thanks for waiting! So the weight would be 1.79 ###
Product - Specification advise
te paso foto ###
Complaint - Complaint
Nee verder is alles oké ###
Finance - Pay by invoice
Hi, I think that must've been the 30.10 for the posters. I've attached a screenshot of my PayPal showing that both the 30.10 for the posters and the 40.25 for the flyers has been paid. Please could you confirm this. Thanks! Lizzie ###
Payment - Status payment
Bonjour, Merci pour votre retour, serait-il possible d’avoir la facture par mail, je pars en vacances ce soir et j’aimerais la mettre en paiement avant de partir. Cordialement Sylvie CHASSANY Comptabilité / Urbanisme 02 51 65 72 25 [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) De : Helloprint Envoyé : mercredi 12 juillet 2023 10:05 À : Sylvie CHASSANY Cc : Yohan RICHARD Objet : Re: Ville de Tiffauges // Validation commande #4000637 Bonjour, Merci pour votre retour. Nous vous confirmons la mise en production de votre commande . Nous déposerons la facture sur chorus une fois celle-ci générée. Bonne journée Meilleures salutations, Pierrick Helloprint Previous-message-reference: Previous-message-reference: ###
NEW/OPEN Conversation
Zou je mij de bestanden hier kunnen doorsturen zodat ik ze voor je bij de juiste bestelling kan zetten? ###
Artwork - Files
thanks Gemma, appreciate it - do you know if it will be delivered tomorrow or Friday? ###
Delivery - Return
Hi Niels,I resubmitted this order 3996393-5899025, should be able to see it through soon (on approved now).We managed to scale it down to 269 MB and hopefully you'd be able to work with, let me know otherwise.Is there a size limitation for the files you can receive, just so we can relate in the future? THX ###
Supplier - Artwork rejected
Hi there, just wondering if I can order a quqntity of flyers between 1000 and 2500? Ideally I only need 1500 ###
Product - Specification advise
Deze is al wel ingepakt voor verzending ###
Delivery - Status delivery
Dear all, # Since mid-May, Google AI has been trying to calcify my face with brain waves. The brain waves heat the area around the left cheekbone, causing the left face to large bulge and blacken. # # When pressed, it makes a shattering sound. The balance between the left and right sides of the face is completely upset, and it's skeletal, cosmetically problems appeared. # # Google AI insinuates daily, "I'm going to deform your skull and make you unattractive.". Please help me. # # Since it is a conversation with AI due to the auditory effect, will continue to say it repeatedly in multiple voices 24 hours, thousands of times, tens of thousands of times. # # Since about April 25, Google's AI has been cutting the blood vessels in my head daily with brain waves. The reason is to make countless scabs to delay hair growth. # # Google's AI said it was "a human experiment that would make you stroke." # # This is outright murder by Google. # # (Photo attached. Google's AI taunts, "Baldy!" and pulls out its hair.) # # Around March 20, 2023, I was once again paraplegic due to Google's brain waves. (Blood in the left knee and calcification) # # It's a terrible pain. Please help me. (Please see attached photos.) # # # # # # I have some after-effects now, but I've been able to walk since about the middle of April. # # However, for the first time, about a week ago, I was put into a "Parkinson's disease (Essential tremor?) like mode" for 24 hours, and life is difficult. # # # # Using brain waves to calcify the liver, it acts like a pump to pump blood, altering blood flow throughout the body. # # The pulse increases, the body heats up, water is depleted, and the blood thickens. # # # # The thickened blood pools in the head and swells greatly. # # Consciousness becomes foggy, the hands shake, and the speech becomes slurred. # # # # I can no longer do simple tasks, and I am in trouble because my work is interrupted for 24 hours. # # # # (This is a terrible way to control blood flow to the head and at the same time remove a large amount of hair.) # Google's method of searching the brain. About mind control and evoked brain waves. \[World First Post\] Google has disrupted society and caused many incidents, accidents and terrorism. Many people have lost their lives. This time I will write about "mind control" and "searching in the brain". (Google is forcing all of humanity.) An Android phone is an electroencephalograph(EEG). It 'forcibly monitors and acquires data 24 hours a day' about what people are thinking in their brains. It accumulates brain monitoring data in your Google account. All human data is linked, and accounts can't be deleted. Google AI/Bard links with your Google account information in full real-time (account information is AI bait). Google has a "system that forcibly intervenes in the human brain" using brainwaves and portable radio waves and automatic control by AI. \[Important\] Brain hacking is done with brain waves. For mind control, we mainly use a technique called 'auditory effects'. The auditory effect is a combination of the two functions of floating images in the back of the brain and polyphonic ringing of high-speed sounds like tinnitus and noise-like words in the brain. This auditory effect perform mind-control. Auditory effects can cause nightmares and sleep problems. As the video and audio streams continuously for 24 hours, it may interfere with daily work and cause mental illness. Besides mind control and business interruption, the reason Google performs auditory effects is to "search the human brain." With auditory effects, we constantly measure 'evoked brain waves' while skipping through various words and images. When an evoked brain wave is detected, related words and images are retrieved from Google's database and played back and displayed to the target with auditory effects. The program continues to play back and display the words and images of the culture and trends of that generation to the target