import os |
os.environ['bert_path'] = '/data/zql/concept-drift-in-edge-projects/UniversalElasticNet/new_impl/nlp/roberta/sentiment-classification/roberta-base' |
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false" |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
from methods.elasticdnn.api.algs.fm_lora import ElasticDNN_FMLoRAAlg |
from methods.elasticdnn.api.algs.md_pretraining_wo_fbs import ElasticDNN_MDPretrainingWoFBSAlg |
from methods.elasticdnn.model.base import ElasticDNNUtil |
from methods.elasticdnn.pipeline.offline.fm_lora.base import FMLoRA_Util |
from methods.elasticdnn.pipeline.offline.fm_to_md.base import FM_to_MD_Util |
from methods.elasticdnn.pipeline.offline.fm_to_md.vit import FM_to_MD_ViT_Util |
from methods.elasticdnn.model.vit import ElasticViTUtil |
from methods.elasticdnn.api.algs.md_pretraining_index_v2_train_index_and_md import ElasticDNN_MDPretrainingIndexAlg |
from utils.dl.common.model import LayerActivation2, get_module, get_parameter |
from utils.common.exp import save_models_dict_for_init, get_res_save_dir |
from data import build_scenario |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from utils.dl.common.loss import CrossEntropyLossSoft |
from new_impl.cv.feat_align.main import OnlineFeatAlignModel, FeatAlignAlg |
import tqdm |
from new_impl.cv.feat_align.mmd import mmd_rbf |
from new_impl.cv.utils.elasticfm_da import init_online_model, elasticfm_da |
from methods.elasticdnn.api.online_model_v2 import ElasticDNN_OnlineModel |
from utils.common.log import logger |
import json |
from roberta import FMLoRA_Roberta_Util, RobertaForSenCls, FM_to_MD_Roberta_Util, ElasticRobertaUtil |
from copy import deepcopy |
torch.cuda.set_device(1) |
from experiments.utils.elasticfm_cl import init_online_model, elasticfm_cl |
device = 'cuda:1' |
app_name = 'secls' |
sd_sparsity = 0.8 |
settings = { |
'involve_fm': True |
} |
scenario = build_scenario( |
source_datasets_name=['HL5Domains-ApexAD2600Progressive', 'HL5Domains-CanonG3', 'HL5Domains-CreativeLabsNomadJukeboxZenXtra40GB'], |
target_datasets_order=['HL5Domains-Nokia6610', 'HL5Domains-NikonCoolpix4300'] * 10, |
da_mode='close_set', |
data_dirs={ |
**{k: f'/data/zql/datasets/nlp_asc_19_domains/dat/absa/Bing5Domains/asc/{k.split("-")[1]}' |
for k in ['HL5Domains-ApexAD2600Progressive', 'HL5Domains-CanonG3', 'HL5Domains-CreativeLabsNomadJukeboxZenXtra40GB', |
'HL5Domains-NikonCoolpix4300', 'HL5Domains-Nokia6610']} |
}, |
) |
class ElasticDNN_SeClsOnlineModel(ElasticDNN_OnlineModel): |
@torch.no_grad() |
def sd_feedback_to_md(self, after_da_sd, unpruned_indexes_of_layers): |
self.models_dict['sd'] = after_da_sd |
self.before_da_md = deepcopy(self.models_dict['md']) |
logger.info('\n\nsurrogate DNN feedback to master DNN...\n\n') |
cur_unpruned_indexes = None |
cur_unpruned_indexes_name = None |
for p_name, p in self.models_dict['sd'].named_parameters(): |
matched_md_param = self.get_md_matched_param_of_sd_param(p_name) |
logger.debug(f'if feedback: {p_name}') |
if matched_md_param is None: |
continue |
logger.debug(f'start feedback: {p_name}, {p.size()} -> {matched_md_param.size()}') |
if p_name in unpruned_indexes_of_layers.keys(): |
cur_unpruned_indexes = unpruned_indexes_of_layers[p_name] |
cur_unpruned_indexes_name = p_name |
if p.size() != matched_md_param.size(): |
