Shutting down servers during fine-tuning

by yjok0220 - opened

스크린샷 2024-03-15 120439.png

My server GPU specs are like this: fine-tuning version 2b of GEMMA on my server finishes fine, but when I fine-tune version 7b, the server suddenly crashes. Is this a problem caused by insufficient specifications?

i have the same issue

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Hi @yjok0220 and @Aniketnew7 , The crashes you are experiencing when fine tuning the 7B model likely results from insufficient GPU resources on your sever. Fine-tuning larger models requires significantly more computational power, memory (both GPU and CPU), and storage than smaller models. Kindly check in server , you need to have adequate GPU memory, system RAM, disk space, and proper cooling and power supply.
Kindly try and let me know if you have still issue is persists.

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