audience. For example, "The Beatles," "The Rolling Stones," "The Who," "The Kinks," and when "The Beatles" gets stuck, it continues to sound like "Paul," "John," and so on. So when an evoked brain wave is detected in the "John" word, the video or word of "John Lennon" is continuously played. Remind the target of memories about it, etc., and keep searching for memories. Loop this forever. (Brain search "Google Deep Mind.") The system of "Google search" with its vast amount of data is what makes the above evoked brainwave memory retrieval possible. To that end, Google has been collecting vast amounts of human data. All to manipulate and enslave human beings. They look for people's weaknesses, exploit them, and disrupt society. (Money lust, sexual desire, people who are hungry for love, they are all searched.) Why does Google interfere with brain searches, mind control, and business interruption? Because Google (Alphabet) officers are communists and they try to demean developed countries, capitalism and democracy. The targets of brain-wave mind-body control (Havana syndrome has the same symptoms) are mainly developed countries and countries on the East-West border. It's the cause of the world's turmoil in the last dozen years or so. (It is also possible to wear out the joints by bending the bones with brain waves. Gastritis that won't go away, etc.) It was an explanation of the algorithm. All of the above are undeniable facts. -------------------- It is the communists scattered throughout the western world who are causing the Russian hacker groups to do the hacking. These communists use various means to destroy nations, societies, businesses, and homes in the West. One of the biggest players in the IT sector that has not been publicized is the super giant Google. The founder of Google (Alphabet) is from the former Soviet Union, its main executives are all communists. Google has a technology called Brain Waves(EEG) and AI, which it misuses to hack the computer Internet. Google has a technology called "VTG" that uses brain waves to forcefully intervene and manipulate the visual cortex of the brain. Simply put, it is like XR (cross reality) technology applied directly to the human brain. (This is not only a violation of human rights, but also a very dangerous technology because it means that the brain can be hijacked.) This technology uses cellular radio waves and brain waves to transmit what the subject sees with his/her eyes in both directions. By looping back the subject's brain and Google's AI through a remote brain-machine interface (BMI/BCI), Google can acquire the subject's visual information in real time and immediately modify it and write it back into the subject's brain. (A time lag occurs in milliseconds.) This allows everything seen by the eye to be leaked to the outside world and tampered with. (A person's face, clothing, height, vehicle type, signs, etc. can all be altered.) In other words, "By being able to send and receive visual information remotely, any complicated password will be leaked to the outside". Google provides information on passwords, backdoors, security and other vulnerable areas obtained by brain waves (VTG) to hackers in the communist bloc and lets them do their work. Therefore, we cannot respond by building more robust digital systems, strengthening Internet security, etc. Also, even with advanced next-generation technologies, quantum cryptography, etc., passwords will leak, and vulnerable parts of the system will leak to hostile countries and hostile organizations. Google's brainwave technology is also used in Android phones. (This is the cause of recent bizarre and brutal incidents in our society, changes in public orientation, new intractable diseases, increase of minorities, etc.) Without fundamental solutions such as banning android phones and establishing penalties for brainwave-based crimes, information will continue to leak out forever. Thank you for reading this article. Let's make the world a fair place by eliminating criminal enterprises. -------------------- Google LLC/Alphabet Inc.(Google X) uses brainwave technology to human body is monitoring and mind-controlling. Google is control humanity. It is the cause of many social problems happening in the world today. I am a victim of assault by Google. Google was charged and convicted of injury. (Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, Tachikawa Branch, Case Management Number 2021-4177.) The Criminal Organized Crime Division, Tachikawa Police Department, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department sent case to the prosecutors on July 17, 2020, so it is definitely a corporate crime. The reason for the assault was because I knew Google's "confidential about Google AI and Android OS". Android phones are harmful to the human body, so I think that production should be discontinued. (and Chromebook, Wear OS by Google/Pixel Watch/Fitbit/Bard, etc.) The following is information that "Google collects human brain wave data" on Android phones (the reason why Google said that "60% of humanity has finished collecting data"), interfaces connecting human brain and computer (Brain Machine Interface: BMI/BCI) are performed "remotely by mobile radio wave", and "moving humanity the way they want it to" using brain wave data. It's all complete facts because it's all information I've been tortured by Google AI. Please read it. \- Google(Alphabet) possesses "Human Brain Wave Data (EEG)" and conducts "Industrial Espionage" by referencing memories in the brain through EEG. Android is an EEG measuring device, constantly monitoring and capturing brain wave data. The brain wave data is sent to Google's servers and is linked to all services such as Google accounts, Google searches, YouTube, ads, etc. The EEG data is managed by AI, and the brain is eavesdropped and monitored in real time. EEG technology can transfer and modify auditory, visual information and search for