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import torch
import os
import numpy as np
from .ab_dataset import ABDataset
class _SplitDataset(
"""Used by split_dataset"""
def __init__(self, underlying_dataset, keys):
super(_SplitDataset, self).__init__()
self.underlying_dataset = underlying_dataset
self.keys = keys
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.underlying_dataset[self.keys[key]]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.keys)
def split_dataset(dataset, n, seed=0, transform=None):
if isinstance(dataset, ABDataset):
if dataset.task_type == 'Object Detection':
return split_dataset_det(dataset, n, seed)
if dataset.task_type == 'MM Object Detection':
return split_dataset_det_mm(dataset, n, seed, transform=transform)
Return a pair of datasets corresponding to a random split of the given
dataset, with n datapoints in the first dataset and the rest in the last,
using the given random seed
assert n <= len(dataset), f'{n}_{len(dataset)}'
cache_p = f'{n}_{seed}_{len(dataset)}'
cache_p = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(
'~'), '.domain_benchmark_split_dataset_cache_' + str(cache_p))
if os.path.exists(cache_p):
keys_1, keys_2 = torch.load(cache_p)
keys = list(range(len(dataset)))
keys_1 = keys[:n]
keys_2 = keys[n:], keys_2), cache_p)
return _SplitDataset(dataset, keys_1), _SplitDataset(dataset, keys_2)
def train_val_split(dataset, split):
assert split in ['train', 'val']
if split == 'train':
return split_dataset(dataset, int(len(dataset) * 0.8))[0]
return split_dataset(dataset, int(len(dataset) * 0.8))[1]
def train_val_test_split(dataset, split):
assert split in ['train', 'val', 'test']
train_set, test_set = split_dataset(dataset, int(len(dataset) * 0.8))
train_set, val_set = split_dataset(train_set, int(len(train_set) * 0.8))
return {'train': train_set, 'val': val_set, 'test': test_set}[split]
def split_dataset_det(dataset: ABDataset, n, seed=0):
coco_ann_json_path = dataset.ann_json_file_path_for_split
from .object_detection.yolox_data_util.api import coco_split, get_default_yolox_coco_dataset
split_coco_ann_json_path = coco_split(coco_ann_json_path, ratio=n / len(dataset))[0]
# print(n, len(dataset))
return get_default_yolox_coco_dataset(dataset.root_dir, split_coco_ann_json_path, train=dataset.split == 'train'), None
def split_dataset_det_mm(dataset: ABDataset, n, seed=0, transform=None):
coco_ann_json_path = dataset.ann_json_file_path_for_split
from .object_detection.yolox_data_util.api import coco_split, get_yolox_coco_dataset_with_caption
split_coco_ann_json_path = coco_split(coco_ann_json_path, ratio=n / len(dataset))[0]
# print(n, len(dataset))
return get_yolox_coco_dataset_with_caption(dataset.root_dir, split_coco_ann_json_path, transform=transform, train=dataset.split == 'train', classes=dataset.classes), None |