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SubscribePower of sequential protocols in hidden quantum channel discrimination
In many natural and engineered systems, unknown quantum channels act on a subsystem that cannot be directly controlled and measured, but is instead learned through a controllable subsystem that weakly interacts with it. We study quantum channel discrimination (QCD) under these restrictions, which we call hidden system QCD (HQCD). We find that sequential protocols achieve perfect discrimination and saturate the Heisenberg limit. In contrast, depth-1 parallel and multi-shot protocols cannot solve HQCD. This suggests that sequential protocols are superior in experimentally realistic situations.
Ergotropy and Capacity Optimization in Heisenberg Spin Chain Quantum Batteries
This study examines the performance of finite spin quantum batteries (QBs) using Heisenberg spin models with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) and Kaplan--Shekhtman--Entin-Wohlman--Aharony (KSEA) interactions. The QBs are modeled as interacting quantum spins in local inhomogeneous magnetic fields, inducing variable Zeeman splitting. We derive analytical expressions for the maximal extractable work, ergotropy and the capacity of QBs, as recently examined by Yang et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 030402 (2023)]. These quantities are analytically linked through certain quantum correlations, as posited in the aforementioned study. Different Heisenberg spin chain models exhibit distinct behaviors under varying conditions, emphasizing the importance of model selection for optimizing QB performance. In antiferromagnetic (AFM) systems, maximum ergotropy occurs with a Zeeman splitting field applied to either spin, while ferromagnetic (FM) systems benefit from a uniform Zeeman field. Temperature significantly impacts QB performance, with ergotropy in the AFM case being generally more robust against temperature increases compared to the FM case. Incorporating DM and KSEA couplings can significantly enhance the capacity and ergotropy extraction of QBs. However, there exists a threshold beyond which additional increases in these interactions cause a sharp decline in capacity and ergotropy. This behavior is influenced by temperature and quantum coherence, which signal the occurrence of a sudden phase transition. The resource theory of quantum coherence proposed by Baumgratz et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 140401 (2014)] plays a crucial role in enhancing ergotropy and capacity. However, ergotropy is limited by both the system's capacity and the amount of coherence. These findings support the theoretical framework of spin-based QBs and may benefit future research on quantum energy storage devices.
Programmable Heisenberg interactions between Floquet qubits
The fundamental trade-off between robustness and tunability is a central challenge in the pursuit of quantum simulation and fault-tolerant quantum computation. In particular, many emerging quantum architectures are designed to achieve high coherence at the expense of having fixed spectra and consequently limited types of controllable interactions. Here, by adiabatically transforming fixed-frequency superconducting circuits into modifiable Floquet qubits, we demonstrate an XXZ Heisenberg interaction with fully adjustable anisotropy. This interaction model is on one hand the basis for many-body quantum simulation of spin systems, and on the other hand the primitive for an expressive quantum gate set. To illustrate the robustness and versatility of our Floquet protocol, we tailor the Heisenberg Hamiltonian and implement two-qubit iSWAP, CZ, and SWAP gates with estimated fidelities of 99.32(3)%, 99.72(2)%, and 98.93(5)%, respectively. In addition, we implement a Heisenberg interaction between higher energy levels and employ it to construct a three-qubit CCZ gate with a fidelity of 96.18(5)%. Importantly, the protocol is applicable to various fixed-frequency high-coherence platforms, thereby unlocking a suite of essential interactions for high-performance quantum information processing. From a broader perspective, our work provides compelling avenues for future exploration of quantum electrodynamics and optimal control using the Floquet framework.
De Finetti's construction as a categorical limit
This paper reformulates a classical result in probability theory from the 1930s in modern categorical terms: de Finetti's representation theorem is redescribed as limit statement for a chain of finite spaces in the Kleisli category of the Giry monad. This new limit is used to identify among exchangeable coalgebras the final one.
