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license: agpl-3.0 |
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This repo catalogs my weights for use with my [VALL-E](https://github.com/e-c-k-e-r/vall-e) implementation as I try and iron out the kinks. |
The model currently is in a *semi-usable* state, and I'm releasing them now in hopes that it also helps jumpstart anyone else that wants to use them. |
To reiterate, this is ***by no means*** complete. I am not passing this off as competitive. |
## Models |
This repo contains the following configurations under `./models/`: |
* `config.retnet.yaml` / `ar+nar-retnet-8`: The previously released weights. |
+ This configuration utilizes a RetNet (retention based "transformer") as the underlying architecture due to a number of misleading interpretations with comparisons, for better or for worse. |
+ Prompt and response embeddings are summed (further RVQ levels gets the previous RVQ levels' embeddings factored in). |
+ Tokenizer is a homebrewed "naive" implementation. |
+ This model received the most training time between my 4070Ti, 7900XTX, and a few rental rigs to training further progress, entirely at `bfloat16` with `prodigyopt` (and a few optimizer restarts). |
+ The later part of training aimed to shuffle between speakers rather than the global pool of utterances to better focus on zero-shot performance. Due to this, I feel it achieved *decent* zero-shot performance. |
+ However, due to the dataset being aggressively trimmed under 12 seconds for memory savings during training, it suffers trying to inference non-short utterances. Additional training may fix this, the following models seemed to adapt well to longer utterances. |
+ From the `ar+nar-llama-8` experiment, I believe this can be "fixed" with additional training on the currently processed dataset. |
+ Prior testing showed that longer prompt durations results in better utterances. |
+ *Can* benefit from additional training, but I recall the average loss being around `1.9` to `2.1`. |
+ However, due to regressions (or bias from working under `llama`), I don't think I can optimially train with a RetNet again (both in terms of VRAM consumption and throughput). |
* `config.llama.yaml` / `ar+nar-llama-8`: The most recent-ishly trained weights after learning from my mistakes. |
+ This configuration utilizes Llama's attention-based transformer as the underlying architecture, making use of creature comforts like RoPE, GQA, and memory-efficient attention (trained under `xformers`, shouldn't really affect things). |
+ Prompt and response embeddings are NOT summed (each RVQ level only attends to the current RVQ level). |
+ Utilizes a HF tokenizer for "optimal" vocab. |
+ The current RVQ level is included as a token as well to help guide NAR tasks better. |
+ This model received a few days of training on my 4xV100s, stepping up the duration window to *try* and better make the model inference for longer utterances. |
+ Some sessions end up training the current duration window for a few epochs, but I don't know how much it affected things. |
+ ~~However, it seems to *only* do well with long utterances. Short utterances fumble. I believe further training with a variety of durations should allow the AR to handle a variety of durations.~~ |
- ~~I believe the "slowly stepping up the context length" only works for text, and not audio.~~ |
- Addendum: Additional brief training for a variety of duration lengths seemed to have mostly fixed this issue. |
- Addendum addendum: Properly creating the position IDs per-segment rather than the whole sequence, also helps a lot. |
+ Zero-shot performance leaves a bit to be desired, as it did not receive the special training prioritizing shuffling between speakers rather than the global pool of utterances. |
- Addendum: Additional brief training for sampling based on speaker per "epoch" (per dataloader, not dataset) seemed to slightly improve it. |
+ Testing showed that, despite also stepping up the prompt duration, it *really* likes three second prompts. |
+ Definitely needs additional training, but the next way to go is unknown. |
+ Naturally, training it on a "next RVQ level is half as likely" distribution introduces some crust as the later RVQ levels are less accurate, introducing noise and artifacts. |
+ As a fix for the above, naively training it on equally distributed RVQ levels *does* lobotomize the AR. |
+ Additional training on the AR will see huge diminishing returns, so I don't know if it's worth doing so. |
+ Seems to be a decent foundation for "distillation", at the very least for LoRA training. |
- Addendum: it seems to serve fine for patch-training a few extra tweaks, to non-unified position IDs, split classifier heads, and para-parallel decoding for the AR. |
* `config.llama-tts+stt.yaml` / `ar+nar-tts+stt-llama-8`: The above, but with partially trained for STT. |
+ These weights use the above weights but with additional training for the default `tts` task and a new `stt` task (at a 3:1 ratio). |
+ Initially was trained with `duration_range: [3.0, 60.0]` and `sample_shuffle: True` for a few hours, but then pivoted to my standard `duration_range: [3.0, 12.0]` and `sample_shuffle: False` |
