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0not sexist
Well, now that women have access to school, jobs, shorts, and so on, it's not men who are sweating and sweating to win these rights, so it's no wonder that so many women have gone after them ... It's true that women who say that they can also go to school and wear short skirts in their pants may now be squeezing women's women's rights in the field... and now they're just asking questions and grievances and opening a wave of feminist movements... history may always be rehearsing.
0not sexist
#The gap between men’s and women’s incomes is expected to be closed in 257 years # According to a recent report from the World Economic Forum, the global gap between men’s and women’s income widened in 2019, and is now expected to be closed in 257 years, more than half a century later than the year 202 that the Forum predicted in 2018. Hypocrisy women’s rights still have a long way to go to get a seat on the field, and women are more difficult than men, and it is easier to raise the number of females.
0not sexist
Why is women's rights in the fields disgusting? Every day they talk about equality between men and women, then some people, when men think about AA, say, "You want AA too, are you a man?" Of course, I eat in real life, and when I go out with my friends, I don't want AA. And the women I know are loyal, and they're not as disgusting as you are when you say "equality" and don't give up wanting to enjoy "privileges" as women.
【好莱坞大亨#韦恩斯坦被判刑23年# 超90名女性曾控其性犯罪】3月11日,美国好莱坞制片人韦恩斯坦被判入狱23年,纽约最高法院法官宣布,他将正式注册为性犯罪者。现年67岁的韦恩斯坦被指控于2006年对原告强行发生性行为,并于2013年在一旅馆内对另一名女子进行强奸。2017年,韦恩斯坦行径被媒体报道,引发好莱坞MeToo运动。<username>  
0not sexist
On March 11, U.S. Hollywood producer Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in prison, and a New York Supreme Court judge announced that he would be officially registered as a sex offender. Weinstein, 67 years old, was charged with forced sexual intercourse with the plaintiff in 2006 and rape of another woman in a hotel in 2013. In 2017, Weinstein's actions were reported in the media, triggering the Hollywood MeToo movement. <username>
我无意于评论男人的本性,出轨不忠不是件好事,但是伪女权们叫嚣着,男人不忠,女人也可以不忠,这就是男女平等了?有人吃屎你也要和他一起吃屎才叫做平等?能不能有点操守。打着女权的大旗行苟且之事,还是省省吧  [组图共5张] 原图 
0not sexist
I don't mean to comment on a man's nature. It's not a good thing to cheat, but the hypocrites are calling out, men being unfaithful, women being disloyal. That's gender equal. You have to eat shit with him if you want to be equal. Can you behave a little?
0not sexist
Why do men feel so good about themselves? I'm anorexic and speechless. Why are girls so cute that they can't be with girls?
呕呕呕 我真的吐了 拜托强取豪夺文作者们能不能不要写男女不对等了 女主被强制爱后连同等力度的反抗都没办法 最后一个半斯德哥尔摩的过度就he了看得我好恶心啊呕呕呕 作者你是厌女吗要这样对女主 强取豪夺文女主以柔克刚强强对抗不香吗 一直弱弱弱从头弱到尾 反抗的力度还不如一条搁浅挣扎的鱼 随意把女主搓圆捏扁太恶心了我吐了 
0not sexist
I really threw up, so please don't write about the lack of equality between men and women, the fact that she was forced to love her, and the last half of Stockholm was too much to see me nauseous, vomiting.
0not sexist
#papi sauce # Women with male crowns are free of their own, and it's related to independent women? This wave of confusion reminds me of a cartoon by various tradesmen who have been busy with the epidemic since only three or four women in the cartoons have been attacked with extreme femininity.
现在微博很重的劣气吖只要在评论里有提到女权的,就女权婊女权婊的骂说到男女平等就嚷嚷着婊只要在评论里说国家一点好的,就肯定是小粉红红卫兵。不可以反驳不可以提出不同的意见不可以粉丝在评论里解释,否则就是脑残粉水军。难道就任由你们抹黑自己的偶像吗?  原图 
0not sexist
We can't argue that a different opinion cannot be explained in a comment by fans, or by fans. Are you going to be your idols?
0not sexist
All the big objects, the shiphouses, and all the big organizations, the national name companies, are named next to her. What do you ladies want to do, women with no standing and no voice every day?
为什么说微博女权是伪女权,因为她们的论点只讲权利不讲义务,只想获得好处不想付出。她们看到国外女性有的,她们就立马用来炮轰中国男性。殊不知权利都是履行义务得来的,没付出哪来收获,除了挑拨男女矛盾,实在看不出微博女权有什么用处。一个结婚生子的人反婚反育,简直可笑,女权在你眼中也不过是生意吧。<username> [组图共2张] 原图 
0not sexist
Why are we saying that weibo women's rights are false women's rights, because their arguments are not about rights, they just want to get what they want. When they see women abroad, they use them to shell Chinese men. They don't know that they do what they do. They don't pay for their rights, they don't get what they do. They don't know what they're doing. They don't know what they're doing.
看到冠姓权讨论这么激烈就知道男性还是精明啊,不仅占着便宜还要骂女性,不仅🐴你还要拉着脑子有💩得女性一起🐴女性,女权=平权,谁都知道,怎么男权盛世就没人出来说要男女平等了呢?男人杀妻杀女的事少干了? 我以为多极端女权多极端呢?哦,就这?就这?就这? 有了才能说不在乎,无所谓,没有就没资格不在乎 
0not sexist
Seeing the talk of name rights so intense, you can tell if a man is smart or smart, not only to take advantage of a woman, but also to take advantage of a woman's brain, right or wrong, right or right, who knows how no one in a man's power can say that a man wants a man or a woman to be equal?
0not sexist
♪ Kojie Shen Jin-jin ♪ ♪ Saying a word about women's rights ♪ ♪ Saying a word about women's rights ♪ ♪ Saying a word about women ♪ ♪ No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
0not sexist
There are too many liars in these years under the banner of femininity. Girls need to be careful not to go astray. Women’s rights are about gender equality and anti-discrimination. They are anti-attacks that restrict women’s freedom, not women’s rights.
