len(posts_with_these_tags)
sample_posts = random.sample(list(posts_with_these_tags), samples) if total_post_count_together > samples else list(posts_with_these_tags)
post_count_together = len(sample_posts)
sample_ratio = post_count_together / total_post_count_together
tags_in_these_posts = tags_by_post.loc[sample_posts]
counts_in_these_posts = tags_in_these_posts["tag_id"].explode().value_counts().rename("overlap")
summaries = pandas.DataFrame(counts_in_these_posts).join(tags[tags["post_count"]>0], how="right").fillna(0)
summaries["overlap"] = numpy.minimum(summaries["overlap"] / sample_ratio, summaries["post_count"])
summaries = summaries[["category", "name", "overlap", "post_count"]]
# Old "interestingness" value, didn't give as good results as an actual statistical technique, go figure. Code kept for curiosity's sake.
#summaries["interestingness"] = summaries["overlap"].pow(2) / (total_post_count_together * summaries["post_count"])
# Phi coefficient stuff.
n = float(len(tags_by_post))
n11 = summaries["overlap"]
n1x = float(total_post_count_together)
nx1 = summaries["post_count"].astype("float64")
summaries["correlation"] = (n * n11 - n1x * nx1) / numpy.sqrt(n1x * nx1 * (n - n1x) * (n - nx1))
return summaries
def format_tags(styler: pandas.io.formats.style.Styler):
styler.apply(lambda row: numpy.where(row.index == "name", "color:"+CATEGORY_COLORS[row["category"]], ""), axis=1)
if 'overlap' in styler.data:
styler.format("{:.0f}".format, subset=["overlap"])
if 'correlation' in styler.data:
styler.format("{:.2f}".format, subset=["correlation"])
styler.background_gradient(vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0, cmap="RdYlGn", subset=["correlation"])
if 'score' in styler.data:
styler.format("{:.2f}".format, subset=["score"])
styler.background_gradient(vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0, cmap="RdYlGn", subset=["score"])
return styler
def related_tags(*targets: str, exclude: tuple[str, ...] = (), category: int = None, samples: int = 100_000, min_overlap: int = 5, min_posts: int = 20, top: int = 30, bottom: int = 0) -> pandas.DataFrame:
result = get_related_tags(targets, exclude=exclude, samples=samples)
if category != None:
result = result[result["category"] == category]
result = result[~result["name"].isin(targets)]
result = result[result["overlap"] >= min_overlap]
result = result[result["post_count"] >= min_posts]
top_part = result.sort_values("correlation", ascending=False)[:top]
bottom_part = result.sort_values("correlation", ascending=True)[:bottom].sort_values("correlation", ascending=False)
return pandas.concat([top_part, bottom_part]).style.pipe(format_tags)
def implications_for(*subjects: str, seen: set[str] = None):
if seen is None:
seen = set()
for subject in subjects:
found = tags.loc[list(implications[implications["antecedent_id"] == tags_by_name.loc[subject, "tag_id"]].loc[:,"consequent_id"]), "name"].values
for f in found:
if f in seen:
yield f
yield from implications_for(f, seen=seen)
def parse_tag(potential_tag: str):
potential_tag = potential_tag.strip().replace(" ", "_").replace("\\(", "(").replace("\\)", ")")
if potential_tag == "":
return None
elif potential_tag in tags_by_name.index:
return potential_tag
elif potential_tag.startswith("by_") and potential_tag[3:] in tags_by_name.index:
return potential_tag[3:]
print(f"Couldn't find tag '{potential_tag}', skipping it.")
def parse_tags(*parts: str):
for part in parts:
for potential_tag in part.split(","):
tag = parse_tag(potential_tag)
if tag is not None:
yield tag
def add_suggestions(suggestions: pandas.DataFrame, new_tags: str | list[str], multiplier: int, samples : int, min_posts: int, rating: Literal['s', 'q', 'e']):
if isinstance(new_tags, str):
new_tags = [new_tags]
for new_tag in new_tags:
related = get_related_tags((new_tag,), samples=samples)
# Implementing the rating filter this way is horribly inefficient, fix it later
if rating == 's':
related = related.join(tag_ratings.set_index("tag_id"), on="tag_id")
related["post_count"] = related["s"]
related = related.drop("s", axis=1)
related = related.drop("q", axis=1)
related = related.drop("e", axis=1)
elif rating == 'q':
related = related.join(tag_ratings.set_index("tag_id"), on="tag_id")
related["post_count"] = related["s"] + related["q"]
related = related.drop("s", axis=1)
related = related.drop("q", axis=1)
related = related.drop("e", axis=1)
related = related[related["post_count"] >= min_posts]
if suggestions is None:
suggestions = related.rename(columns={"correlation": "score"})
suggestions = suggestions.join(related, rsuffix="r")
# This is a totally made up way to combine correlations. It keeps them from going outside the +/- 1 range, which is nice. It also makes older