+ Will need the former training to "undo" any issues with durations, as it usually came up before. |
+ `stt` task simply takes a piece of audio and outputs a transcription using IPA phonemes (that the model already is trained against for its text inputs). |
+ Can be done with `--task=stt` and an empty (`""`) text input through the CLI interface or the `Speech-to-Text` tab in the web UI. |
+ This mainly serves as a stepping stone before pivoting towards SpeechX tasks. |
+ I first need a good mechanism to make sure I *can* extend existing weights with additional tasks, but with a simple enough task. |
+ This also *maybe* seems to help bolster the initial TTS task by helping the model have a better internal state (or something to that tune). |
+ STT is not perfect against voices that aren't close to a normal speaking voice (as per the dataset), unlike TTS where you can easily have "sounds close enough" and room for errors. |
Some additional configurations have been explored with, but experiments have not been fruitful: |
* Exotic wrappers like `BitNet` seemed to yield little gains in inferencing, somehow. The memory savings is pretty much unneccessary as the models are already manageable at ~200M parameters. |
* Mamba / Mamba2-based models have shown that it's ***really*** hard to have an AR+NAR model. I really do not want to bother throwing the compute at another ~~meme~~ arch I can't easily make use of all the other tech to throw at. |
* a pure NAR (plus length predictor) cannot be realized with the current architecture. |
+ Transformer-based (or at least attention based) models can't seem to handle generating the initial (RVQ level 0) tokens from "thin air" (be it special tokens to repeating the input prompt). |
+ A diffusion-based model will definitely work, as those are good at generating from noise. |
+ The performance gains seem nice as the biggest "bottleneck" is the initial (RVQ level 0) AR pass, but it seems to require a lot of effort. |
* a model using [Descript-Audio-Codec](https://github.com/descriptinc/descript-audio-codec/): |
+ the 24KHz model will *not* converge no matter what. However, naively using just the first 8 RVQ levels might not be good enough, as there's too many codebooks for viable use. |
+ the 44KHz model was erroneously assumed to be an even 44KHz, when in reality it's 44.1KHz. *All* of my audio has to be requantized, as there's some stuttering in it. |
+ Because of this, training losses are high and it's having a hard time trying to converge. |
+ It has *sub-servicable* output for the first 4 RVQ levels, but it's massive cope to try and use it as a model. |
+ ~~I believe there's hope to use it when I requantize my audio properly.~~ |
+ Addendum: even after properly processing my audio, the loss is actually *worse* than before. I imagine DAC just cannot be used as an intermediary for an LM. |
* a model with a causal size >1 (sampling more than one token for the AR): |
+ re-using an existing model or training from scratch does not have fruitful results. |
+ there's an inherent periodic stutter that doesn't seem to be able to be trained out, but it might require exotic sampling methods. |
+ unfortunately it requires: |
+ either something similar to Medusa heads, where there's additional parameters to perform speculative sampling, |
+ a solution similar to what VALL-E 2 uses with group token embeddings or whatever, which *will* harm the NAR tasks in an AR+NAR model. |
+ I just don't understand where the issue lies, since parallel decoding does work, as evidence with the NAR. |
Some current "achitectural features" are in-use, but their effects need to be experimented with further: |
* `split_classifier_heads` is still a mystery whether it's truly helpful or not (each RVQ level gets its own output head). |
* `audio_embeddings_sum` is also a mystery whether it matters if each later RVQ level should "see" the past levels through summing embeddings, or if not doing it is preferable. |
* Disabling `unified_position_ids` seems to help quality more often than not, but I'm still unsure if it's beneficial in practice. |
## LoRAs |
This repo also contains some LoRAs to serve as a reference under `./loras/`. |
Using a LoRA is the same as a base model, except you're required to have the base model already (obviously). Just use the LoRA's config YAML to load from instead to use it. |
The only caveat is that my original dataset *does* contain these samples already, but given the sheer size of it, they're probably underutilized. |
* However, the base model already has *almost adequate* output from these speakers, but not enough to be satisfactory. |
* `config.lora.glados.yaml` / `lora-glados-r128-a128`: |
+ A simple LoRA of GLaDOS from both Portal and Portal 2. |
+ Trained for 250 steps (48000 samples, 821 samples per epoch). |
* `config.lora.sam.yaml` / `lora-sam-r128-a128`: |
+ A simple LoRA of Sam from the non-remaster Sam and Max Telltale games. |
+ Trained for 250 steps (48000 samples, 1555 samples per epoch). |
* `config.lora.max.yaml` / `lora-max-r128-a128`: |
+ A simple LoRA of Max from the non-remaster Sam and Max Telltale games. |
+ Trained for 250 steps (48000 samples, 1292 samples per epoch). |