logger.debug(f'cur unpruned indexes: {cur_unpruned_indexes_name}, {cur_unpruned_indexes.size()}') |
if p.dim() == 1: |
new_p = deepcopy(matched_md_param) |
new_p[cur_unpruned_indexes] = p |
elif p.dim() == 2: |
if p.size(0) < matched_md_param.size(0): |
new_p = deepcopy(matched_md_param) |
new_p[cur_unpruned_indexes] = p |
else: |
new_p = deepcopy(matched_md_param) |
new_p[:, cur_unpruned_indexes] = p |
p = new_p |
assert p.size() == matched_md_param.size(), f'{p.size()}, {matched_md_param.size()}' |
diff = self._compute_diff(matched_md_param, (matched_md_param + p) / 2.) |
matched_md_param.copy_((matched_md_param + p) / 2.) |
logger.debug(f'end feedback: {p_name}, diff: {diff:.6f}') |
def add_cls_in_head(self, num_cls): |
head: nn.Linear = get_module(self.models_dict['md'], 'classifier') |
new_head = nn.Linear(head.in_features, head.out_features + num_cls, head.bias is not None, device=self.device) |
new_head.weight.data[0: head.out_features] = deepcopy(head.weight.data) |
new_head.bias.data[0: head.out_features] = deepcopy(head.bias.data) |
set_module(self.models_dict['md'], 'classifier', new_head) |
set_module(self.models_dict['fm'], 'classifier', new_head) |
def get_accuracy(self, test_loader, *args, **kwargs): |
acc = 0 |
sample_num = 0 |
self.to_eval_mode() |
with torch.no_grad(): |
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(test_loader), total=len(test_loader), dynamic_ncols=True, leave=False) |
for batch_index, (x, y) in pbar: |
for k, v in x.items(): |
if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): |
x[k] = v.to(self.device) |
y = y.to(self.device) |
output = self.infer(x) |
pred = F.softmax(output, dim=1).argmax(dim=1) |
correct = torch.eq(pred, y).sum().item() |
acc += correct |
sample_num += len(y) |
pbar.set_description(f'cur_batch_total: {len(y)}, cur_batch_correct: {correct}, ' |
f'cur_batch_acc: {(correct / len(y)):.4f}') |
acc /= sample_num |
return acc |
def get_elastic_dnn_util(self) -> ElasticDNNUtil: |
return ElasticRobertaUtil() |
def get_fm_matched_param_of_md_param(self, md_param_name): |
self_param_name = md_param_name |
fm = self.models_dict['fm'] |
if any([k in self_param_name for k in ['fbs', 'ab', 'embeddings','ln']]): |
return None |
p = get_parameter(self.models_dict['md'], self_param_name) |
if p.dim() == 0: |
return None |
elif p.dim() == 1 and 'LayerNorm' in self_param_name and 'weight' in self_param_name: |
return get_parameter(fm, self_param_name) |
if ('query' in self_param_name or 'key' in self_param_name or \ |
'value' in self_param_name) and ('weight' in self_param_name): |
ss = self_param_name.split('.') |
fm_qkv_name = '.'.join(ss[0: -1]) + '.fc' |
fm_qkv = get_module(fm, fm_qkv_name) |
fm_abs_name = '.'.join(ss[0: -1]) + '.ab' |
fm_abs = get_module(fm, fm_abs_name) |
if not hasattr(fm_abs, '_mul_lora_weight'): |
logger.debug(f'set _mul_lora_weight in {fm_abs_name}') |
setattr(fm_abs, '_mul_lora_weight', |
nn.Parameter(fm_abs[1].weight @ fm_abs[0].weight)) |
return torch.cat([ |
fm_qkv.weight.data, |
fm_abs._mul_lora_weight.data |
], dim=0) |
elif ('query' in self_param_name or 'key' in self_param_name or 'value' in self_param_name) \ |
and 'bias' in self_param_name: |
ss = self_param_name.split('.') |
fm_qkv_name = '.'.join(ss[0: -1]) + '.fc.bias' |
return get_parameter(fm, fm_qkv_name) |