Out of equilibrium Phase Diagram of the Quantum Random Energy Model
In this paper we study the out-of-equilibrium phase diagram of the quantum version of Derrida's Random Energy Model, which is the simplest model of mean-field spin glasses. We interpret its corresponding quantum dynamics in Fock space as a one-particle problem in very high dimension to which we apply different theoretical methods tailored for high-dimensional lattices: the Forward-Scattering Approximation, a mapping to the Rosenzweig-Porter model, and the cavity method. Our results indicate the existence of two transition lines and three distinct dynamical phases: a completely many-body localized phase at low energy, a fully ergodic phase at high energy, and a multifractal "bad metal" phase at intermediate energy. In the latter, eigenfunctions occupy a diverging volume, yet an exponentially vanishing fraction of the total Hilbert space. We discuss the limitations of our approximations and the relationship with previous studies.
Fluctuations of the connectivity threshold and largest nearest-neighbour link
Consider a random uniform sample of n points in a compact region A of Euclidean d-space, d geq 2, with a smooth or (when d=2) polygonal boundary. Fix k bf N. Let T_{n,k} be the threshold r at which the geometric graph on these n vertices with distance parameter r becomes k-connected. We show that if d=2 then n (pi/|A|) T_{n,1}^2 - log n is asymptotically standard Gumbel. For (d,k) neq (2,1), it is n (theta_d/|A|) T_{n,k}^d - (2-2/d) log n - (4-2k-2/d) log log n that converges in distribution to a nondegenerate limit, where theta_d is the volume of the unit ball. The limit is Gumbel with scale parameter 2 except when (d,k)=(2,2) where the limit is two component extreme value distributed. The different cases reflect the fact that boundary effects are more more important in some cases than others. We also give similar results for the largest k-nearest neighbour link U_{n,k} in the sample, and show T_{n,k}=U_{n,k} with high probability. We provide estimates on rates of convergence and give similar results for Poisson samples in A. Finally, we give similar results even for non-uniform samples, with a less explicit sequence of centring constants.
Strong pairing and symmetric pseudogap metal in double Kondo lattice model: from nickelate superconductor to tetralayer optical lattice
In this work, we propose and study a double Kondo lattice model which hosts robust superconductivity. The system consists of two identical Kondo lattice model, each with Kondo coupling J_K within each layer, while the localized spin moments are coupled together via an inter-layer on-site antiferromagnetic spin coupling J_perp. We consider the strong J_perp limit, wherein the local moments tend to form rung singlets and are thus gapped. However, the Kondo coupling J_K transmits the inter-layer entanglement between the local moments to the itinerant electrons. Consequently, the itinerant electrons experience a strong inter-layer antiferromangetic spin coupling and form strong inter-layer pairing, which is confirmed through numerical simulation in one dimensional system. Experimentally, the J_K rightarrow -infty limits of the model describes the recently found bilayer nickelate La_3Ni_2O_7, while the J_K>0 side can be realized in tetralayer optical lattice of cold atoms. Two extreme limits, J_K rightarrow -infty and J_K rightarrow +infty limit are shown to be simplified to a bilayer type II t-J model and a bilayer one-orbital t-J model, respectively. Thus, our double Kondo lattice model offers a unified framework for nickelate superconductor and tetralayer optical lattice quantum simulator upon changing the sign of J_K. We highlight both the qualitative similarity and the quantitative difference in the two sides of J_K. Finally, we discuss the possibility of a symmetric Kondo breakdown transition in the model with a symmetric pseudogap metal corresponding to the usual heavy Fermi liquid.
Uniform approximation in classical weak convergence theory
A common statistical task lies in showing asymptotic normality of certain statistics. In many of these situations, classical textbook results on weak convergence theory suffice for the problem at hand. However, there are quite some scenarios where stronger results are needed in order to establish an asymptotic normal approximation uniformly over a family of probability measures. In this note we collect some results in this direction. We restrict ourselves to weak convergence in mathbb R^d with continuous limit measures.
