The output size when deployed in GCP is 1536 instead of 1024

by bennegeek - opened

The length of the output is 1536 instead of 1024. I did one click deploy. It doesn't match when i load the model for training and for inference. Could you make the model that loads in TEI also use 1024 dims?

Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 2.41.51 a.m..png


The reason that the default behaviour uses 1024 is because it uses the Dense module from 2_Dense_1024:
Whereas GCP will likely read the "usual" 2_Dense folder and use that one instead. That folder has the 1536 that you're experiencing.

I see you already created a clone of this model to try and fix it, but I think your fix might be wrong (i.e. you're not using any Dense anymore). I would fix it like this:

  1. Clone the model
  2. Rename 2_Dense to 2_Dense_1536
  3. Rename 2_Dense_1024 to 2_Dense
  4. Update modules.json to use 2_Dense instead of 2_Dense_1024.

Then both the Sentence Transformers and GCP should use the 1024 with the Dense module (which is important to get the correct performance!)

  • Tom Aarsen

Hi Tom, thanks for the response

I looked inside 2_Dense and saw this

 "out_features": 8192,

Does this mean the output when this layer is used is 8192 dimensions?

To me, it seems the one click GCP deployment doesn't use any of the 2_Dense_* layers.

Yes. I would advise against using it, because the MTEB score of 1024d is only 0.001 lower than 8192d.

Having said that, I think my original assumption here:

Whereas GCP will likely read the "usual" 2_Dense folder and use that one instead. That folder has the 1536 that you're experiencing.

was wrong. I think GCP perhaps just doesn't use any Dense layer? This will result in worse performance I'm afraid.
@philschmid do you have some experience with this? Or @olivierdehaene due to TEI?

  • Tom Aarsen

I took a look at the TEI code and it seems TEI only reads the 1_Pooling layer. But I would definitely appreciate the view of someone who has expertise on that.

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