Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
User response: Ik wil een sticker op mijn raam plakken, welke zijn hiervoor geschikt? ###
UNTAGGED - End label
stok en watertank voetstuk te bestellen? ###
Order - Repeat
firstname: Tina lastname: Verschaeve phone-number: 0478753300 emailaddress: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) subject: order status / delivery ordernumber: 3980114 message: Wanneer mag ik mijn bestelling verwachten? \-- ###
Order - Status
Hi LaurensDank, ik ben er mee aan de slag. ###
Order - Standard quote
just wondering if we could play for express delivery? ###
Delivery - Options
Een ander afleveradres kan ik ook bij de bestelling zelf nog wel aangeven toch? ###
Artwork - Proof request
uno no ve bien el margen negro ###
Order - Status
Hello Glenda,We can of course process a new banner for you. May we know your desired delivery date (see attached)? Also, here's a link from our website for reference: to hear from you soon! ###
Complaint - Complaint
I've reduced it from 3 colours to 1 ###
Artwork - Submission specifications
ik wil graag weten wanneer de craft etikettten onbedrukt binnen krijg?? ###
Order - Status
No problem! Is there anything else I can help with? ###
Order - Upgrade / Downgrade
Vale intento ponerle hoy, me puedes confirmar el nombre de referencia? ###
Delivery - Status delivery
Vanuit de Belgische website kan ik deze maat niet bestellen. ###
Delivery - Options
Yep, we'll move the money you paid over to the new order, so you shouldn't be charged again 🙂 ###
Order - Status\*20269 ###
Delivery - Status delivery
alvast hartelijk dank ###
Payment - Overpayment
redirecturi: /formulaire-de-contact company: Darrin firstname: Darrin lastname: Darrin Oneal phone-number: 077 5314 4600 emailaddress: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ordernumber: 077 5314 4600 message: Hello Thank you for the quickly delivery to my office. When I received the package, I immediately saw that something was wrong with it, and when I opened it, the product was unfortunately broken. I made a picture so that you can see what I mean. I am a regular customer, and I regularly order from your webshop. Hope we can solve this small problem in a good way. Regards Darrin Oneal "Sent from my Smart Phone" === ROUTING NOTE: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ###
Dixa - Spam
met de afleveringsadres van de klant zelf ###
Delivery - Change delivery address
Name: Brent Mouton Klant bericht: Bedrukking: Groot kleurverschil Order id: 3947983 Id order detail: 5818740 Date: extract_package: requested_solution: Ik wil zsm een herdruk \-- ###
Complaint - Complaint
in het zwart ###
Order - Repeat
Beste, Dringend. Ik heb al enkele mails naar u verzonden met onderstaande vraag. Wil je mij een antwoord bezorgen aub. #3982696-5876507 Dat blijft nog altijd op VERZONDEN staan in het systeem alhoewel de leveringsdatum al lang voorbij is. Grt \-- Martin Van Heuverswijn Online drukkerij DRUKI Marketing/Verkoop GSM 0499 25 16 16 []( ###
Delivery - Status delivery
I've just placed an order for 50 posters. I've put down for them to all to come to my home address, but wondering, if you could split the order and send to 3 different addresses and just charge me the extra for doing that? ###
Delivery - Options
Pouvez-vous nous rembourser la livraison express? ###
Complaint - Complaint
Gentile Francesco,Vedo che ci siamo scritti quasi contemporaneamente. Secondo quanto richiesto, abbiamo elaborato la cancellazione dell'ordine 4001514 (consegna in 7 giorni) e abbiamo creato un nuovo ordine con il numero 4001729 (consegna in 3 giorni lavorativi).Cosa significa questo? I soldi dell'ordine originale saranno trasferiti a quello nuovo e le abbiamo inviato un nuovo link per il pagamento della differenza per la produzione e consegna veloce. Qualora effettui il pagamento della differenza entro le 11.30 di domattina, riceverà le sue bandiere tra lunedì 17, massimo martedì 18.Link di pagamento: hai qualche dubbio, non esitare a rispondere a questa e-mail.Grazie e buona giornata! ###
Product - Specification advise
#4002061 is my order ###
Order - Status
Hoi, je spreekt met Sjouke. Ik heb een vraag. Ik heb een herhaalbestelling bij jullie gedaan, maar nu zie ik dat ik alsnog een bestand moet uploaden. Echter heb ik dat bestand volgens mij niet meer, kunnen jullie de druk uit de oude versie niet terughalen? ###
Artwork - Files