Rate limits in quantum networks with lossy repeaters
The derivation of ultimate limits to communication over certain quantum repeater networks have provided extremely valuable benchmarks for assessing near-term quantum communication protocols. However, these bounds are usually derived in the limit of ideal devices and leave questions about the performance of practical implementations unanswered. To address this challenge, we quantify how the presence of loss in repeater stations affect the maximum attainable rates for quantum communication over linear repeater chains and more complex quantum networks. Extending the framework of node splitting, we model the loss introduced at the repeater stations and then prove the corresponding limits. In the linear chain scenario we show that, by increasing the number of repeater stations, the maximum rate cannot overcome a quantity which solely depends on the loss of a single station. We introduce a way of adapting the standard machinery for obtaining bounds to this realistic scenario. The difference is that whilst ultimate limits for any strategy can be derived given a fixed channel, when the repeaters introduce additional decoherence, then the effective overall channel is itself a function of the chosen repeater strategy (e.g., one-way versus two-way classical communication). Classes of repeater strategies can be analysed using additional modelling and the subsequent bounds can be interpreted as the optimal rate within that class.
The probabilistic world
Physics is based on probabilities as fundamental entities of a mathematical description. Expectation values of observables are computed according to the classical statistical rule. The overall probability distribution for one world covers all times. The quantum formalism arises once one focuses on the evolution of the time-local probabilistic information. Wave functions or the density matrix allow the formulation of a general linear evolution law for classical statistics. The quantum formalism for classical statistics is a powerful tool which allows us to implement for generalized Ising models the momentum observable with the associated Fourier representation. The association of operators to observables permits the computation of expectation values in terms of the density matrix by the usual quantum rule. We show that probabilistic cellular automata are quantum systems in a formulation with discrete time steps and real wave functions. With a complex structure the evolution operator for automata can be expressed in terms of a Hamiltonian involving fermionic creation and annihilation operators. The time-local probabilistic information amounts to a subsystem of the overall probabilistic system which is correlated with its environment consisting of the past and future. Such subsystems typically involve probabilistic observables for which only a probability distribution for their possible measurement values is available. Incomplete statistics does not permit to compute classical correlation functions for arbitrary subsystem-observables. Bell's inequalities are not generally applicable.
Replica symmetry breaking in dense neural networks
Understanding the glassy nature of neural networks is pivotal both for theoretical and computational advances in Machine Learning and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. Keeping the focus on dense associative Hebbian neural networks, the purpose of this paper is two-fold: at first we develop rigorous mathematical approaches to address properly a statistical mechanical picture of the phenomenon of {\em replica symmetry breaking} (RSB) in these networks, then -- deepening results stemmed via these routes -- we aim to inspect the {\em glassiness} that they hide. In particular, regarding the methodology, we provide two techniques: the former is an adaptation of the transport PDE to the case, while the latter is an extension of Guerra's interpolation breakthrough. Beyond coherence among the results, either in replica symmetric and in the one-step replica symmetry breaking level of description, we prove the Gardner's picture and we identify the maximal storage capacity by a ground-state analysis in the Baldi-Venkatesh high-storage regime. In the second part of the paper we investigate the glassy structure of these networks: in contrast with the replica symmetric scenario (RS), RSB actually stabilizes the spin-glass phase. We report huge differences w.r.t. the standard pairwise Hopfield limit: in particular, it is known that it is possible to express the free energy of the Hopfield neural network as a linear combination of the free energies of an hard spin glass (i.e. the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model) and a soft spin glass (the Gaussian or "spherical" model). This is no longer true when interactions are more than pairwise (whatever the level of description, RS or RSB): for dense networks solely the free energy of the hard spin glass survives, proving a huge diversity in the underlying glassiness of associative neural networks.
Limits and Powers of Koopman Learning
Dynamical systems provide a comprehensive way to study complex and changing behaviors across various sciences. Many modern systems are too complicated to analyze directly or we do not have access to models, driving significant interest in learning methods. Koopman operators have emerged as a dominant approach because they allow the study of nonlinear dynamics using linear techniques by solving an infinite-dimensional spectral problem. However, current algorithms face challenges such as lack of convergence, hindering practical progress. This paper addresses a fundamental open question: When can we robustly learn the spectral properties of Koopman operators from trajectory data of dynamical systems, and when can we not? Understanding these boundaries is crucial for analysis, applications, and designing algorithms. We establish a foundational approach that combines computational analysis and ergodic theory, revealing the first fundamental barriers -- universal for any algorithm -- associated with system geometry and complexity, regardless of data quality and quantity. For instance, we demonstrate well-behaved smooth dynamical systems on tori where non-trivial eigenfunctions of the Koopman operator cannot be determined by any sequence of (even randomized) algorithms, even with unlimited training data. Additionally, we identify when learning is possible and introduce optimal algorithms with verification that overcome issues in standard methods. These results pave the way for a sharp classification theory of data-driven dynamical systems based on how many limits are needed to solve a problem. These limits characterize all previous methods, presenting a unified view. Our framework systematically determines when and how Koopman spectral properties can be learned.
