import torch | |
import os | |
import pandas as pd | |
import random | |
from chembl_structure_pipeline import standardizer | |
from rdkit.Chem import MolStandardize | |
from rdkit import Chem | |
import time | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
from import TabularDataset, Field, BucketIterator, Iterator | |
import random | |
import os | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
from import DataLoader | |
import random | |
from torch import optim | |
import numpy as np | |
import itertools | |
import time | |
import statistics | |
from rdkit.Chem import GraphDescriptors, Lipinski, AllChem | |
from rdkit.Chem.rdSLNParse import MolFromSLN | |
from rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles import MolFromSmiles | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import torch.optim as optim | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
from rdkit import rdBase, Chem | |
import re | |
from rdkit import RDLogger | |
RDLogger.DisableLog('rdApp.*') | |
SEED = 42 | |
random.seed(SEED) | |
torch.manual_seed(SEED) | |
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True | |
################################################################################################## | |
################################################################################################## | |
# # | |
# # | |
################################################################################################## | |
################################################################################################## | |
def is_smiles(array, | |
TRG, | |
reverse: bool, | |
return_output=False, | |
src=None, | |
src_field=None): | |
"""Turns predicted tokens within batch into smiles and evaluates their validity | |
Arguments: | |
array: Tensor with most probable token for each location for each sequence in batch | |
[trg len, batch size] | |
TRG: target field for getting tokens from vocab | |
reverse (bool): True if the target sequence is reversed | |
return_output (bool): True if output sequences and their validity should be saved | |
Returns: | |
df: dataframe with correct and incorrect sequences | |
valids: list with booleans that show if prediction was a valid SMILES (True) or invalid one (False) | |
smiless: list of the predicted smiles | |
""" | |
trg_field = TRG | |
valids = [] | |
smiless = [] | |
if return_output: | |
df = pd.DataFrame() | |
else: | |
df = None | |
batch_size = array.size(1) | |
# check if the first token should be removed, first token is zero because | |
# outputs initaliazed to all be zeros | |
if int((array[0, 0]).tolist()) == 0: | |
start = 1 | |
else: | |
start = 0 | |
# for each sequence in the batch | |
for i in range(0, batch_size): | |
# turns sequence from tensor to list skipps first row as this is not | |
# filled in in forward | |
sequence = (array[start:, i]).tolist() | |
# goes from embedded to tokens | |
trg_tokens = [trg_field.vocab.itos[int(t)] for t in sequence] | |
# print(trg_tokens) | |
# takes all tokens untill eos token, model would be faster if did this | |
# one step earlier, but then changes in vocab order would disrupt. | |
rev_tokens = list( | |
itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x != "<eos>", trg_tokens)) | |
if reverse: | |
rev_tokens = rev_tokens[::-1] | |
smiles = "".join(rev_tokens) | |
# determine how many valid smiles are made | |
valid = True if MolFromSmiles(smiles) else False | |
valids.append(valid) | |
smiless.append(smiles) | |
if return_output: | |
if valid: | |
df.loc[i, "CORRECT"] = smiles | |
else: | |
df.loc[i, "INCORRECT"] = smiles | |
# add the original drugex outputs to the _de dataframe | |
if return_output and src is not None: | |
for i in range(0, batch_size): | |
# turns sequence from tensor to list skipps first row as this is | |
# <sos> for src | |
sequence = (src[1:, i]).tolist() | |
# goes from embedded to tokens | |
src_tokens = [src_field.vocab.itos[int(t)] for t in sequence] | |
# takes all tokens untill eos token, model would be faster if did | |
# this one step earlier, but then changes in vocab order would | |
# disrupt. | |
rev_tokens = list( | |
itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x != "<eos>", src_tokens)) | |
smiles = "".join(rev_tokens) | |
df.loc[i, "ORIGINAL"] = smiles | |
return df, valids, smiless | |
def is_unchanged(array, | |
TRG, | |
reverse: bool, | |
return_output=False, | |
src=None, | |
src_field=None): | |
"""Checks is output is different from input | |
Arguments: | |
array: Tensor with most probable token for each location for each sequence in batch | |
[trg len, batch size] | |
TRG: target field for getting tokens from vocab | |
reverse (bool): True if the target sequence is reversed | |
return_output (bool): True if output sequences and their validity should be saved | |
Returns: | |
df: dataframe with correct and incorrect sequences | |
valids: list with booleans that show if prediction was a valid SMILES (True) or invalid one (False) | |
smiless: list of the predicted smiles | |
""" | |
trg_field = TRG | |
sources = [] | |
batch_size = array.size(1) | |
unchanged = 0 | |
