# Changes to the ATT&CK/STIX Data Model |
## 25 April 2023 - ATT&CK Spec v3.1.0 |
Changes to ATT&CK in STIX for April 2023 ATT&CK Content Release (ATT&CK v13.0) |
* Restored the `labels` property for ICS mitigation objects. This property documents security controls for ICS mitigations. |
## 25 October 2022 - ATT&CK Spec v3.0.0 |
Changes to ATT&CK in STIX for October 2022 ATT&CK Content Release (ATT&CK-v12.0) |
* Added Campaign objects. For detailed information about the representation of Campaigns in ATT&CK/STIX, please see the campaign section of the [USAGE document](https://github.com/mitre/cti/blob/master/USAGE.md). |
## 25 April 2022 (ATT&CK v11) release |
NOTE: Changes to ATT&CK for the April 2022 (ATT&CK v11) release were initially omitted from this change log. |
As of the v11 content release, the following fields that previously were only available in the STIX 2.1 bundles are also available in STIX 2.0. |
* `x_mitre_modified_by_ref`: has been added to all object types. Defined in spec 2.0.0 below. |
* `x_mitre_domains`: has been added to all non-relationship objects. Defined in spec 2.0.0 below. |
* `x_mitre_attack_spec_version`: has been added to all object types. Defined in spec 2.1.0 below. |
## 21 October 2021 - ATT&CK Spec v2.1.0 |
Changes to ATT&CK in STIX for October 2021 ATT&CK Content Release (ATT&CK-v10.0) |
| Feature | [Available in STIX 2.0](https://github.com/mitre/cti) | [Available in STIX 2.1](https://github.com/mitre-attack/attack-stix-data) | |
|:--------|:-----------------------------------------------------:|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------:| |
| Added full objects for data sources and data components. See [the data sources section of the USAGE document](https://github.com/mitre-attack/attack-stix-data/blob/master/USAGE.md#data-sources-and-data-components) for more information about data sources, data components, and their relationships with techniques. | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | |
| Added `x_mitre_attack_spec_version` field to all object types. This field tracks the version of the ATT&CK Spec used by the object. Consuming software can use this field to determine if the data format is supported; if the field is absent the object will be assumed to use ATT&CK Spec version `2.0.0`. | :x: | :white_check_mark: | |
## 21 June 2021 - ATT&CK Spec v2.0.0 |
Release of ATT&CK in STIX 2.1. |
The contents of this repository is not affected, but you can find ATT&CK in STIX 2.1 (ATT&CK spec v2.0.0+) on our new [attack-stix-data](https://github.com/mitre-attack/attack-stix-data) GitHub repository. Both MITRE/CTI (this repository) and attack-stix-data will be maintained and updated with new ATT&CK releases for the foreseeable future, but the data model of attack-stix-data includes quality-of-life improvements not found on MITRE/CTI. |
| Feature | [Available in STIX 2.0](https://github.com/mitre/cti) | [Available in STIX 2.1](https://github.com/mitre-attack/attack-stix-data) | |
|:--------|:-----------------------------------------------------:|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------:| |
| Added `x_mitre_modified_by_ref` field to all object types. This field tracks the identity of the individual or organization which created the current _version_ of the object. | :x: | :white_check_mark: | |
| Added `x_mitre_domains` field to all non-relationship objects. This field tracks the domains the object is found in. | :x: | :white_check_mark: | |
| Added [collection](https://github.com/center-for-threat-informed-defense/attack-workbench-frontend/blob/master/docs/collections.md) objects to track information about specific releases of the dataset and to allow the dataset to be imported into [ATT&CK Workbench](https://github.com/center-for-threat-informed-defense/attack-workbench-frontend/). | :x: | :white_check_mark: | |
| Added a [collection index](https://github.com/center-for-threat-informed-defense/attack-workbench-frontend/blob/master/docs/collections.md) to list the contents of this repository and to allow the data to be imported into [ATT&CK Workbench](https://github.com/center-for-threat-informed-defense/attack-workbench-frontend/). | :x: | :white_check_mark: | |
## 29 April 2021 |
Changes to ATT&CK in STIX for April 2021 ATT&CK Content Release (ATT&CK-v9.0) |