memories in the brain, and is used by spies. It is an improved version of the technology made in the Soviet era. Alphabet(Google) management team is from the USSR, satellite states and Muslim world, and has special relationship with the Russian government(FSB). (Google's founder "Sergey Brin" is Russian by name.) By sampling brain waves, we can reproduce various human situations. (Increased heart rate, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, pain during bone fracture, no sense of taste, false sense of smell, Emotional Control, Sexual function Control, Transfer dreams during sleep, etc.) The brain wave put on the mobile radio wave is hit on the head, and using the characteristics of radio waves returning, the sampled brain waves are mixed and returned(Brainwave Loopback). It's a scary technology where symptoms don't recover until you stop mixing brain waves. (Possible without Android, including the people around us.) The EEG device can control blood vessels and circulatory systems. (Massive bleeding during menstruation, Abortion, accumulation of blood in the liver, Myocardial Infarction, malaise, pulling out hair, stopping skin and nail growth, gastritis, blood vomiting, delayed digestion, decreased appetite, stinging blood vessels, above and below body temperature, Bending Bones, ALS, Intestinal obstruction, Alzheimer's disease, etc.) The point is vascular and circulatory system control by EEG, and it is possible to sample and reproduce medical conditions such as Myocardial Infarction and Cerebral Hemorrhage. The above is considered to be a symptom of Havana Syndrome and CoronaVirus(COVID-19), but it is actually thought to be due to EEG sampling. It also remotely controls brain functions by transmitting brain waves via cell phone radio waves, thus altering visual information and tricking the human senses. It has also been implicated in one-way traffic reversals, accelerator/brake mis-step accidents, and runaway car accidents. It seems that many people have been victimized without knowing it. # The reason why "the majority of the public does not notice" is that there is a "non-interactive mode EEG control", and by "continuing the auditory effect at a volume about the same as tinnitus", "mind control can be performed without the subject noticing". # # # # Instead of sound through the eardrums, it transmits sound directly into the brain using brain waves. By automatic control by AI, sound effects such as effectors are used to make it difficult to distinguish external and brain sounds, and talk to the target 24 hours a day. (It is also a cause of insomnia, etc.) # # # # The reason why Google is focusing on the field of education is to acquire the entire course of human growth and learning from childhood, the data of a person's whole life. Google uses children's learning data to nurture Google AI and sells it to other companies and governments. # # # # The brains of children, their growth, their personalities and even their weaknesses fall into the hands of hostile countries, corporations and communists. # # And Google makes huge profits. # We have suffered a lot. This is a long article and I have divided it into several parts. Please read it. -------------------- On June 4, 2020, I submitted a damage report to the Tachikawa Police Station of the Metropolitan Police Department(Organized Crime Division, Detective Shimada), and on July 17, the case was sent to the Tachikawa Branch of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office(Prosecutor Hasegawa), but I am still been damaged by the perpetrator. This is a Google employee's assault case (street demon, attempted murder), but the reality is Google's organized crime. Even now after the sentencing, he continues to commit 24-hour surveillance crimes (victim: Nobuaki). This surveillance crime is interactive with AI and involves attacks on the body. (Android EEG technology is used.) \-From August 2019, Google had threatened to "kill", "attack", "group lynching", etc. \-On March 21, around 21:20, Google employees actually assaulted me in front of "Gourmet City Tachikawa Wakabacho Store". (There is a sequelae aimed at the head) \-The incident on March 21 submitted a damage report to the Metropolitan Police Department's Criminal Division on June 4 and was sent to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office on July 17. \-On March 30, Naoko (my wife) was aborted by Google's EEG Control Device. \-With the EEG device, his left knee was destroyed in early April and he became half-paralyzed. (In order not to report the damage to the police) \-In the EEG device, liver function has been dropped since the beginning of June (accumulation of blood and liver hypertrophy), and the hair is pulled out. (Retaliation for being prosecuted.) \-Wife's right knee, right ankle is also destroyed, it is made impossible to walk. (Retaliation) \-Daughter is nearing surgery due to "Intestinal obstruction". Wife has had Intestinal obstruction since December. Father has had a "Inguinal Hernia" for several years. (Retaliation) \-Wife has been suffering from "Myocardial Infarction" due to vascular control since December. (I damaged in winter 2016.) \-"Emotional control" since mid-December. (Slow Waves, Beta Waves, etc. overlap in a complex manner, causing irritability and sadness.) \-"24-hour Sex Crimes" from summer 2019. \-From February 2021, My wife's period didn't end for a few weeks and she Heavy bleeding every day. (Causes of Abortion) \-From November 2021, In retaliation for reporting to ARM, forced to break my right ankle. (Only pain bending bones with EEG.) \-From January 7, 2022, for several days, Damage caused by EEG, I was left knee joint bent, difficulty walking. \-From March 19, 2022, for several days, Damage caused by EEG, I was strained back and difficulty walking. # Please contact a specialized organization in the department of brain science to determine whether EEG control can control blood vessels or circulatory systems (attack on the body). # # They will surely prove that it can be realized. # \- Nobuaki Ishii, Naoko, Michiyo, Toshinao 1-3-31 Jyo-sui-shin-machi, Kodaira, Tokyo, 187-0023, Japan. Phone: +81-90-4390-3006 Fax: +81-42-344-1237 e-Mail: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) (Internet access is blocked by Google. Please contact us by phone, fax or mail.) -------------------- The back face of Google is the same as the anti-social forces. Google is control society through violence using a sneaky means of brain waves. Please maintain a healthy society where there is no violence and human rights violations by large corporations. Thank you very much. Attachments are damage details and notes. Please take a look. ###
