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Impressionism | pericles-pantazis_still-life-with-quinces-1880 | disgust | chinese | 桌面上放着的梨子和苍白的颜色不搭,使人感到恶心。 | train |
Romanticism | viktor-vasnetsov_ivan-tsarevich-riding-the-grey-wolf-1889 | sadness | chinese | 女人穿蓝色长裙,坐在狼背上,表情忧郁,使人伤感。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | vincent-van-gogh_dog(1) | amusement | chinese | 小狗微屈着前躯在向前方吼叫着,像是碰到了陌生人一眼,小狗紧张的模样让人感到非常的好笑 | train |
Impressionism | joaquãn-sorolla_looking-for-crabs-among-the-rocks-javea-1905 | excitement | chinese | 有个人从海边死里逃生爬回了山崖上,他这样刺激的经历让人兴奋。 | train |
Romanticism | gheorghe-tattarescu_femeie-t-n-r-cu-salb | contentment | chinese | 女人穿着白色的衣裙,手腕上带着红色的玛瑙手串,她的装扮大方得体,让人感到十分满意。 | train |
Romanticism | gustave-dore_an-angel-appears-to-balaam | fear | chinese | 长着翅膀的人拿着剑指向别人,看着很吓人。 | train |
Romanticism | gustave-dore_don-quixote | fear | chinese | 图片中人黑白色的线条交错给人一种恐惧害怕的感觉。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | ilya-mashkov_russian-venus-1914 | disgust | chinese | 一个女人赤身裸体地躺在沙发上,姿势放荡,让人嫌恶。 | train |
Romanticism | gustave-moreau_portrait-of-degas-in-florence-1858 | contentment | chinese | 男人手扶桌子,叠腿站立,侧头看向远方。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | janos-tornyai_interior-with-curtained-window-1929 | disgust | chinese | 画里的图案简单杂乱,令人不喜。 | train |
Realism | gustave-courbet_still-life-with-apples-and-pomegranates | contentment | chinese | 桌上摆放着水壶和苹果,画面看起来让人感到十分满足。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | theo-van-doesburg_still-life-1906 | disgust | chinese | 画中杯子,餐盘散落在地上,看起来很混乱,让人感到嫌恶。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | le-pho_les-pommeirs-du-japon | contentment | chinese | 花瓶里摆放的花朵看起来很好看 | train |
Baroque | gian-lorenzo-bernini_constantine-the-great(1) | awe | chinese | 画面中一个英勇的战士骑着白马在奔跑的雕塑,让人叹服这雕塑的宏伟。 | train |
Romanticism | gustave-dore_don-quixote-126 | contentment | chinese | 男子正在向两个女子介绍着东西,边上的狗微微抬着头,满足感油然心生。 | train |
Symbolism | nicholas-roerich_kangchenjunga-1936 | contentment | chinese | 崇山峻岭逶迤绵延不断。 | train |
Romanticism | gustave-dore_jacob-prays-for-protection | something else | chinese | 一个穿着蛇皮一样衣服的男人正在河边做着某些活动,让人感到好奇。 | train |
Naive_Art_Primitivism | william-h.-johnson_children-at-ice-cream-stand-1939 | contentment | chinese | 人们围绕着摊贩进行购买东西,街道上熙熙攘攘,如此热闹的画面不禁令人感到满足。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | maurice-prendergast_venice-unfinished | contentment | chinese | 硕大的旗帜迎风飘扬,让人觉得美好。 | train |
Impressionism | santiago-rusinol_the-cemetery-montmartre | sadness | chinese | 破败的城市里的空地上停着一辆小车很是荒凉 | train |
Post_Impressionism | istvan-nagy_fences-1927 | fear | chinese | 蓝色的街道和黑色的树木,让给感到害怕。 | train |
