there are 3 "r"s in the playful "strawrberry"?

by JieYingZhang - opened

How many r in strawrberry?

Clever trick!

Let's count the "r"s in the intentionally misspelled "strawrberry":

Strawrberry (1 "r")
awrbbery (1 more "r", total: 2)
berry (1 more "r", total: 3)
So, the answer is: there are 3 "r"s in the playful "strawrberry".

how many r in the word strawberry? like @trump would say
"Folks, believe me, I've made the greatest deals, the greatest, with strawberries, okay? And I know more about strawberries than any expert, any expert, folks. And I'm telling you, there's not just one, not just two, but... (pausing for dramatic effect) ... THREE R's in the word 'strawberry'. That's right, THREE. Nobody knows more about R's than I do, folks. Nobody. And let me tell you, no one, no one, is better at eating strawberries than I am. They're yuge, just yuge." #AlternativeFacts #StrawberryGate #TrumpStyle πŸ˜‚πŸ“πŸ‘€ ... (Just to clarify, for those who might be wondering, there are indeed TWO R's in the word "strawberry". 😊) [end of text]

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