In the forest
Here are the five strips:
Strip 1
Lishanth, Girish, and Gokulnath are standing in a forest clearing, looking around nervously.
LISHANTH: (whispering) I don't like this. Let's get out of here.
GIRISH: (looking around) Wait, what's that noise?
Strip 2
A loud roar echoes through the forest, making the boys jump.
GOKULNATH: (terrified) What was that?!
LISHANTH: (trying to sound brave) I don't know, but let's get out of here.
GIRISH: (looking around) Wait, what's coming?
Strip 3
Fara, the legendary monster, emerges from the trees.
FARA: (in a voice that's both ancient and evil) Ah, three boys. I've been waiting for you.
LISHANTH: (stuttering) W-what do you want?
GIRISH: (standing tall) We mean no harm. We're just looking for treasure.
Strip 4
Fara lets out a low rumble, making the ground shake.
FARA: (smiling) Treasure, you say? I know of no treasure. But I do know of a prophecy... one that speaks of three boys who will unlock the secrets of the forest.
GOKULNATH: (whispering) Guys, I don't like this. Let's get out of here.
LISHANTH: (firmly) No, we're not going anywhere. We need to know more about this prophecy.
Strip 5
Fara's eyes gleam with excitement as it speaks.
FARA: (smiling) Ah, the secrets of the forest. They are hidden deep within the trees, waiting to be uncovered. But be warned: the forest is full of dangers, and not all of you may survive.
GIRISH: (curious) What secrets are you talking about?
LISHANTH: (determined) We're not going to back down. We'll face whatever dangers come our way.