Changement by mlx_lm 0.0.10 update lead to an error using the load, generate call

by BenBenser - opened
MLX Community org


I recently ran into a typeError (raise TypeError(f'non-default argument {!r} ' TypeError: non-default argument 'model_type' follows default argument
) after updating the package.

Since im pretty new to all this im not really sure if this error is caused by myself, but apparently it seems like the changed file "" in mlx_lm/models and its dataclass-decorated class "ModelArgs(BaseModelArgs):" ist causing the error by the misplaced attribute "model_type: str". After I positioned it before the optional attributes, it worked again.

MLX Community org

@BenBenser Good catch. Created PR here in the repository:

MLX Community org

Thanks! And thanks for creating PR repo, wasn't sure if I should create one.

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