1. Replaced `GCP`, `AWS` and `Azure` platforms under the enterprise domain with `IaaS` (Infrastructure as a Service). |
2. Added `Containers` and `Google Workspace` to the platforms of the enterprise domain. |
3. Revised the data sources of the enterprise domain. Data sources are still represented as a string array, but the elements within that array are now formatted `"data source: data component"` to reflect the new data source representation. More information on the new data sources can be found on our [attack-datasources](https://github.com/mitre-attack/attack-datasources) GitHub repository. Note that the data sources in the ICS domain was not affected by this change. |
With the release of ATT&CK version 9 we are also hosting an excel representation of the knowledge base on our website. You can find that representation and more about ATT&CK tools on the updated [Working with ATT&CK](https://attack.mitre.org/resources/working-with-attack/) page. |
## 27 October 2020 |
Changes to ATT&CK in STIX for October 2020 ATT&CK Content Release (ATT&CK-v8.0) |
1. Added new platforms under the enterprise domain: `Network` and `PRE`. |
2. Deprecated the pre-ATT&CK domain. Pre-ATT&CK has been migrated to two new tactics in the Enterprise domain tagged with the `PRE` platform. Please see the new [PRE matrix](https://attack.mitre.org/matrices/enterprise/PRE/) for the replacing Enterprise tactics and techniques. All objects within the pre-ATT&CK domain have been marked as deprecated, along with a new description pointing to their new home in Enterprise. |
3. Added the [ATT&CK for ICS domain](ics-attack). |
## 8 July 2020 - ATT&CK Spec v1.3.0 |
Changes to ATT&CK in STIX for July 2020 ATT&CK Content Release (ATT&CK-v7.0) |
1. Added sub-techniques: |
- A sub-technique is an attack-pattern where `x_mitre_is_subtechnique` is `true`. |
- Relationships of type `subtechnique-of` between sub-techniques and techniques convey their hierarchy. |
For more information about the representation of sub-techniques in STIX, please see [the sub-techniques section of the USAGE document](USAGE.md#sub-techniques). |
2. Revised the representation of deprecated objects. The first paragraph of deprecated objects' descriptions should in most cases convey the reason the object was deprecated. |
We've also rewritten the [USAGE](USAGE.md) document with additional information about the ATT&CK data model and more examples of how to access and use ATT&CK in Python. |
## 24 October 2019 |
Changes to ATT&CK in STIX for October 2019 ATT&CK Content Release (ATT&CK-v6.0) |
1. Added cloud platforms under the enterprise domain: `AWS`, `GCP`, `Azure`, `Office 365`, `Azure AD`, and `SaaS`. |
## 31 July 2019 |
Changes to ATT&CK in STIX for July 2019 ATT&CK Content Release (ATT&CK-v5.0) |
1. Descriptions added to relationships of type `mitigates` under the enterprise domain |
## 30 April 2019 - ATT&CK Spec v1.2.0 |
Changes to ATT&CK in STIX for April 2019 ATT&CK Content Release (ATT&CK-v4.0) |
1. `x_mitre_impact_type` added for enterprise techniques within the `Impact` tactic |
2. Descriptions added to relationships between software/groups |
## 23 October 2018 - ATT&CK Spec v1.1.0 |
Changes to ATT&CK in STIX for October 2018 ATT&CK Content Release (ATT&CK-v3.0) |
1. `x_mitre_platforms` added for enterprise malware/tools |
2. `x_mitre_detection` added to attack-patterns |
3. Custom MITRE attributes removed from descriptions in attack-patterns |
4. Alias descriptions added for malware/tools/intrusion-sets as external references |
5. Descriptions added to relationships between groups/attack-patterns in PRE-ATT&CK |
6. Names of ATT&CK objects replaced in descriptions and x_mitre_detection fields with markdown links |
7. `CAPEC ids` added to external references for attack-patterns |
8. Citations in alias descriptions added as external references in the object containing the alias description |
9. Added `x-mitre-tactic` and `x-mitre-matrix` objects |
10. Changed ===Windows=== subheadings to ### Windows subheadings (Windows is just one example) |
11. Added space between asterisks (ex. *Content to * Content) to populate markdown correctly |
12. Changed "true" to True in `x_mitre_deprecated` |
13. Added old ATT&CK IDs to Mobile/PRE-ATT&CK objects whose IDs have changed as `x-mitre-old-attack-id` |