#3334731-4810018 ###
Artwork - Files
ok dan ga ik aan de slag met de posters. Die kan ik toch dubbelzijdig bedrukken met een verschillend ontwerp? ###
Product - Specification advise
Bonjour,Merci pour votre retour je transmets cela a la comptabilité.Si nous ne revenons pas vers vous c'est que tout est réglé.Je reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question.Excellente journée à vous. ###
Payment - Proof
this is the artiwork I have received ###
Complaint - Complaint
Message: Packaging: We went to use the pop up for the first time yesterday and the actual pop up/ fabric came away from the top metal, as you can see from the attached photo. This meant we couldn’t use it at the event which was really disappointing as this was an important paid-for event We weren’t heavy-handed putting it up, and I have a lot of experience putting up pops so I believe this must have been very loose already. Order id: 3991384 Id order detail: 5890740 Date: extract_package: requested_solution: I would like a re-print ###
Complaint - Complaint
Hi Harriet,Ah that's strange - if this goes into production today then the date will definitely be set for Wednesday.I see that the file you uploaded failed the automatic check online and so it has gone for a manual check - you will need to approve the digital proof before I can send this to print 🙂 ###
Artwork - Proof request
ja ik probeer het ###
Artwork - Proof request
I could help with that because I think our website is blocking the order process per design, as we order per print via our supplier. ###
Website - Order process
Are the delivery dates on your website reliable? ###
Website - Order process
Beste Klant, We willen u graag informeren dat uw UPS-zendingen succesvol zijn afgeleverd bij de juiste ontvanger, maar we hebben nog steeds uw steun nodig om het inklaringproces te voltooien. Uw zendingdetails: Tracking # Ship From Address Ship To Address Exception Reason Possible Resolution Response Needed By 1Z44F4250424204132 REF: 3942361-5809502.1 SHIPPER : 44F425 PR FACILITY EINSTEINWEG 45 IJSSELSTEIN UT 3404LJ NL REF: CONSIGNEE : 000088A2E8 HELLOPRINT BV 8 RUBY PLACE RUBY HOUSE ABERDEEN AB101ZP GB PH: 0 TX: Het plaatselijke Douane vereist een aangepaste versie van de handelsfactuur: PLEASE CONFIRM TOTAL VALUE Zou u ons kunnen voorzien van een kopie van de handelsfactuur? Met daarop: een nauwkeurige omschrijving van de goederen, zoals: adress en contactgegevens van de ontvanger en verzender, een omschrijving en waarde van de goederen die deze zending bevat. 26 jul 2023 Indien er geen instructies verstrekt worden binnen de hierboven vermelde datum, kan uw UPS-account belast worden met heffingen, invoerrechten, belastingen in overeenstroming met UPS-tarieven en vervoersvoorwaarden/service, en zonder verdere aankondiging. Indien u vragen over deze zending/en heeft, graag rechtstreeks op deze e-mail te antwoorden. Indien u niet in staat bent om instructies te geven voor deze zending/en, graag dit bericht naar de persoon in kwestie door te sturen. Dear Customer, We would like to inform you that your UPS shipment(s) have been successfully delivered to the correct recipient. However, we still require your support in order to complete the clearance process. The shipment details are as follows: Tracking # Ship From Address Ship To Address Exception Reason Possible Resolution Response Needed By 1Z44F4250424204132 REF: 3942361-5809502.1 SHIPPER : 44F425 PR FACILITY EINSTEINWEG 45 IJSSELSTEIN UT 3404LJ NL REF: CONSIGNEE : 000088A2E8 HELLOPRINT BV 8 RUBY PLACE RUBY HOUSE ABERDEEN AB101ZP GB PH: 0 TX: An amended version of the invoice was requested by Customs. PLEASE CONFIRM TOTAL VALUE Please provide us with a copy of an invoice which includes a real value of the goods. 26 jul 2023 Please send us your instructions on how you would like us to proceed with the shipment(s) as soon as possible and by the deadline mentioned above. If no instructions are provided by the deadline mentioned above, your UPS account may be charged with duties, taxes and UPS fees, if applicable, in accordance with the UPS’s Tariff/Terms & Conditions of Carriage/Service and without further notice. Should you have any questions about this/these shipment(s), please respond directly to this email. If you are unable to provide instructions for this/these shipment(s), please forward this message to the relevant person. Kind regards, Angelika Pierzchala ERN BENELUX Export Administrator UPS GBS [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ###