Baroque | gian-lorenzo-bernini_standing-angel-with-scroll-1668(1) | fear | chinese | 英雄的脸上有一道疤痕从左耳一直延伸到右耳,让人害怕。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | le-pho_deux-petites-amies | contentment | chinese | 两个穿着靓丽的小孩,在院子里玩耍。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | maurice-denis_maternite-anne-marie-et-marthe-a-la-bague-ovale | contentment | chinese | 妈妈用手挠着女儿的小肚子,逗得女儿开怀大笑,让人感到很温馨。 | train |
Romanticism | gustave-dore_don-quixote-13 | fear | chinese | 黑色森林中的湖边有尸体,令人十分恐惧。 | train |
Expressionism | ivan-albright_three-trees-georgia-1969 | disgust | chinese | 黄色的地上生长着黑色的树,让人感到嫌恶。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | henri-rousseau_centennial-of-independence-1892 | contentment | chinese | 周围到处都挂满了彩旗,人们正在空地上欢快地跳着舞,让人感觉到十分的愉快。 | train |
Impressionism | claude-monet_at-cap-d-antibes-mistral-wind | awe | chinese | 海上行驶着一艘小帆船,碧蓝的大海与远处洁白的山峰以及近处翠绿的树木三者相互映衬,让人惊叹于这里风景的秀丽 | train |
Post_Impressionism | maurice-de-vlaminck_peonies-in-a-vase-1910 | contentment | chinese | 简单的花束插在花瓶中,在单调的背景下显得格外有生机,让人满足。 | train |
Northern_Renaissance | hans-baldung_hercules-and-antaeus | contentment | chinese | 赤身裸体的两个人抱在一起,看着很温馨。 | train |
Impressionism | camille-pissarro_the-quays-at-rouen-1883 | something else | chinese | 走在大街上,人与人互不干扰,感觉很安静。 | train |
Symbolism | nicholas-roerich_flaming-tops-against-the-evening-sky | sadness | chinese | 冰冷的紫色背景下,孤山矗立,给人一种孤独与寂寞。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | jan-sluyters_hat-with-flowers | contentment | chinese | 桌面上一束白色的鲜花在镜子里显得更美。 | train |
Baroque | peter-paul-rubens_allegory-on-the-blessings-of-peace-1630 | contentment | chinese | 女人和孩子们簇拥在一起,让人感到满足。 | train |
Romanticism | gustave-dore_don-quixote-and-sancho-setting-out-1863 | awe | chinese | 两个士兵打扮的男人骑着马,十分潇洒。 | train |
Impressionism | claude-monet_argenteuil-1875(1) | contentment | chinese | 蓝的天,白的云,红的船,绿的草,宁静中透着一股满足 | train |
Post_Impressionism | karl-schrag_white-forest-1963 | contentment | chinese | 白色的团就像一只诡异的爪子看起来很可怕 | train |
Baroque | jacob-jordaens_the-flight-into-egypt-1641 | fear | chinese | 森林里一群人服装各异,他们有的骑着驴,有的骑牵着牛,像是在逃离一样,给人一种可怕的感觉。 | train |
Baroque | guido-reni_not_detected_232244-1635 | contentment | chinese | 穿紫色裙子的女孩和穿黄色裙子的女孩在桌子旁边聊天,让人感觉很安逸,很满足。 | train |
Romanticism | pierre-paul-prud'hon_the-king-of-rome-1811 | something else | chinese | 郁郁葱葱的草木,婴孩安静的沉睡在草丛旁,安静美好的画面,令人心情舒畅。 | train |
Expressionism | ion-tuculescu_make-up-box-the-green-eyes | disgust | chinese | 画面中红色绿色蓝色的元素和眼睛的结合,毫无美感令人不喜。 | train |
Expressionism | ernst-ludwig-kirchner_trees | contentment | chinese | 作品中风景是那么的美好,仿佛一切的事物都是那么的美好,给人一种赏心悦目的感觉。 | train |
Impressionism | childe-hassam_white-church-at-newport-aka-church-in-a-new-england-village | contentment | chinese | 蔚蓝的天空,精致的城堡,令人满足 | train |
Post_Impressionism | mario-zanini_rua-de-parati-1964 | contentment | chinese | 红色、黄色、绿色的墙壁中间走着一位穿着黄色裙子的美女,非常迷人。 | train |