elif 'intermediate.dense' in self_param_name: |
fm_param_name = self_param_name.replace('.linear', '') |
return get_parameter(fm, fm_param_name) |
else: |
return get_parameter(fm, self_param_name) |
def update_fm_param(self, md_param_name, cal_new_fm_param_by_md_param): |
if not ('query' in md_param_name or 'key' in md_param_name or 'value' in md_param_name): |
matched_fm_param_ref = self.get_fm_matched_param_of_md_param(md_param_name) |
matched_fm_param_ref.copy_(cal_new_fm_param_by_md_param) |
elif 'bias' in md_param_name: |
ss = md_param_name.split('.') |
fm = self.models_dict['fm'] |
fm_qkv_name = '.'.join(ss[0: -1]) + '.fc' |
fm_qkv = get_module(fm, fm_qkv_name) |
fm_qkv.bias.data.copy_(cal_new_fm_param_by_md_param) |
else: |
new_fm_attn_weight, new_fm_lora_weight = torch.chunk(cal_new_fm_param_by_md_param, 2, 0) |
ss = md_param_name.split('.') |
fm = self.models_dict['fm'] |
fm_qkv_name = '.'.join(ss[0: -1]) + '.fc' |
fm_qkv = get_module(fm, fm_qkv_name) |
fm_qkv.weight.data.copy_(new_fm_attn_weight) |
fm_abs_name = '.'.join(ss[0: -1]) + '.ab' |
fm_abs = get_module(fm, fm_abs_name) |
fm_abs._mul_lora_weight.data.copy_(new_fm_lora_weight) |
def get_md_matched_param_of_fm_param(self, fm_param_name): |
return super().get_md_matched_param_of_fm_param(fm_param_name) |
def get_md_matched_param_of_sd_param(self, sd_param_name): |
self_param_name = sd_param_name |
md = self.models_dict['md'] |
if any([k in self_param_name for k in ['fbs', 'ab', 'embeddings']]): |
return None |
p = get_parameter(self.models_dict['sd'], self_param_name) |
if p.dim() == 0: |
return None |
elif p.dim() == 1 and 'LayerNorm' in self_param_name and 'weight' in self_param_name: |
return get_parameter(md, self_param_name) |
if 'classifier' in self_param_name: |
return get_parameter(md, self_param_name) |
elif 'static_channel_attention' in self_param_name: |
return None |
if ('query' in self_param_name or 'key' in self_param_name or \ |
'value' in self_param_name) and ('weight' in self_param_name): |
return get_parameter(md, self_param_name) |
elif ('query' in self_param_name or 'key' in self_param_name or \ |
'value' in self_param_name) and ('bias' in self_param_name): |
return get_parameter(md, self_param_name) |
elif 'intermediate.dense.0.weight' in self_param_name: |
fm_param_name = '.'.join(self_param_name.split('.')[0: -2]) + '.linear.weight' |
return get_parameter(md, fm_param_name) |
elif 'intermediate.dense.0.bias' in self_param_name: |
fm_param_name = '.'.join(self_param_name.split('.')[0: -2]) + '.linear.bias' |
return get_parameter(md, fm_param_name) |
elif 'output.dense' in self_param_name and 'weight' in self_param_name: |
fm_param_name = self_param_name |
return get_parameter(md, fm_param_name) |
else: |
return get_parameter(md, self_param_name) |
def get_task_head_params(self): |
head = get_module(self.models_dict['sd'], 'classifier') |
return list(head.parameters()) |
class SeClsOnlineFeatAlignModel(OnlineFeatAlignModel): |
def get_trained_params(self): |
qkv_and_norm_params = [p for n, p in self.models_dict['main'].named_parameters()] |
return qkv_and_norm_params |
def get_feature_hook(self) -> LayerActivation2: |
return LayerActivation2(get_module(self.models_dict['main'], 'classifier')) |
def forward_to_get_task_loss(self, x, y): |
self.to_train_mode() |