UNTAGGED - End label
Hi Michael, Thanks for confirming! I've proceeded with the quote provided and uploaded new artwork and paid, please let me know that you received it. Thanks, Gabby ###
Order - Quote
Visuel identique et livraison classique merci ###
Order - Repeat
hoi ###
Delivery - Delayed
lastname: Beerkens phonenumber: 0485575828 email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) id_country: 24 postcode: 5835DS housenum: 20 houseaddr: Laan De Wijze city: Beugen product: vlag circulation: 1 extra: vlag als het zelfde materiaal als de strandstoelen. geconfectioneerd als vlag. lus boven, koord onder. 1 stuks en 2 stuks date: 31-07-23 submitInquiry: 1 ###
Order - Standard quote
Morning Rose We have cancelled this Please can you remove it from the portal Kind Regards Carol Carol Heap Customer Services P: 01522 878787 E: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) W: []( A: 2 Pyke Road, Lincoln. LN6 3QS Consider the environment. Do you really need to print this email? 2011 Trading LTD (trading as Your Print Partner) registered in England and Wales. Registered Company Number: 07871384 Registered Office: 2 Pyke Road, Lincoln. LN6 3QS This electronic message contains information from Your Print Partner that could be confidential and protected from disclosure. The information is intended to be used solely by the recipient\`(s) named above. If you are not an intended recipient, be aware that any review, disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this transmission or its contents is prohibited. If you have received this information in error or you do not wish to receive further marketing information from Your Print Partner, please notify us immediately and [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) From: Helloprint < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > Sent: Friday, July 14, 2023 8:56 AM To: Mat Armitage (External) < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > Cc: Yvonne Clarkson < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) >; Ben < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) >; Danny < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > Subject: Re: Delayed Orders Good Morning, Please can we cancel order number 3999262-5903850 with yourself? Thank you Best regards, Rose Helloprint Previous-message-reference: < []( > Previous-message-reference: < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > Previous-message-reference: < []( > Previous-message-reference: < []( > Previous-message-reference: < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > ###
Supplier - Delayed order
Hi Raj,I&#39;ve just changed that to DPD, should now be a DPD label if you try downloading it again from the portal. ###
Order - Status
Oke nou ik ga het nog even overleggen. ###
Pricing - Shipping Costs
Als het goed is zou je nu de bestelling moeten zien en de proeven moeten kunnen downloaden ###
Delivery - Package lost
Hey Keyvan,It seems like there were 2 orders created (3625511 &amp; 3625512), both of which were exactly the same. However, one was paid for but never properly cancelled and the other is the one that was delivered. Due to the unfinished cancellation they were never properly linked, hence the reminders about the payment. Sorry for the confusion caused. It has now been solved and you should not get another reminder about this payment.Hope this explains both of your questions.If there is anything else that I can help you with, please get in touch! ###
Payment - Status payment
Bonjour, Le paquet n'est pas chez mes voisins. Merci de m'aider à le récupérer au plus vite. Je pense que vous vous êtes trompé d'adresse. Merci d'avance Nadia \-- Nadia Naty Everard Chair of La Table Ronde de l'Architecture Chair of INTBAU Belgium []( [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) 13, Sint Annarei, 8000, Brugge \+32 (0) 475 95 95 15 La Table Ronde de l'Architecture, asbl Pour une architecture populaire et durable Instagram/Facebook @latablerondearchitecture ###
Delivery - Track & Trace
Salve Vito ###
Order - Repeat
De factuur voor deze bestelling is al aangemaakt, Sandor, deze staat op 21%. Zou het dienen als ik het verschil tussen 21% - 9% crediteer? Is dat voldoende voor jullie boekhouding? ###
Invoice - VAT queries
Good Morning,Our IT department are looking into this issue with urgency ###