# check if the first token should be removed, first token is zero because | |
# outputs initaliazed to all be zeros | |
if int((array[0, 0]).tolist()) == 0: | |
start = 1 | |
else: | |
start = 0 | |
for i in range(0, batch_size): | |
# turns sequence from tensor to list skipps first row as this is <sos> | |
# for src | |
sequence = (src[1:, i]).tolist() | |
# goes from embedded to tokens | |
src_tokens = [src_field.vocab.itos[int(t)] for t in sequence] | |
# takes all tokens untill eos token, model would be faster if did this | |
# one step earlier, but then changes in vocab order would disrupt. | |
rev_tokens = list( | |
itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x != "<eos>", src_tokens)) | |
smiles = "".join(rev_tokens) | |
sources.append(smiles) | |
# for each sequence in the batch | |
for i in range(0, batch_size): | |
# turns sequence from tensor to list skipps first row as this is not | |
# filled in in forward | |
sequence = (array[start:, i]).tolist() | |
# goes from embedded to tokens | |
trg_tokens = [trg_field.vocab.itos[int(t)] for t in sequence] | |
# print(trg_tokens) | |
# takes all tokens untill eos token, model would be faster if did this | |
# one step earlier, but then changes in vocab order would disrupt. | |
rev_tokens = list( | |
itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x != "<eos>", trg_tokens)) | |
if reverse: | |
rev_tokens = rev_tokens[::-1] | |
smiles = "".join(rev_tokens) | |
# determine how many valid smiles are made | |
valid = True if MolFromSmiles(smiles) else False | |
if not valid: | |
if smiles == sources[i]: | |
unchanged += 1 | |
return unchanged | |
def molecule_reconstruction(array, TRG, reverse: bool, outputs): | |
"""Turns target tokens within batch into smiles and compares them to predicted output smiles | |
Arguments: | |
array: Tensor with target's token for each location for each sequence in batch | |
[trg len, batch size] | |
TRG: target field for getting tokens from vocab | |
reverse (bool): True if the target sequence is reversed | |
outputs: list of predicted SMILES sequences | |
Returns: | |
matches(int): number of total right molecules | |
""" | |
trg_field = TRG | |
matches = 0 | |
targets = [] | |
batch_size = array.size(1) | |
# for each sequence in the batch | |
for i in range(0, batch_size): | |
# turns sequence from tensor to list skipps first row as this is not | |
# filled in in forward | |
sequence = (array[1:, i]).tolist() | |
# goes from embedded to tokens | |
trg_tokens = [trg_field.vocab.itos[int(t)] for t in sequence] | |
# takes all tokens untill eos token, model would be faster if did this | |
# one step earlier, but then changes in vocab order would disrupt. | |
rev_tokens = list( | |
itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x != "<eos>", trg_tokens)) | |
if reverse: | |
rev_tokens = rev_tokens[::-1] | |
smiles = "".join(rev_tokens) | |
targets.append(smiles) | |
for i in range(0, batch_size): | |
m = MolFromSmiles(targets[i]) | |
p = MolFromSmiles(outputs[i]) | |
if p is not None: | |
if m.HasSubstructMatch(p) and p.HasSubstructMatch(m): | |
matches += 1 | |
return matches | |
def complexity_whitlock(mol: Chem.Mol, includeAllDescs=False): | |
""" | |
Complexity as defined in DOI:10.1021/jo9814546 | |
S: complexity = 4*#rings + 2*#unsat + #hetatm + 2*#chiral | |
Other descriptors: | |
H: size = #bonds (Hydrogen atoms included) | |
G: S + H | |
Ratio: S / H | |
""" | |
mol_ = Chem.Mol(mol) | |
nrings = Lipinski.RingCount(mol_) - Lipinski.NumAromaticRings(mol_) | |
Chem.rdmolops.SetAromaticity(mol_) | |
unsat = sum(1 for bond in mol_.GetBonds() | |
if bond.GetBondTypeAsDouble() == 2) | |
hetatm = len(mol_.GetSubstructMatches(Chem.MolFromSmarts("[!#6]"))) | |
AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol_) | |
Chem.AssignAtomChiralTagsFromStructure(mol_) | |
chiral = len(Chem.FindMolChiralCenters(mol_)) | |
S = 4 * nrings + 2 * unsat + hetatm + 2 * chiral | |
if not includeAllDescs: | |
return S | |
Chem.rdmolops.Kekulize(mol_) | |
mol_ = Chem.AddHs(mol_) | |
H = sum(bond.GetBondTypeAsDouble() for bond in mol_.GetBonds()) | |
G = S + H | |
R = S / H | |
return {"WhitlockS": S, "WhitlockH": H, "WhitlockG": G, "WhitlockRatio": R} | |
def complexity_baronechanon(mol: Chem.Mol): | |
""" | |
Complexity as defined in DOI:10.1021/ci000145p | |
""" | |
mol_ = Chem.Mol(mol) | |
Chem.Kekulize(mol_) | |
Chem.RemoveStereochemistry(mol_) | |
mol_ = Chem.RemoveHs(mol_, updateExplicitCount=True) | |
degree, counts = 0, 0 | |
for atom in mol_.GetAtoms(): | |
degree += 3 * 2**(atom.GetExplicitValence() - atom.GetNumExplicitHs() - | |
1) | |
counts += 3 if atom.GetSymbol() == "C" else 6 | |
ringterm = sum(map(lambda x: 6 * len(x), mol_.GetRingInfo().AtomRings())) | |
return degree + counts + ringterm | |
def calc_complexity(array, | |
TRG, | |
reverse, | |
valids, | |
complexity_function=GraphDescriptors.BertzCT): | |
"""Calculates the complexity of inputs that are not correct. | |
Arguments: | |
array: Tensor with target's token for each location for each sequence in batch | |
[trg len, batch size] | |
TRG: target field for getting tokens from vocab | |
reverse (bool): True if the target sequence is reversed | |