【#美国媒体的两副面孔#】拜登被指控性侵,尽管证据一箩筐,但毕竟是自己人,崔娃不会调侃,女权不会手抖发凉,懂事的媒体不会轮着刊登被性侵者的悲惨遭遇还会帮着删报道。卡瓦诺被Metoo,虽然没有左媒护驾,但是不缺为他人品辩护的女性。#美国那些事# <username> PragerU字幕组的微博视频  
0not sexist
Biden is accused of sexual assault, despite the evidence, but he's one of his own, and Trevor doesn't flirt, women's rights don't get cold, and the intelligent media don't rewrite the tragic experiences of the victims of sexual assault. Cavanaugh's Metoo, although there is no left-wing escort, is no less than a woman defending others. #The U.S. video of <username> PragerU subtitles on Twitter
0not sexist
As a cucumber eater, I think some of the “false feminism” on Twitter is similar to the second half of the disease, i.e. self-awakening to a feminist consciousness prior to a mature change in self-awareness, the main symptoms being that I'm a woman and I should have privileges; I'm a woman, and I'm supposed to be an equal manifestation of this suspicious schizophrenic schizophrenia.
0not sexist
The women's rights in the field are disgusting enough. There's a bunch of women in the fields. Seriously, you're all kind of stinking.
0not sexist
Thinking about it, if I'd like to be critical of the CB, of course not. After Patrick's play, the CB started to hear about the 007 cakes, and he said, "I think Bond and Patrick look like each other! There's a lot of irritation and no remorse for killing. So that's the real reason he's never been in a state business! " (Don't be serious)
【法国女性大游行,反性骚扰也反川普】1月21日,法国也进行了女性大游行,参与者走上街头用标语和呐喊表达自己的心声,她们呼吁男女平权,反对性侵,也声援美国之前的反川普游行。 #METOO# #女权主义# #梨视频海外拍客#全球拍视频的秒拍视频(使用 #秒拍# 录制)  
0not sexist
On January 21, France also held a women’s march in which participants took to the streets to speak with slogans and shouts, calling for equal rights for men and women against sexual assault, and solidarity with the anti-Tribunal march that preceded the United States.
0not sexist
Do the feminist men really know what women's rights are in the field? When you hear any gender-like talk, you come up to the field and try to instill the idea that “this is the reality” and “this is the normal” and that “men and women are different.” The truth is that men who defend their male superiority do not want to be called into question or to admit that they have eaten dividends. The evidence is that I have seen many men sarcastic about women's rights, but I have hardly heard that men speak for men on an equal footing with men.
#猫猫抓回去!反川普女权嘉年华# 据外媒消息,川普签署法案,限制联邦资金用于海外支持堕胎的NGO(非政府组织)。  原图 
0not sexist
According to foreign sources, Trunchu signed a bill restricting federal funds to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that support abortion overseas.
0not sexist
At the Landlords' meeting, they had to see if there was a place to fight, or a tenant, and now it's good that you have a woman's right to a field, whether you have a field or not, and they will fight you if they say you are a woman's right to a field. So kneel down to them and say, "Boys, let me go, please don't fight me." They will not let you go. You are a woman's right to a field, and you are a woman's right to a field, brothers, fight her.
【纽约州总检察长施奈德曼辞职 涉嫌虐待妇女】华尔街闻声色变之人、纽约总检察长施奈德曼宣布辞职,此前《纽约客》报道称,四位妇女声称在与他交往期间受到虐待,经常是在他饮酒后。该报道发出几小时后,纽约州州长安德鲁-库莫要求施奈德曼辞职。讽刺的是,施奈德曼一直是美国女性#MeToo运动的支持者。 原图 
0not sexist
The New Yorker reported that four women claimed to have been abused during their relationship with him, often after he drank. A few hours later, the Governor of New York City, Andrew Kummer, asked Schneiderman to resign. Ironically, Schneiderman has been a supporter of the American #MeToo movement.
#MeToo# #澳大利亚生活# 上千名女性在社交网络上使用主题标签#MeToo分享她们遭遇性侵犯和性骚扰的个人故事。这场运动旨在突出女性遭受性侵的普遍性。 #MeToo: 怎样回应那些分享性侵经历的朋友?  
0not sexist
#MeToo# #Live Australia # thousands of women on social networks share their personal stories of sexual abuse and harassment #MeToo. The campaign aims to highlight the prevalence of sexual abuse among women. #MeToo: How to respond to friends who share their experiences of sexual abuse.
我有一个很有趣的议题:女权运动是不是天然反红?如果命题成立,是因为源自西方的理论体系天然反红还是因为女权思潮天然反专政?部分女权主义者不承认粉红女权的存在是在否认妇女解放运动的贡献还是对我国就女性问题的的重视程度不满?如果西方女权主义思潮在国内“水土不服”,那么应该如何完善一套适合我国国情的女权主义理论体系?<username> <username> <username> <username> 
0not sexist
I have an interesting question: Is the feminist movement a natural anti-red? If the proposition is established because the theory of Western origin is a natural anti-red, or because feminist thinking is a natural anti-despot? Some feminists do not recognize the existence of pink feminist rights as a denial of the contribution of women's liberation movements or as an expression of dissatisfaction with the importance accorded to women's issues in our country? If Western feminist thinking is “frustful” in the country, how should a feminist theory system be improved that is appropriate to our national context? <username> <username> <username> <username> <username>
0not sexist
With regard to surrogate pregnancy, as before, the first page is almost always a female blogger, and the vast majority of men remain silent. Sporadic men, one doctor, one botanist, and the other financial. Finally, the most interesting one, who believes that real women’s rights and women’s rights are different, is committed to the daily abuse of women’s rights in the field in microblogging, which is, to a certain extent, a reflection of the complexity of the human race.
0not sexist
I always thought that femininity was an affirmative movement, and now it's a privilege?