Quantum coherence and distribution of N-partite bosonic fields in noninertial frame
We study the quantum coherence and its distribution of N-partite GHZ and W states of bosonic fields in the noninertial frames with arbitrary number of acceleration observers. We find that the coherence of both GHZ and W state reduces with accelerations and freezes in the limit of infinite accelerations. The freezing value of coherence depends on the number of accelerated observers. The coherence of N-partite GHZ state is genuinely global and no coherence exists in any subsystems. For the N-partite W state, however, the coherence is essentially bipartite types, and the total coherence is equal to the sum of coherence of all the bipartite subsystems.
Commutative Width and Depth Scaling in Deep Neural Networks
This paper is the second in the series Commutative Scaling of Width and Depth (WD) about commutativity of infinite width and depth limits in deep neural networks. Our aim is to understand the behaviour of neural functions (functions that depend on a neural network model) as width and depth go to infinity (in some sense), and eventually identify settings under which commutativity holds, i.e. the neural function tends to the same limit no matter how width and depth limits are taken. In this paper, we formally introduce and define the commutativity framework, and discuss its implications on neural network design and scaling. We study commutativity for the neural covariance kernel which reflects how network layers separate data. Our findings extend previous results established in [55] by showing that taking the width and depth to infinity in a deep neural network with skip connections, when branches are suitably scaled to avoid exploding behaviour, result in the same covariance structure no matter how that limit is taken. This has a number of theoretical and practical implications that we discuss in the paper. The proof techniques in this paper are novel and rely on tools that are more accessible to readers who are not familiar with stochastic calculus (used in the proofs of WD(I))).
Constraint on Lorentz Invariance Violation for spectral lag transition in GRB 160625B using profile likelihood
We reanalyze the spectral lag data for GRB 160625B using frequentist inference in order to constrain the energy scale (E_{QG}) of Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV). For this purpose, we use profile likelihood to deal with the astrophysical nuisance parameters. This is in contrast to Bayesian inference implemented in previous works, where marginalization was carried out over the nuisance parameters. We show that with profile likelihood, we do not find a global minimum for chi^2 as a function of E_{QG} below the Planck scale for both linear and quadratic models of LIV, whereas bounded credible intervals were previously obtained using Bayesian inference. Therefore, we can set one-sided lower limits in a straightforward manner. We find that E_{QG} geq 2.55 times 10^{16} GeV and E_{QG} geq 1.85 times 10^7 GeV at 95\% c.l., for linear and quadratic LIV, respectively. Therefore, this is the first proof-of-principles application of profile likelihood method to the analysis of GRB spectral lag data to constrain LIV.
Analyzing Convergence in Quantum Neural Networks: Deviations from Neural Tangent Kernels
A quantum neural network (QNN) is a parameterized mapping efficiently implementable on near-term Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers. It can be used for supervised learning when combined with classical gradient-based optimizers. Despite the existing empirical and theoretical investigations, the convergence of QNN training is not fully understood. Inspired by the success of the neural tangent kernels (NTKs) in probing into the dynamics of classical neural networks, a recent line of works proposes to study over-parameterized QNNs by examining a quantum version of tangent kernels. In this work, we study the dynamics of QNNs and show that contrary to popular belief it is qualitatively different from that of any kernel regression: due to the unitarity of quantum operations, there is a non-negligible deviation from the tangent kernel regression derived at the random initialization. As a result of the deviation, we prove the at-most sublinear convergence for QNNs with Pauli measurements, which is beyond the explanatory power of any kernel regression dynamics. We then present the actual dynamics of QNNs in the limit of over-parameterization. The new dynamics capture the change of convergence rate during training and implies that the range of measurements is crucial to the fast QNN convergence.