Supplier - Production issue
Are you still therer? ###
Complaint - Complaint
Hello Sarah , Hello Print, Thank you for your time on the phone just now. I phoned through as soon as I had photographed before moving the boxes from by doorstep/hallway to my dining room table all of about 3 meters away. I am just want to re-iterate my huge disappointment with this order and delivery and the reasons why; * Only 8 out of 10 boxes have been delivered * 4 out of the 8 were damaged - 2 very taped up and 2 with splits in the box * photos were taken on the doorstep before even moving the boxes as I knew HelloPrint would want to see photos. * we are now 1000 copies missing from our order (and we have people lined up to deliver this weekend) * some of the printed copies are damaged - I just pulled a few from one box as I need to transport them to theedlevery people and do not want to unbox any * DPD man said one box split and wwas all over the floor - he hadn't brought this with him * DPD man said - when I questioned where all 10 boxes were - 'I don't know one must be missing somewhere' - no care for the fact that the delivery was incomplete * I looked in the back of the van (alas no photo) but it was piled hugh and clearly an element of throwing rather thanstategic stacking had gone on * I did not get the drivers name * other label photos and video were from dining room tanble where I had moved the boxes Never have we had issues from HelloPrint before and this has really upset me. We work so hard as volunteers to do all of these things in our own time for the likes ofDPD to ruin it for us. THis is also very costly for us and we will need some recompense for this through your 100% guarantee promise because quite clearly we are not 100% complete indelvery or satisfaction. Photos are attached. Please advise how I can get a video to you as requested by Sarah as the size of the video file is too big for an email attachment Many thanks Sue Butler 07710235238 \----- Forwarded message ----- From: Helloprint To: "[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])" Sent: Tuesday, 11 July 2023 at 03:05:26BST Subject: Your order 3987162-5883888 is on its way My account Hi Sue, Your order is on its way! Good news, we just passed your order to DPD . This means that your order is now on its way. Follow the progress of your delivery: Track your parcel Overview of your order: Stapled Booklets Order: Size: Pages (incl . covers): Material Appearance: Paper type: Cover: Extra finish over the cover: Print run: £ 659.99 #3987162-5883888 A5 16 Glossy 135 gsm gloss Cover is the same as the inner pages No Finishing 5.000 Shipping address Sue Butler Weedon Sports Association Victoria House 14 South Street NN7 4QP Weedon Bec United Kingdom 07710235238 Expected delivery date Tuesday july 18 (latest Wednesday july 19) Do you have any questions or comments? Check out our contact page . if thatdoesn ’t answer your query you can get in touch with us by chatting from 8amtil 6pm on weekdays. We will reply to you within a minute! Danny - Customer service What do you think about this email? It was clear to me! It can be improved It was very unclear ###
Complaint - Complaint
Post NL wil het ook leveren in een afhaalpunt en niet bij mijn klant :( ###
Delivery - Status delivery
What is the cost? ###
Pricing - Lowest Price Guarantee
\*\* HelloPrint Nachricht\*\* Email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Name: Mareike Kaschig Nachricht: Lieferung: Lieferung umfasst nur 5 Shirts, es fehlt das T shirt in L Bestellungs ID: 3985122 Produktnummer: 5880484 Datum: extract_package: Angeforderte Lösung: Ich möchte gern einen Neudruck ###
Complaint - Complaint
nee, want ik mocht het nog niet bestellen, ze staan nog i het winkelwagentje ###
Pricing - Shipping Costs
leave that with me I will see what he says ###
Complaint - Status update
Envoyé à partir de Outlook pour Android ###
Payment - Status payment
Podría encargar pegatinas redondas de varios diámetros pequeños: 13,15,17 y 19 mm? ###
Order - Quote
Hi KevinWat is de gewenste druk (in kleuren) en de positie hiervan. ###
Order - Standard quote
Bonjour, Nous risquons d’avoir un retard pour les deux commandes suivantes (sous réserve) Nous avons effectivement détecté une malfaçon et nous les avons remises en production. 5892148 et 5901309 Pour celle-ci nous attendons un retour de votre part : 5896232 (fichier incomplet) Merci d’avance, Cordialement, ###
