https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EN_HoEk3KY&t=172s |
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program the does very very well on your data then you will achieve the best |
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generalization possible with a little bit of modification you can turn it into a precise theorem |
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and on a very intuitive level it's easy to see what it should be the case if you |
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have some data and you're able to find a shorter program which generates this |
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data then you've essentially extracted all the all conceivable regularity from |
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this data into your program and then you can use these objects to make the best predictions possible like if if you have |
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data which is so complex but there is no way to express it as a shorter program |
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then it means that your data is totally random there is no way to extract any regularity from it whatsoever now there |
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is little known mathematical theory behind this and the proofs of these statements actually not even that hard |
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but the one minor slight disappointment is that it's actually not possible at |
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least given today's tools and understanding to find the best short program that |
https://youtu.be/9EN_HoEk3KY?t=442 |
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to talk a little bit about reinforcement learning so reinforcement learning is a framework it's a framework of evaluating |
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agents in their ability to achieve goals and complicated stochastic environments |
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you've got an agent which is plugged into an environment as shown in the figure right here and for any given |
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agent you can simply run it many times and compute its average reward now the |
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thing that's interesting about the reinforcement learning framework is that there exist interesting useful |
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reinforcement learning algorithms the framework existed for a long time it |
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became interesting once we realized that good algorithms exist now these are there are perfect algorithms but they |
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are good enough to do interesting things and all you want the mathematical |
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problem is one where you need to maximize the expected reward now one |
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important way in which the reinforcement learning framework is not quite complete is that it assumes that the reward is |
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given by the environment you see this picture the agent sends an action while |
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the reward sends it an observation in a both the observation and the reward backwards that's what the environment |
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communicates back the way in which this is not the case in the real world is that we figure out |
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what the reward is from the observation we reward ourselves we are not told |
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environment doesn't say hey here's some negative reward it's our interpretation over census that lets us determine what |
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the reward is and there is only one real true reward in life and this is |
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existence or nonexistence and everything else is a corollary of that so well what |
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should our agent be you already know the answer should be a neural network because whenever you want to do |
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something dense it's going to be a neural network and you want the agent to map observations to actions so you let |
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it be parametrized with a neural net and you apply learning algorithm so I want to explain to you how reinforcement |
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learning works this is model free reinforcement learning the reinforcement learning has actually been used in practice everywhere but it's |