My eyes follow the letters that appear in the crystal.
Is it a mistake?
I look at the faces of mother and father.
Both of them have a dreadful look on their face.
Is this… real?
There is magic in Odoguz!.
I was surprised when I first realized magic existed.
After all, there wasn't any magic in my previous world.
Learning about magic, I raised my fist up in the air.
I was 2 years old at the time.
My parents got worried.
Apparently, I still have a memory from my previous life.
I heard from the village fortune-teller that reincarnation is rare and that I should keep it secret from others.
I am 5 years old now.
In Odoguz, when you are five years old, you receive skills from God.
You can get 2-5 skills blessed onto you, 2 being the average amount and 5 being the most.
But people with 5 skills are so few that it is said to be a miracle.
A person's skill determines their future and job.
So, praying to God and seeing your skills with a unique crystal is a ritual. But, when I did it… I felt my heart sink…
However, many times I check…
It says <<Tamer ###>>.
Tamer is a skill that can befriend/tame animals and monsters, so that isn't the problem. The problem is the <<###>> after it.
Skills are evaluated by the number of stars they have. With 1 star, you can tame a small animal/creature, and with more stars, the stronger the monster or animal you can handle.
With a low star count, you can still find work, such as delivering town letters. However, with a higher star count, you could tame a strong monster and even become a successful adventurer!
But… My <<###>> is weaker than 1 star, which means there's nothing I can tame. So, I probably can't find a job since everything is determined by skills in Odoguz.
Unconsciously, the phrase "Unreasonable game" came to mind. I don't know what it means, but I assume it's about this situation.
I'm troubled… In the last 3 years, I've learned that my previous memory is almost useless, even though it does have its uses sometimes.
I must look at my current situation, learn, and think about the future.
I can undoubtedly see reality. However, it's hard for a 5-year-old to do anything about it.
I learned that << ### >> is called no star and that no stars are beings abandoned by God.
In the picture book, my mother read to me, there was a story about having no stars if you do bad things.
It's said that there are no stars in Odoguz, though their existence hasn't been confirmed… But there is one right here! God, did I do something to you?
Speaking of which, I have another skill.
Right next to Tamer.
Let me see…. The skills I have are weak and unknown. I wonder what will happen to me from now on?
What to say.
My life has changed completely, to the sad side.
From the time I came home, I already felt something strange.
My parents don't look or speak to me.
I thought it was weird.
I didn't want to believe it.
But, no doubt.
They are outright avoiding me.
My food was not prepared when I went to my room to eat dinner.
A mother who doesn't match my gaze.
The father scowls.
A confused brother and sister.
I heard "as I thought" from somewhere.
I leave the room while sighing.
I understand what the previous word means, so I prepare myself.
Apparently, my place in this house has disappeared.
Does no stars have this kind of impact?
Now then, what should I do?
I'm hungry...
I want to eat food somehow or another.
It's variously harrowing for a 5-year-old child's life.
I left the house and went into the forest.
My field of vision began to blur, but I had already prepared myself, so I was not sad!
It's just frustrating.
I just wanted to believe in my parents.
Like I thought, it's just sad and lonely.
Tears started to fall.
Why do I have no stars….why….
Crying wouldn't help.
It won't fill my stomach.
I got to find something to eat first.
Today is the first time I have entered the forest alone.
It's scarier than the forest I always see.
Maybe a monster will come out.
What should I do…. I want to go home…. But I'm hungry.
The food I found was only a giant nut.
It's a little sour, but it's edible.
It's not a little, but quite sour.
It was a bit sweeter when I ate it before.
I sit at the root of the tree.
What should I do tomorrow?
I already told myself before.
To prepare to escape from this village.
But where do I run away?
Can I live after running away from this village, the me who couldn't fight monsters?
I still want to stay in this village.
But I somehow felt that it was impossible.
Will everyone change, just like my parents?
... Let's just go home for now and go to sleep.
Is my room still there?
No one came to wake me up.
It's been a few days since that shocking day.
I already gave up.
My older brother and sister already knew the story.
You've troubled our parents, I've told as such.
Is it my fault?
I don't know anymore.
For now, the 5-year-old me needs to build my physical strength.
Physical strength is the most crucial thing to escape.

Tamer Novel Dataset

Welcome to the tamer-novel dataset. This unique dataset is crafted with the remarkable Tamer Novel Styler writing, enhanced by the ELiTA technique, and aims to augment self-awareness in large language models (LLMs).


The Tamer Novel dataset is designed for researchers, developers, and enthusiasts in AI, specifically those working on enhancing the self-awareness and contextual understanding of LLMs. By leveraging the novel ELiTA technique, this dataset provides a rich source of stylized narrative text that challenges and refines AI models' comprehension and generation capabilities.

Dataset Structure

The dataset is structured to facilitate easy access and manipulation for various AI projects. It includes:

  • Text Files: Each file contains passages from the Tamer Novel, processed through the ELiTA technique.
  • Metadata: Information about the passages, including style markers and annotations related to the ELiTA technique.

Using the Dataset

To work with the tamer-novel dataset, we recommend using the upcoming AIflow Python library, which is designed to streamline AI research and development processes. Stay tuned for the library's release for an optimized experience.


This dataset is ideal for:

  • Train and evaluate LLMs on understanding and generating stylized narrative text.
  • Research in AI ethics, focusing on developing self-aware AI systems.
  • Exploratory projects aiming to understand the impact of narrative styles on AI comprehension and generation.

How to Use

To get started with the tamer-novel dataset, please follow these steps:

  1. Install the aiflow python library (coming soon).
  2. Load the dataset using aiflow with the following code snippet:
# Code snippet coming soon
  1. Explore the dataset and start your project!

Additional Information:

Use this link to read more about the model usage: https://github.com/yukiarimo/yuna-ai

ELiTA Paper: https://www.academia.edu/116519117/ELiTA_Elevating_LLMs_Lingua_Thoughtful_Abilities_via_Grammarly

The Yuna AI V2 model was trained using such a dataset for the first time. You can check the model here: https://huggingface.co/yukiarimo/yuna-ai-v2

Contributing and Feedback

You can contact the developer for more information or to contribute to the project!

Patreon GitHub


Special thanks to the contributors to the ELiTA technique and the upcoming AIflow Python library. Your innovations and contributions have been invaluable in creating this dataset.


If you use the tamer-novel dataset in your research, please cite it as follows:

  author = {Yuki Arimo},
  title = {Tamer Novel Dataset},
  year = {2024},
  publisher = {HuggingFace},
  journal = {HuggingFace Dataset Hub},
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