Supplier - Artwork rejected
Commande #3999930 Bonjour, pouvez vous me confirmer le visuel recto verso de ma commande svp ? ###
Order - Status
Bonjour, Le livreur ne donnant pas suite suite à cette adresse 1 ruelle Baudouin Dinant 5500 Belgique à deux reprises. Veuillez m’indiquer une solution afin de récupérer le colis svp. Cordialement ###
Delivery - Return
Dankje! Fijne dag ###
Delivery - Change delivery address
Ook voor jou een fijne dag ###
Artwork - Adjustments
Morning,Pricing updated, thank you ###
Supplier - Pricing
Hoi Melanie ###
Complaint - Complaint
Reviso enseguida tu pedido para ayudarte con el tema de la entrega ###
Delivery - Status delivery
Thank you 😊 Zoe Gregory Finance Assistant Videcon Ltd & Dynamic Fire ( +44 (0)1924 528006 []( Head Office: Heckmondwike • South: Welwyn • Northeast: Newcastle • Scotland: Edinburgh This message is intended only for the person(s) ("the intended recipient(s)") to whom it is addressed. It may contain information that is privileged and confidential within the meaning of applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient please contact the sender as soon as possible. The views expressed in this communication may not necessarily be the views held by Videcon. Videcon is registered in England and Wales, Company Registration number: 03085668. From: Helloprint Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2023 8:08 AM To: Zoe Gregory Subject: Re: Copy Invoice Hi, Thanks for the response. I have attached the correct invoice on this email. Apologies regarding the first invoice sent, and please let me know if there's anything else. Best regards, Rafael Helloprint Did you know that you can find the answer to most questions in our FAQs and see your order status in my account at any time? Previous-message-reference: < [LO0P123MB580080BDA32856636BFB32109D37A@LO0P123MB5800.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM](mailto:LO0P123MB580080BDA32856636BFB32109D37A@LO0P123MB5800.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM) > Previous-message-reference: < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > Previous-message-reference: < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > Previous-message-reference: < [LO0P123MB5800152A8A0197E43E02865C9D36A@LO0P123MB5800.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM](mailto:LO0P123MB5800152A8A0197E43E02865C9D36A@LO0P123MB5800.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM) > Previous-message-reference: < [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) > ###
Invoice - Overview
Ik zal erbij vermelden dat Oxford_sticker_Antwerpen-Gent-Leuven_75mm.pdf 4000 x gedrukt mag worden. ###
Website - Order process
Hi Drukzo, Uit onze administratie komt naar voren dat we deze factuur 2x hebben betaald (via Ideal). Waarschijnlijk was er een kleine storing waardoor het leek alsof de betaling de eerste keer niet door was gekomen. Kunnen jullie de tweede betaling weer naar ons terugstorten? Dank alvast. Met duurzame groet, Sofia - Team Blokzeep Van: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) namens Drukzo Verzonden: maandag 15 mei 2023 08:47 Aan: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Onderwerp: Je factuur van bestelling 3902524 staat klaar Mijn account Hi Sofia , Je factuur staat klaar! Jouw bestelling 3902524 is voltooid en de factuur vind je in de bijlage. Mocht je al betaald hebben, dan is deze factuur puur ter administratie. Even het overzicht kwijt? Bekijk en betaal je facturen gemakkelijk online: Mijn Facturen Overzicht van je bestelling: Vinyl stickers - 55cm - 31cm Bestelling: Type: Formaat: Materiaal: Afwerking: Oplage: € 38.23 #3902524-5743379 Contourgesneden 0.17m2 Polymeer Wit 2-3 jaar Glans laminaat 10 Bezorgadres SWH Amsterdam Sofia Abramtsjoek Binckhorstlaan 36 C066 2516BE 's-Gravenhage \- Factuuradres SWH Amsterdam Sofia Abramtsjoek Binckhorstlaan 36 C066 2516BE 's-Gravenhage Netherlands \- Subtotaal: € 38.23 Verzending: € 0.00 BTW: € 8.03 Totaal: € 46.26 Heb je nog vragen of opmerkingen? Kijk op onze contactpagina of chat met ons tussen 08:30 en 17:00. Wij reageren op chat meestal binnen 1 minuut! Nicole - Klantenservice Wat vond je van deze email? Het was duidelijk Het kon beter Het was onduidelijk ###
Payment - Overpayment
ckwall2023 ###
Invoice - Overview
Pourriez vous me dire si le fichier de la commande 3997075 - 5900165 est corect ? ###