我预测今天的剧情是一大波博主出来观点1:冷静期也没有什么的影响不大反而有利真要离婚还是能离得掉观点2:斗升小民想影响大国布局图样图森破你以为你是哪块小饼干?观点3:摆数据讲道理我兔真的已经走到了关键节点不得已而为之你怎么就不能理解了观点 4:可能从哪儿挑着截几个“极端女权”发言一番巧妙辩论立刻搅混水变成随便什么权和极端女权的再一次大割席运动我对上述四个角度全部报以白眼。 
0not sexist
I predict that today's scene is the point of view of a large wave of bloggers: does the cooling period not have much effect on divorce or on getting away with it: what cookie do you think you are, Tucson, trying to influence the layout of the big country?
男的勿扰谢谢 我女权 大大的田园女权  
0not sexist
Don't bother a man. I'm a woman. I'm a woman of the field.
大家来看看,这大概就是直女癌、女权婊的逻辑了吧又不是情侣,也算不上朋友,相亲刚认识的,因为男的没有送女的回家,一群女的就在网上骂这个男的!而我就反驳了她的观点,我说男的没有义务非得送女的回家!然后这女的就回了我这么一段话!看来女性的思想就是这么不要脸呀 原图 
0not sexist
You see, it's probably the logic of straight female cancer and femininity. It's not a couple, it's not a friend, it's just a date, because a man doesn't send a girl home, and a bunch of girls yell at her online! And I disprove her, and I say that a man has no obligation to send a girl home!
0not sexist
It's disgusting to look at Guo Tao's brawls, it's disgusting to see a man's cancer gathering, it's a woman's boxing, a woman's rights in the field. You guys are the real men's boxers, boxers, boxers, six. It's been 2020. No one will live in Taiqing society, and you can beat a woman with a fist.
回复<username>:我当然愿意灭掉,病毒统一灭的,我得保险费。竟然技术上可以灭男,就可以技术上不生男。婚女都没了,哪来的婚女生男?想骗我杀人坐牢的好好笑,我又不会加入你们灭婚女派女权,交什么投名状?把人拉黑再骂,也是你们灭婚女女权的常用伎俩了。呵呵 ,反婚博主和婚女之间的关系不过是一种"养寇自重"。后面两张图,你品,你细品 [组图共4张] 原图 
0not sexist
Answer <username>: Of course I'm willing to put out the virus, and I'm going to pay for it. Technically it's possible to kill a man. Technically, it's impossible to have a man. There's no married woman, there's no married girl.
0not sexist
So far, the accusations have come from universities, not film companies, etc. No one has posted #WoYashi on Twitter. Except for Rosie's story, almost all the charges have been anonymous. The case of sexual harassment in higher education has been brought to the attention of foreign media: #MeToo has arrived in China.
0not sexist
Today, one of the schoolgirls said in space that she was a radical feminist, and there were so many of the people who supported it, that there were so many who opposed it. I admired her tenderness, and I could explain and discuss it with them, and I saw some things that I wanted to argue with him. I suddenly realized the situation of the feminist movement today. It was probably because I was weak, so I didn't say it publicly. But if there were no one else, we might not even see the day of power.
#花木兰删掉李翔原因# 近日,片方解释真人版《花木兰》删掉原男主角李翔的原因,称李翔是木兰的上级,“在metoo的时刻,让一个指挥官同时担任恋人的角色,会让人很不舒服,我们认为不合适”。此前,《花木兰》也被曝剪掉吻戏。#阿乐今日问# :你如何看待真人版《花木兰》的删改? 你如何看待真人版《花木兰》的删改?  
0not sexist
# Fa Mulan deletes Shang's cause # # recently, the film explains why the real version of the Fa Mulan deletes the original hero, Shang Li, who is the superior of Mulan, saying that “at the moment of Metoo, it's uncomfortable and we think it's inappropriate for a commander to be a lover at the same time” #Ala asks: # How do you think about the deletion of the real version of the Fa Mulan? What do you think about the deletion of the real version of the Fa Mulan?
0not sexist
It's not a bad thing to grow up in a femininity zone. But I still think it's too much. Women should win first names, but they can talk about other people's children who don't have to run away with their father's name. Feminism can go back on marriage, but there's no need to turn on a human being. If my own sister gets married, I just want her to be one of those millions of lucky people to be happy in the ordinary sense. We can call our wedding donkeys, but we should limit ourselves to our own tweets and feminists.
0not sexist
The fact is that people build a state in a radical revolution and advocate for peaceful reform. The feminist movement started long ago, and has not come to light, sometimes thinking about extreme feminism is extreme, but when is the change in moderation?
0not sexist
Povova says that women are not born, they are shaped by the future. I think that Ayawawa is an egoist who has been shaped by a male society as a pseudo-false feminism (which may not even count as femininity). Rather, it seems to be a woman’s happiness, but rather a man’s innate impression, value measurement and judgment of a woman’s status as a man’s society, whose interests and well-being are still dependent on the interests and well-being of others.
看到微博里一些毁三观的评论,我只想说女权婊 我QNMLGB !  
0not sexist
I just want to say "feminine" to my QNMLGB!
【一个“复杂的纪念日”】6月25日是迈克尔·杰克逊逝世10周年,约400名粉丝前往墓地缅怀。不过,揭露杰克逊性侵儿童的新纪录片作品在今年播出。再加上谴责性侵和性骚扰行为的“#MeToo”运动等的影响,杰克逊生前的性侵嫌疑再次引发关注…… 一个“复杂的纪念日”  
0not sexist
On June 25th, the tenth anniversary of Michael Jackson's death, some 400 fans went to the cemetery to pay tribute. However, a new documentary that exposed Jackson's sexual abuse of children was broadcast this year. Added to the effects of the “#MeToo” campaign, which condemned sexual abuse and sexual harassment, the suspicion of sexual assault in Jackson's life was once again a cause for concern ...
