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Model Card for qa-expert-7B-V1.0-GGUF

This repo contains the GGUF format model files for khaimaitien/qa-expert-7B-V1.0.

You can get more information about how to use/train the model from this repo:

Model Sources [optional]

How to Get Started with the Model

First, you need to clone the repo:

Then install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then install llama-cpp-python

Here is the example code:

from qa_expert import get_inference_model, InferenceType
def retrieve(query: str) -> str:
    # You need to implement this retrieval function, input is a query and output is a string
    # This can be treated as the function to call in function calling of OpenAI
    return context

model_inference = get_inference_model(InferenceType.llama_cpp, "qa-expert-7B-V1.0.q4_0.gguf")
answer, messages = model_inference.generate_answer(question, retriever_func)