Quantum mechanics with real numbers: entanglement, superselection rules and gauges
We show how imaginary numbers in quantum physics can be eliminated by enlarging the Hilbert Space followed by an imposition of - what effectively amounts to - a superselection rule. We illustrate this procedure with a qubit and apply it to the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The procedure is somewhat reminiscent of the constrained quantization of the electromagnetic field, where, in order to manifestly comply with relativity, one enlargers the Hilbert Space by quantizing the longitudinal and scalar modes, only to subsequently introduce a constraint to make sure that they are actually not directly observable.
Quantum Thermalization via Travelling Waves
Isolated quantum many-body systems which thermalize under their own dynamics are expected to act as their own thermal baths, thereby bringing their local subsystems to thermal equilibrium. Here we show that the infinite-dimensional limit of a quantum lattice model, as described by Dynamical Mean-Field theory (DMFT), provides a natural framework to understand this self-consistent thermalization process. Using the Fermi-Hubbard model as working example, we demonstrate that the emergence of a self-consistent bath thermalising the system is characterized by a sharp thermalization front, moving balistically and separating the initial condition from the long-time thermal fixed point. We characterize the full DMFT dynamics through an effective temperature for which we derive a travelling-wave equation of the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov (FKPP) type. This equation allows to predict the asymptotic shape of the front and its velocity, which match perfectly the full DMFT numerics. Our results provide a new angle to understand the onset of quantum thermalisation in closed isolated systems.
Kernel Density Estimators in Large Dimensions
This paper studies Kernel density estimation for a high-dimensional distribution rho(x). Traditional approaches have focused on the limit of large number of data points n and fixed dimension d. We analyze instead the regime where both the number n of data points y_i and their dimensionality d grow with a fixed ratio alpha=(log n)/d. Our study reveals three distinct statistical regimes for the kernel-based estimate of the density hat rho_h^{D}(x)=1{n h^d}sum_{i=1}^n Kleft(x-y_i{h}right), depending on the bandwidth h: a classical regime for large bandwidth where the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) holds, which is akin to the one found in traditional approaches. Below a certain value of the bandwidth, h_{CLT}(alpha), we find that the CLT breaks down. The statistics of hat rho_h^{D}(x) for a fixed x drawn from rho(x) is given by a heavy-tailed distribution (an alpha-stable distribution). In particular below a value h_G(alpha), we find that hat rho_h^{D}(x) is governed by extreme value statistics: only a few points in the database matter and give the dominant contribution to the density estimator. We provide a detailed analysis for high-dimensional multivariate Gaussian data. We show that the optimal bandwidth threshold based on Kullback-Leibler divergence lies in the new statistical regime identified in this paper. Our findings reveal limitations of classical approaches, show the relevance of these new statistical regimes, and offer new insights for Kernel density estimation in high-dimensional settings.
Observable Statistical Mechanics
Understanding equilibration and thermalization in isolated many-body quantum systems is a central challenge in quantum physics. The traditional approach focuses on the study of the full state of the quantum system which, at equilibrium, is best described by the Diagonal Ensemble. Here, we present Observable Statistical Mechanics, a novel paradigm that shifts attention from the full quantum state to the statistics of measurement outcomes. This approach is grounded in the Maximum Observable Entropy Principle, positing that equilibrium measurement statistics tend to maximize observable entropy under conserved average energy. By focusing on accessible measurements, the theory accurately predicts equilibrium probability distributions without needing detailed microscopic information like the energy eigenstates. Extensive numerical experiments on 7 spin-1/2 Hamiltonians demonstrate the broad applicability and robustness of this framework.
ANTN: Bridging Autoregressive Neural Networks and Tensor Networks for Quantum Many-Body Simulation
Quantum many-body physics simulation has important impacts on understanding fundamental science and has applications to quantum materials design and quantum technology. However, due to the exponentially growing size of the Hilbert space with respect to the particle number, a direct simulation is intractable. While representing quantum states with tensor networks and neural networks are the two state-of-the-art methods for approximate simulations, each has its own limitations in terms of expressivity and inductive bias. To address these challenges, we develop a novel architecture, Autoregressive Neural TensorNet (ANTN), which bridges tensor networks and autoregressive neural networks. We show that Autoregressive Neural TensorNet parameterizes normalized wavefunctions, allows for exact sampling, generalizes the expressivity of tensor networks and autoregressive neural networks, and inherits a variety of symmetries from autoregressive neural networks. We demonstrate our approach on quantum state learning as well as finding the ground state of the challenging 2D J_1-J_2 Heisenberg model with different systems sizes and coupling parameters, outperforming both tensor networks and autoregressive neural networks. Our work opens up new opportunities for scientific simulations of quantum many-body physics and quantum technology.