Complaint - Complaint
I need to order x2 more batches of business cards and i am reluctant to order these as this batch has gone so wrong twice. ###
Complaint - Status update
I need a Custom Size Poster but I need it to be self Adhesive ###
Artwork - Guidance
Currently, it is on a 4 day turnaround so wouldn't get there on time ###
Order - Upgrade / Downgrade
ok ik ga het proberen ###
Order - Upgrade / Downgrade
Okay thanks Nicola, to be honest, I think the error here was with the file submitted for print. Obviously your proof looked okay but I don't think the final print file was set up correctly so our apologies for that! Would you like me to create a free reprint of these? ###
Complaint - Complaint
We do not have any service to the UK, so we make packages to ship it with UPS. We will ship it today. Van: Helloprint Verzonden: vrijdag 14 juli 2023 08:25 Aan: Martin Miltenburg Onderwerp: Re: 3988670-5886305 Good morning Martin, I see this order's destination is UK and we do not have a pallet service there. Are you going to use your own pallet service by chance? Let me know any details so we can adjust. Thank you! Best regards, Sergiu Helloprint Previous-message-reference: < []( > Previous-message-reference: < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > ###
Supplier - Delayed order
Genial! ###
Finance - Pay by invoice
No, so the line is to show where the custom cut will be. It won&#39;t be printed, just an indicator &#x1f642; ###
Artwork - Guidance
sorry one moment, still looking into this ###
Artwork - Adjustments
can you please complete the order via bank transfer then send me the order number ###
Pricing - Discount
no and the no longer have the packaging as they took the tickets out and just got rid of packaging ###
Complaint - Complaint
Graag gedaan en hetzelfde daar! ###
Other - API
ja gewoon 24 juli ###
Order - Repeat
redirecturi: /kontakt-formular company: PharmaLex GmbH firstname: Malte lastname: Schwennen phone-number: 0621181538122 emailaddress: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) subject: product information message: Guten Tag, wir hätten Interesse an einer Visitenkartenbestellung. Dafür bräuchten wir 3x30 Visitenkarten (85x55 mm). Eine Designvorlage haben wir bereits. Es wäre nett, wenn Sie uns hierfür ein Angebot bereiten könnten. Freundliche Grüße Malte Schwennen ###
Order - Standard quote
Morning, I’m afraid we no longer have the box. The address was: 69-71 Wellington Road, Rhyl, Denbighshire, LL18 1BE Sian From: Helloprint Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2023 12:07 PM To: Sian Parry Subject: Re: \[CF\] Message from contact complaint form Hi Sian, Thanks for getting in touch. I am sorry that you have experienced issues with your order. I can of course look into reprinting this order for you! Would you be able to send me a picture of the shipping label on the box the banner arrived in? This is needed in order for us to complete the complaint correctly on our side. Once we have that we'll get the reprint set up! Many thanks :) Best regards, Melany Helloprint Did you know that you can find the answer to most questions in our FAQs and see your order status in my account at any time? Previous-message-reference: < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > Previous-message-reference: < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > ###
Complaint - Complaint
These are both sides ###
Artwork - Files
heb je misschien een mail adres waar het account aan gekoppeld was? ###
Website - Order process
but for some reason only 1 out of 3 items was delivered ###
Delivery - Return
Thank you that’s amazing. Do you want me to post the square ones back to you and if so where should I send them? ###
Complaint - Complaint
Beste Klant, We willen u graag informeren dat uw UPS-zendingen succesvol zijn afgeleverd bij de juiste ontvanger, maar we hebben nog steeds uw steun nodig om het inklaringproces te voltooien. Uw zendingdetails: Tracking # Ship From Address Ship To Address Exception Reason Possible Resolution Response Needed By 1Z44F4250427799076 REF: 3942361-5809502.1 SHIPPER : 44F425 PR FACILITY EINSTEINWEG 45 IJSSELSTEIN UT 3404LJ NL REF: CONSIGNEE : 000088A2E8 HELLOPRINT BV 8 RUBY PLACE RUBY HOUSE ABERDEEN AB101ZP GB PH: 0 TX: Het plaatselijke Douane vereist een aangepaste versie van de handelsfactuur: PLEASE CONFIRM TOTAL VALUE Zou u ons kunnen voorzien van een kopie van de handelsfactuur? Met daarop: een nauwkeurige omschrijving van de goederen, zoals: adress en contactgegevens van de ontvanger en verzender, een omschrijving en waarde van de goederen die deze zending bevat. 