valids: list with booleans that show if prediction was a valid SMILES (True) or invalid one (False) | |
complexity_function: the type of complexity measure that will be used | |
GraphDescriptors.BertzCT | |
complexity_whitlock | |
complexity_baronechanon | |
Returns: | |
matches(int): mean of complexity values | |
""" | |
trg_field = TRG | |
sources = [] | |
complexities = [] | |
loc = torch.BoolTensor(valids) | |
# only keeps rows in batch size dimension where valid is false | |
array = array[:, loc == False] | |
# should check if this still works | |
# array = torch.transpose(array, 0, 1) | |
array_size = array.size(1) | |
for i in range(0, array_size): | |
# turns sequence from tensor to list skipps first row as this is not | |
# filled in in forward | |
sequence = (array[1:, i]).tolist() | |
# goes from embedded to tokens | |
trg_tokens = [trg_field.vocab.itos[int(t)] for t in sequence] | |
# takes all tokens untill eos token, model would be faster if did this | |
# one step earlier, but then changes in vocab order would disrupt. | |
rev_tokens = list( | |
itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x != "<eos>", trg_tokens)) | |
if reverse: | |
rev_tokens = rev_tokens[::-1] | |
smiles = "".join(rev_tokens) | |
sources.append(smiles) | |
for source in sources: | |
try: | |
m = MolFromSmiles(source) | |
except BaseException: | |
m = MolFromSLN(source) | |
complexities.append(complexity_function(m)) | |
if len(complexities) > 0: | |
mean = statistics.mean(complexities) | |
else: | |
mean = 0 | |
return mean | |
def epoch_time(start_time, end_time): | |
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time | |
elapsed_mins = int(elapsed_time / 60) | |
elapsed_secs = int(elapsed_time - (elapsed_mins * 60)) | |
return elapsed_mins, elapsed_secs | |
class Convo: | |
"""Class for training and evaluating transformer and convolutional neural network | |
Methods | |
------- | |
train_model() | |
train model for initialized number of epochs | |
evaluate(return_output) | |
use model with validation loader (& optionally drugex loader) to get test loss & other metrics | |
translate(loader) | |
translate inputs from loader (different from evaluate in that no target sequence is used) | |
""" | |
def train_model(self): | |
optimizer = optim.Adam(self.parameters(), | |
log = open(f"{self.out}.log", "a") | |
best_error = np.inf | |
for epoch in range(self.epochs): | |
self.train() | |
start_time = time.time() | |
loss_train = 0 | |
for i, batch in enumerate(self.loader_train): | |
optimizer.zero_grad() | |
# changed src,trg call to match with bentrevett | |
# src, trg = batch['src'], batch['trg'] | |
trg = batch.trg | |
src = batch.src | |
output, attention = self(src, trg[:, :-1]) | |
# feed the source and target into def forward to get the output | |
# Xuhan uses forward for this, with istrain = true | |
output_dim = output.shape[-1] | |
# changed | |
output = output.contiguous().view(-1, output_dim) | |
trg = trg[:, 1:].contiguous().view(-1) | |
# output = output[:,:,0]#.view(-1) | |
# output = output[1:].view(-1, output.shape[-1]) | |
# trg = trg[1:].view(-1) | |
loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss( | |
ignore_index=self.TRG.vocab.stoi[self.TRG.pad_token]) | |
a, b = output.view(-1), | |
# changed | |
# loss = loss(output.view(0), trg.view(0).to(device)) | |
loss = loss(output, trg) | |
loss.backward() | |
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.parameters(), self.clip) | |
optimizer.step() | |
loss_train += loss.item() | |
# turned off for now, as not using voc so won't work, output is a tensor | |
# output = [(trg len - 1) * batch size, output dim] | |
# smiles, valid = is_valid_smiles(output, reversed) | |
# if valid: | |
# valids += 1 | |
# smiless.append(smiles) | |
# added .dataset becaue len(iterator) gives len(self.dataset) / | |
# self.batch_size) | |
loss_train /= len(self.loader_train) | |
info = f"Epoch: {epoch+1:02} step: {i} loss_train: {loss_train:.4g}" | |
# model is used to generate trg based on src from the validation set to assess performance | |
# similar to Xuhan, although he doesn't use the if loop | |
if self.loader_valid is not None: | |
return_output = False | |
if epoch + 1 == self.epochs: | |
return_output = True | |
( | |
valids, | |
loss_valid, | |
valids_de, | |
df_output, | |
df_output_de, | |
right_molecules, | |
complexity, | |
unchanged, | |
unchanged_de, | |
) = self.evaluate(return_output) | |
reconstruction_error = 1 - right_molecules / len( | |
self.loader_valid.dataset) | |
error = 1 - valids / len(self.loader_valid.dataset) | |
complexity = complexity / len(self.loader_valid) | |
unchan = unchanged / (len(self.loader_valid.dataset) - valids) | |
info += f" loss_valid: {loss_valid:.4g} error_rate: {error:.4g} molecule_reconstruction_error_rate: {reconstruction_error:.4g} unchanged: {unchan:.4g} invalid_target_complexity: {complexity:.4g}" | |
if self.loader_drugex is not None: | |
error_de = 1 - valids_de / len(self.loader_drugex.dataset) | |
unchan_de = unchanged_de / ( | |
len(self.loader_drugex.dataset) - valids_de) | |
info += f" error_rate_drugex: {error_de:.4g} unchanged_drugex: {unchan_de:.4g}" | |