Metrological detection of multipartite entanglement through dynamical symmetries
Multipartite entanglement, characterized by the quantum Fisher information (QFI), plays a central role in quantum-enhanced metrology and understanding quantum many-body physics. With a dynamical generalization of the Mazur-Suzuki relations, we provide a rigorous lower bound on the QFI for the thermal Gibbs states in terms of dynamical symmetries, i.e., operators with periodic time dependence. We demonstrate that this bound can be saturated when considering a complete set of dynamical symmetries. Moreover, this lower bound with dynamical symmetries can be generalized to the QFI matrix and to the QFI for the thermal pure states, predicted by the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. Our results reveal a new perspective to detect multipartite entanglement and other generalized variances in an equilibrium system, from its nonstationary dynamical properties, and is promising for studying emergent nonequilibrium many-body physics.
Experimental demonstration of memory-enhanced quantum communication
The ability to communicate quantum information over long distances is of central importance in quantum science and engineering. For example, it enables secure quantum key distribution (QKD) relying on fundamental principles that prohibit the "cloning" of unknown quantum states. While QKD is being successfully deployed, its range is currently limited by photon losses and cannot be extended using straightforward measure-and-repeat strategies without compromising its unconditional security. Alternatively, quantum repeaters, which utilize intermediate quantum memory nodes and error correction techniques, can extend the range of quantum channels. However, their implementation remains an outstanding challenge, requiring a combination of efficient and high-fidelity quantum memories, gate operations, and measurements. Here we report the experimental realization of memory-enhanced quantum communication. We use a single solid-state spin memory integrated in a nanophotonic diamond resonator to implement asynchronous Bell-state measurements. This enables a four-fold increase in the secret key rate of measurement device independent (MDI)-QKD over the loss-equivalent direct-transmission method while operating megahertz clock rates. Our results represent a significant step towards practical quantum repeaters and large-scale quantum networks.
Lie Group Decompositions for Equivariant Neural Networks
Invariance and equivariance to geometrical transformations have proven to be very useful inductive biases when training (convolutional) neural network models, especially in the low-data regime. Much work has focused on the case where the symmetry group employed is compact or abelian, or both. Recent work has explored enlarging the class of transformations used to the case of Lie groups, principally through the use of their Lie algebra, as well as the group exponential and logarithm maps. The applicability of such methods to larger transformation groups is limited by the fact that depending on the group of interest G, the exponential map may not be surjective. Further limitations are encountered when G is neither compact nor abelian. Using the structure and geometry of Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces, we present a framework by which it is possible to work with such groups primarily focusing on the Lie groups G = GL^{+}(n, R) and G = SL(n, R), as well as their representation as affine transformations R^{n} rtimes G. Invariant integration as well as a global parametrization is realized by decomposing the `larger` groups into subgroups and submanifolds which can be handled individually. Under this framework, we show how convolution kernels can be parametrized to build models equivariant with respect to affine transformations. We evaluate the robustness and out-of-distribution generalisation capability of our model on the standard affine-invariant benchmark classification task, where we outperform all previous equivariant models as well as all Capsule Network proposals.
