Inference Endpoints

Can't generate dectent text out of it

by useless-ai - opened

Am I missing something or this upload has some issues? it's not generating any text trhat makes sense.

You have to use the implementation from

You have to use the implementation from

Out of curiosity, have you been able to run the current repo implementation under ./src ?
If so, did you had you modified it?
Currently on consumer hardware few ppl including me are getting TypeError: GemmaModel.forward() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cache_position'

You have to use the implementation from

Out of curiosity, have you been able to run the current repo implementation under ./src ?
If so, did you had you modified it?
Currently on consumer hardware few ppl including me are getting TypeError: GemmaModel.forward() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cache_position'

Same here, using the model from the repo gives cache_position error

any chance of seeing cache_position error getting fixed?

TypeError: GemmaModel.forward() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cache_position'. run th code ,the same error? Do anyone have the same problem?

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