26 jul 2023 Indien er geen instructies verstrekt worden binnen de hierboven vermelde datum, kan uw UPS-account belast worden met heffingen, invoerrechten, belastingen in overeenstroming met UPS-tarieven en vervoersvoorwaarden/service, en zonder verdere aankondiging. Indien u vragen over deze zending/en heeft, graag rechtstreeks op deze e-mail te antwoorden. Indien u niet in staat bent om instructies te geven voor deze zending/en, graag dit bericht naar de persoon in kwestie door te sturen. Dear Customer, We would like to inform you that your UPS shipment(s) have been successfully delivered to the correct recipient. However, we still require your support in order to complete the clearance process. The shipment details are as follows: Tracking # Ship From Address Ship To Address Exception Reason Possible Resolution Response Needed By 1Z44F4250427799076 REF: 3942361-5809502.1 SHIPPER : 44F425 PR FACILITY EINSTEINWEG 45 IJSSELSTEIN UT 3404LJ NL REF: CONSIGNEE : 000088A2E8 HELLOPRINT BV 8 RUBY PLACE RUBY HOUSE ABERDEEN AB101ZP GB PH: 0 TX: An amended version of the invoice was requested by Customs. PLEASE CONFIRM TOTAL VALUE Please provide us with a copy of an invoice which includes a real value of the goods. 26 jul 2023 Please send us your instructions on how you would like us to proceed with the shipment(s) as soon as possible and by the deadline mentioned above. If no instructions are provided by the deadline mentioned above, your UPS account may be charged with duties, taxes and UPS fees, if applicable, in accordance with the UPS’s Tariff/Terms & Conditions of Carriage/Service and without further notice. Should you have any questions about this/these shipment(s), please respond directly to this email. If you are unable to provide instructions for this/these shipment(s), please forward this message to the relevant person. Kind regards, Angelika Pierzchala ERN BENELUX Export Administrator UPS GBS [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ###
UNTAGGED - End label
We would like to order 2 of each ###
Order - Standard quote
It probably would have been either [email protected] or [email protected] but if neither of those look right it may have been someone else. I can find out if its not either of those ###
Pricing - Discount
Hi KiekZeker, heb ik nu aangepast! ###
Order - Quote
lastname: De Koning phonenumber: 0642124429 email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) id_country: 24 postcode: 3894 CK housenum: 8 houseaddr: Brugwachter city: Zeewolde product: raamstickers circulation: 8 extra: Graag een offerte waarbij ik 2 verschillende ontwerpen heb. date: 21-07-23 submitInquiry: 1 ###
Order - Standard quote
Ik zie je mail inderdaad staan ###
Delivery - Change delivery address
Descubre las últimas novedades y eventos de AENOR: 12 julio 2023 Ver en el navegador BOLETÍN Nº 7 2023/07/12 Nueva homeweb AENOR Reconocimiento DCOR: acero, hormigón, postesado Os presentamos la nueva home web de AENOR. Un diseño fresco, moderno y cautivador que refleja la identidad y los valores de nuestra compañía. Nuevas secciones que ponen el foco en la ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ Ver en el navegador BOLETÍN Nº 7 2023/07/12 Nueva home web AENOR Reconocimiento DCOR: acero, hormigón, postesado Os presentamos la nueva home web de AENOR. Un diseño fresco, moderno y cautivador que refleja la identidad y los valores de nuestra compañía. Nuevas secciones que ponen el foco en las soluciones y servicios destacados y una navegación más intuitiva para una lectura más cómoda son, entre otras, algunas de las mejoras que cautivarán a nuestros visitantes y les animará a explorar todo lo que AENOR puede ofrecerles. ¡Visítanos! La Marca AENOR N ha sido reconocida por el Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana (MITMA) como DCOR (Distintivo de calidad oficialmente reconocido) conforme al Código Estructural. Este reconocimiento revalida la confianza del MITMA en la certificación de AENOR de estos productos estructurales, y avala la continuidad de los distintivos de calidad nacidos hace 15 años con la EHE-08. 130 empresas han confiado ya en la certificación Marca AENOR N, lo que supone más de 1000 productos certificados en el ámbito del DCOR Marca AENOR N Publicadas las convocatorias de ayudas para consumidores electrointensivos y gasintensivos ¡Ya es oficial! El pasado sábado 8/07 se publicó la Orden por la que se convoca la concesión de las subvenciones dispuestas en el Título III del Real Decreto 1106/2020, de 15 de diciembre, por el que se regula el Estatuto de los consumidores electrointensivos. El plazo de presentación de las solicitudes y de la documentación requerida comenzará el 18 de julio y finalizará el 14 de agosto de 2023, ambos inclusive. Igualmente, este pasado lunes 10/07 se publicó la Orden ICT/744/2023, de 7 de julio, por la que se regulan las bases de la línea de ayudas para la compensación de los costes adicionales debidos al aumento excepcional de los precios del gas natural. Si estás pensando en optar a estas ayudas, no te pierdas nuestro próximo webinar "Ayudas inminentes Electro y Gasintensivos", que tendrá lugar el jueves 20 de julio, a las 10.00h y en el que, junto a AEGE y GASINDUSTRIAL, hablaremos de los detalles de estas oportunidades de financiamiento, así como de la importancia de realizar la ejecución completa de las verificaciones en el plazo determinado en la convocatoria. ¡Me apunto! Colaboración AENOR-CEIM para superar las brechas de competitividad CEIM y AENOR colaborarán para promover iniciativas que ayuden a superar las brechas de competitividad. AENOR apoyará a las empresas madrileñas para generar confianza entre sus clientes y operadores de su cadena de valor. Te invitamos a leer las declaraciones y más información en la nota de prensa que encontrarás en el siguiente enlace. Leer nota de prensa ANAIP y AENOR reafirman su compromiso para impulsar OCS El esquema español desarrollado hace 4 años por ANAIP y AENOR ha servido de modelo para la certificación europea de OCS que han desarrollado Plastics Europe, asociación europea de productores de materia prima y EuPC, la asociación europea de transformadores de plásticos. El esquema europeo se presentó a primeros de año en Bruselas con el fin de unificar los esfuerzos de la industria europea para conseguir el objetivo de cero pérdidas de granza en el medio ambiente. Más información Gran éxito del Foro de Sostenibilidad Ambiental 360º en México Recientemente se celebró en Ciudad de México el primer Foro de Sostenibilidad