Unable to make stopping strings issues work.

by 6346y9uey - opened

I have followed the instructions to the letter: unchecking "skip special tokens" and adding "<|eot_id"|>" to custom stopping strings. Nothing works. It still spams "assistant" at the end of lines and then rants incoherently afterwards. I have done everything I can think of, updating Text Gen Webui, even attempting to use negative CFG to ban the word "assistant".

At this point I can comfortably say that I've done all that can be expected from a stupid end user's point of view, and now the fact this is still an ongoing problem is detracting from my experience as an end user. This needs to be fixed.

LM Studio Community org

Text gen web UI hadn't updated the llamacpp version to support llama 3 until earlier today, I haven't tried it there yet myself but will now

I know that llama.cpp main will produce properly and end properly with this model

6346y9uey changed discussion status to closed

Update fixed it, thanks

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