Teleportation of entanglement over 143 km
As a direct consequence of the no-cloning theorem, the deterministic amplification as in classical communication is impossible for quantum states. This calls for more advanced techniques in a future global quantum network, e.g. for cloud quantum computing. A unique solution is the teleportation of an entangled state, i.e. entanglement swapping, representing the central resource to relay entanglement between distant nodes. Together with entanglement purification and a quantum memory it constitutes a so-called quantum repeater. Since the aforementioned building blocks have been individually demonstrated in laboratory setups only, the applicability of the required technology in real-world scenarios remained to be proven. Here we present a free-space entanglement-swapping experiment between the Canary Islands of La Palma and Tenerife, verifying the presence of quantum entanglement between two previously independent photons separated by 143 km. We obtained an expectation value for the entanglement-witness operator, more than 6 standard deviations beyond the classical limit. By consecutive generation of the two required photon pairs and space-like separation of the relevant measurement events, we also showed the feasibility of the swapping protocol in a long-distance scenario, where the independence of the nodes is highly demanded. Since our results already allow for efficient implementation of entanglement purification, we anticipate our assay to lay the ground for a fully-fledged quantum repeater over a realistic high-loss and even turbulent quantum channel.
Addendum to Research MMMCV; A Man/Microbio/Megabio/Computer Vision
In October 2007, a Research Proposal for the University of Sydney, Australia, the author suggested that biovie-physical phenomenon as `electrodynamic dependant biological vision', is governed by relativistic quantum laws and biovision. The phenomenon on the basis of `biovielectroluminescence', satisfies man/microbio/megabio/computer vision (MMMCV), as a robust candidate for physical and visual sciences. The general aim of this addendum is to present a refined text of Sections 1-3 of that proposal and highlighting the contents of its Appendix in form of a `Mechanisms' Section. We then briefly remind in an article aimed for December 2007, by appending two more equations into Section 3, a theoretical II-time scenario as a time model well-proposed for the phenomenon. The time model within the core of the proposal, plays a significant role in emphasizing the principle points on Objectives no. 1-8, Sub-hypothesis 3.1.2, mentioned in Article [arXiv:0710.0410]. It also expresses the time concept in terms of causing quantized energy f(|E|) of time |t|, emit in regard to shortening the probability of particle loci as predictable patterns of particle's un-occurred motion, a solution to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (HUP) into a simplistic manner. We conclude that, practical frames via a time algorithm to this model, fixates such predictable patterns of motion of scenery bodies onto recordable observation points of a MMMCV system. It even suppresses/predicts superposition phenomena coming from a human subject and/or other bio-subjects for any decision making event, e.g., brainwave quantum patterns based on vision. Maintaining the existential probability of Riemann surfaces of II-time scenarios in the context of biovielectroluminescence, makes motion-prediction a possibility.
Completely Discretized, Finite Quantum Mechanics
I propose a version of quantum mechanics featuring a discrete and finite number of states that is plausibly a model of the real world. The model is based on standard unitary quantum theory of a closed system with a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. Given certain simple conditions on the spectrum of the Hamiltonian, Schr\"odinger evolution is periodic, and it is straightforward to replace continuous time with a discrete version, with the result that the system only visits a discrete and finite set of state vectors. The biggest challenges to the viability of such a model come from cosmological considerations. The theory may have implications for questions of mathematical realism and finitism.
Fractional WKB Approximation
Wentzel, Kramers, Brillouin (WKB) approximation for fractional systems is investigated in this paper using the fractional calculus. In the fractional case the wave function is constructed such that the phase factor is the same as the Hamilton's principle function "S". To demonstrate our proposed approach two examples are investigated in details.
Comparing coherent and incoherent models for quantum homogenization
Here we investigate the role of quantum interference in the quantum homogenizer, whose convergence properties model a thermalization process. In the original quantum homogenizer protocol, a system qubit converges to the state of identical reservoir qubits through partial-swap interactions, that allow interference between reservoir qubits. We design an alternative, incoherent quantum homogenizer, where each system-reservoir interaction is moderated by a control qubit using a controlled-swap interaction. We show that our incoherent homogenizer satisfies the essential conditions for homogenization, being able to transform a qubit from any state to any other state to arbitrary accuracy, with negligible impact on the reservoir qubits' states. Our results show that the convergence properties of homogenization machines that are important for modelling thermalization are not dependent on coherence between qubits in the homogenization protocol. We then derive bounds on the resources required to re-use the homogenizers for performing state transformations. This demonstrates that both homogenizers are universal for any number of homogenizations, for an increased resource cost.
