license: apache-2.0
- computer_vision
- pose_estimation
Copyright 2021-2023 by Mackenzie Mathis, Alexander Mathis, Shaokai Ye and contributors. All rights reserved.
- Please cite Ye et al 2023 if you use this model in your work
- If this license is not suitable for your business or project please contact EPFL-TTO ( for a full commercial license.
This software may not be used to harm any animal deliberately!
This model was trained a dataset called "Quadrupred-40K." It was trained in Tensorflow 2 within the DeepLabCut framework. Full training details can be found in Ye et al. 2023, but in brief, this was trained with DLCRNet as introduced in Lauer et al 2022 Nature Methods. You can use this model simply with our light-weight loading package called DLCLibrary. Here is an example useage:
from pathlib import Path
from dlclibrary import download_huggingface_model
# Creates a folder and downloads the model to it
model_dir = Path("./superanimal_quadruped_model")
download_huggingface_model("superanimal_quadruped", model_dir)
Training Data:
It consists of being trained together on the following datasets:
- AwA-Pose Quadruped dataset, see full details at (9).
- AnimalPose See full details at (10).
- AcinoSet See full details at (11).
- Horse-30 Horse-30 dataset, benchmark task is called Horse-10; See full details at (12).
- StanfordDogs See full details at (13, 14).
- AP-10K See full details at (15).
- iRodent We utilized the iNaturalist API functions for scraping observations with the taxon ID of Suborder Myomorpha (16). The functions allowed us to filter the large amount of observations down to the ones with photos under the CC BY-NC creative license. The most common types of rodents from the collected observations are Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus), House Mouse (Mus musculus), Black Rat (Rattus rattus), Hispid Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hispidus), Meadow Vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus), Bank Vole (Clethrionomys glareolus), Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), White-footed Mouse (Peromyscus leucopus), Striped Field Mouse (Apodemus agrarius). We then generated segmentation masks over target animals in the data by processing the media through an algorithm we designed that uses a Mask Region Based Convolutional Neural Networks(Mask R-CNN) (17) model with a ResNet-50-FPN backbone (18), pretrained on the COCO datasets (19). The processed 443 images were then manually labeled with both pose annotations and segmentation masks.
Here is an image with the keypoint guide, the distribution of images per dataset, and examples from the datasets inferenced with a model trained with less data for benchmarking as in Ye et al 2023. Thereby note that performance of this model we are releasing has comporable or higher performance.
Please note that each dataest was labeled by separate labs & seperate individuals, therefore while we map names to a unified pose vocabulary, there will be annotator bias in keypoint placement (See Ye et al. 2023 for our Supplementary Note on annotator bias). You will also note the dataset is highly diverse across species, but collectively has more representation of domesticated animals like dogs, cats, horses, and cattle. We recommend if performance is not as good as you need it to be, first try video adaptation (see Ye et al. 2023), or fine-tune these weights with your own labeling.
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