if reconstruction_error < best_error: | |, f"{self.out}.pkg") | |
best_error = reconstruction_error | |
last_save = epoch | |
else: | |
if epoch - last_save >= 10 and best_error != 1: | |, f"{self.out}_last.pkg") | |
( | |
valids, | |
loss_valid, | |
valids_de, | |
df_output, | |
df_output_de, | |
right_molecules, | |
complexity, | |
unchanged, | |
unchanged_de, | |
) = self.evaluate(True) | |
end_time = time.time() | |
epoch_mins, epoch_secs = epoch_time( | |
start_time, end_time) | |
info += f" Time: {epoch_mins}m {epoch_secs}s" | |
break | |
elif error < best_error: | |, f"{self.out}.pkg") | |
best_error = error | |
end_time = time.time() | |
epoch_mins, epoch_secs = epoch_time(start_time, end_time) | |
info += f" Time: {epoch_mins}m {epoch_secs}s" | |, f"{self.out}_last.pkg") | |
log.close() | |
self.load_state_dict(torch.load(f"{self.out}.pkg")) | |
df_output.to_csv(f"{self.out}.csv", index=False) | |
df_output_de.to_csv(f"{self.out}_de.csv", index=False) | |
def evaluate(self, return_output): | |
self.eval() | |
test_loss = 0 | |
df_output = pd.DataFrame() | |
df_output_de = pd.DataFrame() | |
valids = 0 | |
valids_de = 0 | |
unchanged = 0 | |
unchanged_de = 0 | |
right_molecules = 0 | |
complexity = 0 | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
for _, batch in enumerate(self.loader_valid): | |
trg = batch.trg | |
src = batch.src | |
output, attention = self.forward(src, trg[:, :-1]) | |
pred_token = output.argmax(2) | |
array = torch.transpose(pred_token, 0, 1) | |
trg_trans = torch.transpose(trg, 0, 1) | |
output_dim = output.shape[-1] | |
output = output.contiguous().view(-1, output_dim) | |
trg = trg[:, 1:].contiguous().view(-1) | |
src_trans = torch.transpose(src, 0, 1) | |
df_batch, valid, smiless = is_smiles( | |
array, self.TRG, reverse=True, return_output=return_output) | |
unchanged += is_unchanged( | |
array, | |
self.TRG, | |
reverse=True, | |
return_output=return_output, | |
src=src_trans, | |
src_field=self.SRC, | |
) | |
matches = molecule_reconstruction(trg_trans, | |
self.TRG, | |
reverse=True, | |
outputs=smiless) | |
complexity += calc_complexity(trg_trans, | |
self.TRG, | |
reverse=True, | |
valids=valid) | |
if df_batch is not None: | |
df_output = pd.concat([df_output, df_batch], | |
ignore_index=True) | |
right_molecules += matches | |
valids += sum(valid) | |
# trg = trg[1:].view(-1) | |
# output, trg = output[1:].view(-1, output.shape[-1]), trg[1:].view(-1) | |
loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss( | |
ignore_index=self.TRG.vocab.stoi[self.TRG.pad_token]) | |
loss = loss(output, trg) | |
test_loss += loss.item() | |
if self.loader_drugex is not None: | |
for _, batch in enumerate(self.loader_drugex): | |
src = batch.src | |
output = self.translate_sentence(src, self.TRG, | |
self.device) | |
# checks the number of valid smiles | |
pred_token = output.argmax(2) | |
array = torch.transpose(pred_token, 0, 1) | |
src_trans = torch.transpose(src, 0, 1) | |
df_batch, valid, smiless = is_smiles( | |
array, | |
self.TRG, | |
reverse=True, | |
return_output=return_output, | |
src=src_trans, | |
src_field=self.SRC, | |
) | |
unchanged_de += is_unchanged( | |
array, | |
self.TRG, | |
reverse=True, | |
return_output=return_output, | |
src=src_trans, | |
src_field=self.SRC, | |
) | |
if df_batch is not None: | |
df_output_de = pd.concat([df_output_de, df_batch], | |
ignore_index=True) | |
valids_de += sum(valid) | |
return ( | |
valids, | |
test_loss / len(self.loader_valid), | |
valids_de, | |
df_output, | |
df_output_de, | |
right_molecules, | |
complexity, | |
unchanged, | |
unchanged_de, | |
) | |
def translate(self, loader): | |
self.eval() | |
df_output_de = pd.DataFrame() | |
valids_de = 0 | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
for _, batch in enumerate(loader): | |
src = batch.src | |
output = self.translate_sentence(src, self.TRG, self.device) | |
# checks the number of valid smiles | |
pred_token = output.argmax(2) | |
array = torch.transpose(pred_token, 0, 1) | |
src_trans = torch.transpose(src, 0, 1) | |
df_batch, valid, smiless = is_smiles( | |
array, | |
self.TRG, | |
reverse=True, | |
return_output=True, | |
src=src_trans, | |
src_field=self.SRC, | |
) | |
if df_batch is not None: | |
df_output_de = pd.concat([df_output_de, df_batch], | |
ignore_index=True) | |
valids_de += sum(valid) | |
return valids_de, df_output_de | |
class Encoder(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, input_dim, hid_dim, n_layers, n_heads, pf_dim, dropout, | |
max_length, device): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.device = device | |
self.tok_embedding = nn.Embedding(input_dim, hid_dim) | |
self.pos_embedding = nn.Embedding(max_length, hid_dim) | |
self.layers = nn.ModuleList([ | |
EncoderLayer(hid_dim, n_heads, pf_dim, dropout, device) | |
for _ in range(n_layers) | |
]) | |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) | |
self.scale = torch.sqrt(torch.FloatTensor([hid_dim])).to(device) | |
def forward(self, src, src_mask): | |
# src = [batch size, src len] | |
# src_mask = [batch size, src len] | |
batch_size = src.shape[0] | |
src_len = src.shape[1] | |
