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4c63760 verified
license: apache-2.0
  - nferruz/UR50_2021_04
  - chemistry
  - biology

Model Description

This model card describes the distilled version of ProtGPT2, referred to as protgpt2-distilled-small. The distillation process for this model follows the methodology of knowledge distillation from a larger teacher model to a smaller, more efficient student model. The process combines both "Soft Loss" (Knowledge Distillation Loss) and "Hard Loss" (Cross-Entropy Loss) to ensure the student model not only generalizes like its teacher but also retains practical prediction capabilities.

Technical Details

Distillation Parameters:

  • Temperature (T): 10
  • Alpha (α): 0.1
  • Model Architecture:
    • Number of Layers: 6
    • Number of Attention Heads: 8
    • Embedding Size: 768

Dataset Used:

  • The model was distilled using a subset of the evaluation dataset provided by nferruz/UR50_2021_04.

Loss Formulation:

  • Soft Loss: soft = KL(softmax(s/T), softmax(t/T)), where s are the logits from the student model, t are the logits from the teacher model, and T is the temperature used to soften the probabilities.
  • Hard Loss: hard = -∑i yi log(softmax(si)), where yi represents the true labels, and si are the logits from the student model corresponding to each label.
  • Combined Loss: ℒ = α ℒhard + (1 - α) ℒsoft, where α (alpha) is the weight factor that balances the hard loss and soft loss.

Note: KL represents the Kullback-Leibler divergence, a measure used to quantify how one probability distribution diverges from a second, expected probability distribution.


The distilled model, protgpt2-distilled-tiny, demonstrates a substantial increase in inference speed—up to 6 times faster than the pretrained version. This assessment is based on evaluations using (n=100) tests, showing that while the speed is significantly enhanced, the model still maintains perplexities comparable to the original.




from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2LMHeadModel, TextGenerationPipeline
import re

# Load the model and tokenizer
model_name = "littleworth/protgpt2-distilled-small"
tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained(model_name)

# Initialize the pipeline
text_generator = TextGenerationPipeline(
    model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, device=0
)  # specify device if needed

# Generate sequences
generated_sequences = text_generator(
    pad_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id,  # Set pad_token_id to eos_token_id

def clean_sequence(text):
    # Remove the "<|endoftext|>" token
    text = text.replace("<|endoftext|>", "")
    # Remove newline characters and non-alphabetical characters
    text = "".join(char for char in text if char.isalpha())
    return text

# Print the generated sequences
for i, seq in enumerate(generated_sequences):
    cleaned_text = clean_sequence(seq["generated_text"])

Use Cases

  1. High-Throughput Screening in Drug Discovery: The distilled ProtGPT2 facilitates rapid mutation screening in drug discovery by predicting protein variant stability efficiently. Its reduced size allows for swift fine-tuning on new datasets, enhancing the pace of target identification.
  2. Portable Diagnostics in Healthcare: Suitable for handheld devices, this model enables real-time protein analysis in remote clinical settings, providing immediate diagnostic results.
  3. Interactive Learning Tools in Academia: Integrated into educational software, the distilled model helps biology students simulate and understand protein dynamics without advanced computational resources.


  • Hinton, G., Vinyals, O., & Dean, J. (2015). Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network. arXiv:1503.02531.
  • Original ProtGPT2 Paper: Link to paper