return F.cross_entropy(self.infer(x), y) |
def get_mmd_loss(self, f1, f2): |
common_shape = min(f1.shape[0], f2.shape[0]) |
f1 = f1.view(f1.shape[0], -1) |
f2 = f2.view(f2.shape[0], -1) |
f1 = f1[:common_shape,:] |
f2 = f2[:common_shape,:] |
return mmd_rbf(f1, f2) |
def infer(self, x, *args, **kwargs): |
return self.models_dict['main'](**x) |
def get_accuracy(self, test_loader, *args, **kwargs): |
_d = test_loader.dataset |
from data import build_dataloader, split_dataset |
if _d.__class__.__name__ == '_SplitDataset' and _d.underlying_dataset.__class__.__name__ == 'MergedDataset': |
print('\neval on merged datasets') |
merged_full_dataset = _d.underlying_dataset.datasets |
ratio = len(_d.keys) / len(_d.underlying_dataset) |
if int(len(_d) * ratio) == 0: |
ratio = 1. |
test_loaders = [] |
for d in merged_full_dataset: |
n = int(len(d) * ratio) |
if n == 0: |
n = len(d) |
sub_dataset = split_dataset(d, min(max(test_loader.batch_size, n), len(d)))[0] |
loader = build_dataloader(sub_dataset, min(test_loader.batch_size, n), test_loader.num_workers, False, None) |
test_loaders += [loader] |
accs = [self.get_accuracy(loader) for loader in test_loaders] |
print(accs) |
return sum(accs) / len(accs) |
acc = 0 |
sample_num = 0 |
self.to_eval_mode() |
with torch.no_grad(): |
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(test_loader), total=len(test_loader), dynamic_ncols=True, leave=False) |
for batch_index, (x, y) in pbar: |
for k, v in x.items(): |
if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): |
x[k] = v.to(self.device) |
y = y.to(self.device) |
output = self.infer(x) |
pred = F.softmax(output, dim=1).argmax(dim=1) |
correct = torch.eq(pred, y).sum().item() |
acc += correct |
sample_num += len(y) |
pbar.set_description(f'cur_batch_total: {len(y)}, cur_batch_correct: {correct}, ' |
f'cur_batch_acc: {(correct / len(y)):.4f}') |
acc /= sample_num |
return acc |
elasticfm_model = ElasticDNN_SeClsOnlineModel('secls', init_online_model( |
'new_impl/nlp/roberta/sentiment-classification/results/cls_md_w_fbs_index.py/20240111/999998-203106-results/models/fm_best.pt', |
'new_impl/nlp/roberta/sentiment-classification/results/cls_md_w_fbs_index.py/20240111/999998-203106-results/models/md_best.pt', |
'cls', __file__ |
), device, { |
'md_to_fm_alpha': 0.01, |
'fm_to_md_alpha': 0.1 |
}) |
da_alg = FeatAlignAlg |
from utils.dl.common.lr_scheduler import get_linear_schedule_with_warmup |
da_model = SeClsOnlineFeatAlignModel |
da_alg_hyp = { |
'HL5Domains-Nokia6610': { |
'train_batch_size': 32, |
'val_batch_size': 256, |
'num_workers': 8, |
'optimizer': 'AdamW', |
'optimizer_args': {'lr': 2e-7, 'betas': [0.9, 0.999], 'weight_decay': 0.01}, |
'scheduler': '', |
'scheduler_args': {}, |
'num_iters': 100, |
'val_freq': 20, |
'sd_sparsity':0.3, |
'feat_align_loss_weight': 1.0, |
}, |
'HL5Domains-NikonCoolpix4300': { |
'train_batch_size': 32, |
'val_batch_size': 128, |
'num_workers': 8, |
'optimizer': 'AdamW', |
'optimizer_args': {'lr': 2e-7, 'betas': [0.9, 0.999], 'weight_decay': 0.01}, |
'scheduler': '', |
'scheduler_args': {}, |
'num_iters': 100, |
'val_freq': 20, |
'sd_sparsity':0.3, |
'feat_align_loss_weight': 1.0, |
}, |
} |
elasticfm_da( |
[app_name], |
[scenario], |
[elasticfm_model], |
[da_alg], |
[da_alg_hyp], |
[da_model], |
device, |
settings, |
__file__, |
"results", |
) |