pos = (torch.arange(0, src_len).unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch_size, | |
1).to(self.device)) | |
# pos = [batch size, src len] | |
src = self.dropout((self.tok_embedding(src) * self.scale) + | |
self.pos_embedding(pos)) | |
# src = [batch size, src len, hid dim] | |
for layer in self.layers: | |
src = layer(src, src_mask) | |
# src = [batch size, src len, hid dim] | |
return src | |
class EncoderLayer(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, hid_dim, n_heads, pf_dim, dropout, device): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.self_attn_layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(hid_dim) | |
self.ff_layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(hid_dim) | |
self.self_attention = MultiHeadAttentionLayer(hid_dim, n_heads, | |
dropout, device) | |
self.positionwise_feedforward = PositionwiseFeedforwardLayer( | |
hid_dim, pf_dim, dropout) | |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) | |
def forward(self, src, src_mask): | |
# src = [batch size, src len, hid dim] | |
# src_mask = [batch size, src len] | |
# self attention | |
_src, _ = self.self_attention(src, src, src, src_mask) | |
# dropout, residual connection and layer norm | |
src = self.self_attn_layer_norm(src + self.dropout(_src)) | |
# src = [batch size, src len, hid dim] | |
# positionwise feedforward | |
_src = self.positionwise_feedforward(src) | |
# dropout, residual and layer norm | |
src = self.ff_layer_norm(src + self.dropout(_src)) | |
# src = [batch size, src len, hid dim] | |
return src | |
class MultiHeadAttentionLayer(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, hid_dim, n_heads, dropout, device): | |
super().__init__() | |
assert hid_dim % n_heads == 0 | |
self.hid_dim = hid_dim | |
self.n_heads = n_heads | |
self.head_dim = hid_dim // n_heads | |
self.fc_q = nn.Linear(hid_dim, hid_dim) | |
self.fc_k = nn.Linear(hid_dim, hid_dim) | |
self.fc_v = nn.Linear(hid_dim, hid_dim) | |
self.fc_o = nn.Linear(hid_dim, hid_dim) | |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) | |
self.scale = torch.sqrt(torch.FloatTensor([self.head_dim])).to(device) | |
def forward(self, query, key, value, mask=None): | |
batch_size = query.shape[0] | |
# query = [batch size, query len, hid dim] | |
# key = [batch size, key len, hid dim] | |
# value = [batch size, value len, hid dim] | |
Q = self.fc_q(query) | |
K = self.fc_k(key) | |
V = self.fc_v(value) | |
# Q = [batch size, query len, hid dim] | |
# K = [batch size, key len, hid dim] | |
# V = [batch size, value len, hid dim] | |
Q = Q.view(batch_size, -1, self.n_heads, | |
self.head_dim).permute(0, 2, 1, 3) | |
K = K.view(batch_size, -1, self.n_heads, | |
self.head_dim).permute(0, 2, 1, 3) | |
V = V.view(batch_size, -1, self.n_heads, | |
self.head_dim).permute(0, 2, 1, 3) | |
# Q = [batch size, n heads, query len, head dim] | |
# K = [batch size, n heads, key len, head dim] | |
# V = [batch size, n heads, value len, head dim] | |
energy = torch.matmul(Q, K.permute(0, 1, 3, 2)) / self.scale | |
# energy = [batch size, n heads, query len, key len] | |
if mask is not None: | |
energy = energy.masked_fill(mask == 0, -1e10) | |
attention = torch.softmax(energy, dim=-1) | |
# attention = [batch size, n heads, query len, key len] | |
x = torch.matmul(self.dropout(attention), V) | |
# x = [batch size, n heads, query len, head dim] | |
x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous() | |
# x = [batch size, query len, n heads, head dim] | |
x = x.view(batch_size, -1, self.hid_dim) | |
# x = [batch size, query len, hid dim] | |
x = self.fc_o(x) | |
# x = [batch size, query len, hid dim] | |
return x, attention | |
class PositionwiseFeedforwardLayer(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, hid_dim, pf_dim, dropout): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.fc_1 = nn.Linear(hid_dim, pf_dim) | |
self.fc_2 = nn.Linear(pf_dim, hid_dim) | |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) | |
def forward(self, x): | |
# x = [batch size, seq len, hid dim] | |
x = self.dropout(torch.relu(self.fc_1(x))) | |
# x = [batch size, seq len, pf dim] | |
x = self.fc_2(x) | |
# x = [batch size, seq len, hid dim] | |
return x | |
class Decoder(nn.Module): | |
def __init__( | |
self, | |
output_dim, | |
hid_dim, | |
n_layers, | |
n_heads, | |
pf_dim, | |
dropout, | |
max_length, | |
device, | |
): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.device = device | |
self.tok_embedding = nn.Embedding(output_dim, hid_dim) | |
self.pos_embedding = nn.Embedding(max_length, hid_dim) | |
self.layers = nn.ModuleList([ | |
DecoderLayer(hid_dim, n_heads, pf_dim, dropout, device) | |
for _ in range(n_layers) | |
]) | |
self.fc_out = nn.Linear(hid_dim, output_dim) | |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) | |
self.scale = torch.sqrt(torch.FloatTensor([hid_dim])).to(device) | |
def forward(self, trg, enc_src, trg_mask, src_mask): | |
# trg = [batch size, trg len] | |
# enc_src = [batch size, src len, hid dim] | |
# trg_mask = [batch size, trg len] | |
# src_mask = [batch size, src len] | |
batch_size = trg.shape[0] | |
trg_len = trg.shape[1] | |
pos = (torch.arange(0, trg_len).unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch_size, | |
