HarshanaLF's picture
title: Real Time Chat With AI
colorFrom: blue
colorTo: indigo
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 4.31.5
app_file: app.py
pinned: false
short_description: Chat with AI with ⚡Lightning Speed
# H GO
Inspired by Google Go, H GO is a concise and efficient chat interface that leverages various language models hosted on Hugging Face. It uses Gradio for the user interface and supports different models to cater to diverse needs.
## Features
- **Multiple Model Support**: Choose from various models such as Nous Hermes, StarChat, Mistral, and Phi.
- **Real-time Interaction**: Get quick and concise responses from the selected model.
- **Customizable**: Easily switch models to suit your specific requirements.
## Setup
### Prerequisites
- Python 3.7+
- Gradio
- Hugging Face Hub
- Git LFS (Large File Storage)
### Installation
1. Clone the repository:
# Make sure you have git-lfs installed (https://git-lfs.com)
git lfs install
# When prompted for a password, use an access token with write permissions.
# Generate one from your settings: https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens
git clone https://huggingface.co/spaces/HarshanaLF/Real-Time-Chat-with-AI
# If you want to clone without large files - just their pointers
GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git clone https://huggingface.co/spaces/HarshanaLF/Real-Time-Chat-with-AI
2. Navigate to the project directory:
cd Real-Time-Chat-with-AI
3. Install the required dependencies:
pip install gradio huggingface_hub
## Usage
Run the application using the following command:
python app.py
## Model Descriptions
- **Nous Hermes Mixtral 8x7B DPO**: A robust model designed for detailed and nuanced conversation handling.
- **StarChat2 15b**: A large-scale model optimized for general chat interactions with a wide range of topics.
- **Mistral 7B v0.3**: A smaller, efficient model suitable for fast and responsive chat applications.
- **Phi 3 mini**: A compact model focusing on instructive and concise responses.
- **Mixtral 8x7B**: A versatile model capable of handling various conversational contexts effectively.