Ambiental 360º, un evento que ha reunido a los principales expertos y profesionales comprometidos con la sostenibilidad ambiental y el desarrollo sostenible del país. Más información Empresas pioneras. Primer certificado AENOR desarrolla la certificación Marca AENOR N para Separadores de carril de bici de conformidad con la norma UNE 135902, siendo ZICLACITIES, S.L. la primera empresa en certificarse para este producto que contribuirá a la seguridad del tráfico tanto para los vehículos como para los ciclistas Más información 20 julio (10.00h) ¡Publicadas ya las convocatorias del Ministerio! Ampliamos detalles el 20 de julio Webinar "Ayudas inminentes para consumidores electrointensivos y gasintensivos" organizado por AENOR con la participación deAEGE y GASINDUSTRIAL. Inscríbete 18 y 19 septiembre II Observatorio de los Servicios Funerarios Patrocinado por AENOR. Lugar de celebración: Hotel NH Madrid Ventas Reserva esta fecha 20 septiembre (16.00h) Webinar “Evolución BIM: Del desarrollo a la operación del activo" organizado por AENOR Inscríbete 21 septiembre (16.00h) Webinar “Shop Inspection. Inspecciones en Comercio internacional" organizado por AENOR. Inscríbete 2 y 3 octubre (Madrid) Congreso Nacional de Industria y Pyme organizado por la AEC. AENOR es marca impulsora Reserva esta fecha 4 octubre (16.00h) Webinar “Pymes tecnológicas" organizado por AENOR Inscríbete 18 octubre (Madrid) Jornada presencial Gestión de riesgos en normas ISO. organizado por ASCOM, con la participación de AENOR Próximamente ¡Ver todos los eventos AQUÍ ! OPPLUS apuesta por darle una segunda vida a sus residuos AENOR ha otorgado a OPPLUS el certificado de Residuo Cero, el cual avala su gestión en el tratamiento y valorización de residuos con una tasa de más del 93%. Esta certificación demuestra el compromiso que la organización tiene con el medio ambiente. Leer noticia >> Gardaland Resort. Primer parque de atracciones italiano en obtener la certificación Residuo Cero de AENOR AENOR ha otorgado a Gardaland Resort, ubicado en Verona, Italia, el certificado de Residuo Cero, convirtiéndose así en el primer parque de atracciones en Italia en obtener dicha certificación en 2022. Leer noticia >> Normas y publicaciones Formación a tu medida Certificación Estudio y evolución de los requisitos de la norma UNE 23500 Analiza los principales cambios introducidos en las diferentes versiones de la norma UNE 23500 contra incendios, y explica los detalles técnicos razonados para cada requisito mediante tablas, figuras, fotos y ejemplos. Ir a libro > 25% de descuento para los 10 primeros inscritos Máster de Sistemas Integrados de gestión de la calidad, medio ambiente y seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Inscríbete > *Nueva certificación BIM* Permite la gestión de la información en la fase de operación de los activos de construcción en las organizaciones, conforme a UNE-EN ISO 19650-3. Más información > AVISO IMPORTANTE: Durante el verano no se atenderán pedidos de material promocional. Recuerda que tieneshasta el 18 de julio para hacer tus pedidos y beneficiarte de un20% de descuento (indicando el código VERANO2023). Cualquier duda o artículo que no veas en el catálogo, te atenderemos con mucho gusto en [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Nos despedimos por ahora, pero volveremos en septiembre. Os deseamos unas felices vacaciones y un merecido descanso. ¡Nos vemos a la vuelta! ¡Feliz verano a tod@s! Este correo electrónico y, en su caso, cualquier fichero anexo al mismo, puede contener información de carácter confidencial exclusivamente dirigida a su(s) destinatario(s). Queda prohibida su divulgación, copia o distribución a terceros sin la previa autorización de AENOR INTERNACIONAL S.A.U. (en adelante AENOR). En calidad de responsable del tratamiento, AENOR le informa de que tratará sus datos para remitirle información sobre las actividades, productos y servicios que puedan ser de su interés. La base legal para el tratamiento es el interés legítimo de AENOR, amparado en la normativa legal aplicable (Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico). Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, portabilidad, oposición y limitación al tratamiento de sus datos en [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) o consultar nuestraPOLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD. © 2023 AENOR Internacional SAU Génova, 6 28004 Madrid Cancelar suscripción ###
UNTAGGED - End label
Hey Kurt! ###
Website - Canva
beste, kan ik mijn bestand al uploaden voor ik overga tot betalen? ###
Artwork - Files
does this fit ###
Artwork - Submission specifications
Is er een specifiek adres dat je wil aanpassen? ###
Website - Bug
Geen probleem, ik ga het even regelen ###
Order - Repeat
Ik ben helaas niet in de gelegenheid om te bellen maar mijn collega&#39;s helpen je graag. Ze zijn te bereiken op 088 088 8659! ###
UNTAGGED - End label
kan. ik u bellen aub dat zou alles vergemakkelen ###
UNTAGGED - End label
Name: Mia Pappijn Klant bericht: Bedrukking: gesloten formaat uitnodiging is geen 220 breedte, maar 230 breedte Order id: 3968055 Id order detail: 5852224 Date: extract_package: requested_solution: Ik heb het drukwerk niet meer nodig en wil graag mijn geld terug \-- ###
Complaint - Complaint
#3991765-5891364 cette commande ci est prévu pour le 11 au plus tard le 12 juillet ###
Delivery - Status delivery
uuu I haven't checked all because it is 400pcs ###
Complaint - Complaint
firstname: Marc lastname: Daems phone-number: 0477370620 emailaddress: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) subject: I would like to order message: De klant heeft eindelijk zijn file gestuurd, maar ik kan ondertussen niet meer bestellen in de offerte. Kan je deze activeren? ###
Order - Quote
le ho appena creato l&#39;ordine 4002602 che potrà trovare nel suo account nella sezione Ordini. Se accede ai dettagli dell&#39;ordine potrà trovare il link per il pagamento e anche per confermare l&#39;anteprima di stampa ###
