Dataset Viewer

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An intermediate dataset for US molecular patent grants

Retrieves patent grant data from USPTO weekly releases{year} and keeps only patents with .mol files for downstream data mining use cases.

Compared to existing work such as []. We keep all files of a patent grant, especially .til image files. We also share the data as a git lfs repo instead of a single .zip file to allow easier access.

The data directory


Each file is a full patent grant with original redbook directory structure preserved. weekly is the weekly release date. Expect inconsistencies for the formate of weekly and depth in sub_dir over time.

See [] for DTD and Red Book Viewer.

Data quality

Ideally, USPTO provides the ground truth on chemical structure annotations for the molecular drawings. But the raw data quality appears poor. Some outlandish annotations such as chemical structure annotations on non-chemistry related images suggest an automated annotation process with little human QA is used to annotate the drawings.

A report on improving data quality is left as a future work. (seeking calibrators)

Related resources

The file

This file is written by to log statistics from each processed weekly.

How to update the dataset

python --from_year 2024 will search for new weeklies from 2024 to current year, add them to the data directory and push to upstream.

Please only use this project's root directory as the working directory. You can also copy pre-downloaded weeklies here to avoid re-downloading them.

$ python -h

usage: [-h] [--quick] [--keep] [--stream] [--verbose] [--from_year FROM_YEAR] [--to_year TO_YEAR]

Downloads and filters patent files for mol files from USPTO website, then adds them to a dataset

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --quick               only processed at most one new weekly file, you can also create a file named 'quick' (touch quick) to enable this flag during runtime to exit after finishing  
                        processing the current weekly file
  --keep                keep the original downloaded files
  --stream              remove all pushed lfs files and objects locally. DO NOT USE WHEN RUNNING PARALLEL SCRIPTS
  --verbose             print verbose logs
  --from_year FROM_YEAR
                        start from this year (default 2001 is the earliest available)
  --to_year TO_YEAR     end at this year (default current year)
Downloads last month