1).to(self.device)) | |
# pos = [batch size, trg len] | |
trg = self.dropout((self.tok_embedding(trg) * self.scale) + | |
self.pos_embedding(pos)) | |
# trg = [batch size, trg len, hid dim] | |
for layer in self.layers: | |
trg, attention = layer(trg, enc_src, trg_mask, src_mask) | |
# trg = [batch size, trg len, hid dim] | |
# attention = [batch size, n heads, trg len, src len] | |
output = self.fc_out(trg) | |
# output = [batch size, trg len, output dim] | |
return output, attention | |
class DecoderLayer(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, hid_dim, n_heads, pf_dim, dropout, device): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.self_attn_layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(hid_dim) | |
self.enc_attn_layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(hid_dim) | |
self.ff_layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(hid_dim) | |
self.self_attention = MultiHeadAttentionLayer(hid_dim, n_heads, | |
dropout, device) | |
self.encoder_attention = MultiHeadAttentionLayer( | |
hid_dim, n_heads, dropout, device) | |
self.positionwise_feedforward = PositionwiseFeedforwardLayer( | |
hid_dim, pf_dim, dropout) | |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) | |
def forward(self, trg, enc_src, trg_mask, src_mask): | |
# trg = [batch size, trg len, hid dim] | |
# enc_src = [batch size, src len, hid dim] | |
# trg_mask = [batch size, trg len] | |
# src_mask = [batch size, src len] | |
# self attention | |
_trg, _ = self.self_attention(trg, trg, trg, trg_mask) | |
# dropout, residual connection and layer norm | |
trg = self.self_attn_layer_norm(trg + self.dropout(_trg)) | |
# trg = [batch size, trg len, hid dim] | |
# encoder attention | |
_trg, attention = self.encoder_attention(trg, enc_src, enc_src, | |
src_mask) | |
# dropout, residual connection and layer norm | |
trg = self.enc_attn_layer_norm(trg + self.dropout(_trg)) | |
# trg = [batch size, trg len, hid dim] | |
# positionwise feedforward | |
_trg = self.positionwise_feedforward(trg) | |
# dropout, residual and layer norm | |
trg = self.ff_layer_norm(trg + self.dropout(_trg)) | |
# trg = [batch size, trg len, hid dim] | |
# attention = [batch size, n heads, trg len, src len] | |
return trg, attention | |
class Seq2Seq(nn.Module, Convo): | |
def __init__( | |
self, | |
encoder, | |
decoder, | |
src_pad_idx, | |
trg_pad_idx, | |
device, | |
loader_train: DataLoader, | |
out: str, | |
loader_valid=None, | |
loader_drugex=None, | |
epochs=100, | |
lr=0.0005, | |
clip=0.1, | |
reverse=True, | |
TRG=None, | |
SRC=None, | |
): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.encoder = encoder | |
self.decoder = decoder | |
self.src_pad_idx = src_pad_idx | |
self.trg_pad_idx = trg_pad_idx | |
self.device = device | |
self.loader_train = loader_train | |
self.out = out | |
self.loader_valid = loader_valid | |
self.loader_drugex = loader_drugex | |
self.epochs = epochs | | = lr | |
self.clip = clip | |
self.reverse = reverse | |
self.TRG = TRG | |
self.SRC = SRC | |
def make_src_mask(self, src): | |
# src = [batch size, src len] | |
src_mask = (src != self.src_pad_idx).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) | |
# src_mask = [batch size, 1, 1, src len] | |
return src_mask | |
def make_trg_mask(self, trg): | |
# trg = [batch size, trg len] | |
trg_pad_mask = (trg != self.trg_pad_idx).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) | |
# trg_pad_mask = [batch size, 1, 1, trg len] | |
trg_len = trg.shape[1] | |
trg_sub_mask = torch.tril( | |
torch.ones((trg_len, trg_len), device=self.device)).bool() | |
# trg_sub_mask = [trg len, trg len] | |
trg_mask = trg_pad_mask & trg_sub_mask | |
# trg_mask = [batch size, 1, trg len, trg len] | |
return trg_mask | |
def forward(self, src, trg): | |
# src = [batch size, src len] | |
# trg = [batch size, trg len] | |
src_mask = self.make_src_mask(src) | |
trg_mask = self.make_trg_mask(trg) | |
# src_mask = [batch size, 1, 1, src len] | |
# trg_mask = [batch size, 1, trg len, trg len] | |
enc_src = self.encoder(src, src_mask) | |
# enc_src = [batch size, src len, hid dim] | |
output, attention = self.decoder(trg, enc_src, trg_mask, src_mask) | |
# output = [batch size, trg len, output dim] | |
# attention = [batch size, n heads, trg len, src len] | |
return output, attention | |
def translate_sentence(self, src, trg_field, device, max_len=202): | |
self.eval() | |
src_mask = self.make_src_mask(src) | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
enc_src = self.encoder(src, src_mask) | |
trg_indexes = [trg_field.vocab.stoi[trg_field.init_token]] | |
batch_size = src.shape[0] | |
trg = torch.LongTensor(trg_indexes).unsqueeze(0).to(device) | |
trg = trg.repeat(batch_size, 1) | |
for i in range(max_len): | |
# turned model into self. | |
trg_mask = self.make_trg_mask(trg) | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
output, attention = self.decoder(trg, enc_src, trg_mask, | |
src_mask) | |
pred_tokens = output.argmax(2)[:, -1].unsqueeze(1) | |
trg =, pred_tokens), 1) | |
return output | |
def remove_floats(df: pd.DataFrame, subset: str): | |