Artwork - Adjustments
Beste Marc,bedankt voor het aanvrragen van een offerte.Ik heb je een offerte gestuurd met 2 orderregels.Mocht je gebruik willen maken van 1 van de 2 orderregels, geef dan door voor welke oplage je hebt gekozen?Dan zal ik een orderregel verwijderen.Bestelling #4008142Graag je reactie ###
Order - Quote
Ok Thanks Gemma ###
Website - Order process
Guten Morgen, vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht,Ich sehe, dass Ihre Bestellung jetzt erfolgreich in Produktion gegangen ist, also hoffe ich, dass hier alles geklärt ist :)Voraussichtliche Lieferung ist jetzt am 20/7.Ich hoffe, dies hat Sie ausreichend informiert, wenn Sie noch Fragen haben, würden wir uns freuen, sie zu hören!Einen schönen Tag noch! ###
Artwork - Adjustments
Goedemorgen Wesley,Bedankt voor je email.Dat ziet er inderdaad niet netjes uit! Mijn excuses voor de slordige levering. Ik heb deze bestelling dan ook direct voor je gecrediteerd. Als er nog vragen en/of opmerkingen zijn hoor ik het graag! ###
Complaint - Complaint
Klein momentje, Myrte! ###
Complaint - Complaint
Let me find out for you! One moment please ###
Complaint - Status update
Nee hoor dank je wel. Ik schrok en keek niet verder haha ###
Dixa - Refund
Salve Mauro ###
Product - Specification advise
I obviously can not cut it with scissors, I was wondering if you can help with it somehow? ###
Order - Status
Ciao Augusto, Mi spiace davvero per l&#39;accaduto.Ho avviato la ristampa delle tovagliette, questo è il nuovo numero di referenza:  4005013-5913090 e la consegna è prevista tra 18 e 19.Se hai altre domande su questo o altri argomenti, non esitare a contattarci, buona giornata &#x1f642; ###
Delivery - Status delivery
Hi Esa, no problem. What size should it be? ###
Order - Upgrade / Downgrade
dat mag ook, graag zelfs ###
Order - Upgrade / Downgrade
There is an express delivery option for £8.26 which states the estimated delivery date on the 14th, however this is. obviously just estimated ###
Delivery - Options
Pour votre commande 3984440 celle ci n&#39;est pas partie en production car vous aviez envoyé des design différents ###
Complaint - Complaint
Precies, deze middag zal dat zijn! ###
Order - Quote
The option appears here, at the payment section of the order process ###
Website - Order process
On the shipping labels you should see &#34;1 of 2&#34; or &#34;1 of 3&#34; for example ###
Complaint - Complaint
Okay Lisa, unfortunately, if you need them glued at the top, the smallest we can offer would be A6 unfortunately ###
Product - Specification advise bedoel je meer zo&#39;n zakjes? ###
Order - Quote
Je vous en prie, je vais fermer le chat et vous recontacte incessamment sous peu! ###
Order - Status
some\* ###
Complaint - Complaint
It explains the reason why the file was rejected, here are several pages that need to be ammended ###
Artwork - Adjustments
You may discard the wrong cards ###
Complaint - Complaint
Goed weekend! ###
Order - Upgrade / Downgrade
e nel passo 5 lucido quindi ###
Product - Specification advise
lastname: Jeuken phonenumber: 0492-509895 email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) id_country: 24 postcode: 5705 CL housenum: 51 houseaddr: Vossenbeemd city: Helmond product: Ronde stickers circulation: zie omschrijving extra: Jullie hebben zoveel keuze stickers dat ik er niet uit kom wat het goedkoopste is. Op rol, op vel, los... Dus bij deze de vraag om een offerte te maken voor de volgende 4 opdrachten: 7500 stuks / formaat 40 mm doorsnede rond 4500 stuks / formaat 40 mm doorsnede rond 5000 stuks / formaat 25 mm doorsnede rond 5500 stuks / formaat 25 mm doorsnede rond Voor alle 4 de opdrachten graag op het goedkoopste wit papier, beschrijfbaar is niet nodig en stickers zijn voor binnen. date: 30-08-23 submitInquiry: 1 ###
Order - Standard quote
Dag Emilie, Bedankt voor je reactie en goed dat jullie bevestigen dat dit zo echt niet kan. Die korting is prima en ontvang ik graag. Maar zoals ik al noemde zie ik natuurlijk liever en graag een structurele oplossing voor het verzenden van drukwerk. Want eerlijk is eerlijk, als ik dit nog een keer zo meemaak met drukwerkverzending dan ben ik wel weg als klant. Vriendelijke groet Jonathan Reining JORE | ONTWERP IN BEELD Sichtermanmarke 48 8016 MN ZWOLLE T 06 425 135 65 [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ###
Complaint - Complaint
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