#正义联盟[电影]# #神奇女侠[电影]# 神奇女侠的创作者是“测谎仪之父”、“四型人格”理论提出者,而形象灵感与自由女神像同源,来自浪漫主义时期名画,这位创作者和妻子、女朋友一起,三人愉♂悦的创作了《神奇女侠》…《测谎专家、女权运动与百合:神奇女侠形象溯源》 测谎专家、女权运动与百合:神奇女侠形象溯源  
0not sexist
# Justice League # # Wonder Woman # # # Wonder Woman # # # is created by the theory of "Father of a lie detector" and "Four Personalities" and image inspiration is the same as the Statue of Liberty, from the time of romanticism. Together with his wife and girlfriend, the three happy creators of The Wonder Woman... lie detector, feminist movement and lily: the image of the Wonder Woman.
“那不是女权,女权不是特权是男女平等,你说的拳师是田园女权” 我听到这种话都快窒息了  
0not sexist
"It's not a femininity, it's not a privilege, it's a gender equality." I'm suffocating to hear that.
Today it's dark to see the bean petals are also beaten up as girls. The women in the city are sick, and so are the men! Dom Xiaofu has been spared, and ask Fang Jin-hsing what is perfect? The bell is clearly a mediocre because he does not see most women in the world, nor does he despise most men in the world.
0not sexist
It's an old-fashioned artist's profession, and it's probably boring, but certainly admirable, and it's really old. It's not “feminine” for me to say, and I doubt it's just a femininity.
#汉谟拉比小姐# 第三集职场性骚扰,结尾那一点 太心酸。职场对女性的不公平被放大,作为女性 弱者的角色无法通过双性平等 女权运动来维护 因为女性身体决定了就是“被害者”,无论是否有法律手段,就算官司赢了,内心的创伤依旧无法愈合。或许唯一能做的真的是保护好自己,至少不给予对方一点念想,女孩们 裙子长一点 领口高一点 回家早一点。 
0not sexist
#Miss Hammurabi#3 # Sexual harassment in the workplace, which ends so sadly. The injustice against women in the workplace is magnified by the fact that the role of the weak as women cannot be defended through the two-sex equality of the women's rights movement, because the woman's body determines that she is the victim, and the trauma in her heart can't heal if there's no legal means, even if the case wins. Perhaps the only thing that can be done is to protect herself, at least without giving each other a little thought, is that the girls have skirts a little longer, collars a little higher and go home a little earlier.
很无语……乘风破浪的姐姐也可以当成雌竞。还有她是福利姬……我的票圈龙蛇混杂,我本来觉得搞女利我没那么讨厌好歹比当上门驴好点,但是现在发现搞女利的基本都厌女。  原图 
0not sexist
And she's the best girl I've ever had... and I didn't think it was as bad as being a donkey, but now I'm getting tired of being a girl.
【巴菲特:好的管理人才奇缺 碰到了请珍惜】巴菲特对metoo运动有他独特的看法。他认为这个运动有助于经济发展。在他成长的年代,女性没有被给予机会。这一运动成功,美国的天才数量就会增加一倍。现在好的管理人才奇缺,你最好充分利用你能找到的所有天才。巴菲特:好的管理人才奇缺 碰到了请珍惜  原图 
0not sexist
Buffett has a unique view of the metoo movement. He thinks it contributes to economic development. In his age, women are not given a chance. The American geniuses will double if the movement is successful. Now that good management talent is scarce, you'd better make the best use of all the talent you can find. Buffett: Good management talent is missing and please value the original figure.
糙你爸 现在有些人干什么都要贴上性别标签上纲上线 不是吧极端女👊都发展到这种程度了吗… 谁他妈规定护肤和彩妆类产品只能请🚺代言 资方请代言当然是看谁粉丝购买能力强谁影响力大谁符合品牌形象啊 我性别女喜欢男星给男星花钱就是厌女?我追星是因为他本人又不是因为他性别 我也不觉得购买男爱豆代言的东西就是在打压女爱豆的商业空间 管天管地还管我钱怎么花烦不烦啊! 
0not sexist
Your dad, is it true that some people are doing whatever they want to put on their gender tags right now?
0not sexist
Our pseudo-feminine women, who are ugly, or who have character, or who can't find a good husband, go into a feminist camp and hide their problems with a flag that doesn't breed or be a man's ancillary. Come on, look in the mirror. Don't turn women's minds upside down.
【被揭性骚扰8名女性 好莱坞明星摩根·弗里曼道歉】性骚扰“#MeToo”风暴在全球持续发酵,曾获得奥斯卡金像奖与金球奖的美国好莱坞著名影星摩根·弗里曼亦卷入性骚扰丑闻。美国有线新闻网络(CNN)当地24日报道,有8名曾与摩根·弗里曼共事的女性指控,曾遭受不同程度性骚扰。摩根·弗里曼随后在报道刊登后,透过发言人道歉。 原图 
0not sexist
The #MeToo storm continues to ferment around the world, and the famous Hollywood movie star Morgan Freeman, who won the Oscars and goldballs award, is also involved in the sexual harassment scandal. CNN reported on 24th in the United States that eight women who worked with Morgan Freeman had been sexually harassed to varying degrees. Morgan Freeman then apologized through a spokesperson after the article was published.
有这么一种人:妇女被拐卖、女婴被淹死、女童被猥亵的时候,他们沉默不语;媒体地图炮女司机女博士的时候他们跟着哈哈哈;女警的报道下面他们开着猥琐的玩笑;说到有人低价购卖外国妻子,他们还意淫了起来。后来有个极端分子被批判。他们倒是身先士卒了:我也支持平等,但是你们这群女权婊太过分。 哦。 
There are people who are silent when women are trafficked, girls are drowned, and girls are molested; women drivers of the media are followed by hahaha when they are women; police officers are making dirty jokes; and they say that someone buys a foreign wife at a low price, and they want to prostitute themselves. Then an extremist is criticized. They are among the pioneers: I am in favour of equality, but you women are in excess of their rights.
0not sexist
Some people still don't know how the term women's rights in the field came into play. After a few years, I'd like to mention it again. The first thing a man suggested was that non-American women's rights in China were the same as women's rights in China, and that some women who used it to call themselves women's rights. I admit that there are different ideologies, as long as I don't agree with this insulting homogeneity, I agree with any of them, and the Community of Destiny (not least to make normal women equal to sex sellers).