"""Preprocessing step to remove any entries that are not strings""" | |
df_subset = df[subset] | |
df[subset] = df[subset].astype(str) | |
# only keep entries that stayed the same after applying astype str | |
df = df[df[subset] == df_subset].copy() | |
return df | |
def smi_tokenizer(smi: str, reverse=False) -> list: | |
""" | |
Tokenize a SMILES molecule | |
""" | |
pattern = r"(\[[^\]]+]|Br?|Cl?|N|O|S|P|F|I|b|c|n|o|s|p|\(|\)|\.|=|#|-|\+|\\\\|\\|\/|:|~|@|\?|>|\*|\$|\%[0-9]{2}|[0-9])" | |
regex = re.compile(pattern) | |
# tokens = ['<sos>'] + [token for token in regex.findall(smi)] + ['<eos>'] | |
tokens = [token for token in regex.findall(smi)] | |
# assert smi == ''.join(tokens[1:-1]) | |
assert smi == "".join(tokens[:]) | |
# try: | |
# assert smi == "".join(tokens[:]) | |
# except: | |
# print(smi) | |
# print("".join(tokens[:])) | |
if reverse: | |
return tokens[::-1] | |
return tokens | |
def init_weights(m: nn.Module): | |
if hasattr(m, "weight") and m.weight.dim() > 1: | |
nn.init.xavier_uniform_( | |
def count_parameters(model: nn.Module): | |
return sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad) | |
def epoch_time(start_time, end_time): | |
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time | |
elapsed_mins = int(elapsed_time / 60) | |
elapsed_secs = int(elapsed_time - (elapsed_mins * 60)) | |
return elapsed_mins, elapsed_secs | |
def initialize_model(folder_out: str, | |
data_source: str, | |
error_source: str, | |
device: torch.device, | |
threshold: int, | |
epochs: int, | |
layers: int = 3, | |
batch_size: int = 16, | |
invalid_type: str = "all", | |
num_errors: int = 1, | |
validation_step=False): | |
"""Create encoder decoder models for specified model (currently only translator) & type of invalid SMILES | |
param data: collection of invalid, valid SMILES pairs | |
param invalid_smiles_path: path to previously generated invalid SMILES | |
param invalid_type: type of errors introduced into invalid SMILES | |
return: | |
""" | |
# set fields | |
SRC = Field( | |
tokenize=lambda x: smi_tokenizer(x), | |
init_token="<sos>", | |
eos_token="<eos>", | |
batch_first=True, | |
) | |
TRG = Field( | |
tokenize=lambda x: smi_tokenizer(x, reverse=True), | |
init_token="<sos>", | |
eos_token="<eos>", | |
batch_first=True, | |
) | |
if validation_step: | |
train, val = TabularDataset.splits( | |
path=f'{folder_out}errors/split/', | |
train=f"{data_source}_{invalid_type}_{num_errors}_errors_train.csv", | |
validation= | |
f"{data_source}_{invalid_type}_{num_errors}_errors_dev.csv", | |
format="CSV", | |
skip_header=False, | |
fields={ | |
"ERROR": ("src", SRC), | |
"STD_SMILES": ("trg", TRG) | |
}, | |
) | |
SRC.build_vocab(train, val, max_size=1000) | |
TRG.build_vocab(train, val, max_size=1000) | |
else: | |
train = TabularDataset( | |
path= | |
f'{folder_out}{data_source}_{invalid_type}_{num_errors}_errors.csv', | |
format="CSV", | |
skip_header=False, | |
fields={ | |
"ERROR": ("src", SRC), | |
"STD_SMILES": ("trg", TRG) | |
}, | |
) | |
SRC.build_vocab(train, max_size=1000) | |
TRG.build_vocab(train, max_size=1000) | |
drugex = TabularDataset( | |
path=error_source, | |
format="csv", | |
skip_header=False, | |
fields={ | |
"SMILES": ("src", SRC), | |
"SMILES_TARGET": ("trg", TRG) | |
}, | |
) | |
#SRC.vocab = torch.load('vocab_src.pth') | |
#TRG.vocab = torch.load('vocab_trg.pth') | |
# model parameters | |
EPOCHS = epochs | |
BATCH_SIZE = batch_size | |
INPUT_DIM = len(SRC.vocab) | |
OUTPUT_DIM = len(TRG.vocab) | |
HID_DIM = 256 | |
ENC_LAYERS = layers | |
DEC_LAYERS = layers | |
ENC_HEADS = 8 | |
DEC_HEADS = 8 | |
ENC_PF_DIM = 512 | |
DEC_PF_DIM = 512 | |
ENC_DROPOUT = 0.1 | |
DEC_DROPOUT = 0.1 | |
SRC_PAD_IDX = SRC.vocab.stoi[SRC.pad_token] | |
TRG_PAD_IDX = TRG.vocab.stoi[TRG.pad_token] | |
# add 2 to length for start and stop tokens | |
MAX_LENGTH = threshold + 2 | |
# model name | |
MODEL_OUT_FOLDER = f"{folder_out}" | |
MODEL_NAME = "transformer_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s" % ( | |
invalid_type, num_errors, data_source, BATCH_SIZE, layers) | |
if not os.path.exists(MODEL_OUT_FOLDER): | |
os.mkdir(MODEL_OUT_FOLDER) | |
out = os.path.join(MODEL_OUT_FOLDER, MODEL_NAME) | |, f'{out}_vocab_src.pth') | |, f'{out}_vocab_trg.pth') | |
# iterator is a dataloader | |
# iterator to pass to the same length and create batches in which the | |
# amount of padding is minimized | |
if validation_step: | |
train_iter, val_iter = BucketIterator.splits( | |
(train, val), | |
batch_sizes=(BATCH_SIZE, 256), | |
sort_within_batch=True, | |
shuffle=True, | |
# the BucketIterator needs to be told what function it should use to | |
# group the data. | |
sort_key=lambda x: len(x.src), | |
device=device, | |
) | |
else: | |
train_iter = BucketIterator( | |
train, | |
batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, | |
sort_within_batch=True, | |
shuffle=True, | |
# the BucketIterator needs to be told what function it should use to | |
# group the data. | |
sort_key=lambda x: len(x.src), | |
device=device, | |
) | |
val_iter = None | |
drugex_iter = Iterator( | |
drugex, | |
batch_size=64, | |
device=device, | |
sort=False, | |
sort_within_batch=True, | |