Realism | ferdinand-hodler_the-turner-banquet-1878 | excitement | chinese | 途中一位西装革履的男士正斗志昂扬地演讲,座位上一群人和一面旗帜,让人感到激情四射。 | train |
Expressionism | frank-auerbach_to-the-studios-1991 | sadness | chinese | 房屋四倒八散,给人一种悲凉的感觉。 | train |
Symbolism | nicholas-roerich_cry-of-the-serpent-1914 | fear | chinese | 张着血盆大口,吐着信子的红色蛇头令人感到恐惧。 | train |
Realism | eugene-boudin_deauville-low-tide | sadness | chinese | 黑云压城,一个男人孤零零的扛着行李走着。 | train |
Symbolism | mikalojus-ciurlionis_composition-1909 | fear | chinese | 整个图片采用黑白色调,空中飞着两只鸟,让人感到压抑。 | train |
Northern_Renaissance | hugo-van-der-goes_diptych-of-the-fall-of-man-and-the-redemption-lamentation-of-christ | sadness | chinese | 一位穿着白色裙子,戴着白色帽子的女子坐在那儿,神情很是忧愁。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | maurice-prendergast_scene-of-venice | contentment | chinese | 河流里有很多的小船,船只缓慢的行驶着,岸边有很多的人正在悠闲地逛着,有的人还打着伞,给人一种悠闲舒适的感觉,让人不由感到满足。 | train |
Realism | henri-fantin-latour_flowers-and-fruit-a-melon-1865 | contentment | chinese | 南瓜切了一块出来,剩下的还可以吃好多顿,真好。 | train |
Symbolism | nicholas-roerich_chan-thang-northern-tibet-1939 | awe | chinese | 湛蓝的天空上朵朵白云,辽阔清新的景色让人惊叹。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | maurice-prendergast_st-malo-2 | contentment | chinese | 许多穿着白色和黑色衣服的人站在黄色的土地上,远处蓝色的海让人感到愉悦。 | train |
Expressionism | frank-auerbach_the-sitting-room | disgust | chinese | 箱子被打开,地上一滩红色污渍,让人嫌弃。 | train |
Symbolism | nicholas-roerich_kereksury-1927 | contentment | chinese | 黄色的岩石和远处蓝色的山脉,令人感到愉悦。 | train |
Art_Nouveau_Modern | max-kurzweil_mira-baue-1908 | contentment | chinese | 作品里的女人非常温婉美丽,令人感到满足。 | train |
Romanticism | george-stubbs_lord-grosvenor-s-arabian-stallion-with-a-groom | contentment | chinese | 穿着褐色大衣的男子面对着棕色的马,给人一种安静满意的感觉。 | train |
Expressionism | george-bouzianis_portrait(7) | disgust | chinese | 图中那男子凌乱的头发和脏乱的胡子还有那愁容的表情,让人感到邋遢。 | train |
Romanticism | gustave-dore_the-dell | awe | chinese | 许多人蒙面坐在森林里,阳光透过缝隙照耀着他们,让人感到赞叹。 | train |
Impressionism | william-merritt-chase_study-of-an-arab-girl | sadness | chinese | 男子身穿一袭白衣,满脸愁容,给人一种落寞的感觉。 | train |
Realism | gustave-courbet_juliette-courbet-1844 | contentment | chinese | 画面中女子有神的眼睛和红润的脸庞,让人觉得很漂亮。 | train |
Baroque | le-nain-brothers_the-family-of-the-peasants | excitement | chinese | 一家人听着孩子吹曲子,场面温馨,让人感到十分开心快乐。 | train |
Abstract_Expressionism | willem-de-kooning_pink-lady | contentment | chinese | 身穿粉红舞蹈服的女子正在翩翩起舞,姿态优雅漂亮,让人不由感到满意。 | train |
Art_Nouveau_Modern | konstantin-somov_illustration-to-the-novel-daphnis-and-chloe-3 | amusement | chinese | 男子手拿武器,穿着粉红色的裙子,让人好笑 | train |
Naive_Art_Primitivism | niko-pirosmani_party-by-the-river-zkheniszkali | fear | chinese | 画面中整齐的人们排成一条长队,周围是骑着马的军人,像是马上要去参加战争,给人一种可怕的感觉。 | train |
Art_Nouveau_Modern | nicholas-roerich_hut-in-the-mountains-1912 | contentment | chinese | 山坡顶上有一座简单的木屋子,边上还有几个大石头,周围还有许多的树木,让人不由感到满足。 | train |