0not sexist
When I started on Twitter, I was very, very supportive of the feminist movement, and I didn't know when the word “respect for difference and the quest for equality” began.
搞不懂我说田园女权恶臭男权大家为啥非要往自己身上带呢?你是吗???我说言论过于偏激的跑偏的可以克制一下下你非要说我说的是全体舆论跑偏?非说我不让大家骂郭涛??我支持郭涛??嗯?你没看到我在说他不对吗???我说的田园女权过于偏激 你说我不允许女性发声?变成我不尊重女性??给我扣这么大的帽子?我?我头好大 啥也别说了我把自己劝一下子 没事别说话了 闭嘴好吗我不是必胜客 我管好我自己 原图 
0not sexist
Can't you see why I'm saying that I don't allow women to speak? Why don't you? Why don't I put on a hat like this? I don't think I'm too big to talk about it? I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. Shut up. I don't care about myself. I don't care about myself.
0not sexist
On September 17, Woody Allen's wife Soung Yi, who rarely spoke to her husband, claimed that she was a mother-in-law, and took advantage of the anti-sexual inflammation wave. Soong Yi, the wife of Woody Allen, spoke for the first time about “Woody Allen's sexually abused daughter Dylan Faro”, saying that Dylan's foster mother, and Song Yi's foster mother Mia Faroo, was unfair to Alan. “Mia took advantage of the MeToo movement to package Dylan as a victim, which was so unfair to Woody Allen.”
【首尔警方确认对金基德赵在铉涉嫌性犯罪展开调查】首尔地方警察厅今天下午确认正在对#韩国MeToo#运动揭露的电影导演#金基德#及男主演#赵在铉#涉嫌性犯罪一事进行调查。二人被曝在拍摄电影期间性骚扰、性侵女演员。金基德也曾联系到节目组,回应自己只是强吻,没有做更过分的事。韩警方调查金基德性犯罪嫌疑  [组图共2张] 原图 
The Seoul District Police Department confirmed this afternoon that the film director #Kinjide# and the male lead actor #Zo #Kinji #Shinji # was investigating the alleged sexual offences. The two were exposed to sexual harassment and sexual assault of actresses during the film. Kim Keid also contacted the program and responded that he was just kissing and did nothing more. Han Police investigated the suspected sex crimes in Kinkid.
Gorgeous 和 Get Ready For It?.... 在我这边连Old Taylor都算不上啊。。。只能算弃单。。。Look What You Made Me Do刚发布的时候我的期待值爆表,就想看她出一张比去年我最爱的lemonade还要婊里婊气,但又女权地不可一世的专辑。啊结果咧?论in the middle of the night,都远远比不过老歌,更别说1989了。 原图 
0not sexist
Look what you Made Me Do just published when I wanted to show her that she's more grumpy than my favorite Lemonade last year, but that's not a single album of women's rights. What's the result, in the middle of the night, is far more than old songs, let alone 1989.
还有部分优越女权主义,真牛逼,要说牛逼我还是佩服你们。立马借着papi这事开始和“极端女权”割席,一副我是女权人上人的姿态,我求求你们别用平权这个词了,我平权真的被你们搞脏了。借平权之名割裂女权踩女权,自以为高贵实则跪舔的是谁你心里没点逼数吗?平常不说话,哈哈,女权被踩了出来说话了,说的是啥呢,“她们太极端了我才是真女权”。您可真是憨憨剑法第九重人剑合一。 原图 
0not sexist
I beg you not to use the word "false" in order to get rid of the papi and the "extreme femininity" and I beg you. You've really ruined the term "false" in the name of "false" in the name of "false" in the name of "false" in the name of "false" in the name of "false."
0not sexist
The qj case at the smoke station has a lot to think about. In the case of the qj, it was found that it was difficult and difficult to find evidence after the crime had been committed, and it was difficult to understand. So that's why last year's hare movement, and I said it was ridiculous. The first thing the police should do is look for evidence, and the second thing is how the evidence isn't clear, not just cover it up. Now I ask you a question, if you're doing the subway, and there's a cute, beautiful girl next to you, and suddenly yelling at you touching her legs. What are you gonna do at this time?
0not sexist
I think it's time for women to get married early and have their children. It's useless for women to have more children. The best thing for women is to have them with you when you're old. Why do you girls read so many books? Aren't you women supposed to do domestic chores? Women should be thin, so they can see what we see in men.
0not sexist
The feminist movement is fierce, and I am very supportive of women defending their rights. It is logical that in this world, gender is only nature's way of giving us a pattern of species delays, and there is no hierarchy between the sexes. It is only the division of responsibilities in the days to come, coupled with some political factors, that lowers the status of women. The women around me are the ones I admire and love. But I would also like to say that the real femininity core is indisputable equality between men and women.
0not sexist
I don't like men and women, I don't like men and I don't like women.
Many claims of women's rights in the field, like the stock market's big V predictions, are bound to have a lot of information, often right. But the point is not whether this person believes or does not end up in person, but whether the listener will pay a heavy price. Happiness is his own, values are others', why kidnap his wealth with something else?
0not sexist
I feel like I've figured out now that I've been pissed off by a lot of maggots on Twitter before, but think that 99 per cent of them will never have anything to do with me in their lifetime, whether they are men or women. So we don't have to give people around us a terrible preset, though we don't know who they are, but duck doesn't have to anticipate that all of them are tired of female rapists or patriarchal women's rights in the field, and that the more likely they are to walk up and meet low-quality people, not only the money class, but everything about their own eyes and perceptions.
0not sexist
Are black protests going to smash museums? Are feminists going to disprove literature? That's the question.
0not sexist
# It's proposed to ban single women from freezing ovaries # huh, you can't get married but you're not allowed to have your own child frozen ovaries for your money.
0not sexist
I'm already pessimistic, wondering if it's a marriage where a woman kills her husband against domestic violence, and they're 90% more likely to want to get out of marriage than they are? But princesses who think of sweet love would probably say that it's too extreme for me to say that you're a woman to be raped while they're working while washing and cooking, and I'm more pessimistic. I don't think I should have pity on you. After all, you're having a happy life, and you can't have a father, but I think I'm going to lose my lip.
