RoBERTa (large) fine-tuned on Winograd Schema Challenge (WSC) data
Step from its original repo
The following instructions can be used to finetune RoBERTa on the WSC training data provided by SuperGLUE.
Note that there is high variance in the results. For our GLUE/SuperGLUE submission we swept over the learning rate (1e-5, 2e-5, 3e-5), batch size (16, 32, 64) and total number of updates (500, 1000, 2000, 3000), as well as the random seed. Out of ~100 runs we chose the best 7 models and ensembled them.
Approach: The instructions below use a slightly different loss function than
what's described in the original RoBERTa arXiv paper. In particular,
Kocijan et al. (2019) introduce a margin
ranking loss between (query, candidate)
pairs with tunable hyperparameters
alpha and beta. This is supported in our code as well with the --wsc-alpha
arguments. However, we achieved slightly better (and more robust)
results on the development set by instead using a single cross entropy loss term
over the log-probabilities for the query and all mined candidates. The
candidates are mined using spaCy from each input sentence in isolation, so the
approach remains strictly pointwise. This reduces the number of
hyperparameters and our best model achieved 92.3% development set accuracy,
compared to ~90% accuracy for the margin loss. Later versions of the RoBERTa
arXiv paper will describe this updated formulation.
1) Download the WSC data from the SuperGLUE website:
# we also need to copy the RoBERTa dictionary into the same directory
wget -O WSC/dict.txt
2) Finetune over the provided training data:
TOTAL_NUM_UPDATES=2000 # Total number of training steps.
WARMUP_UPDATES=250 # Linearly increase LR over this many steps.
LR=2e-05 # Peak LR for polynomial LR scheduler.
MAX_SENTENCES=16 # Batch size per GPU.
SEED=1 # Random seed.
# we use the --user-dir option to load the task and criterion
# from the examples/roberta/wsc directory:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 fairseq-train WSC/ \
--restore-file $ROBERTA_PATH \
--reset-optimizer --reset-dataloader --reset-meters \
--no-epoch-checkpoints --no-last-checkpoints --no-save-optimizer-state \
--best-checkpoint-metric accuracy --maximize-best-checkpoint-metric \
--valid-subset val \
--fp16 --ddp-backend no_c10d \
--user-dir $FAIRSEQ_USER_DIR \
--task wsc --criterion wsc --wsc-cross-entropy \
--arch roberta_large --bpe gpt2 --max-positions 512 \
--dropout 0.1 --attention-dropout 0.1 --weight-decay 0.01 \
--optimizer adam --adam-betas '(0.9, 0.98)' --adam-eps 1e-06 \
--lr-scheduler polynomial_decay --lr $LR \
--warmup-updates $WARMUP_UPDATES --total-num-update $TOTAL_NUM_UPDATES \
--max-sentences $MAX_SENTENCES \
--max-update $TOTAL_NUM_UPDATES \
--log-format simple --log-interval 100 \
--seed $SEED
The above command assumes training on 4 GPUs, but you can achieve the same
results on a single GPU by adding --update-freq=4
3) Evaluate
from fairseq.models.roberta import RobertaModel
from examples.roberta.wsc import wsc_utils # also loads WSC task and criterion
roberta = RobertaModel.from_pretrained('checkpoints', '', 'WSC/')
nsamples, ncorrect = 0, 0
for sentence, label in wsc_utils.jsonl_iterator('WSC/val.jsonl', eval=True):
pred = roberta.disambiguate_pronoun(sentence)
nsamples += 1
if pred == label:
ncorrect += 1
print('Accuracy: ' + str(ncorrect / float(nsamples)))
# Accuracy: 0.9230769230769231
RoBERTa training on WinoGrande dataset
We have also provided winogrande
task and criterion for finetuning on the
WinoGrande like datasets
where there are always two candidates and one is correct.
It's more efficient implementation for such subcases.
TOTAL_NUM_UPDATES=23750 # Total number of training steps.
WARMUP_UPDATES=2375 # Linearly increase LR over this many steps.
LR=1e-05 # Peak LR for polynomial LR scheduler.
MAX_SENTENCES=32 # Batch size per GPU.
SEED=1 # Random seed.
# we use the --user-dir option to load the task and criterion
# from the examples/roberta/wsc directory:
cd fairseq
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 fairseq-train winogrande_1.0/ \
--restore-file $ROBERTA_PATH \
--reset-optimizer --reset-dataloader --reset-meters \
--no-epoch-checkpoints --no-last-checkpoints --no-save-optimizer-state \
--best-checkpoint-metric accuracy --maximize-best-checkpoint-metric \
--valid-subset val \
--fp16 --ddp-backend no_c10d \
--user-dir $FAIRSEQ_USER_DIR \
--task winogrande --criterion winogrande \
--wsc-margin-alpha 5.0 --wsc-margin-beta 0.4 \
--arch roberta_large --bpe gpt2 --max-positions 512 \
--dropout 0.1 --attention-dropout 0.1 --weight-decay 0.01 \
--optimizer adam --adam-betas '(0.9, 0.98)' --adam-eps 1e-06 \
--lr-scheduler polynomial_decay --lr $LR \
--warmup-updates $WARMUP_UPDATES --total-num-update $TOTAL_NUM_UPDATES \
--max-sentences $MAX_SENTENCES \
--max-update $TOTAL_NUM_UPDATES \
--log-format simple --log-interval 100
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