Realism | gustave-courbet_portrait-of-amand-gautier-1867 | contentment | chinese | 男人目视前方很忧郁,让人感到满足。 | train |
Art_Nouveau_Modern | j.-e.-h.-macdonald_algoma | contentment | chinese | 山坡上长满大树,黄色的树叶像一片金色海洋,让人感到心情愉快。 | train |
Abstract_Expressionism | theodoros-stamos_infinity-field-jerusalem-series-3rd-letter-1985 | disgust | chinese | 暗蓝的背景下隐藏着绿色的物体,像是蚯蚓在蠕动,令人感到恶心想吐。 | train |
Realism | vasily-sadovnikov_illumination-of-the-theatre-square-in-1856-1 | fear | chinese | 天空很是灰暗,看起来有些压抑害怕 | train |
Symbolism | mikalojus-ciurlionis_raigardas-iii-1907 | something else | chinese | 画面的右边有很多小小的、像山的形状的东西,令人好奇那是什么。 | train |
Romanticism | gustave-dore_portrait-of-dante-alighieri-1860 | contentment | chinese | 男人义愤填膺,一副严肃的样子。 | train |
Baroque | gian-lorenzo-bernini_time-arrested-by-death(1) | contentment | chinese | 黄色背景中的两个男子雕塑,看着很壮观。 | train |
Realism | george-catlin_osceola-head-chief-seminole-1838 | sadness | chinese | 穿着怪异服装的女子面色惆怅,给人一种哀伤的感觉。 | train |
Cubism | roger-de-la-fresnaye_the-table-louis-philippe | fear | chinese | 一个花瓶被独自放在高处,周围氛围很诡异,让人感觉惊悚。 | train |
Baroque | giovanni-paolo-panini_musical-f-te-1747 | contentment | chinese | 剧场里演员在舞台上表演,台下站满了观众。 | train |
Symbolism | nicholas-roerich_gilgit-road-1925-1 | awe | chinese | 层层叠叠的高山,和远处皑皑的白雪,好一幅大自然风景图。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | le-pho_la-cueillette-des-fleurs | contentment | chinese | 草坪里开满了鲜花,三个女孩蹲在草地上摘花,让人感到放松又满足。 | train |
Impressionism | camille-pissarro_view-of-paris-rue-d-amsterdam-1897 | excitement | chinese | 图中城堡热闹非凡,路上人来人往,让人感到繁华依旧。 | train |
Impressionism | konstantin-korovin_at-the-oke-1892 | sadness | chinese | 石阶上长满杂草,很多地方的水泥已经脱落,让人觉得很凄凉。 | train |
Romanticism | gustave-dore_don-quixote-29 | fear | chinese | 延安的背景和像骷髅的人,让人感觉很恐怖。 | train |
Realism | gustave-courbet_swiss-landscape-with-flowering-apple-tree | contentment | chinese | 绿色的树上长满了白色的花朵,旁边还有三个棕色屋顶的房屋,令人感到愉悦。 | train |
Naive_Art_Primitivism | pablo-picasso_standing-woman-1946 | fear | chinese | 一个石柱却刻出了类似人的肢体和五官,让人觉得有点吓人。 | train |
Rococo | william-hogarth_the-polling-1755 | fear | chinese | 矮小的站台挤满了人,随时都会掉下去,感觉很可怕。 | train |
Impressionism | childe-hassam_self-portrait | contentment | chinese | 男人身穿白色衬衫留着小胡须,面容慈祥让人觉得美好。 | train |
Post_Impressionism | maurice-prendergast_summer-day | contentment | chinese | 画中,一个戴帽子的白衣女人在岸边走着,让人感到很放松,满足。 | train |
Realism | fyodor-vasilyev_swamp-in-a-forest-mist | sadness | chinese | 枯黄的树叶和寂静的河水,让人觉得十分伤感。 | train |
Romanticism | gustave-dore_the-ascent | fear | chinese | 灰色的背景加上陡峭的山峰,让人感到压迫感十足 | train |
Realism | theodor-severin-kittelsen_johanna | sadness | chinese | 黑色衣服的女人戴着白色头巾尽显孤独 | train |
Realism | gregoire-boonzaier_still-life-with-teapot-1930 | contentment | chinese | 桌子上摆放着茶壶,两颗红色的新鲜的水果,让人垂涎欲滴 | train |
Baroque | judith-leyster_jolly-toper | contentment | chinese | 戴着红帽子的男人笑着,手中拿着一个壶,一脸满足之感。 | train |