0not sexist
The b stop is getting more and more painful, and everything is on my front page is looking at a woman who's sick of her speech, and there's a lot of mammograms and a lot of mammograms; and I'm looking at make-up, and then I'm looking at a cultural evaporation of Thai make-up and accent-imitating, and I'm kind enough to ask questions, and I'm not going to have a big stop, and all the social platforms involving strangers, so it doesn't make any sense.
有人力证:这不是女权游行,这是反川普!我要笑死了,对啊就是反川普,有什么问题?一个游行不能又女权又反川普?看过人家总宣言没?把反川普跟财团挂钩就更好笑了,行行行,川普最草根最人民,所以爹给了几百万美元白手起家输了选民票还选了一堆亿万富翁做内阁,do you hear the people sing  
0not sexist
They say, "It's not a feminist parade, it's a anti-Tribunal march. What's wrong with that? A march can't be a feminist, it's an anti-Tribunal. Have you seen the general declaration? It's even more funny to tie him to the consortium.
0not sexist
There seems to have been a metoo movement in the country recently, and the homepage man told a story, and one of my friends used to hang around in the entertainment business because she refused to get his face fixed and slept with the company. She joined a board, and she was the host of a seven-point show, and she said, "Come to her little sister, will she sing?" Let's sing "The Love of Hiroshima."
整天喷田园女权什么极端女权,难道不就是合他们心意的,他们觉得你是对的,这样才是"真女权",凡事不合他们意的,马上一个田园就扣上你,你想搞个女权为自己发生还得首先过他们这一关,过关了你就是女权,没过关你就是田园 满屏幕的什么biss什么女⭕送妈,嘴怎么能那么脏呢?退一万步讲,一个陌生人就只在网上说的话让你讨厌,你就直接去骂人家妈了乌烟瘴气的微博真的是 
0not sexist
Isn't it right for them to spray women's rights all the time? They think you're right. That's "real women's rights." If it doesn't suit them, you'll be arrested in the middle of a field. If you want a woman's rights to happen to you, you'll be the first one to get past them.
<username> 你看他们(伪)女权。。。真是匪夷所思。。。胎儿权利应该是说财产继承权之类的,我个人感觉应该是有利于孕妇的。。。  原图 
0not sexist
You see them as femininity. It's crazy. The fetus's rights are supposed to be property inheritance and so on, and it's my personal feeling that it's in the interest of pregnant women.
0not sexist
After reading the two American gender books Maria recommended to me, I understand why she's giving up on Ueno's unhappiness.
【伍迪·艾伦:我应该成为“MeToo运动”的代言人】被控性侵养女的美国导演伍迪·艾伦近日接受了阿根廷电视节目的采访。提到他面对的性侵指控,伍迪艾伦称,在过去的25年各方调查都显示,他从未性侵过他人。他称自己在电影界50年,没有任何一位女演员指控他行为不当,“我应该成为MeToo运动代言人”。  [组图共2张] 原图 
0not sexist
[Woody Allen: I should be the spokesperson for the MeToo movement] American director who was accused of sexual abuse of her daughter, Woody Allen, recently interviewed on Argentine television. Referring to the allegations of sexual abuse he faced, Woody Allen said that over the past 25 years investigations had revealed that he had never sexually abused anyone. He said that for 50 years in the film industry, no actress had accused him of misconduct, “I should be the spokesperson for the MeToo movement”.
#果子狸#姐妹啊 真是心累 男女之间的差距 有时候还比不上男人之间的差距 或女人之间的差距 社会分工除了生育都是人为造成的 而不是性别造成的 说田园女权的 咋们中国女性参加劳动世界第一 然而地位呢?什么也别说 就业歧视有多严重?心里没谱? 男性站在自己立场上 得了便宜 自己心里明白就好了 还出来骂人真是够蠢的 
0not sexist
The difference between men and women, sometimes between men and women, the social division of labour is man-made, not gender-based.
【普京称MeToo运动是“阴谋” 不如走法律程序】 普京7日被问及“为何MeToo运动很难在俄掀起波澜”时称,这场运动是个“阴谋”。普京质疑“为什么这些女性在性侵发生十余年后才选择站出来”。他认为,比起将这些性侵案交由媒体舆论来导向,走法律程序才是最合适的解决途径。#全球每日政要# [组图共9张] 原图 
0not sexist
When Putin was asked, “Why is the MeToo movement so difficult to stir up in Russia?” Putin questioned “why these women chose to come forward after more than a decade of sexual assault.” He argued that a legal process would be the most appropriate way to solve the problem than to leave the cases of sexual assault to the public opinion in the media. #Global Daily Manager # [group 9]
【好莱坞大亨#韦恩斯坦被判刑23年# 超90名女性曾控其性犯罪】3月11日,美国好莱坞制片人韦恩斯坦被判入狱23年,纽约最高法院法官宣布,他将正式注册为性犯罪者。现年67岁的韦恩斯坦被指控于2006年对原告强行发生性行为,并于2013年在一旅馆内对另一名女子进行强奸。2017年,韦恩斯坦行径被媒体报道,引发好莱坞MeToo运动。<username>  
0not sexist
On March 11, U.S. Hollywood producer Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in prison, and a New York Supreme Court judge announced that he would be officially registered as a sex offender. Weinstein, 67 years old, was charged with forced sexual intercourse with the plaintiff in 2006 and rape of another woman in a hotel in 2013. In 2017, Weinstein's actions were reported in the media, triggering the Hollywood MeToo movement. <username>
0not sexist
Breaking the customary name of the crown father is bound to pass the man's opposition and the woman's cynicism. At this point, the anti-field women who come up with their mother's name will certainly get support (preferably the woman) as Rujín said, “China always likes reconciliation and compromise.” For example, this house is too dark for you to open a window here, and no one will allow it. But if you want the roof to be removed, they will come to reconcile and open the window. Without even stronger arguments, they won't even work on peaceful reform.” This means that “extreme women's rights” are sacrificed.