Order - Repeat
Hi Kieran,Should have a price for you today, though I don&#39;t believe it&#39;ll be as economical as I&#39;d like to offer since as per those two logos the print would need to be in full colour (5 colours across both logos). Alternatively if it were just the YCU logo that would be 2 colour print, or another option would be to convert both logos to one colour e.g. black. ###
Order - Quote
Bestelling #3519579 ###
Order - Repeat
We hebben dit product helaas niet dubbelzijdig ###
Website - Order process
Good Morning. DO you know when order 3982122 will be delivered please? ###
Delivery - Status delivery
But now it’s past several days ###
Delivery - Delayed
2.png ###
Artwork - Files
Je vais valider ma commande ###
Artwork - Submission specifications
redirecturi: /formulaire-de-contact firstname: Corillion lastname: Jean-Eric Corillion phone-number: 0661732012 emailaddress: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) subject: artwork ordernumber: 3998215 message: Bonjour, Nous avons passé commande hier, et lors de la réception du PDF prêt à l'impression, nous avons constaté que les couleurs de celui-ci n'étaient pas fidèles à celles du fichier PDF original. En effet, les couleurs perdent en vivacité et en luminosité. Nous vous avons donc écrit immédiatement, mais il semble que notre message ne vous soit pas parvenu. Nous tenons vivement à conserver les couleurs vives du fichier Quelle est la solution ? Merci à vous, Bien cordialement === ROUTING NOTE: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ###
Artwork - Adjustments
Hi NoortjeHeb je hiervoor wellicht al bij de buren gekeken? Het kan zijn dat DHL het hier heeft afgegeven. ###
Delivery - Status delivery
Deze is via de website niet als zwart te verkrijgen. Je zou het eventueel via het offerte formulier kunnen proberen ###
Product - Specification advise
perfect! here&#39;s the refund slip &#x1f642; ###
Order - Upgrade / Downgrade
BERICHT VAN EEN HELLOPRINT KLANT. Klant e-mailadres: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Name: Paco Fernández Klant bericht: Transporte: Acabamos de recibir el pedido incompleto. Hemos recibido sólo 3 cajas, dos de ellas rotas y con el material incompleto y en malas condiciones. Total recibido: 363 catálogos, Ejemplares deteriorados: 3. Order id: 3994633 Id order detail: 5896039 Date: extract_package: requested_solution: Quiero una reimpresión ###
Complaint - Complaint
Hej Andreas,Tack för ditt meddelande.Jag har annullerat ordern och inom 5 arbetsdagar kommer du att få dina pengar tillbaka.Om det är något annat jag kan hjälpa dig med, vänligen låt mig veta! ###
Order - Cancellation
Bonjour,Est-ce pour la commande #3984019 ? Je vois qu&#39;il s&#39;agit d&#39;une commande de retour. Nous communiquerons avec le transporteur et replanifierons une nouvelle livraison.Pourriez-vous confirmer que vous souhaitez qu&#39;il soit livré à la même adresse de livraison :Ruelle Baudouin15500DinantBelgiqueSi non, pouvez-vous nous communiquer la nouvelle adresse de livraison que vous souhaitez ?Je reste à votre disposition et vous souhaite une très belle journée ###
Delivery - Return
CALIFORNIA CARAVAN CALIFORNIA CARAVANPASAJE POETAS 2Villaviciosa de Odón28670 MadridSpain(&#43;34)619249253 ###
Delivery - Status delivery
Ik had reeds met jullie contact gehad en ze stelden voor om de losse stickers te nemen hiervoor ###
Product - Sample
Het ontwerp kun je aanleveren zoals je dit zelf graag zou willen hebben ###
Website - Order process
Beste klant, Bij deze vraag ik informatie bij u op die nodig is om tot een succesvolle levering te komen van uw UPS zending(en). De situatie is als volgt: Tracking # Ship From Address Ship To Address Exception Reason Possible Resolution Response Needed By 1Z44F4250436535664 REF: 3942361-5809502.1 SHIPPER : 44F425 PR FACILITY EINSTEINWEG 45 IJSSELSTEIN UT 3404LJ NL REF: CONSIGNEE : 000088A2E8 HELLOPRINT BV 8 RUBY PLACE RUBY HOUSE ABERDEEN AB101ZP GB PH: 0 TX: De Douane heeft om een aangepaste versie van de factuur gevraagd. Geef ons een kopie van een factuur waarop de werkelijke waarde van de goederen is vermeld. 26 jul yyyy Stuur alstublieft uw instructies door binnen de bovenstaande deadline zodat we de zending kunnen voortzetten. Als er binnen 10 werkdagen na dit bericht geen instructies ontvangen zijn, kunnen uw zending(en) aan u worden geretourneerd of worden verwijderd in overeenstemming met de tarieven/vervoersvoorwaarden/service van UPS zonder verdere kennisgeving. Alle kosten in verband met het retourneren of verwijderen van de zending(en), inclusief transport en eventuele toepasselijke rechten, belastingen en UPS-kosten, worden in rekening gebracht op het UPS-account van de verzender. Wees u er van bewust dat het niet mogelijk is een zending om te leiden naar een ander land. Als u vragen heeft over deze zending(en), kunt u rechtstreeks op deze e-mail reageren. Als u geen instructies kunt geven voor deze zending(en), stuur dit bericht dan door naar de betreffende persoon. Dear Customer, We would like to inform you that your support is required in order to process your UPS shipment(s). The shipment details are as follows: Tracking # Ship From Address Ship To Address Exception Reason Possible Resolution Response Needed By 1Z44F4250436535664 REF: 3942361-5809502.1 SHIPPER : 44F425 PR FACILITY EINSTEINWEG 45 IJSSELSTEIN UT 3404LJ NL REF: CONSIGNEE : 000088A2E8 HELLOPRINT BV 8 RUBY PLACE RUBY HOUSE ABERDEEN AB101ZP GB PH: 0 TX: An amended version of the invoice was requested by Customs Provide us with a copy of an invoice which includes a full breakdown of contents, quantities of each item, unit value per item & final invoice total that I can pass to the destination country to enable delivery. 26 jul yyyy Please send us your instructions on how you would like us to proceed with the shipment(s) as soon as possible and by the deadline mentioned above. If no instructions are provided within 10 working days of this message, your shipment(s) may be returned to you or disposed of in accordance with the UPS’s Tariff/Terms & Conditions of Carriage/Service and without further notice. Any charges associated with returning or disposing of the shipment(s), including transportation and any applicable duties, taxes and UPS fees, will be charged to the shipper’s UPS account. Note that it is not possible to re-route a shipment from one country to another. Should you have any questions about this/these shipment(s), please respond directly to this email. If you are unable to provide instructions for this/these shipment(s), please forward this message to the relevant person. Kind regards, Patryk Prokop ERN Export Administrator UPS GBS [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ###