Dynamical Cosmological Constant
The dynamical realisation of the equation of state p +rho =0 is studied. A non-pathological dynamics for the perturbations of such a system mimicking a dynamical cosmological constant (DCC) requires to go beyond the perfect fluid paradigm. It is shown that an anisotropic stress must be always present. The Hamiltonian of the system in isolation resembles the one of a Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator and linear stability requires that it cannot be positive definite. The dynamics of linear cosmological perturbations in a DCC dominated Universe is studied in detail showing that when DCC is minimally coupled to gravity no dramatic instability is present. In contrast to what happens in a cosmological constant dominated Universe, the non-relativistic matter contrast is no longer constant and exhibits an oscillator behaviour at small scales while it grows weakly at large scales. In the gravitational waves sector, at small scales, the amplitude is still suppressed as the inverse power of the scale factor while it grows logarithmically at large scales. Also the vector modes propagate, though no growing mode is found.
Causality and Renormalization in Finite-Time-Path Out-of-Equilibrium φ^3 QFT
Our aim is to contribute to quantum field theory (QFT) formalisms useful for descriptions of short time phenomena, dominant especially in heavy ion collisions. We formulate out-of-equilibrium QFT within the finite-time-path formalism (FTP) and renormalization theory (RT). The potential conflict of FTP and RT is investigated in g phi^3 QFT, by using the retarded/advanced (R/A) basis of Green functions and dimensional renormalization (DR). For example, vertices immediately after (in time) divergent self-energy loops do not conserve energy, as integrals diverge. We "repair" them, while keeping d<4, to obtain energy conservation at those vertices. Already in the S-matrix theory, the renormalized, finite part of Feynman self-energy Sigma_{F}(p_0) does not vanish when |p_0|rightarrowinfty and cannot be split to retarded and advanced parts. In the Glaser--Epstein approach, the causality is repaired in the composite object G_F(p_0)Sigma_{F}(p_0). In the FTP approach, after repairing the vertices, the corresponding composite objects are G_R(p_0)Sigma_{R}(p_0) and Sigma_{A}(p_0)G_A(p_0). In the limit drightarrow 4, one obtains causal QFT. The tadpole contribution splits into diverging and finite parts. The diverging, constant component is eliminated by the renormalization condition langle 0|phi|0rangle =0 of the S-matrix theory. The finite, oscillating energy-nonconserving tadpole contributions vanish in the limit trightarrow infty .
Uniform structural phase transition in V_2O_3 without short-range distortions of the local structure
The local structure of V_{2}O_{3}, an archetypal strongly correlated electron system that displays a metal-insulator transition around 160 K, has been investigated via pair distribution function (PDF) analysis of neutron and x-ray total scattering data. The rhombohedral-to-monoclinic structural phase transition manifests as an abrupt change on all length scales in the observed PDF. No monoclinic distortions of the local structure are found above the transition, although coexisting regions of phase-separated rhombohedral and monoclinic symmetry are observed between 150 K and 160 K. This lack of structural fluctuations above the transition contrasts with the known presence of magnetic fluctuations in the high-temperature state, suggesting that the lattice degree of freedom plays a secondary role behind the spin degree of freedom in the transition mechanism.
Aharonov-Bohm effects on the GUP framework
Modifying the fundamental commutation relation of quantum mechanics to reflect the influence of gravity is an important approach to reconcile the contradiction between quantum field theory and general relativity. In the past two decades, researchers have conducted extensive research on geometric phase problems in non-commutative spaces, but few have mentioned the correction of geometric phase problems using the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP). This paper is the first to study the phase correction of Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect by GUP.
Assembly and coherent control of a register of nuclear spin qubits
We introduce an optical tweezer platform for assembling and individually manipulating a two-dimensional register of nuclear spin qubits. Each nuclear spin qubit is encoded in the ground ^{1}S_{0} manifold of ^{87}Sr and is individually manipulated by site-selective addressing beams. We observe that spin relaxation is negligible after 5 seconds, indicating that T_1gg5 s. Furthermore, utilizing simultaneous manipulation of subsets of qubits, we demonstrate significant phase coherence over the entire register, estimating T_2^star = left(21pm7right) s and measuring T_2^echo=left(42pm6right) s.