【韩国民众担心METOO反性侵运动过火】#METOO# 反性侵运动席卷韩国,政界娱乐圈多个名人被曝涉嫌性侵,韩国部分男性因此患上“厌女症”,避免一切和女同事接触的可能。首尔民众对此怎么看? #韩国metoo# #职场性骚扰# #反性侵运动# #梨视频海外拍客#全球拍视频的秒拍视频  
0not sexist
{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00}
0not sexist
Shit, I had these guys in my regular defenses after some online surfing followed the recommendations, and then threw up the cao ghost, d8-circumculator, tw-shi. When the heat stops, I can only look at regular defenses, and then they nauseate all the time. My zz position is close to them. It's just that they don't really like their publicity and audience, and ds and tired women outnumber and then there's a bunch of crooked ass that looks more polite and tmd, and the centrists don't live.
#咪蒙微博永久关停#言论不过是她赚钱的工具………但是这些言论真的会毒害一些还没有固定三观的小女生,人们往往选择相信他们内心认同的东西。众多伪女权公众号以咪蒙为例抓住了当下年轻人内心的躁动不安,抓住了女性对男性的不满和怨恨。许多平日被道德所压制在心里的话,现在如此漂亮、有力、解气地被公众号引发成流量文章,真的很容易上瘾 [组图共2张] 原图 
0not sexist
#Mimim Weibo is a tool for her to earn money... but these words really poison young girls who don't have a fixed vision, and people often choose to believe in what they feel inside. Many pseudo-feminist publics have captured, for example, the vexation of young men and women's resentment and resentment of men.
我tm大半夜看热搜差点吐出来,物理意义上的被气到晕厥md我希望畜牲现在给我死挫骨扬灰的那种还说我们田园女权?我今天就要重拳出击#n号房间# (看到郑容和哥哥请愿公开名单了,我当场转粉!!!!从此以后郑容和就是我本命了!) 
0not sexist
In the middle of the night, I was so angry that I wanted the beasts to kill me now and say we're women in the field? I'm going to punch #n room today # (I saw Jung Jung and my brother's petition on the public list, and I'm turning the powder right now!)
当代某些中国女性网民的女权:1.从芝麻大点事中抠出男生没有格外照顾女生的细节,以所谓男女不平等,歧视女性的名义炮轰辱骂2.追剧的时候为了自我代入有重大缺陷的女主从而获得一个完美的对象,狂狙剧中基于现实条件理性分析的其他角色,因为他们有拆cp的倾向,提醒了这些伪女权是在白日做梦3.瞧不起真正靠自己取得事业成功的女性,无脑跪舔业务能力不行的男流量 显示地图 
0not sexist
Women ' s rights in some contemporary Chinese women ' s web sites: 1. Men have no details of how to take care of girls from the sesame dots, and in the name of so-called inequality between men and women, discrimination against women has been used as a verbal insult. 2. In order to achieve a perfect target by replacing themselves with female heads with significant flaws, other roles in the snippets based on rational analysis of the conditions of reality have been shown because of their tendency to decapitate cp, reminding them that these pseudo-feminisms are daydreaming 3. Women who truly succeed on their own, and men who do not have the brains to kneel and lick their business skills. shows a map of men who are unable to do so.
0not sexist
It's not as boring as it is, it's just that his girlfriend doesn't talk about it.
郑州音乐2015METOO音乐节首波艺人阵容盛大发布:<username> <username> <username> <username> 中国最好的摇滚乐队都在这里 ,首波阵容就炸了有木有!期待9月, #来迷途音乐节冒险# !<username> <username>  原图 
0not sexist
JUNG State Music 2015 METOO music festival premiered by the Poppy Club: <username> <username> <username> > <username> >
0not sexist
The logic of femininity: mental illness, the killing of children, the abuse of children, the name of the elderly, the death penalty and the death by castration. Female homicide, especially post-partum depression, which kills their own children, is totally compassionate. Post-partum depression is a terrible mistake. It is the husband ' s failure to take good care of his wife, and the husband ' s death penalty.
前些年关注了一批女权博主,那时候女权很少有人提,大家都是真的为女性发声。现在有些博主依旧非常理智的为女性争取权益,但是大部分都太…不知道该说激进还是杠,我都看不下去了,太能碰瓷了。就是因为这些田园女权,我现在根本不敢说自己女权主义者我寻思我身为从不乱碰瓷,一个人积极奋斗在一线城市的独立女性应该有资格吐槽他们 [组图共2张] 原图 
0not sexist
The previous years had focused on a group of feminists, and women's rights were rarely mentioned, and they were all really women's voices. Some of them were still very rational for women's rights, but most of them were too... not knowing whether or not to be radical, I couldn't watch, I couldn't touch the china. Because of those women's rights in the fields, I can't even say that I'm a feminist and I think that as an independent woman who never touched the china, a man who fought actively in a line of cities should be entitled to spit on them.
【奧斯卡偽善「頒給2個性侵犯」 外媒轟:#MeToo開倒車】第90屆奧斯卡時值#MeToo反性騷風潮,得獎結果遭網友質疑正當性,因為新科影帝蓋瑞歐德曼以及獲得最佳動畫短片的前NBA球星柯比布萊恩都是性騷前科犯,外媒重砲批評:「#MeToo開倒車!」#ETtoday新聞雲# 報導: (Didilie)  原图 
0not sexist
The winner of the 90th Oscar #MeToo anti-smoking wave was questioned by the online community because the new film director, Gary Oldman, and the former NBA player, Kirby Bryan, were ex-convicts of sex: #MeToo driving backwards! #ETtoday news cloud# reported: (Didile)
肘子身为生化博士,不可能不知道前瞻性观察研究和临床研究(或者说“人体实验”)是有本质区别的,但围观群众好糊弄啊,这概念偷换得很成功;更厉害的是,他找的这篇文章是痛经相关的,成功地拉来了一群无脑又爱搞事的田园女权当枪手!堪称带节奏的教科书级典范,佩服之至  原图 
As a biochemistry doctor, it can't be understood that forward-looking observation and clinical research (or “human experiments”) are fundamentally different, but it's easy to see the crowd, and it's a good idea to steal; even more so, the article he's looking for is painfully relevant and successful in bringing a bunch of brainless and troublesome women of the field to the shots!