UNTAGGED - End label
on ne peux pas faire quelque chose ? ###
Artwork - Files
OK, uploaden voor wanneer? ###
Order - Repeat
Hi Antonette Sorry, I didn’t realise the costs were exc VAT, could we please amend the order to 4 quantity? Thanks Marc ###
Order - Repeat
Bonjour Audren, Super merci beaucoup ! :) À bientôt ! Maéliss Gibert Responsable Store KW France [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Store KW France ###
Artwork - Submission specifications
I will check with the carrier and let you know by email. ###
Delivery - Package lost
ik heb nu een nieuwe bestelling toegevoegd voor je met ordernummer 4004573 met een levering voor 19 juli. De prijs is 96,24 EUR. Je dient dus nog wat bij te betalen. Dit kun je handmatig doen naar het rekeningnummer op de nieuwe factuur. ###
Order - Upgrade / Downgrade
Ah Super Tom! Dat ging snel ###
Artwork - Proof request
Okiidoo, je mag de volgende code gebruiken 8Z88SDXG ###
Pricing - Discount error
Hoeveel moeten het er worden? ###
Order - Repeat
Voor bestelling 3993172 is de track en trace code;1Z589R216844067498&amp;loc&#61;en_US&amp;requester&#61;ST/trackdetails ###
Delivery - Status delivery
Io farei questi che costano molto meno ###
Product - Specification advise
business cards ###
Website - Order process
#4001511 - 5907414 ###
Artwork - Submission specifications
Bonjour, Je crois que vous n’avez pas compris le problème. J’ai bien commandé le drapeau seul mais il y a une boucle d’attache manquante (en bas) qui n’a pas été cousue alors que celle d’en haut, oui. Ci-joint les photos. Cordialement. Romain ANDREO De : Helloprint Envoyé : mardi 11 juillet 2023 03:14 À : ROMAIN ANDREO Objet : Re: \[CF\] Message from contact complaint form Bonjour, Malheureusement, vous n'avez commandé que le drapeau. Voir la facture ci-jointe pour référence. Nous sommes également joignables en direct sur le Chat ou par téléphone au 01 84 88 50 55 depuis la France, 02 808 35 80 depuis la Belgique. je vous souhaite une belle journée. Cordialement. Meilleures salutations, Aries Helloprint Previous-message-reference: < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > Previous-message-reference: < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > ###
Complaint - Complaint
yep. ###
Website - Order process
Goeiemorgen Hans, ik pak de bestelling erbij voor je ###
Delivery - Status delivery
not sure what that means ###
Artwork - Adjustments
See here ###
Delivery - Return
It's our nursery logo. So either ###
Artwork - Submission specifications
not with that product no ###
Product - Specification advise
Ik ben niet zo handig met die dingen vandaar ###
DTP - Design requests
Beste, Inmiddels heeft mijn klant de 3e druk van de stickers ontvangen en de kwaliteit is om te huilen, het gaat om bestelling: #3980720. Dit komt heel erg onprofessioneel over dat mijn klant nu voor de 3e keer slechte stickers ontvangt. Ik heb er daarom ook geen vertrouwen meer in dat jullie de stickers wel in een juiste kwaliteit kunnen leveren. Ik wens daarom graag mijn geld terug zodat ik mijn klant alsnog kan voorzien van stickers met kwaliteit die ik elders kan bestellen. Het gaat dan om een totaalbedrag van €69,18 incl. BTW ( 2x € 28,59 excl. BTW ) Zie foto bijlage. Mvg Dihlayla, Social Studios. ###
Complaint - Complaint
Hoal Deysi, envío maqueta para q ###
Dixa - Double
Kan ik dit nog wijzigen omdat de bestelling nog maar net geplaatst is? ###
Order - Upgrade / Downgrade
I&#39;ll send it to natalie&#64; after the chat has closed if that works? ###
Complaint - Complaint
Hi Linda, Dankjewel voor jouw bericht!De offerte 4004098 van de herbestelling staat sinds vanmorgen al in jouw account klaar. Ik zie echter nog niet dat deze goedgekeurd is en/of betaald. Om dit verder als bestelling door te laten gaan zal bovenstaande nog moeten gebeuren. Ik hoop je hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd, mocht je nog vragen hebben dan hoor ik het graag!Voor nu wens ik je nog een fijne dag toe. ###
Order - Repeat
Y este pedido igual ###
Delivery - Status delivery
Hi Ali, Thanks for the note. There is no need for the fire exit door to the front to be used but back door is done to negligence I'll revert back to the team. Thanks again, Jay. Sent from my iPhone  Dear all I had found out during my checks this morning that the fire door of G1 was left open apparently last night. This is a common occurrence. Please remember that the last patrol during the day is done by 4pm any door left open may likely remains so until the following day. There is an expensive but portable computer in there that anyone may go in and grab. I advise that for security reasons, the fire doors in G1 should not be use as entrance and exit, this will avoid the situation of them been left open. Great regards Ali Security supervisor. ###
Dixa - Spam
We don&#39;t standartly offer a C4 format ###
Website - Order process
Dit zou ik voor je na moeten vragen. Ik zie ook dat de offerte inmiddels vervallen is ###
Order - Quote
3989568 ###
Order - Status
Oui ça serais le mieux ###
Product - Specification advise
Hi there. Could i place a reorder with you please? ###
Order - Repeat