Baroque | johannes-vermeer_mistress-and-maid-lady-with-her-maidservant-holding-a-letter | contentment | chinese | 一个穿着黄色衣服的女子正在与一个老人聊天,看着很开心。 | train |
Art_Nouveau_Modern | jacek-malczewski_the-tribute-money-triptych-left | contentment | chinese | 画面中有一个男人长的很帅气挺着胸很自信的站着让人看了很满足。 | train |
Abstract_Expressionism | theodoros-stamos_edge-of-burning-brush-1986 | awe | chinese | 画面中仿佛是一片红色的海岸让人觉得十分惊叹。 | train |
Baroque | isaac-van-ostade_travellers-halting-at-an-inn | contentment | chinese | 画中行人或走或挑担或骑马,好不惬意,虽是赶路辛苦,却也乐的其中,让人感受到生活的辛苦又甜蜜。 | train |
Romanticism | gustave-dore_enthusiasm-of-crusaders-at-the-first-view-of-jerusalem | fear | chinese | 暗黑的色调很压抑,黑压压的战士们,让人恐惧 | train |
Symbolism | nicholas-roerich_human-ancestors-1940 | contentment | chinese | 老人坐在山头抽着烟,看着羊群吃草,背后的青山连绵不断,让人觉得悠闲自在。 | train |
Realism | thomas-eakins_a-spanish-woman | sadness | chinese | 穿着白色衣服的妇女,眉头紧锁,眼神呆滞的注视着前方,好像很忧伤。 | train |
Northern_Renaissance | albrecht-durer_the-whore-of-baylon-1498 | awe | chinese | 许多人站在草地上 还有长着翅膀的人 让人感觉很惊叹 | train |
ArtELingo is a benchmark and dataset introduced in a research paper aimed at promoting work on diversity across languages and cultures. It is an extension of ArtEmis, which is a collection of 80,000 artworks from WikiArt with 450,000 emotion labels and English-only captions. ArtELingo expands this dataset by adding 790,000 annotations in Arabic and Chinese. The purpose of these additional annotations is to evaluate the performance of "cultural-transfer" in AI systems.
The dataset in ArtELingo contains many artworks with multiple annotations in three languages, providing a diverse set of data that enables the study of similarities and differences across languages and cultures. The researchers investigate captioning tasks and find that diversity in annotations improves the performance of baseline models.
The goal of ArtELingo is to encourage research on multilinguality and culturally-aware AI. By including annotations in multiple languages and considering cultural differences, the dataset aims to build more human-compatible AI that is sensitive to emotional nuances across various cultural contexts. The researchers believe that studying emotions in this way is crucial to understanding a significant aspect of human intelligence.
In summary, ArtELingo is a dataset that extends ArtEmis by providing annotations in multiple languages and cultures, facilitating research on diversity in AI systems and improving their performance in emotion-related tasks like label prediction and affective caption generation. The dataset is publicly available, and the researchers hope that it will facilitate future studies in multilingual and culturally-aware artificial intelligence.
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