sort_key=lambda x: len(x.src), | |
repeat=False, | |
) | |
# model initialization | |
enc = Encoder( | |
HID_DIM, | |
device, | |
) | |
dec = Decoder( | |
HID_DIM, | |
device, | |
) | |
model = Seq2Seq( | |
enc, | |
dec, | |
device, | |
train_iter, | |
out=out, | |
loader_valid=val_iter, | |
loader_drugex=drugex_iter, | |
epochs=EPOCHS, | |
TRG=TRG, | |
SRC=SRC, | |
).to(device) | |
return model, out, SRC | |
def train_model(model, out, assess): | |
"""Apply given weights (& assess performance or train further) or start training new model | |
Args: | |
model: initialized model | |
out: .pkg file with model parameters | |
asses: bool | |
Returns: | |
model with (new) weights | |
""" | |
if os.path.exists(f"{out}.pkg") and assess: | |
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f=out + ".pkg")) | |
( | |
valids, | |
loss_valid, | |
valids_de, | |
df_output, | |
df_output_de, | |
right_molecules, | |
complexity, | |
unchanged, | |
unchanged_de, | |
) = model.evaluate(True) | |
# log = open('unchanged.log', 'a') | |
# info = f'type: comb unchanged: {unchan:.4g} unchanged_drugex: {unchan_de:.4g}' | |
# print(info, file=log, flush = True) | |
# print(valids_de) | |
# print(unchanged_de) | |
# print(unchan) | |
# print(unchan_de) | |
# df_output_de.to_csv(f'{out}_de_new.csv', index = False) | |
# error_de = 1 - valids_de / len(drugex_iter.dataset) | |
# print(error_de) | |
# df_output.to_csv(f'{out}_par.csv', index = False) | |
elif os.path.exists(f"{out}.pkg"): | |
# starts from the model after the last epoch, not the best epoch | |
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f=out + "_last.pkg")) | |
# need to change how log file names epochs | |
model.train_model() | |
else: | |
model = model.apply(init_weights) | |
model.train_model() | |
return model | |
def correct_SMILES(model, out, error_source, device, SRC): | |
"""Model that is given corrects SMILES and return number of correct ouputs and dataframe containing all outputs | |
Args: | |
model: initialized model | |
out: .pkg file with model parameters | |
asses: bool | |
Returns: | |
valids: number of fixed outputs | |
df_output: dataframe containing output (either correct or incorrect) & original input | |
""" | |
## account for tokens that are not yet in SRC without changing existing SRC token embeddings | |
errors = TabularDataset( | |
path=error_source, | |
format="csv", | |
skip_header=False, | |
fields={"SMILES": ("src", SRC)}, | |
) | |
errors_loader = Iterator( | |
errors, | |
batch_size=64, | |
device=device, | |
sort=False, | |
sort_within_batch=True, | |
sort_key=lambda x: len(x.src), | |
repeat=False, | |
) | |
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f=out + ".pkg",map_location=torch.device('cpu'))) | |
# add option to use different iterator maybe? | |
valids, df_output = model.translate(errors_loader) | |
#df_output.to_csv(f"{error_source}_fixed.csv", index=False) | |
return valids, df_output | |
class smi_correct(object): | |
def __init__(self, model_name, trans_file_path): | |
# set random seed, used for error generation & initiation transformer | |
self.SEED = 42 | |
random.seed(self.SEED) | |
self.model_name = model_name | |
self.folder_out = "DrugGEN/data/" | |
self.trans_file_path = trans_file_path | |
if not os.path.exists(self.folder_out): | |
os.makedirs(self.folder_out) | |
self.invalid_type = 'multiple' | |
self.num_errors = 12 | |
self.threshold = 200 | |
self.data_source = f"PAPYRUS_{self.threshold}" | |
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" | |
self.initialize_source = 'DrugGEN/data/papyrus_rnn_S.csv' # change this path | |
def standardization_pipeline(self, smile): | |
desalter = MolStandardize.fragment.LargestFragmentChooser() | |
std_smile = None | |
if not isinstance(smile, str): return None | |
m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smile) | |
# skips smiles for which no mol file could be generated | |
if m is not None: | |
# standardizes | |
std_m = standardizer.standardize_mol(m) | |
# strips salts | |
std_m_p, exclude = standardizer.get_parent_mol(std_m) | |
if not exclude: | |
# choose largest fragment for rare cases where chembl structure | |
# pipeline leaves 2 fragments | |
std_m_p_d = desalter.choose(std_m_p) | |
std_smile = Chem.MolToSmiles(std_m_p_d) | |
return std_smile | |
def remove_smiles_duplicates(self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, | |
subset: str) -> pd.DataFrame: | |
return dataframe.drop_duplicates(subset=subset) | |
def correct(self, smi): | |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") | |
model, out, SRC = initialize_model(self.folder_out, | |
self.data_source, | |
error_source=self.initialize_source, | |
device=device, | |
threshold=self.threshold, | |
epochs=30, | |
layers=3, | |
batch_size=16, | |
invalid_type=self.invalid_type, | |
num_errors=self.num_errors) | |
valids, df_output = correct_SMILES(model, out, smi, device, | |
SRC) | |
df_output["SMILES"] = df_output.apply(lambda row: self.standardization_pipeline(row["CORRECT"]), axis=1) | |
df_output = self.remove_smiles_duplicates(df_output, subset="SMILES").drop(columns=["CORRECT", "INCORRECT", "ORIGINAL"]).dropna() | |
return df_output |