边程啊宋亚轩这种,成功地让我连少年都恶心了起来……本来我是少年控的,干净纯粹充满活力的少年感噢,在厌女大环境下也被污染了 果然还是纸片人最香  
0not sexist
I was a teenager, and I was clean and full of energy, and it was contaminated in a woman-breathing environment, and it was the paper man's best.
不然怎么说有的人“体认权力而不自知”呢,gay团出道“哇 好敢” “现象级” “gay吧终于不用跳女团舞了”。我们t团出道,就,“这三大都捧不起来” “这不是男的吗”,然后自称没有歧视也不是厌女,“只是女团该有女团的样子”,挺没意思的。  
0not sexist
Otherwise, some people say, "we don't know, we don't know, we say, "Whoa, we dare," "Gay, we don't have to dance." We say, "It's not a man." "It's not a man, it's not a woman, it's a woman, it's not a woman."
“Sexual freedom in mainstream Western values is resisted”, you say West or West? The idea of sex has become so much understood, and it is easy to accuse people of “no knowledge of women's rights” and “screwing” with a pamphlet.
0not sexist
I bet, now that we're really in the middle of the world, we're looking at the review areas like the shitholes. After all that water's gone, a whole bunch of people have changed and sprayed around. And what's the matter with Koji is that he's been deprived of the 8th King of Gossip Girl? And why is it that Koji has a fan and a fan of the champion's luck to feed him? It's just a bunch of brainiacs. It's better if you don't have the strength to sit there for more than ten hours at a time? At this age, you're only doing boring things every day. How many people worshiping him in China and Korea, why did he lose his champion to a group of extreme women?
#metoo# 【男星郭道元遭勒索 女子:不给钱就说他性骚扰】近日,郭道元的经纪公司代表称,话剧导演 #李润泽# 性骚扰案中的四名受害者不久前联系郭道元,要求其提供金钱帮助,四人要求郭道元直接将钱打到她们的账户上,并暗示如果不满足她们的要求就会将其与性骚扰案联系到一起~韩男星郭道元遭女子勒索  原图 
0not sexist
#Metoo# # # Quo Do Won's Extortion: If he doesn't pay, he's a sexual molestation agent's representative recently reported that the drama director #Li Yunse#, four victims of the sexual harassment case, had recently contacted Guo Do Won and asked him to send money directly to their accounts, suggesting that if they didn't meet their demands, they would be linked to a sexual harassment case.
【金基德被曝曾使女员工怀孕后堕胎 性丑闻业界知名】韩国《早间发电站》采访曾与#金基德#合作过的助理导演A某,A某称自己和他合作时曾听闻剧组一名女性工作人员因金基德怀孕后堕胎,并表示金的性丑闻早已不是秘密,但因他是受国际影坛认可的导演,不少从业者都希望能与其合作,所以直到今天才曝光。#韩国MeToo# [组图共2张] 原图 
0not sexist
Korea's Morning Power Station interview with Assistant Director A who worked with #Kingjid, who said that a female member of the drama team had had an abortion after her pregnancy and said that Kim's sexual scandal was no longer secret, but that many practitioners wanted to work with her because he was a director recognized by the international cinema. #Koreo#
#北航教授被指性骚扰#【女博士实名举报导师性骚扰 涉事教授否认】18年1月1日,网友<username> 曝北航导师陈小武12年前曾性骚扰自己及多位女学生,并有受害人证词和录音可证实。北京航空航天大学回应:正核实调查;涉事教授回应:没做过违法乱纪的事,以调查结果为准。#MeToo#  原图 
0not sexist
On January 1, 18, 18, an online friend, <username>, exposed her mentor, Chen Xiaowu, sexually harassed herself and a number of female students, supported by testimonies and recordings of the victims. Beijing University of Aeronautics and Space responded: an investigation is being verified; the professor in question responded: no offence was committed, and the results were based on the results of the investigation. #MeToo#.
0not sexist
It would be interesting to know what other highly coded Chinese Internet femininity terms existed in addition to “women's rights in the field”, “women's boxing”, “fought”, “married donkey” and “dun” and what language papers were written online.
Coptics: What are the feminists, what are they looking for, hearing that a post-modern feminist has recently emerged, who is opposed to all other feminists #Anxie # the Internet often sees a lot of arguments surrounding feminism, as well as attacks on one another. It is said that there are more than 20 feminists, that feminist views differ widely from one another, and that if you consider yourself a feminist or anti-feminist, this video may allow you to rethink your point of view:
【铿锵有力反性别歧视!这是一段轰动世界的厌女演说】2012年,澳大利亚前总理吉拉德发表著名的"厌女演说 Misogyny Speech"——抨击反对党领袖的厌女言论和伪善行径,句句铿锵有力,字字掷地有声。被盛赞赋予"厌女"全新含义(不仅是仇视女性,更是对女性根深蒂固的偏见),但也因挑起性别战而备受批评。 <username> 
0not sexist
In 2012, former Australian Prime Minister Gillard published the famous "Misogyny Speech" -- critical of the opposition leader's irritated speech and hypocrisy, with strong words and words. Admiredly given a whole new meaning (not only to hate women, but also to deep-rooted prejudices against women), but also criticized for provoking gender warfare. <username>
0not sexist
Turns out that the femininity of women in your fields is an aversion to women, just as it is ridiculous that lesbians in rotting women are true to heterosexuals for breeding. Several pictures that are not known to be true are also taken as research material, and you say that women have the right to choose, and then you think that women choose to like men is an anathema. You are the ones who have been fighting against each other, and you are the ones who are hindering gender equality, and women’s rights are stigmatized because of the existence of people like you. Shut your mouths and say that others are ignorant, and that you are pathetic. Who is it that you are ignorant?
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