import pandas import numpy import import random import functools from typing import Callable, Literal DATA_FOLDER = "." CAT_GENERAL = 0 CAT_ARTIST = 1 CAT_UNUSED = 2 CAT_COPYRIGHT = 3 CAT_CHARACTER = 4 CAT_SPECIES = 5 CAT_INVALID = 6 CAT_META = 7 CAT_LORE = 8 CATEGORY_COLORS = { CAT_GENERAL: "#808080", CAT_ARTIST: "#f2ac08", CAT_UNUSED: "#ff3d3d", CAT_COPYRIGHT: "#d0d", CAT_CHARACTER: "#0a0", CAT_SPECIES: "#ed5d1f", CAT_INVALID: "#ff3d3d", CAT_META: "#04f", CAT_LORE: "#282" } def get_feather(filename: str) -> pandas.DataFrame: return pandas.read_feather(f"{DATA_FOLDER}/{filename}.feather") tags = get_feather("tags") posts_by_tag = get_feather("posts_by_tag").set_index("tag_id") tags_by_post = get_feather("tags_by_post").set_index("post_id") tag_ratings = get_feather("tag_ratings") implications = get_feather("implications") tags_by_name = tags.copy(deep=True) tags_by_name.set_index("name", inplace=True) tags.set_index("tag_id", inplace=True) @functools.cache def get_related_tags(targets: tuple[str, ...], exclude: tuple[str, ...] = (), samples: int = 100_000) -> pandas.DataFrame: these_tags = tags_by_name.loc[list(targets)] posts_with_these_tags = posts_by_tag.loc[these_tags["tag_id"]].map(set).groupby(lambda x: True).agg(lambda x: set.intersection(*x))["post_id"][True] if (len(exclude) > 0): excluded_tags = tags_by_name.loc[list(exclude)] posts_with_excluded_tags = posts_by_tag.loc[excluded_tags["tag_id"]].map(set).groupby(lambda x: True).agg(lambda x: set.union(*x))["post_id"][True] posts_with_these_tags = posts_with_these_tags - posts_with_excluded_tags total_post_count_together = len(posts_with_these_tags) sample_posts = random.sample(list(posts_with_these_tags), samples) if total_post_count_together > samples else list(posts_with_these_tags) post_count_together = len(sample_posts) sample_ratio = post_count_together / total_post_count_together tags_in_these_posts = tags_by_post.loc[sample_posts] counts_in_these_posts = tags_in_these_posts["tag_id"].explode().value_counts().rename("overlap") summaries = pandas.DataFrame(counts_in_these_posts).join(tags[tags["post_count"]>0], how="right").fillna(0) summaries["overlap"] = numpy.minimum(summaries["overlap"] / sample_ratio, summaries["post_count"]) summaries = summaries[["category", "name", "overlap", "post_count"]] # Old "interestingness" value, didn't give as good results as an actual statistical technique, go figure. Code kept for curiosity's sake. #summaries["interestingness"] = summaries["overlap"].pow(2) / (total_post_count_together * summaries["post_count"]) # Phi coefficient stuff. n = float(len(tags_by_post)) n11 = summaries["overlap"] n1x = float(total_post_count_together) nx1 = summaries["post_count"].astype("float64") summaries["correlation"] = (n * n11 - n1x * nx1) / numpy.sqrt(n1x * nx1 * (n - n1x) * (n - nx1)) return summaries def format_tags(styler: styler.apply(lambda row: numpy.where(row.index == "name", "color:"+CATEGORY_COLORS[row["category"]], ""), axis=1) styler.hide(level=0) styler.hide("category",axis=1) if 'overlap' in styler.format("{:.0f}".format, subset=["overlap"]) if 'correlation' in styler.format("{:.2f}".format, subset=["correlation"]) styler.background_gradient(vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0, cmap="RdYlGn", subset=["correlation"]) if 'score' in styler.format("{:.2f}".format, subset=["score"]) styler.background_gradient(vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0, cmap="RdYlGn", subset=["score"]) return styler def related_tags(*targets: str, exclude: tuple[str, ...] = (), category: int = None, samples: int = 100_000, min_overlap: int = 5, min_posts: int = 20, top: int = 30, bottom: int = 0) -> pandas.DataFrame: result = get_related_tags(targets, exclude=exclude, samples=samples) if category != None: result = result[result["category"] == category] result = result[~result["name"].isin(targets)] result = result[result["overlap"] >= min_overlap] result = result[result["post_count"] >= min_posts] top_part = result.sort_values("correlation", ascending=False)[:top] bottom_part = result.sort_values("correlation", ascending=True)[:bottom].sort_values("correlation", ascending=False) return pandas.concat([top_part, bottom_part]).style.pipe(format_tags) def implications_for(*subjects: str, seen: set[str] = None): if seen is None: seen = set() for subject in subjects: found = tags.loc[list(implications[implications["antecedent_id"] == tags_by_name.loc[subject, "tag_id"]].loc[:,"consequent_id"]), "name"].values for f in found: if f in seen: pass else: yield f seen.add(f) yield from implications_for(f, seen=seen) def parse_tag(potential_tag: str): potential_tag = potential_tag.strip().replace(" ", "_").replace("\\(", "(").replace("\\)", ")") if potential_tag == "": return None elif potential_tag in tags_by_name.index: return potential_tag elif potential_tag.startswith("by_") and potential_tag[3:] in tags_by_name.index: return potential_tag[3:] else: print(f"Couldn't find tag '{potential_tag}', skipping it.") def parse_tags(*parts: str): for part in parts: for potential_tag in part.split(","): tag = parse_tag(potential_tag) if tag is not None: yield tag def add_suggestions(suggestions: pandas.DataFrame, new_tags: str | list[str], multiplier: int, samples : int, min_posts: int, rating: Literal['s', 'q', 'e']): if isinstance(new_tags, str): new_tags = [new_tags] for new_tag in new_tags: related = get_related_tags((new_tag,), samples=samples) # Implementing the rating filter this way is horribly inefficient, fix it later if rating == 's': related = related.join(tag_ratings.set_index("tag_id"), on="tag_id") related["post_count"] = related["s"] related = related.drop("s", axis=1) related = related.drop("q", axis=1) related = related.drop("e", axis=1) elif rating == 'q': related = related.join(tag_ratings.set_index("tag_id"), on="tag_id") related["post_count"] = related["s"] + related["q"] related = related.drop("s", axis=1) related = related.drop("q", axis=1) related = related.drop("e", axis=1) related = related[related["post_count"] >= min_posts] if suggestions is None: suggestions = related.rename(columns={"correlation": "score"}) else: suggestions = suggestions.join(related, rsuffix="r") # This is a totally made up way to combine correlations. It keeps them from going outside the +/- 1 range, which is nice. It also makes older # tags less important every time newer ones are added. That could be considered a feature or not. suggestions["score"] = numpy.real(numpy.power((numpy.sqrt(suggestions["score"] + 0j) + numpy.sqrt(multiplier * suggestions["correlation"] + 0j)) / 2, 2)) return suggestions[["category", "name", "post_count", "score"]] def pick_tags(suggestions: pandas.DataFrame, category: int, count: int, from_top: int, excluding: list[str], weighted: bool = True): options = suggestions[(True if category is None else suggestions["category"] == category) & (suggestions["score"] > 0) & ~suggestions["name"].isin(excluding)].sort_values("score", ascending=False)[:from_top] if weighted: values = list(options["name"].values) weights = list(options["score"].values) choices = [] for _ in range(count): choice = random.choices(population=values, weights=weights, k=1)[0] weights.pop(values.index(choice)) values.remove(choice) choices.append(choice) return choices else: return random.sample(list(options["name"].values), count) def tag_to_prompt(tag: str) -> str: if (tags_by_name.loc[tag]["category"] == CAT_ARTIST): tag = "by " + tag return tag.replace("_", " ").replace("(" , "\\(").replace(")" , "\\)") # A lambda in a for loop doesn't capture variables the way I want it to, so this is a method now def add_suggestions_later(suggestions: pandas.DataFrame, new_tags: str | list[str], multiplier: int, samples: int, min_posts: int, rating: Literal['s', 'q', 'e']): return lambda: add_suggestions(suggestions, new_tags, multiplier, samples, min_posts, rating) Prompt = tuple[list[str], list[str], Callable[[], pandas.DataFrame]] class PromptBuilder: prompts: list[Prompt] samples: int min_posts: int rating: Literal['s', 'q', 'e'] skip_list: list[str] def __init__(self, prompts = [([],[],lambda: None)], skip=[], samples = 100_000, min_posts = 20, rating: Literal['s', 'q', 'e'] = 'e'): self.prompts = prompts self.samples = samples self.min_posts = min_posts self.rating = rating self.skip_list = skip def include(self, tag: str): return PromptBuilder(prompts=[ (tag_list + [tag], negative_list, add_suggestions_later(suggestions(), tag, 1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating)) for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in self.prompts ], samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating) def focus(self, tag: str): return PromptBuilder(prompts=[ (tag_list, negative_list, add_suggestions_later(suggestions(), tag, 1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating)) for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in self.prompts ], samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating) def exclude(self, tag: str): return PromptBuilder(prompts=[ (tag_list, negative_list + [tag], add_suggestions_later(suggestions(), tag, -1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating)) for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in self.prompts ], samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating) def avoid(self, tag: str): return PromptBuilder(prompts=[ (tag_list, negative_list, add_suggestions_later(suggestions(), tag, -1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating)) for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in self.prompts ], samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating) def pick(self, category: int, count: int, from_top: int): new_prompts = self.prompts for _ in range(count): new_prompts = [ (tag_list + [tag], negative_list, add_suggestions_later(s, tag, 1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating)) for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in new_prompts for s in (suggestions(),) for tag in pick_tags(s, category, 1, from_top, tag_list + negative_list + self.skip_list) ] return PromptBuilder(new_prompts, samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating) def foreach_pick(self, category: int, count: int, from_top: int): return PromptBuilder(prompts=[ (tag_list + [tag], negative_list, add_suggestions_later(s, tag, 1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating)) for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in self.prompts for s in (suggestions(),) for tag in pick_tags(s, category, count, from_top, tag_list + negative_list + self.skip_list) ], samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating) def pick_fast(self, category: int, count: int, from_top: int): prompts = [] for (tag_list, negative_list, suggestions) in self.prompts: s = suggestions() new_tags = pick_tags(s, category, count, from_top, tag_list + negative_list + self.skip_list) prompts.append((tag_list + new_tags, negative_list, add_suggestions_later(s, new_tags, 1, self.samples, self.min_posts, self.rating))) return PromptBuilder(prompts=prompts, samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating) def branch(self, count: int): return PromptBuilder(prompts=[prompt for prompt in self.prompts for _ in range(count)], samples=self.samples, min_posts=self.min_posts, skip=self.skip_list, rating=self.rating) def build(self): for (tag_list, negative_list, _) in self.prompts: positive_prompt = ", ".join([ tag_to_prompt(tag) for tag in tag_list]) negative_prompt = ", ".join([ tag_to_prompt(tag) for tag in negative_list]) if negative_prompt: yield f"{positive_prompt}\nNegative prompt: {negative_prompt}" else: yield positive_prompt def print(self): for prompt in print(prompt) def get_one(self): for prompt in return prompt