# tags less important every time newer ones are added. That could be considered a feature or not.
suggestions["score"] = numpy.real(numpy.power((numpy.sqrt(suggestions["score"] + 0j) + numpy.sqrt(multiplier * suggestions["correlation"] + 0j)) / 2, 2))
return suggestions[["category", "name", "post_count", "score"]]
def pick_tags(suggestions: pandas.DataFrame, category: int, count: int, from_top: int, excluding: list[str], weighted: bool = True):
options = suggestions[(True if category is None else suggestions["category"] == category) & (suggestions["score"] > 0) & ~suggestions["name"].isin(excluding)].sort_values("score", ascending=False)[:from_top]
if weighted:
values = list(options["name"].values)
weights = list(options["score"].values)
choices = []
for _ in range(count):
choice = random.choices(population=values, weights=weights, k=1)[0]
return choices
return random.sample(list(options["name"].values), count)
def tag_to_prompt(tag: str) -> str:
if (tags_by_name.loc[tag]["category"] == CAT_ARTIST):
tag = "by " + tag
return tag.replace("_", " ").replace("(" , "\\(").replace(")" , "\\)")
# A lambda in a for loop doesn't capture variables the way I want it to, so this is a method now
def add_suggestions_later(suggestions: pandas.DataFrame, new_tags: str | list[str], multiplier: int, samples: int, min_posts: int, rating: Literal['s', 'q', 'e']):
return lambda: add_suggestions(suggestions, new_tags, multiplier, samples, min_posts, rating)
Prompt = tuple[list[str], list[str], Callable[[], pandas.DataFrame]]
class PromptBuilder:
prompts: list[Prompt]
samples: int
min_posts: int
rating: Literal['s', 'q', 'e']
skip_list: list[str]
def __init__(self, prompts = [([],[],lambda: None)], skip=[], samples = 100_000, min_posts = 20, rating: Literal['s', 'q', 'e'] = 'e'):
self.prompts = prompts
self.samples = samples
self.min_posts = min_posts
self.rating = rating
self.skip_list = skip
def include(self, tag: str):
return PromptBuilder(prompts=[
(tag_list + [tag], negative_list, add_suggestions_later(suggestions(), tag, 1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating))
for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in self.prompts
], samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating)
def focus(self, tag: str):
return PromptBuilder(prompts=[
(tag_list, negative_list, add_suggestions_later(suggestions(), tag, 1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating))
for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in self.prompts
], samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating)
def exclude(self, tag: str):
return PromptBuilder(prompts=[
(tag_list, negative_list + [tag], add_suggestions_later(suggestions(), tag, -1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating))
for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in self.prompts
], samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating)
def avoid(self, tag: str):
return PromptBuilder(prompts=[
(tag_list, negative_list, add_suggestions_later(suggestions(), tag, -1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating))
for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in self.prompts
], samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating)
def pick(self, category: int, count: int, from_top: int):
new_prompts = self.prompts
for _ in range(count):
new_prompts = [
(tag_list + [tag], negative_list, add_suggestions_later(s, tag, 1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating))
for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in new_prompts
for s in (suggestions(),)
for tag in pick_tags(s, category, 1, from_top, tag_list + negative_list + self.skip_list)
return PromptBuilder(new_prompts, samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating)
def foreach_pick(self, category: int, count: int, from_top: int):
return PromptBuilder(prompts=[
(tag_list + [tag], negative_list, add_suggestions_later(s, tag, 1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating))
for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in self.prompts
for s in (suggestions(),)
for tag in pick_tags(s, category, count, from_top, tag_list + negative_list + self.skip_list)
], samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating)
def pick_fast(self, category: int, count: int, from_top: int):
prompts = []
for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in self.prompts:
s = suggestions()
new_tags = pick_tags(s, category, count, from_top, tag_list + negative_list + self.skip_list)
prompts.append((tag_list + new_tags, negative_list, add_suggestions_later(s, new_tags, 1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating)))
return PromptBuilder(prompts=prompts, samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating)
def branch(self, count: int):
return PromptBuilder(prompts=[prompt for prompt in self.prompts for _ in range(count)], samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating)
def build(self):
for (tag_list, negative_list, _) in self.prompts:
positive_prompt = ", ".join([ tag_to_prompt(tag) for tag in tag_list])
negative_prompt = ", ".join([ tag_to_prompt(tag) for tag in negative_list])
if negative_prompt:
yield f"{positive_prompt}\nNegative prompt: {negative_prompt}"
yield positive_prompt
def print(self):
for prompt in self.build():
def get_one(self):
for prompt in self.build():
return prompt